session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/Open Groups/OpenGroupManager.swift
Morgan Pretty 046269f1df Finished the OpenGroupManager unit tests
Fixed a bug with how the open group URL processing was working (one of the example URLs wasn't getting processed correctly)
2022-03-18 10:15:57 +11:00

732 lines
35 KiB

import PromiseKit
import Sodium
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SessionSnodeKit
// MARK: - OGMCacheType
public protocol OGMCacheType {
var defaultRoomsPromise: Promise<[OpenGroupAPI.Room]>? { get set }
var groupImagePromises: [String: Promise<Data>] { get set }
var pollers: [String: OpenGroupAPI.Poller] { get set }
var isPolling: Bool { get set }
var moderators: [String: [String: Set<String>]] { get set }
var admins: [String: [String: Set<String>]] { get set }
var hasPerformedInitialPoll: [String: Bool] { get set }
var timeSinceLastPoll: [String: TimeInterval] { get set }
func getTimeSinceLastOpen(using dependencies: Dependencies) -> TimeInterval
extension OGMCacheType {
func getTimeSinceLastOpen() -> TimeInterval {
return getTimeSinceLastOpen(using: Dependencies())
// MARK: - OpenGroupManager
public final class OpenGroupManager: NSObject {
// MARK: - Cache
public class Cache: OGMCacheType {
public var defaultRoomsPromise: Promise<[OpenGroupAPI.Room]>?
public var groupImagePromises: [String: Promise<Data>] = [:]
public var pollers: [String: OpenGroupAPI.Poller] = [:] // One for each server
public var isPolling: Bool = false
/// Server URL to room ID to set of user IDs
public var moderators: [String: [String: Set<String>]] = [:]
public var admins: [String: [String: Set<String>]] = [:]
/// Server URL to value
public var hasPerformedInitialPoll: [String: Bool] = [:]
public var timeSinceLastPoll: [String: TimeInterval] = [:]
fileprivate var _timeSinceLastOpen: TimeInterval?
public func getTimeSinceLastOpen(using dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()) -> TimeInterval {
if let storedTimeSinceLastOpen: TimeInterval = _timeSinceLastOpen {
return storedTimeSinceLastOpen
guard let lastOpen: Date = dependencies.standardUserDefaults[.lastOpen] else {
_timeSinceLastOpen = .greatestFiniteMagnitude
return .greatestFiniteMagnitude
_timeSinceLastOpen =
// MARK: - Variables
@objc public static let shared: OpenGroupManager = OpenGroupManager()
/// Note: This should not be accessed directly but rather via the 'OGMDependencies' type
fileprivate let mutableCache: Atomic<OGMCacheType> = Atomic(Cache())
// MARK: - Polling
public func startPolling(using dependencies: OGMDependencies = OGMDependencies()) {
guard !dependencies.cache.isPolling else { return }
dependencies.mutableCache.mutate { cache in
cache.isPolling = true
cache.pollers = Set( { openGroup in openGroup.server })
.reduce(into: [:]) { prev, server in
cache.pollers[server]?.stop() // Should never occur
let poller = OpenGroupAPI.Poller(for: server)
poller.startIfNeeded(using: dependencies)
prev[server] = poller
public func stopPolling(using dependencies: OGMDependencies = OGMDependencies()) {
dependencies.mutableCache.mutate {
$0.pollers.forEach { (_, openGroupPoller) in openGroupPoller.stop() }
$0.isPolling = false
// MARK: - Adding & Removing
public func add(roomToken: String, server: String, publicKey: String, isConfigMessage: Bool, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction, dependencies: OGMDependencies = OGMDependencies()) -> Promise<Void> {
// If we are currently polling for this server and already have a TSGroupThread for this room the do nothing
let groupId: Data = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedOpenGroupIDAsData("\(server).\(roomToken)")
if dependencies.cache.pollers[server] != nil && TSGroupThread.fetch(groupId: groupId, transaction: transaction) != nil {
SNLog("Ignoring join open group attempt (already joined), user initiated: \(!isConfigMessage)")
return Promise.value(())
// Clear any existing data if needed roomToken, on: server, using: transaction)
// Store the public key server, to: publicKey, using: transaction)
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Void>.pending()
transaction.addCompletionQueue( .userInitiated)) {
OpenGroupAPI.capabilitiesAndRoom(for: roomToken, on: server, using: dependencies)
.done(on: .userInitiated)) { response in { anyTransaction in
guard let transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction = anyTransaction as? YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction else { return }
// Store the capabilities first
on: server,
using: transaction,
dependencies: dependencies
// Then the room
publicKey: publicKey,
for: roomToken,
on: server,
using: transaction,
dependencies: dependencies
) {
.catch(on: .userInitiated)) { error in
SNLog("Failed to join open group.")
