# SignalServiceKit Protobufs These protobuf definitions are copied from Signal-Android, but modified to include a conventional ObjC classnames. e.g. import "objectivec-descriptor.proto"; option (google.protobuf.objectivec_file_options).class_prefix = "OWSFingerprintProtos"; ## Prequisites Install protobuf 2.6, the objc plugin doesn't currently work with protobuf 3.0 brew install protobuf@2.6 # Beware if you are depending on protobuf 3.0 elsewhere brew link --force protobuf@2.6 Install the objc plugin to $SignalServiceKitRoot/.. e.g. I have SignalServiceKit installed to ~/src/WhisperSystems/SignalServiceKit So I run cd ~/src/WhisperSystems git clone https://github.com/alexeyxo/protobuf-objc Follow the install instructions at https://github.com/alexeyxo/protobuf-objc ## Building Protobuf After changes are made to any proto, generate the ObjC classes by running: cd ~/src/WhisperSystems/SignalServiceKit/protobuf make