// // Copyright (c) 2017 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import MediaPlayer import SignalMessaging class OWSLayerView: UIView { let layoutCallback : (() -> Void) required init(frame: CGRect, layoutCallback : @escaping () -> Void) { self.layoutCallback = layoutCallback super.init(frame: frame) } required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { self.layoutCallback = { } super.init(coder: aDecoder) } override var bounds: CGRect { didSet { layoutCallback() } } override var frame: CGRect { didSet { layoutCallback() } } } // This kind of view is tricky. I've tried to organize things in the // simplest possible way. // // I've tried to avoid the following sources of confusion: // // * Points vs. pixels. All variables should have names that // reflect the units. Pretty much everything is done in points // except rendering of the output image which is done in pixels. // * Coordinate systems. You have a) the src image coordinates // b) the image view coordinates c) the output image coordinates. // Wherever possible, I've tried to use src image coordinates. // * Translation & scaling vs. crop region. The crop region is // implicit. We represent the crop state using the translation // and scaling of the "default" crop region (the largest possible // crop region, at the origin (upper left) of the source image. // Given the translation & scaling, we can determine a) the crop // region b) the rectangle at which the src image should be rendered // given a dst view or output context that will yield the // appropriate cropping. class CropScaleImageViewController: OWSViewController { let TAG = "[CropScaleImageViewController]" // MARK: Properties let srcImage: UIImage let successCompletion: ((UIImage) -> Void) var imageView: UIView! // We use a CALayer to render the image for performance reasons. var imageLayer: CALayer! // In width/height. // // TODO: We could make this a parameter. var dstSizePixels: CGSize { return CGSize(width:210, height:210) } var dstAspectRatio: CGFloat { return dstSizePixels.width / dstSizePixels.height } // The size of the src image in points. var srcImageSizePoints: CGSize = CGSize.zero // The size of the default crop region, which is the // largest crop region with the correct dst aspect ratio // that fits in the src image's aspect ratio, // in src image point coordinates. var srcDefaultCropSizePoints: CGSize = CGSize.zero // N = Scaled, zoomed in. let kMaxImageScale: CGFloat = 4.0 // 1.0 = Unscaled, cropped to fill crop rect. let kMinImageScale: CGFloat = 1.0 // This represents the current scaling of the src image. var imageScale: CGFloat = 1.0 // This represents the current translation from the // upper-left corner of the src image to the upper-left // corner of the crop region in src image point coordinates. var srcTranslation: CGPoint = CGPoint.zero // space between the cropping circle and the outside edge of the view let maskMargin = CGFloat(20) // MARK: Initializers @available(*, unavailable, message:"use other constructor instead.") required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError("\(#function) is unimplemented.") } required init(srcImage: UIImage, successCompletion : @escaping (UIImage) -> Void) { // normalized() can be slightly expensive but in practice this is fine. self.srcImage = srcImage.normalized() self.successCompletion = successCompletion super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil) configureCropAndScale() } // MARK: Cropping and Scaling private func configureCropAndScale() { // We use a "unit" view size (long dimension of length 1, short dimension reflects // the dst aspect ratio) since we want to be able to perform this logic before we // know the actual size of the cropped image view. let unitSquareHeight: CGFloat = (dstAspectRatio >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : 1.0 / dstAspectRatio) let unitSquareWidth: CGFloat = (dstAspectRatio >= 1.0 ? dstAspectRatio * unitSquareHeight : 1.0) let unitSquareSize = CGSize(width: unitSquareWidth, height: unitSquareHeight) srcImageSizePoints = srcImage.size guard (srcImageSizePoints.width > 0 && srcImageSizePoints.height > 0) else { return } // Default // The "default" (no scaling, no translation) crop frame, expressed in // srcImage's coordinate system. srcDefaultCropSizePoints = defaultCropSizePoints(dstSizePoints:unitSquareSize) assert(srcImageSizePoints.width >= srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width) assert(srcImageSizePoints.height >= srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height) // By default, center the crop region in the src image. srcTranslation = CGPoint(x:(srcImageSizePoints.width - srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width) * 0.5, y:(srcImageSizePoints.height - srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height) * 0.5) } // Given a dst size, find the size of the largest crop region // that fits in the src image. private func defaultCropSizePoints(dstSizePoints: CGSize) -> (CGSize) { assert(srcImageSizePoints.width > 0) assert(srcImageSizePoints.height > 0) let imageAspectRatio = srcImageSizePoints.width / srcImageSizePoints.height let dstAspectRatio = dstSizePoints.width / dstSizePoints.height var dstCropSizePoints = CGSize.zero if imageAspectRatio > dstAspectRatio { dstCropSizePoints = CGSize(width: dstSizePoints.width / dstSizePoints.height * srcImageSizePoints.height, height: srcImageSizePoints.height) } else { dstCropSizePoints = CGSize(width: srcImageSizePoints.width, height: dstSizePoints.height / dstSizePoints.width * srcImageSizePoints.width) } return dstCropSizePoints } // MARK: View Lifecycle override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() view.backgroundColor = UIColor.white createViews() } // MARK: - Create Views private func createViews() { let contentView = UIView() contentView.backgroundColor = UIColor.black self.view.addSubview(contentView) contentView.autoPinEdgesToSuperviewEdges() let imageView = OWSLayerView(frame:CGRect.zero, layoutCallback: {[weak self] _ in guard let strongSelf = self else { return } strongSelf.updateImageLayout() }) imageView.clipsToBounds = true self.imageView = imageView contentView.addSubview(imageView) imageView.autoPinEdgesToSuperviewEdges() let imageLayer = CALayer() self.imageLayer = imageLayer imageLayer.contents = srcImage.cgImage imageView.layer.addSublayer(imageLayer) let maskingView = OWSBezierPathView() contentView.addSubview(maskingView) maskingView.configureShapeLayerBlock = { [weak self] layer, bounds in guard let strongSelf = self else { return } let path = UIBezierPath(rect: bounds) let circleRect = strongSelf.cropFrame(forBounds:bounds) let radius = circleRect.size.width * 0.5 let circlePath = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: circleRect, cornerRadius: radius) path.append(circlePath) path.usesEvenOddFillRule = true layer.path = path.cgPath layer.fillRule = kCAFillRuleEvenOdd layer.fillColor = UIColor.black.cgColor layer.opacity = 0.7 } maskingView.autoPinEdgesToSuperviewEdges() let titleLabel = UILabel() titleLabel.textColor = UIColor.white titleLabel.textAlignment = .center titleLabel.font = UIFont.ows_mediumFont(withSize:ScaleFromIPhone5(16)) titleLabel.text = NSLocalizedString("CROP_SCALE_IMAGE_VIEW_TITLE", comment: "Title for the 'crop/scale image' dialog.") contentView.addSubview(titleLabel) titleLabel.autoPinWidthToSuperview() let titleLabelMargin = ScaleFromIPhone5(16) titleLabel.autoPin(toTopLayoutGuideOf:self, withInset:titleLabelMargin) createButtonRow(contentView: contentView) contentView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true contentView.addGestureRecognizer(UIPinchGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handlePinch(sender:)))) contentView.addGestureRecognizer(UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handlePan(sender:)))) } // Given the current bounds for the image view, return the frame of the // crop region within that view. private func cropFrame(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect { let radius = min(bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height) * 0.5 - self.maskMargin // Center the circle's bounding rectangle let circleRect = CGRect(x: bounds.size.width * 0.5 - radius, y: bounds.size.height * 0.5 - radius, width: radius * 2, height: radius * 2) return circleRect } override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() { super.viewDidLayoutSubviews() updateImageLayout() } override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillAppear(animated) self.view.layoutSubviews() updateImageLayout() } override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) updateImageLayout() } // Given a src image size and a dst view size, this finds the bounds // of the largest rectangular crop region with the correct dst aspect // ratio that fits in the src image's aspect ratio, in src image point // coordinates. private func defaultCropFramePoints(imageSizePoints: CGSize, viewSizePoints: CGSize) -> (CGRect) { let imageAspectRatio = imageSizePoints.width / imageSizePoints.height let viewAspectRatio = viewSizePoints.width / viewSizePoints.height var defaultCropSizePoints = CGSize.zero if imageAspectRatio > viewAspectRatio { defaultCropSizePoints = CGSize(width: viewSizePoints.width / viewSizePoints.height * imageSizePoints.height, height: imageSizePoints.height) } else { defaultCropSizePoints = CGSize(width: imageSizePoints.width, height: viewSizePoints.height / viewSizePoints.width * imageSizePoints.width) } let defaultCropOriginPoints = CGPoint(x: (imageSizePoints.width - defaultCropSizePoints.width) * 0.5, y: (imageSizePoints.height - defaultCropSizePoints.height) * 0.5) assert(defaultCropOriginPoints.x >= 0) assert(defaultCropOriginPoints.y >= 0) assert(defaultCropOriginPoints.x <= imageSizePoints.width - defaultCropSizePoints.width) assert(defaultCropOriginPoints.y <= imageSizePoints.height - defaultCropSizePoints.height) return CGRect(origin:defaultCropOriginPoints, size:defaultCropSizePoints) } // Updates the image view _AND_ normalizes the current scale/translate state. private func updateImageLayout() { guard let imageView = self.imageView else { return } guard srcImageSizePoints.width > 0 && srcImageSizePoints.height > 0 else { return } guard srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width > 0 && srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height > 0 else { return } // The size of the image view (should be full screen). let imageViewSizePoints = imageView.frame.size guard (imageViewSizePoints.width > 0 && imageViewSizePoints.height > 0) else { return } // The frame of the crop circle within the image view. let cropFrame = self.cropFrame(forBounds:CGRect(origin:CGPoint.zero, size: imageViewSizePoints)) // Normalize the scaling property. imageScale = max(kMinImageScale, min(kMaxImageScale, imageScale)) let srcCropSizePoints = CGSize(width:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale, height:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale) let minSrcTranslationPoints = CGPoint.zero // Prevent panning outside of image area. let maxSrcTranslationPoints = CGPoint(x:srcImageSizePoints.width - srcCropSizePoints.width, y:srcImageSizePoints.height - srcCropSizePoints.height ) // Normalize the translation property srcTranslation = CGPoint(x: max(minSrcTranslationPoints.x, min(maxSrcTranslationPoints.x, srcTranslation.x)), y: max(minSrcTranslationPoints.y, min(maxSrcTranslationPoints.y, srcTranslation.y))) // The frame of the image layer in crop frame coordinates. let rawImageLayerFrame = imageRenderRect(forDstSize: cropFrame.size) // The frame of the image layer in image view coordinates. let imageLayerFrame = CGRect(x: rawImageLayerFrame.origin.x + cropFrame.origin.x, y: rawImageLayerFrame.origin.y + cropFrame.origin.y, width: rawImageLayerFrame.size.width, height: rawImageLayerFrame.size.height) // Disable implicit animations for snappier panning/zooming. CATransaction.begin() CATransaction.setDisableActions(true) imageLayer.frame = imageLayerFrame CATransaction.commit() } // Give the size of a given view or image context into which we // will render the source image, return the frame (in that // view/context's coordinate system) to render the source image. // // Gathering this logic in a single function ensures that the // output will be WYSIWYG with the view state. private func imageRenderRect(forDstSize dstSize: CGSize) -> CGRect { let srcCropSizePoints = CGSize(width:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale, height:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale) let srcToViewRatio = dstSize.width / srcCropSizePoints.width return CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x:srcTranslation.x * -srcToViewRatio, y:srcTranslation.y * -srcToViewRatio), size: CGSize(width:srcImageSizePoints.width * +srcToViewRatio, height:srcImageSizePoints.height * +srcToViewRatio )) } var srcTranslationAtPinchStart: CGPoint = CGPoint.zero var imageScaleAtPinchStart: CGFloat = 0 var lastPinchLocation: CGPoint = CGPoint.zero var lastPinchScale: CGFloat = 1.0 func handlePinch(sender: UIPinchGestureRecognizer) { switch (sender.state) { case .possible: break case .began: srcTranslationAtPinchStart = srcTranslation imageScaleAtPinchStart = imageScale lastPinchLocation = sender.location(in: sender.view) lastPinchScale = sender.scale break case .changed, .ended: if sender.numberOfTouches > 1 { let location = sender.location(in: sender.view) let scaleDiff = sender.scale / lastPinchScale // Update scaling. let srcCropSizeBeforeScalePoints = CGSize(width:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale, height:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale) imageScale = max(kMinImageScale, min(kMaxImageScale, imageScale * scaleDiff)) let srcCropSizeAfterScalePoints = CGSize(width:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale, height:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale) // Since the translation state reflects the "upper left" corner