import PromiseKit import SessionUtilitiesKit public final class AttachmentUploadJob : NSObject, Job, NSCoding { // NSObject/NSCoding conformance is needed for YapDatabase compatibility public let attachmentID: String public let threadID: String public let message: Message public let messageSendJobID: String public var delegate: JobDelegate? public var id: String? public var failureCount: UInt = 0 public enum Error : LocalizedError { case noAttachment case encryptionFailed public var errorDescription: String? { switch self { case .noAttachment: return "No such attachment." case .encryptionFailed: return "Couldn't encrypt file." } } } // MARK: Settings public class var collection: String { return "AttachmentUploadJobCollection" } public static let maxFailureCount: UInt = 20 // MARK: Initialization public init(attachmentID: String, threadID: String, message: Message, messageSendJobID: String) { self.attachmentID = attachmentID self.threadID = threadID self.message = message self.messageSendJobID = messageSendJobID } // MARK: Coding public init?(coder: NSCoder) { guard let attachmentID = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "attachmentID") as! String?, let threadID = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "threadID") as! String?, let message = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "message") as! Message?, let messageSendJobID = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "messageSendJobID") as! String?, let id = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "id") as! String? else { return nil } self.attachmentID = attachmentID self.threadID = threadID self.message = message self.messageSendJobID = messageSendJobID = id self.failureCount = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "failureCount") as! UInt? ?? 0 } public func encode(with coder: NSCoder) { coder.encode(attachmentID, forKey: "attachmentID") coder.encode(threadID, forKey: "threadID") coder.encode(message, forKey: "message") coder.encode(messageSendJobID, forKey: "messageSendJobID") coder.encode(id, forKey: "id") coder.encode(failureCount, forKey: "failureCount") } // MARK: Running public func execute() { if let id = id { JobQueue.currentlyExecutingJobs.insert(id) } guard let stream = TSAttachment.fetch(uniqueId: attachmentID) as? TSAttachmentStream else { return handleFailure(error: Error.noAttachment) } guard !stream.isUploaded else { return handleSuccess() } // Should never occur let storage = if let v2OpenGroup = storage.getV2OpenGroup(for: threadID) { AttachmentUploadJob.upload(stream, using: { data in return OpenGroupAPIV2.upload(data, to:, on: v2OpenGroup.server) }, encrypt: false, onSuccess: handleSuccess, onFailure: handleFailure) } else { AttachmentUploadJob.upload(stream, using: FileServerAPIV2.upload, encrypt: true, onSuccess: handleSuccess, onFailure: handleFailure) } } public static func upload(_ stream: TSAttachmentStream, using upload: (Data) -> Promise, encrypt: Bool, onSuccess: (() -> Void)?, onFailure: ((Swift.Error) -> Void)?) { // Get the attachment guard var data = try? stream.readDataFromFile() else { SNLog("Couldn't read attachment from disk.") onFailure?(Error.noAttachment); return } // Encrypt the attachment if needed if encrypt { var encryptionKey = NSData() var digest = NSData() guard let ciphertext = Cryptography.encryptAttachmentData(data, shouldPad: true, outKey: &encryptionKey, outDigest: &digest) else { SNLog("Couldn't encrypt attachment.") onFailure?(Error.encryptionFailed); return } stream.encryptionKey = encryptionKey as Data stream.digest = digest as Data data = ciphertext } // Check the file size SNLog("File size: \(data.count) bytes.") if Double(data.count) > Double(FileServerAPIV2.maxFileSize) / FileServerAPIV2.fileSizeORMultiplier { onFailure?(FileServerAPIV2.Error.maxFileSizeExceeded); return } // Send the request stream.isUploaded = false upload(data).done(on: .userInitiated)) { fileID in let downloadURL = "\(FileServerAPIV2.server)/files/\(fileID)" stream.serverId = fileID stream.isUploaded = true stream.downloadURL = downloadURL onSuccess?() }.catch { error in onFailure?(error) } } private func handleSuccess() { SNLog("Attachment uploaded successfully.") delegate?.handleJobSucceeded(self) Storage.shared.write(with: { transaction in var message: TSMessage? let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction TSDatabaseSecondaryIndexes.enumerateMessages(withTimestamp: self.message.sentTimestamp!, with: { _, key, _ in message = TSMessage.fetch(uniqueId: key, transaction: transaction) }, using: transaction) if let message = message { MessageInvalidator.invalidate(message, with: transaction) } }, completion: { }) } private func handlePermanentFailure(error: Swift.Error) { SNLog("Attachment upload failed permanently due to error: \(error).") delegate?.handleJobFailedPermanently(self, with: error) failAssociatedMessageSendJob(with: error) } private func handleFailure(error: Swift.Error) { SNLog("Attachment upload failed due to error: \(error).") delegate?.handleJobFailed(self, with: error) if failureCount + 1 == AttachmentUploadJob.maxFailureCount { failAssociatedMessageSendJob(with: error) } } private func failAssociatedMessageSendJob(with error: Swift.Error) { let storage = let messageSendJob = storage.getMessageSendJob(for: messageSendJobID) storage.write(with: { transaction in // Intentionally capture self MessageSender.handleFailedMessageSend(self.message, with: error, using: transaction) if let messageSendJob = messageSendJob { storage.markJobAsFailed(messageSendJob, using: transaction) } }, completion: { }) } }