return promise
public func delete(_ openGroup: OpenGroup, associatedWith thread: TSThread, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction, dependencies: OGMDependencies = OGMDependencies()) {
// Stop the poller if needed
let openGroups = { $0.server == openGroup.server }
if openGroups.count == 1 && openGroups.last == openGroup {
let poller = dependencies.cache.pollers[openGroup.server]
dependencies.mutableCache.mutate { $0.pollers[openGroup.server] = nil }
// Remove all data
var messageIDs: Set<String> = []
var messageTimestamps: Set<UInt64> = []
thread.enumerateInteractions(with: transaction) { interaction, _ in
}, using: transaction), using: transaction), on: openGroup.server, using: transaction)
thread.removeAllThreadInteractions(with: transaction)
thread.remove(with: transaction) thread.uniqueId!, using: transaction)
// Only remove the open group public key and server info if the user isn't in any other rooms
if openGroups.count <= 1 { openGroup.server, using: transaction) openGroup.server, using: transaction)
// MARK: - Response Processing
internal static func handleCapabilities(
_ capabilities: OpenGroupAPI.Capabilities,
on server: String,
using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction,
dependencies: OGMDependencies = OGMDependencies()
) {
let updatedServer: OpenGroupAPI.Server = OpenGroupAPI.Server(
name: server,
capabilities: capabilities
), using: transaction)
internal static func handlePollInfo(
_ pollInfo: OpenGroupAPI.RoomPollInfo,
publicKey maybePublicKey: String?,
for roomToken: String,
on server: String,
using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction,
dependencies: OGMDependencies = OGMDependencies(),
completion: (() -> ())? = nil
) {
// Create the open group model and get or create the thread
let groupId: Data = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedOpenGroupIDAsData("\(server).\(roomToken)")
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(using: dependencies)
let initialModel: TSGroupModel = TSGroupModel(
title: (pollInfo.details?.name ?? ""),
memberIds: [ userPublicKey ],
image: nil,
groupId: groupId,
groupType: .openGroup,
adminIds: (pollInfo.details?.admins ?? []),
moderatorIds: (pollInfo.details?.moderators ?? [])
var maybeUpdatedModel: TSGroupModel? = nil
// Store/Update everything
let thread = TSGroupThread.getOrCreateThread(with: initialModel, transaction: transaction)
let existingOpenGroup: OpenGroup? = thread.uniqueId.flatMap { uniqueId -> OpenGroup? in uniqueId)
guard let threadUniqueId: String = thread.uniqueId else { return }
guard let publicKey: String = (maybePublicKey ?? existingOpenGroup?.publicKey) else { return }
let updatedModel: TSGroupModel = TSGroupModel(
title: (pollInfo.details?.name ?? thread.groupModel.groupName),
memberIds: Array(Set(thread.groupModel.groupMemberIds).inserting(userPublicKey)),
image: thread.groupModel.groupImage,
groupId: groupId,
groupType: .openGroup,
adminIds: (pollInfo.details?.admins ?? thread.groupModel.groupAdminIds),
moderatorIds: (pollInfo.details?.moderators ?? thread.groupModel.groupModeratorIds)
maybeUpdatedModel = updatedModel
let updatedOpenGroup: OpenGroup = OpenGroup(
server: server,
room: pollInfo.token,
publicKey: publicKey,
name: (pollInfo.details?.name ??,
groupDescription: (pollInfo.details?.roomDescription ?? existingOpenGroup?.groupDescription),
imageID: (pollInfo.details? { "\($0)" } ?? existingOpenGroup?.imageID),
infoUpdates: ((pollInfo.details?.infoUpdates ?? existingOpenGroup?.infoUpdates) ?? 0)
// - Thread changes
thread.shouldBeVisible = true