of the crop region, we need to // adjust the translation when scaling to preserve the "center" of the crop region. srcTranslation.x += (srcCropSizeBeforeScalePoints.width - srcCropSizeAfterScalePoints.width) * 0.5 srcTranslation.y += (srcCropSizeBeforeScalePoints.height - srcCropSizeAfterScalePoints.height) * 0.5 // Update translation. let viewSizePoints = imageView.frame.size let srcCropSizePoints = CGSize(width:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale, height:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale) let viewToSrcRatio = srcCropSizePoints.width / viewSizePoints.width let gestureTranslation = CGPoint(x:location.x - lastPinchLocation.x, y:location.y - lastPinchLocation.y) srcTranslation = CGPoint(x:srcTranslation.x + gestureTranslation.x * -viewToSrcRatio, y:srcTranslation.y + gestureTranslation.y * -viewToSrcRatio) lastPinchLocation = location lastPinchScale = sender.scale } break case .cancelled, .failed: srcTranslation = srcTranslationAtPinchStart imageScale = imageScaleAtPinchStart break } updateImageLayout() } var srcTranslationAtPanStart: CGPoint = CGPoint.zero func handlePan(sender: UIPanGestureRecognizer) { switch (sender.state) { case .possible: break case .began: srcTranslationAtPanStart = srcTranslation break case .changed, .ended: let viewSizePoints = imageView.frame.size let srcCropSizePoints = CGSize(width:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale, height:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale) let viewToSrcRatio = srcCropSizePoints.width / viewSizePoints.width let gestureTranslation = sender.translation(in: sender.view) // Update translation. srcTranslation = CGPoint(x:srcTranslationAtPanStart.x + gestureTranslation.x * -viewToSrcRatio, y:srcTranslationAtPanStart.y + gestureTranslation.y * -viewToSrcRatio) break case .cancelled, .failed: srcTranslation = srcTranslationAtPanStart break } updateImageLayout() } private func createButtonRow(contentView: UIView) { let buttonTopMargin = ScaleFromIPhone5To7Plus(30, 40) let buttonBottomMargin = ScaleFromIPhone5To7Plus(25, 40) let buttonRow = UIView() self.view.addSubview(buttonRow) buttonRow.autoPinWidthToSuperview() buttonRow.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge:.bottom, withInset:buttonBottomMargin) buttonRow.autoPinEdge(.top, to:.bottom, of:contentView, withOffset:buttonTopMargin) let cancelButton = createButton(title: CommonStrings.cancelButton, action: #selector(cancelPressed)) buttonRow.addSubview(cancelButton) cancelButton.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge:.top) cancelButton.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge:.bottom) cancelButton.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .left) let doneButton = createButton(title: NSLocalizedString("BUTTON_DONE", comment: "Label for generic done button."), action: #selector(donePressed)) buttonRow.addSubview(doneButton) doneButton.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge:.top) doneButton.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge:.bottom) doneButton.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .right) } private func createButton(title: String, action: Selector) -> UIButton { let buttonFont = UIFont.ows_mediumFont(withSize:ScaleFromIPhone5To7Plus(18, 22)) let buttonWidth = ScaleFromIPhone5To7Plus(110, 140) let buttonHeight = ScaleFromIPhone5To7Plus(35, 45) let button = UIButton() button.setTitle(title, for:.normal) button.setTitleColor(UIColor.white, for:.normal) button.titleLabel!.font = buttonFont button.addTarget(self, action:action, for:.touchUpInside) button.autoSetDimension(.width, toSize:buttonWidth) button.autoSetDimension(.height, toSize:buttonHeight) return button } // MARK: - Event Handlers func cancelPressed(sender: UIButton) { dismiss(animated: true, completion:nil) } func donePressed(sender: UIButton) { let successCompletion = self.successCompletion dismiss(animated: true, completion: { guard let dstImage = self.generateDstImage() else { return } successCompletion(dstImage) }) } // MARK: - Output func generateDstImage() -> UIImage? { let hasAlpha = false let dstScale: CGFloat = 1.0 // The size is specified in pixels, not in points. UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(dstSizePixels, !hasAlpha, dstScale) let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() context!.interpolationQuality = .high let imageViewFrame = imageRenderRect(forDstSize: dstSizePixels) srcImage.draw(in: imageViewFrame) let scaledImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() if scaledImage == nil { owsFail("\(TAG) could not generate dst image.") } UIGraphicsEndImageContext() return scaledImage } }