import SessionProtocolKit import SignalCoreKit extension MessageReceiver { internal static func isBlocked(_ publicKey: String) -> Bool { return SSKEnvironment.shared.blockingManager.isRecipientIdBlocked(publicKey) } internal static func handle(_ message: Message, associatedWithProto proto: SNProtoContent, using transaction: Any) throws { switch message { case let message as ReadReceipt: handleReadReceipt(message, using: transaction) case let message as TypingIndicator: handleTypingIndicator(message, using: transaction) case let message as ClosedGroupUpdate: handleClosedGroupUpdate(message, using: transaction) case let message as ExpirationTimerUpdate: handleExpirationTimerUpdate(message, using: transaction) case let message as VisibleMessage: try handleVisibleMessage(message, associatedWithProto: proto, using: transaction) default: fatalError() } } private static func handleReadReceipt(_ message: ReadReceipt, using transaction: Any) { SSKEnvironment.shared.readReceiptManager.processReadReceipts(fromRecipientId: message.sender!, sentTimestamps: message.timestamps!.map { NSNumber(value: $0) }, readTimestamp: message.receivedTimestamp!) } private static func handleTypingIndicator(_ message: TypingIndicator, using transaction: Any) { switch message.kind! { case .started: showTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for: message.sender!) case .stopped: hideTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for: message.sender!) } } public static func showTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String) { var threadOrNil: TSContactThread? { transaction in threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction) } guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return } func showTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() { SSKEnvironment.shared.typingIndicators.didReceiveTypingStartedMessage(inThread: thread, recipientId: senderPublicKey, deviceId: 1) } if Thread.current.isMainThread { showTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() } else { DispatchQueue.main.async { showTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() } } } public static func hideTypingIndicatorIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String) { var threadOrNil: TSContactThread? { transaction in threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction) } guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return } func hideTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() { SSKEnvironment.shared.typingIndicators.didReceiveTypingStoppedMessage(inThread: thread, recipientId: senderPublicKey, deviceId: 1) } if Thread.current.isMainThread { hideTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() } else { DispatchQueue.main.async { hideTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() } } } public static func cancelTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded(for senderPublicKey: String) { var threadOrNil: TSContactThread? { transaction in threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction) } guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return } func cancelTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() { SSKEnvironment.shared.typingIndicators.didReceiveIncomingMessage(inThread: thread, recipientId: senderPublicKey, deviceId: 1) } if Thread.current.isMainThread { cancelTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() } else { DispatchQueue.main.async { cancelTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded() } } } private static func handleExpirationTimerUpdate(_ message: ExpirationTimerUpdate, using transaction: Any) { if message.duration! > 0 { setExpirationTimer(to: message.duration!, for: message.sender!, groupPublicKey: message.groupPublicKey, using: transaction) } else { disableExpirationTimer(for: message.sender!, groupPublicKey: message.groupPublicKey, using: transaction) } } public static func setExpirationTimer(to duration: UInt32, for senderPublicKey: String, groupPublicKey: String?, using transaction: Any) { let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction var isGroup = false var threadOrNil: TSThread? if let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKey { guard Storage.shared.isClosedGroup(groupPublicKey) else { return } let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey) threadOrNil = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID), transaction: transaction) isGroup = true } else { threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction) } guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return } let configuration = OWSDisappearingMessagesConfiguration(threadId: thread.uniqueId!, enabled: true, durationSeconds: duration) transaction) let senderDisplayName = SSKEnvironment.shared.profileManager.profileNameForRecipient(withID: senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction) ?? senderPublicKey let message = OWSDisappearingConfigurationUpdateInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.millisecondTimestamp(), thread: thread, configuration: configuration, createdByRemoteName: senderDisplayName, createdInExistingGroup: isGroup) transaction) SSKEnvironment.shared.disappearingMessagesJob.startIfNecessary() } public static func disableExpirationTimer(for senderPublicKey: String, groupPublicKey: String?, using transaction: Any) { let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction var isGroup = false var threadOrNil: TSThread? if let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKey { guard Storage.shared.isClosedGroup(groupPublicKey) else { return } let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey) threadOrNil = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID), transaction: transaction) isGroup = true } else { threadOrNil = TSContactThread.getWithContactId(senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction) } guard let thread = threadOrNil else { return } let configuration = OWSDisappearingMessagesConfiguration(threadId: thread.uniqueId!, enabled: false, durationSeconds: 24 * 60 * 60) transaction) let senderDisplayName = SSKEnvironment.shared.profileManager.profileNameForRecipient(withID: senderPublicKey, transaction: transaction) ?? senderPublicKey let message = OWSDisappearingConfigurationUpdateInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.millisecondTimestamp(), thread: thread, configuration: configuration, createdByRemoteName: senderDisplayName, createdInExistingGroup: isGroup) transaction) SSKEnvironment.shared.disappearingMessagesJob.startIfNecessary() } private static func handleVisibleMessage(_ message: VisibleMessage, associatedWithProto proto: SNProtoContent, using transaction: Any) throws { let storage = let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction // Parse & persist attachments let attachments: [VisibleMessage.Attachment] = proto.dataMessage!.attachments.compactMap { proto in guard let attachment = VisibleMessage.Attachment.fromProto(proto) else { return nil } return attachment.isValid ? attachment : nil } var attachmentIDs = storage.persist(attachments, using: transaction) message.attachmentIDs = attachmentIDs // Update profile if needed if let newProfile = message.profile { let profileManager = SSKEnvironment.shared.profileManager let oldProfile = OWSUserProfile.fetch(uniqueId: message.sender!, transaction: transaction) if let displayName = newProfile.displayName, displayName != oldProfile?.profileName { profileManager.updateProfileForContact(withID: message.sender!, displayName: displayName, with: transaction) } if let profileKey = newProfile.profileKey, let profilePictureURL = newProfile.profilePictureURL, profileKey.count == kAES256_KeyByteLength, profileKey != oldProfile?.profileKey?.keyData { profileManager.setProfileKeyData(profileKey, forRecipientId: message.sender!, avatarURL: profilePictureURL) } } // Get or create thread guard let threadID = storage.getOrCreateThread(for: message.sender!, groupPublicKey: message.groupPublicKey, using: transaction) else { throw Error.noThread } // Parse quote if needed var tsQuotedMessage: TSQuotedMessage? = nil if message.quote != nil && proto.dataMessage?.quote != nil, let thread = TSThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID, transaction: transaction) { tsQuotedMessage = TSQuotedMessage(for: proto.dataMessage!, thread: thread, transaction: transaction) if let id = tsQuotedMessage?.thumbnailAttachmentStreamId() ?? tsQuotedMessage?.thumbnailAttachmentPointerId() { attachmentIDs.append(id) } } // Persist the message guard let tsIncomingMessageID = storage.persist(message, withQuotedMessage: tsQuotedMessage, groupPublicKey: message.groupPublicKey, using: transaction) else { throw Error.noThread } message.threadID = threadID // Start attachment downloads if needed storage.withAsync({ transaction in attachmentIDs.forEach { attachmentID in let downloadJob = AttachmentDownloadJob(attachmentID: attachmentID, tsIncomingMessageID: tsIncomingMessageID) if CurrentAppContext().isMainAppAndActive { // This has to be called from the main thread JobQueue.shared.add(downloadJob, using: transaction) } else { JobQueue.shared.addWithoutExecuting(downloadJob, using: transaction) } } }, completion: { }) // Cancel any typing indicators cancelTypingIndicatorsIfNeeded(for: message.sender!) // Notify the user if needed guard let tsIncomingMessage = TSIncomingMessage.fetch(uniqueId: tsIncomingMessageID, transaction: transaction), let thread = TSThread.fetch(uniqueId: threadID, transaction: transaction) else { return } { transaction in SSKEnvironment.shared.notificationsManager!.notifyUser(for: tsIncomingMessage, in: thread, transaction: transaction) } } private static func handleClosedGroupUpdate(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any) { switch message.kind! { case .new: handleNewGroup(message, using: transaction) case .info: handleGroupUpdate(message, using: transaction) case .senderKeyRequest: handleSenderKeyRequest(message, using: transaction) case .senderKey: handleSenderKey(message, using: transaction) } } private static func handleNewGroup(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any) { guard case let .new(groupPublicKeyAsData, name, groupPrivateKey, senderKeys, membersAsData, adminsAsData) = message.kind else { return } let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKeyAsData.toHexString() let members = { $0.toHexString() } let admins = { $0.toHexString() } // Persist the ratchets senderKeys.forEach { senderKey in guard members.contains(senderKey.publicKey.toHexString()) else { return } let ratchet = ClosedGroupRatchet(chainKey: senderKey.chainKey.toHexString(), keyIndex: UInt(senderKey.keyIndex), messageKeys: []) Storage.shared.setClosedGroupRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: senderKey.publicKey.toHexString(), ratchet: ratchet, using: transaction) } // Sort out any discrepancies between the provided sender keys and what's required let missingSenderKeys = Set(members).subtracting( { $0.publicKey.toHexString() }) let userPublicKey = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey() if missingSenderKeys.contains(userPublicKey) { let userRatchet = SharedSenderKeys.generateRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: userPublicKey, using: transaction) let userSenderKey = ClosedGroupSenderKey(chainKey: Data(hex: userRatchet.chainKey), keyIndex: userRatchet.keyIndex, publicKey: Data(hex: userPublicKey)) members.forEach { member in guard member != userPublicKey else { return } let thread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactId: member, transaction: transaction) transaction) let closedGroupUpdateKind = ClosedGroupUpdate.Kind.senderKey(groupPublicKey: Data(hex: groupPublicKey), senderKey: userSenderKey) let closedGroupUpdate = ClosedGroupUpdate() closedGroupUpdate.kind = closedGroupUpdateKind MessageSender.send(closedGroupUpdate, in: thread, using: transaction) } } missingSenderKeys.subtracting([ userPublicKey ]).forEach { publicKey in MessageSender.shared.requestSenderKey(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: publicKey, using: transaction) } // Create the group let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey) let group = TSGroupModel(title: name, memberIds: members, image: nil, groupId: groupID, groupType: .closedGroup, adminIds: admins) let thread: TSGroupThread if let t = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID), transaction: transaction) { thread = t thread.setGroupModel(group, with: transaction) } else { thread = TSGroupThread.getOrCreateThread(with: group, transaction: transaction) thread.usesSharedSenderKeys = true transaction) } // Add the group to the user's set of public keys to poll for Storage.shared.setClosedGroupPrivateKey(groupPrivateKey.toHexString(), for: groupPublicKey, using: transaction) // Notify the PN server let _ = PushNotificationAPI.performOperation(.subscribe, for: groupPublicKey, publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()) // Notify the user let infoMessage = TSInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.ows_millisecondTimeStamp(), in: thread, messageType: .typeGroupUpdate) transaction) } private static func handleGroupUpdate(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any) { guard case let .info(groupPublicKeyAsData, name, senderKeys, membersAsData, adminsAsData) = message.kind else { return } let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKeyAsData.toHexString() let members = { $0.toHexString() } let admins = { $0.toHexString() } // Get the group let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey) guard let thread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID), transaction: transaction) else { return SNLog("Ignoring closed group info message for nonexistent group.") } let group = thread.groupModel // Check that the sender is a member of the group (before the update) guard Set(group.groupMemberIds).contains(message.sender!) else { return SNLog("Ignoring closed group info message from non-member.") } // Store the ratchets for any new members (it's important that this happens before the code below) senderKeys.forEach { senderKey in let ratchet = ClosedGroupRatchet(chainKey: senderKey.chainKey.toHexString(), keyIndex: UInt(senderKey.keyIndex), messageKeys: []) Storage.shared.setClosedGroupRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: senderKey.publicKey.toHexString(), ratchet: ratchet, using: transaction) } // Delete all ratchets and either: // • Send out the user's new ratchet using established channels if other members of the group left or were removed // • Remove the group from the user's set of public keys to poll for if the current user was among the members that were removed let oldMembers = group.groupMemberIds let