thread.groupModel = updatedModel transaction)
// - Open Group changes, for: threadUniqueId, using: transaction)
// - User Count
to: UInt64(pollInfo.activeUsers),
using: transaction
transaction.addCompletionQueue( .userInitiated)) {
// Start the poller if needed
if dependencies.cache.pollers[server] == nil {
dependencies.mutableCache.mutate {
$0.pollers[server] = OpenGroupAPI.Poller(for: server)
$0.pollers[server]?.startIfNeeded(using: dependencies)
// - Moderators
if let moderators: [String] = (pollInfo.details?.moderators ?? maybeUpdatedModel?.groupModeratorIds) {
dependencies.mutableCache.mutate { cache in
cache.moderators[server] = (cache.moderators[server] ?? [:]).setting(roomToken, Set(moderators))
// - Admins
if let admins: [String] = (pollInfo.details?.admins ?? maybeUpdatedModel?.groupAdminIds) {
dependencies.mutableCache.mutate { cache in
cache.admins[server] = (cache.admins[server] ?? [:]).setting(roomToken, Set(admins))
// - Room image (if there is one and it's different from the existing one, or we don't have the existing one)
if let imageId: UInt64 = UInt64(updatedOpenGroup.imageID ?? ""), (updatedModel.groupImage == nil || updatedOpenGroup.imageID != existingOpenGroup?.imageID) {
OpenGroupManager.roomImage(imageId, for: roomToken, on: server, using: dependencies)
.done(on: .userInitiated)) { data in { transaction in
// Update the thread
let transaction = transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction
let thread = TSGroupThread.getOrCreateThread(with: initialModel, transaction: transaction)
thread.groupModel.groupImage = UIImage(data: data) transaction)
// Finish
internal static func handleMessages(
_ messages: [OpenGroupAPI.Message],
for roomToken: String,
on server: String,
isBackgroundPoll: Bool,
using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction,
dependencies: OGMDependencies = OGMDependencies()
) {
// Sorting the messages by server ID before importing them fixes an issue where messages
// that quote older messages can't find those older messages
let openGroupID = "\(server).\(roomToken)"
let openGroupIdData: Data = LKGroupUtilities.getEncodedOpenGroupIDAsData(openGroupID)
let sortedMessages: [OpenGroupAPI.Message] = messages
.sorted { lhs, rhs in < }
let seqNo: Int64? = { $0.seqNo }.max()
var messageServerIDsToRemove: [UInt64] = []
// Update the 'openGroupSequenceNumber' value (Note: SOGS V4 uses the 'seqNo' instead of the 'serverId')
if let seqNo: Int64 = seqNo { roomToken, on: server, to: seqNo, using: transaction)
// Process the messages
sortedMessages.forEach { message in
guard let base64EncodedString: String = message.base64EncodedData, let data = Data(base64Encoded: base64EncodedString) else {
// A message with no data has been deleted so add it to the list to remove
guard let sender: String = message.sender else { return } // Need a sender in order to process the message
// Note: The `posted` value is in seconds but all messages in the database use milliseconds for timestamps
let envelope = SNProtoEnvelope.builder(type: .sessionMessage, timestamp: UInt64(floor(message.posted * 1000)))
do {
let data = try envelope.buildSerializedData()
let (message, proto) = try MessageReceiver.parse(data, openGroupMessageServerID: UInt64(, isRetry: false, using: transaction, dependencies: dependencies)
try MessageReceiver.handle(message, associatedWithProto: proto, openGroupID: openGroupID, isBackgroundPoll: isBackgroundPoll, using: transaction, dependencies: dependencies)
catch {
SNLog("Couldn't receive open group message due to error: \(error).")
