// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import Combine import GRDB import CallKit import UserNotifications import BackgroundTasks import SessionMessagingKit import SignalUtilitiesKit import SignalCoreKit import SessionUtilitiesKit public final class NotificationServiceExtension: UNNotificationServiceExtension { private var didPerformSetup = false private var contentHandler: ((UNNotificationContent) -> Void)? private var request: UNNotificationRequest? public static let isFromRemoteKey = "remote" public static let threadIdKey = "Signal.AppNotificationsUserInfoKey.threadId" public static let threadVariantRaw = "Signal.AppNotificationsUserInfoKey.threadVariantRaw" public static let threadNotificationCounter = "Session.AppNotificationsUserInfoKey.threadNotificationCounter" // MARK: Did receive a remote push notification request override public func didReceive(_ request: UNNotificationRequest, withContentHandler contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) { self.contentHandler = contentHandler self.request = request guard let notificationContent = request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent else { return self.completeSilenty() } // Abort if the main app is running guard !(UserDefaults.sharedLokiProject?[.isMainAppActive]).defaulting(to: false) else { return self.completeSilenty() } /// Create the context if we don't have it (needed before _any_ interaction with the database) if !HasAppContext() { SetCurrentAppContext(NotificationServiceExtensionContext()) } let isCallOngoing: Bool = (UserDefaults.sharedLokiProject?[.isCallOngoing]) .defaulting(to: false) // Perform main setup Storage.resumeDatabaseAccess() DispatchQueue.main.sync { self.setUpIfNecessary() { } } // Handle the push notification AppReadiness.runNowOrWhenAppDidBecomeReady { let openGroupPollingPublishers: [AnyPublisher] = self.pollForOpenGroups() defer { Publishers .MergeMany(openGroupPollingPublishers) .subscribe(on: DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background)) .subscribe(on: DispatchQueue.main) .sinkUntilComplete( receiveCompletion: { _ in self.completeSilenty() } ) } let (maybeEnvelope, result) = PushNotificationAPI.processNotification( notificationContent: notificationContent ) guard (result == .success || result == .legacySuccess), let envelope: SNProtoEnvelope = maybeEnvelope else { switch result { // If we got an explicit failure, or we got a success but no content then show // the fallback notification case .success, .legacySuccess, .failure, .legacyFailure: return self.handleFailure(for: notificationContent) case .legacyForceSilent: return } } // HACK: It is important to use write synchronously here to avoid a race condition // where the completeSilenty() is called before the local notification request // is added to notification center Storage.shared.write { db in do { guard let processedMessage: ProcessedMessage = try Message.processRawReceivedMessageAsNotification(db, envelope: envelope) else { self.handleFailure(for: notificationContent) return } // Throw if the message is outdated and shouldn't be processed try MessageReceiver.throwIfMessageOutdated( db, message: processedMessage.messageInfo.message, threadId: processedMessage.threadId, threadVariant: processedMessage.threadVariant ) switch processedMessage.messageInfo.message { case let visibleMessage as VisibleMessage: let interactionId: Int64 = try MessageReceiver.handleVisibleMessage( db, threadId: processedMessage.threadId, threadVariant: processedMessage.threadVariant, message: visibleMessage, associatedWithProto: processedMessage.proto ) // Remove the notifications if there is an outgoing messages from a linked device if let interaction: Interaction = try? Interaction.fetchOne(db, id: interactionId), interaction.variant == .standardOutgoing { let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0) let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current() center.getDeliveredNotifications { notifications in let matchingNotifications = notifications.filter({ $0.request.content.userInfo[NotificationServiceExtension.threadIdKey] as? String == interaction.threadId }) center.removeDeliveredNotifications(withIdentifiers: matchingNotifications.map({ $0.request.identifier })) // Hack: removeDeliveredNotifications seems to be async,need to wait for some time before the delivered notifications can be removed. DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) { semaphore.signal() } } semaphore.wait() } case let unsendRequest as UnsendRequest: try MessageReceiver.handleUnsendRequest( db, threadId: processedMessage.threadId, threadVariant: processedMessage.threadVariant, message: unsendRequest ) case let closedGroupControlMessage as ClosedGroupControlMessage: try MessageReceiver.handleLegacyClosedGroupControlMessage( db, threadId: processedMessage.threadId, threadVariant: processedMessage.threadVariant, message: closedGroupControlMessage ) case let callMessage as CallMessage: try MessageReceiver.handleCallMessage( db, threadId: processedMessage.threadId, threadVariant: processedMessage.threadVariant, message: callMessage ) guard case .preOffer = callMessage.kind else { return self.completeSilenty() } if !db[.areCallsEnabled] { if let sender: String = callMessage.sender, let interaction: Interaction = try MessageReceiver.insertCallInfoMessage( db, for: callMessage, state: .permissionDenied ) { let thread: SessionThread = try SessionThread .fetchOrCreate( db, id: sender, variant: .contact, shouldBeVisible: nil ) // Notify the user if the call message wasn't already read if !interaction.wasRead { Environment.shared?.notificationsManager.wrappedValue? .notifyUser( db, forIncomingCall: interaction, in: thread, applicationState: .background ) } } break } if isCallOngoing { try MessageReceiver.handleIncomingCallOfferInBusyState(db, message: callMessage) break } self.handleSuccessForIncomingCall(db, for: callMessage) case let sharedConfigMessage as SharedConfigMessage: try SessionUtil.handleConfigMessages( db, messages: [sharedConfigMessage], publicKey: processedMessage.threadId ) default: break } // Perform any required post-handling logic try MessageReceiver.postHandleMessage( db, threadId: processedMessage.threadId, message: processedMessage.messageInfo.message ) } catch { if let