import SessionUIKit @objc(LKProfilePictureView) public final class ProfilePictureView : UIView { private var hasTappableProfilePicture: Bool = false @objc public var size: CGFloat = 0 // Not an implicitly unwrapped optional due to Obj-C limitations @objc public var useFallbackPicture = false @objc public var publicKey: String! @objc public var additionalPublicKey: String? @objc public var openGroupProfilePicture: UIImage? // Constraints private var imageViewWidthConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! private var imageViewHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! private var additionalImageViewWidthConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! private var additionalImageViewHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! // MARK: Components private lazy var imageView = getImageView() private lazy var additionalImageView = getImageView() // MARK: Lifecycle public override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame) setUpViewHierarchy() } public required init?(coder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: coder) setUpViewHierarchy() } private func setUpViewHierarchy() { // Set up image view addSubview(imageView), to: .leading, of: self), to: .top, of: self) let imageViewSize = CGFloat(Values.mediumProfilePictureSize) imageViewWidthConstraint = imageView.set(.width, to: imageViewSize) imageViewHeightConstraint = imageView.set(.height, to: imageViewSize) // Set up additional image view addSubview(additionalImageView), to: .trailing, of: self), to: .bottom, of: self) let additionalImageViewSize = CGFloat(Values.smallProfilePictureSize) additionalImageViewWidthConstraint = additionalImageView.set(.width, to: additionalImageViewSize) additionalImageViewHeightConstraint = additionalImageView.set(.height, to: additionalImageViewSize) additionalImageView.layer.cornerRadius = additionalImageViewSize / 2 } // MARK: Updating @objc(updateForContact:) public func update(for publicKey: String) { openGroupProfilePicture = nil self.publicKey = publicKey additionalPublicKey = nil useFallbackPicture = false update() } @objc(updateForThread:) public func update(for thread: TSThread) { openGroupProfilePicture = nil if let thread = thread as? TSGroupThread { if let openGroupProfilePicture = thread.groupModel.groupImage { // An open group with a profile picture self.openGroupProfilePicture = openGroupProfilePicture useFallbackPicture = false hasTappableProfilePicture = true } else if thread.groupModel.groupType == .openGroup { // An open group without a profile picture or an RSS feed publicKey = "" useFallbackPicture = true } else { // A closed group var users = MentionsManager.userPublicKeyCache[thread.uniqueId!] ?? [] users.remove(getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()) var randomUsers = users.sorted() // Sort to provide a level of stability if users.count == 1 { randomUsers.insert(getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(), at: 0) // Ensure the current user is at the back visually } publicKey = randomUsers.count >= 1 ? randomUsers[0] : "" additionalPublicKey = randomUsers.count >= 2 ? randomUsers[1] : "" useFallbackPicture = false } update() } else { // A one-to-one chat let thread = thread as! TSContactThread hasTappableProfilePicture = OWSProfileManager.shared().profileAvatar(forRecipientId: thread.contactSessionID()) != nil update(for: thread.contactSessionID()) } } @objc public func update() { AssertIsOnMainThread() func getProfilePicture(of size: CGFloat, for publicKey: String) -> UIImage? { guard !publicKey.isEmpty else { return nil } if let profilePicture = OWSProfileManager.shared().profileAvatar(forRecipientId: publicKey) { return profilePicture } else { // TODO: Pass in context? let displayName = Storage.shared.getContact(with: publicKey)?.name ?? publicKey return Identicon.generatePlaceholderIcon(seed: publicKey, text: displayName, size: size) } } let size: CGFloat if let additionalPublicKey = additionalPublicKey, !useFallbackPicture, openGroupProfilePicture == nil { if self.size == 40 { size = 32 } else if self.size == Values.largeProfilePictureSize { size = 56 } else { size = Values.smallProfilePictureSize } imageViewWidthConstraint.constant = size imageViewHeightConstraint.constant = size additionalImageViewWidthConstraint.constant = size additionalImageViewHeightConstraint.constant = size additionalImageView.isHidden = false additionalImageView.image = getProfilePicture(of: size, for: additionalPublicKey) } else { size = self.size imageViewWidthConstraint.constant = size imageViewHeightConstraint.constant = size additionalImageView.isHidden = true additionalImageView.image = nil } guard publicKey != nil || openGroupProfilePicture != nil else { return } imageView.image = useFallbackPicture ? nil : (openGroupProfilePicture ?? getProfilePicture(of: size, for: publicKey)) imageView.backgroundColor = useFallbackPicture ? UIColor(rgbHex: 0x353535) : Colors.unimportant imageView.layer.cornerRadius = size / 2 additionalImageView.layer.cornerRadius = size / 2 imageView.contentMode = useFallbackPicture ? .center : .scaleAspectFit if useFallbackPicture { switch size { case Values.smallProfilePictureSize.. UIImageView { let result = UIImageView() result.layer.masksToBounds = true result.backgroundColor = Colors.unimportant result.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit return result } @objc public func getProfilePicture() -> UIImage? { return hasTappableProfilePicture ? imageView.image : nil } }