userPublicKey = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey() let wasUserRemoved = !members.contains(userPublicKey) if Set(members).intersection(oldMembers) != Set(oldMembers) { let allOldRatchets = Storage.shared.getAllClosedGroupRatchets(for: groupPublicKey) for (senderPublicKey, oldRatchet) in allOldRatchets { let collection = ClosedGroupRatchetCollectionType.old Storage.shared.setClosedGroupRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: senderPublicKey, ratchet: oldRatchet, in: collection, using: transaction) } Storage.shared.removeAllClosedGroupRatchets(for: groupPublicKey, using: transaction) if wasUserRemoved { Storage.shared.removeClosedGroupPrivateKey(for: groupPublicKey, using: transaction) // Notify the PN server let _ = PushNotificationAPI.performOperation(.unsubscribe, for: groupPublicKey, publicKey: userPublicKey) } else { let userRatchet = SharedSenderKeys.generateRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: userPublicKey, using: transaction) let userSenderKey = ClosedGroupSenderKey(chainKey: Data(hex: userRatchet.chainKey), keyIndex: userRatchet.keyIndex, publicKey: Data(hex: userPublicKey)) members.forEach { member in guard member != userPublicKey else { return } let thread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactId: member, transaction: transaction) transaction) let closedGroupUpdateKind = ClosedGroupUpdate.Kind.senderKey(groupPublicKey: Data(hex: groupPublicKey), senderKey: userSenderKey) let closedGroupUpdate = ClosedGroupUpdate() closedGroupUpdate.kind = closedGroupUpdateKind MessageSender.send(closedGroupUpdate, in: thread, using: transaction) } } } // Update the group let newGroupModel = TSGroupModel(title: name, memberIds: members, image: nil, groupId: groupID, groupType: .closedGroup, adminIds: admins) thread.setGroupModel(newGroupModel, with: transaction) // Notify the user if needed if Set(members) != Set(oldMembers) || Set(admins) != Set(group.groupAdminIds) || name != group.groupName { let infoMessageType: TSInfoMessageType = wasUserRemoved ? .typeGroupQuit : .typeGroupUpdate let updateInfo = group.getInfoStringAboutUpdate(to: newGroupModel) let infoMessage = TSInfoMessage(timestamp: NSDate.ows_millisecondTimeStamp(), in: thread, messageType: infoMessageType, customMessage: updateInfo) transaction) } } private static func handleSenderKeyRequest(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any) { guard case let .senderKeyRequest(groupPublicKeyAsData) = message.kind else { return } let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction let userPublicKey = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey() let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKeyAsData.toHexString() let groupID = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedClosedGroupIDAsData(groupPublicKey) guard let groupThread = TSGroupThread.fetch(uniqueId: TSGroupThread.threadId(fromGroupId: groupID), transaction: transaction) else { return SNLog("Ignoring closed group sender key request for nonexistent group.") } let group = groupThread.groupModel // Check that the requesting user is a member of the group let members = Set(group.groupMemberIds) guard members.contains(message.sender!) else { return SNLog("Ignoring closed group sender key request from non-member.") } // Respond to the request SNLog("Responding to sender key request from: \(message.sender!).") let userRatchet = Storage.shared.getClosedGroupRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: userPublicKey) ?? SharedSenderKeys.generateRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: userPublicKey, using: transaction) let userSenderKey = ClosedGroupSenderKey(chainKey: Data(hex: userRatchet.chainKey), keyIndex: userRatchet.keyIndex, publicKey: Data(hex: userPublicKey)) let thread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(withContactId: message.sender!, transaction: transaction) transaction) let closedGroupUpdateKind = ClosedGroupUpdate.Kind.senderKey(groupPublicKey: Data(hex: groupPublicKey), senderKey: userSenderKey) let closedGroupUpdate = ClosedGroupUpdate() closedGroupUpdate.kind = closedGroupUpdateKind MessageSender.send(closedGroupUpdate, in: thread, using: transaction) } private static func handleSenderKey(_ message: ClosedGroupUpdate, using transaction: Any) { guard case let .senderKey(groupPublicKeyAsData, senderKey) = message.kind else { return } let groupPublicKey = groupPublicKeyAsData.toHexString() guard senderKey.publicKey.toHexString() == message.sender! else { return SNLog("Ignoring invalid closed group sender key.") } // Store the sender key SNLog("Received a sender key from: \(message.sender!).") let ratchet = ClosedGroupRatchet(chainKey: senderKey.chainKey.toHexString(), keyIndex: UInt(senderKey.keyIndex), messageKeys: []) Storage.shared.setClosedGroupRatchet(for: groupPublicKey, senderPublicKey: message.sender!, ratchet: ratchet, using: transaction) } }