error = error as? MessageReceiverError, error.isRetryable { switch error { case .invalidGroupPublicKey, .noGroupKeyPair, .outdatedMessage: self.completeSilenty() default: self.handleFailure(for: notificationContent) } } } } } } // MARK: Setup private func setUpIfNecessary(completion: @escaping () -> Void) { AssertIsOnMainThread() // The NSE will often re-use the same process, so if we're // already set up we want to do nothing; we're already ready // to process new messages. guard !didPerformSetup else { return } NSLog("[NotificationServiceExtension] Performing setup") didPerformSetup = true _ = AppVersion.sharedInstance() Cryptography.seedRandom() AppSetup.setupEnvironment( appSpecificBlock: { Environment.shared?.notificationsManager.mutate { $0 = NSENotificationPresenter() } }, migrationsCompletion: { [weak self] result, needsConfigSync in switch result { // Only 'NSLog' works in the extension - viewable via Console.app case .failure(let error): NSLog("[NotificationServiceExtension] Failed to complete migrations: \(error)") self?.completeSilenty() case .success: // We should never receive a non-voip notification on an app that doesn't support // app extensions since we have to inform the service we wanted these, so in theory // this path should never occur. However, the service does have our push token // so it is possible that could change in the future. If it does, do nothing // and don't disturb the user. Messages will be processed when they open the app. guard Storage.shared[.isReadyForAppExtensions] else { NSLog("[NotificationServiceExtension] Not ready for extensions") self?.completeSilenty() return } DispatchQueue.main.async { self?.versionMigrationsDidComplete(needsConfigSync: needsConfigSync) } } completion() } ) } private func versionMigrationsDidComplete(needsConfigSync: Bool) { AssertIsOnMainThread() // If we need a config sync then trigger it now if needsConfigSync { Storage.shared.write { db in ConfigurationSyncJob.enqueue(db, publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)) } } checkIsAppReady(migrationsCompleted: true) } private func checkIsAppReady(migrationsCompleted: Bool) { AssertIsOnMainThread() // Only mark the app as ready once. guard !AppReadiness.isAppReady() else { return } // App isn't ready until storage is ready AND all version migrations are complete. guard Storage.shared.isValid && migrationsCompleted else { NSLog("[NotificationServiceExtension] Storage invalid") self.completeSilenty() return } SignalUtilitiesKit.Configuration.performMainSetup() // Note that this does much more than set a flag; it will also run all deferred blocks. AppReadiness.setAppIsReady() } // MARK: Handle completion override public func serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire() { // Called just before the extension will be terminated by the system. // Use this as an opportunity to deliver your "best attempt" at modified content, otherwise the original push payload will be used. completeSilenty() } private func completeSilenty() { NSLog("[NotificationServiceExtension] Complete silently") Storage.suspendDatabaseAccess() self.contentHandler!(.init()) } private func handleSuccessForIncomingCall(_ db: Database, for callMessage: CallMessage) { if #available(iOSApplicationExtension 14.5, *), Preferences.isCallKitSupported { guard let caller: String = callMessage.sender, let timestamp = callMessage.sentTimestamp else { return } let payload: JSON = [ "uuid": callMessage.uuid, "caller": caller, "timestamp": timestamp ] CXProvider.reportNewIncomingVoIPPushPayload(payload) { error in if let error = error { self.handleFailureForVoIP(db, for: callMessage) SNLog("Failed to notify main app of call message: \(error)") } else { self.completeSilenty() SNLog("Successfully notified main app of call message.") } } } else { self.handleFailureForVoIP(db, for: callMessage) } } private func handleFailureForVoIP(_ db: Database, for callMessage: CallMessage) { let notificationContent = UNMutableNotificationContent() notificationContent.userInfo = [ NotificationServiceExtension.isFromRemoteKey : true ] notificationContent.title = "Session" // Badge Number let newBadgeNumber = CurrentAppContext().appUserDefaults().integer(forKey: "currentBadgeNumber") + 1 notificationContent.badge = NSNumber(value: newBadgeNumber) CurrentAppContext().appUserDefaults().set(newBadgeNumber, forKey: "currentBadgeNumber") if let sender: String = callMessage.sender { let senderDisplayName: String = Profile.displayName(db, id: sender, threadVariant: .contact) notificationContent.body = "\(senderDisplayName) is calling..." } else { notificationContent.body = "Incoming call..." } let identifier = self.request?.identifier ?? UUID().uuidString let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: identifier, content: notificationContent, trigger: nil) let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0) UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add(request) { error in if let error = error { SNLog("Failed to add notification request due to error:\(error)") } semaphore.signal() } semaphore.wait() SNLog("Add remote notification request") } private func handleFailure(for content: UNMutableNotificationContent) { Storage.suspendDatabaseAccess() content.body = "You've got a new message" content.title = "Session" let userInfo: [String:Any] = [ NotificationServiceExtension.isFromRemoteKey : true ] content.userInfo = userInfo contentHandler!(content) } // MARK: - Poll for open groups private func pollForOpenGroups() -> [AnyPublisher] { return Storage.shared .read { db in // The default room promise creates an OpenGroup with an empty `roomToken` value, // we don't want to start a poller for this as the user hasn't actually joined a room try OpenGroup .select(.server) .filter(OpenGroup.Columns.roomToken != "") .filter(OpenGroup.Columns.isActive) .distinct() .asRequest(of: String.self) .fetchSet(db) } .defaulting(to: []) .map { server -> AnyPublisher in OpenGroupAPI.Poller(for: server) .poll(calledFromBackgroundPoller: true, isPostCapabilitiesRetry: false) .timeout( .seconds(20), scheduler: DispatchQueue.global(qos: .default), customError: { NotificationServiceError.timeout } ) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } } private enum NotificationServiceError: Error { case timeout } }