// Handle any deletions that are needed
guard !messageServerIDsToRemove.isEmpty else { return }
guard let thread = TSGroupThread.fetch(groupId: openGroupIdData, transaction: transaction) else { return }
var messagesToRemove: [TSMessage] = []
thread.enumerateInteractions(with: transaction) { interaction, stop in
guard let message: TSMessage = interaction as? TSMessage, messageServerIDsToRemove.contains(message.openGroupServerMessageID) else {
messagesToRemove.forEach { $0.remove(with: transaction) }
internal static func handleDirectMessages(
_ messages: [OpenGroupAPI.DirectMessage],
fromOutbox: Bool,
on server: String,
isBackgroundPoll: Bool,
using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction,
dependencies: OGMDependencies = OGMDependencies()
) {
// Don't need to do anything if we have no messages (it's a valid case)
guard !messages.isEmpty else { return }
guard let serverPublicKey: String = server) else {
SNLog("Couldn't receive inbox message.")
// Sorting the messages by server ID before importing them fixes an issue where messages
// that quote older messages can't find those older messages
let sortedMessages: [OpenGroupAPI.DirectMessage] = messages
.sorted { lhs, rhs in < }
let latestMessageId: Int64 = sortedMessages[sortedMessages.count - 1].id
var mappingCache: [String: BlindedIdMapping] = [:] // Only want this cache to exist for the current loop
// Update the 'latestMessageId' value
if fromOutbox { server, to: latestMessageId, using: transaction)
else { server, to: latestMessageId, using: transaction)
// Process the messages
sortedMessages.forEach { message in
guard let messageData = Data(base64Encoded: message.base64EncodedMessage) else {
SNLog("Couldn't receive inbox message.")
// Note: The `posted` value is in seconds but all messages in the database use milliseconds for timestamps
let envelope = SNProtoEnvelope.builder(type: .sessionMessage, timestamp: UInt64(floor(message.posted * 1000)))
do {
let data = try envelope.buildSerializedData()
let (receivedMessage, proto) = try MessageReceiver.parse(
openGroupMessageServerID: nil,
openGroupServerPublicKey: serverPublicKey,
isOutgoing: fromOutbox,
otherBlindedPublicKey: (fromOutbox ? message.recipient : message.sender),
isRetry: false,
using: transaction,
dependencies: dependencies
// If the message was an outgoing message then attempt to unblind the recipient (this will help put
// messages in the correct thread in case of message request approval race conditions as well as
// during device sync'ing and restoration)
if fromOutbox {
// Attempt to un-blind the 'message.recipient'
let mapping: BlindedIdMapping
// Minor optimisation to avoid processing the same sender multiple times in the same
// 'handleMessages' call (since the 'mapping' call is done within a transaction we
// will never have a mapping come through part-way through processing these messages)
if let result: BlindedIdMapping = mappingCache[message.recipient] {
mapping = result
else if let result: BlindedIdMapping = ContactUtilities.mapping(for: message.recipient, serverPublicKey: serverPublicKey, using: transaction, dependencies: dependencies) {
mapping = result
else {
// Cache an "invalid" mapping that has the 'sessionId' set to the recipient so we don't
// re-process this recipient if there is another message from them
mapping = BlindedIdMapping(
blindedId: "",
sessionId: message.recipient,
serverPublicKey: ""
switch receivedMessage {
case let receivedMessage as VisibleMessage: receivedMessage.syncTarget = mapping.sessionId
case let receivedMessage as ExpirationTimerUpdate: receivedMessage.syncTarget = mapping.sessionId
default: break
mappingCache[message.recipient] = mapping
try MessageReceiver.handle(receivedMessage, associatedWithProto: proto, openGroupID: nil, isBackgroundPoll: isBackgroundPoll, using: transaction, dependencies: dependencies)
// If this message is from the outbox then we should add the open group details back to the
// thread just in case this is from a restore (otherwise the user won't be able to send a new
// message to the target inbox if they are still blinded)
if fromOutbox, let contactThread: TSContactThread = TSContactThread.fetch(uniqueId: TSContactThread.threadID(fromContactSessionID: message.recipient), transaction: transaction) {
contactThread.originalOpenGroupServer = server
contactThread.originalOpenGroupPublicKey = serverPublicKey transaction)
catch let error {
SNLog("Couldn't receive inbox message due to error: \(error).")
