// // TSThread.m // TextSecureKit // // Created by Frederic Jacobs on 16/11/14. // Copyright (c) 2014 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // #import "TSThread.h" #import "TSDatabaseView.h" #import "TSInteraction.h" #import "TSStorageManager.h" #import "TSOutgoingMessage.h" #import "TSIncomingMessage.h" @interface TSThread () @property (nonatomic, retain) NSDate *creationDate; @property (nonatomic, copy ) NSDate *archivalDate; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSDate *lastMessageDate; @property (nonatomic, copy ) NSString *latestMessageId; @property (nonatomic, copy ) NSString *messageDraft; @end @implementation TSThread + (NSString *)collection { return @"TSThread"; } - (instancetype)initWithUniqueId:(NSString *)uniqueId { self = [super initWithUniqueId:uniqueId]; if (self) { _archivalDate = nil; _latestMessageId = nil; _lastMessageDate = nil; _creationDate = [NSDate date]; _messageDraft = nil; } return self; } #pragma mark To be subclassed. - (BOOL)isGroupThread { NSAssert(false, @"An abstract method on TSThread was called."); return FALSE; } - (NSString *)name { NSAssert(FALSE, @"Should be implemented in subclasses"); return nil; } - (UIImage *)image { return nil; } #pragma mark Read Status - (BOOL)hasUnreadMessages { __block TSInteraction *interaction; __block BOOL hasUnread = NO; [[TSStorageManager sharedManager].dbConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) { interaction = [TSInteraction fetchObjectWithUniqueID:self.latestMessageId transaction:transaction]; if ([interaction isKindOfClass:[TSIncomingMessage class]]) { hasUnread = ![(TSIncomingMessage *)interaction wasRead]; } }]; return hasUnread; } - (void)markAllAsReadWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction { YapDatabaseViewTransaction *viewTransaction = [transaction ext:TSUnreadDatabaseViewExtensionName]; NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array]; [viewTransaction enumerateRowsInGroup:self.uniqueId usingBlock:^(NSString *collection, NSString *key, id object, id metadata, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) { [array addObject:object]; }]; for (TSIncomingMessage *message in array) { message.read = YES; [message saveWithTransaction:transaction]; } } #pragma mark Last Interactions - (NSDate *)lastMessageDate { if (_lastMessageDate) { return _lastMessageDate; } else { return _creationDate; } } - (NSString *)lastMessageLabel { __block TSInteraction *interaction; [[TSStorageManager sharedManager].dbConnection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) { interaction = [TSInteraction fetchObjectWithUniqueID:self.latestMessageId transaction:transaction]; }]; return interaction.description; } - (void)updateWithLastMessage:(TSInteraction *)lastMessage transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction { if (!_lastMessageDate || [lastMessage.date timeIntervalSinceDate:self.lastMessageDate] > 0) { _latestMessageId = lastMessage.uniqueId; _lastMessageDate = lastMessage.date; [self saveWithTransaction:transaction]; } } #pragma mark Archival - (NSDate *)archivalDate { return _archivalDate; } - (void)archiveThreadWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction { [self archiveThreadWithTransaction:transaction referenceDate:[NSDate date]]; } - (void)archiveThreadWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction referenceDate:(NSDate *)date { [self markAllAsReadWithTransaction:transaction]; _archivalDate = date; [self saveWithTransaction:transaction]; } - (void)unarchiveThreadWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction { _archivalDate = nil; [self saveWithTransaction:transaction]; } #pragma mark Drafts - (NSString *)currentDraftWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction { TSThread *thread = [TSThread fetchObjectWithUniqueID:self.uniqueId transaction:transaction]; if (thread.messageDraft) { return thread.messageDraft; } else { return @""; } } - (void)setDraft:(NSString *)draftString transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction { TSThread *thread = [TSThread fetchObjectWithUniqueID:self.uniqueId transaction:transaction]; thread.messageDraft = draftString; [thread saveWithTransaction:transaction]; } @end