// MARK: - Convenience
/// This method specifies if the given publicKey is a moderator or an admin within a specified Open Group
public static func isUserModeratorOrAdmin(_ publicKey: String, for room: String, on server: String, using dependencies: OGMDependencies = OGMDependencies()) -> Bool {
let modAndAdminKeys: Set<String> = (dependencies.cache.moderators[server]?[room] ?? Set())
.union(dependencies.cache.admins[server]?[room] ?? Set())
// If the publicKey is in the set then return immediately, otherwise only continue if it's the
// current user
guard !modAndAdminKeys.contains(publicKey) else { return true }
guard let sessionId: SessionId = SessionId(from: publicKey) else { return false }
// Conveniently the logic for these different cases works in order so we can fallthrough each
// case with only minor efficiency losses
switch sessionId.prefix {
case .standard:
guard publicKey == getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(using: dependencies) else { return false }
case .unblinded:
guard let userEdKeyPair: Box.KeyPair = else { return false }
guard sessionId.prefix != .unblinded || publicKey == SessionId(.unblinded, publicKey: userEdKeyPair.publicKey).hexString else {
return false
case .blinded:
guard let userEdKeyPair: Box.KeyPair = else { return false }
guard let serverPublicKey: String = server) else {
return false
guard let blindedKeyPair: Box.KeyPair = dependencies.sodium.blindedKeyPair(serverPublicKey: serverPublicKey, edKeyPair: userEdKeyPair, genericHash: dependencies.genericHash) else {
return false
guard sessionId.prefix != .blinded || publicKey == SessionId(.blinded, publicKey: blindedKeyPair.publicKey).hexString else {
return false
// If we got to here that means that the 'publicKey' value matches one of the current
// users 'standard', 'unblinded' or 'blinded' keys and as such we should check if any
// of them exist in the `modsAndAminKeys` Set
let possibleKeys: Set<String> = Set([
getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(using: dependencies),
SessionId(.unblinded, publicKey: userEdKeyPair.publicKey).hexString,
SessionId(.blinded, publicKey: blindedKeyPair.publicKey).hexString
return !modAndAdminKeys.intersection(possibleKeys).isEmpty
@discardableResult public static func getDefaultRoomsIfNeeded(using dependencies: OGMDependencies = OGMDependencies()) -> Promise<[OpenGroupAPI.Room]> {
// Note: If we already have a 'defaultRoomsPromise' then there is no need to get it again
if let existingPromise: Promise<[OpenGroupAPI.Room]> = dependencies.cache.defaultRoomsPromise {
return existingPromise
let (promise, seal) = Promise<[OpenGroupAPI.Room]>.pending()
with: { transaction in
for: OpenGroupAPI.defaultServer,
to: OpenGroupAPI.defaultServerPublicKey,
using: transaction
completion: {
let internalPromise: Promise<[OpenGroupAPI.Room]> = attempt(maxRetryCount: 8, recoveringOn: DispatchQueue.main) {
OpenGroupAPI.rooms(for: OpenGroupAPI.defaultServer, using: dependencies)
.map { _, data in data }
.done(on: OpenGroupAPI.workQueue) { items in
.compactMap { room -> (UInt64, String)? in
guard let imageId: UInt64 = room.imageId else { return nil}
return (imageId, room.token)
.forEach { imageId, roomToken in
roomImage(imageId, for: roomToken, on: OpenGroupAPI.defaultServer, using: dependencies)
.catch(on: OpenGroupAPI.workQueue) { error in
dependencies.mutableCache.mutate { cache in
cache.defaultRoomsPromise = nil
dependencies.mutableCache.mutate { cache in
cache.defaultRoomsPromise = promise
return promise
public static func roomImage(
_ fileId: UInt64,
for roomToken: String,
on server: String,
using dependencies: OGMDependencies = OGMDependencies()
) -> Promise<Data> {
// Normally the image for a given group is stored with the group thread, so it's only
// fetched once. However, on the join open group screen we show images for groups the
// user * hasn't * joined yet. We don't want to re-fetch these images every time the
// user opens the app because that could slow the app down or be data-intensive. So
// instead we assume that these images don't change that often and just fetch them once
// a week. We also assume that they're all fetched at the same time as well, so that
// we only need to maintain one date in user defaults. On top of all of this we also
// don't double up on fetch requests by storing the existing request as a promise if
// there is one.
let lastOpenGroupImageUpdate: Date? = dependencies.standardUserDefaults[.lastOpenGroupImageUpdate]
let now: Date =
let timeSinceLastUpdate: TimeInterval = ( { now.timeIntervalSince($0) } ?? .greatestFiniteMagnitude)
let updateInterval: TimeInterval = (7 * 24 * 60 * 60)
if let data = roomToken, on: server), server == OpenGroupAPI.defaultServer, timeSinceLastUpdate < updateInterval {
return Promise.value(data)
if let promise = dependencies.cache.groupImagePromises["\(server).\(roomToken)"] {
return promise
let promise: Promise<Data> = OpenGroupAPI
.downloadFile(fileId, from: roomToken, on: server, using: dependencies)
.map { _, data in data }
_ = promise.done(on: OpenGroupAPI.workQueue) { imageData in
if server == OpenGroupAPI.defaultServer { { transaction in imageData, for: roomToken, on: server, using: transaction)
dependencies.standardUserDefaults[.lastOpenGroupImageUpdate] = now
dependencies.mutableCache.mutate { cache in
cache.groupImagePromises["\(server).\(roomToken)"] = promise
return promise
public static func parseOpenGroup(from string: String) -> (room: String, server: String, publicKey: String)? {
guard let url = URL(string: string), let host = ?? given(string.split(separator: "/").first, { String($0) }), let query = url.query else { return nil }
// Inputs that should work:
// (does NOT go to HTTPS)
// (does NOT go to HTTPS)
let useTLS = (url.scheme == "https")
// If there is no scheme then the host is included in the path (so handle that case)
let hostFreePath = ( != nil ? url.path : url.path.substring(from: host.count))
let updatedPath = (hostFreePath.starts(with: "/r/") ? hostFreePath.substring(from: 2) : hostFreePath)
let room = String(updatedPath.dropFirst()) // Drop the leading slash
let queryParts = query.split(separator: "=")
guard !room.isEmpty && !room.contains("/"), queryParts.count == 2, queryParts[0] == "public_key" else { return nil }
let publicKey = String(queryParts[1])
guard publicKey.count == 64 && Hex.isValid(publicKey) else { return nil }
var server = (useTLS ? "https://" : "http://") + host
if let port = url.port { server += ":\(port)" }
return (room: room, server: server, publicKey: publicKey)
// MARK: - Objective C Methods
extension OpenGroupManager {
public func objc_startPolling() {
public func objc_stopPolling() {
public static func objc_getDefaultRoomsIfNeeded() {
public static func isUserModeratorOrAdmin(_ publicKey: String, for room: String, on server: String) -> Bool {
return isUserModeratorOrAdmin(publicKey, for: room, on: server, using: OGMDependencies())
// MARK: - OGMDependencies
extension OpenGroupManager {
public class OGMDependencies: Dependencies {
internal var _mutableCache: Atomic<OGMCacheType>?
public var mutableCache: Atomic<OGMCacheType> {
get { Dependencies.getValueSettingIfNull(&_mutableCache) { OpenGroupManager.shared.mutableCache } }
set { _mutableCache = newValue }
public var cache: OGMCacheType { return mutableCache.wrappedValue }
public init(
cache: Atomic<OGMCacheType>? = nil,
onionApi: OnionRequestAPIType.Type? = nil,
identityManager: IdentityManagerProtocol? = nil,
storage: SessionMessagingKitStorageProtocol? = nil,
sodium: SodiumType? = nil,
aeadXChaCha20Poly1305Ietf: AeadXChaCha20Poly1305IetfType? = nil,
sign: SignType? = nil,
genericHash: GenericHashType? = nil,
ed25519: Ed25519Type? = nil,
nonceGenerator16: NonceGenerator16ByteType? = nil,
nonceGenerator24: NonceGenerator24ByteType? = nil,
standardUserDefaults: UserDefaultsType? = nil,
date: Date? = nil
) {
_mutableCache = cache
onionApi: onionApi,
identityManager: identityManager,
storage: storage,
sodium: sodium,
aeadXChaCha20Poly1305Ietf: aeadXChaCha20Poly1305Ietf,
sign: sign,
genericHash: genericHash,
ed25519: ed25519,
nonceGenerator16: nonceGenerator16,
nonceGenerator24: nonceGenerator24,
standardUserDefaults: standardUserDefaults,
date: date