
128 lines
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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtil
import SessionUtilitiesKit
/// This migration recreates the interaction FTS table and adds the threadId so we can do a performant in-conversation
/// searh (currently it's much slower than the global search)
enum _011_SharedUtilChanges: Migration {
static let target: TargetMigrations.Identifier = .messagingKit
static let identifier: String = "SharedUtilChanges"
static let needsConfigSync: Bool = true
static let minExpectedRunDuration: TimeInterval = 0.1
static func migrate(_ db: Database) throws {
// Add `markedAsUnread` to the thread table
try db.alter(table: SessionThread.self) { t in
t.add(.markedAsUnread, .boolean)
// New table for storing the latest config dump for each type
try db.create(table: ConfigDump.self) { t in
t.column(.variant, .text)
t.column(.publicKey, .text)
t.column(.data, .blob)
t.column(.combinedMessageHashes, .text)
t.primaryKey([.variant, .publicKey])
// If we don't have an ed25519 key then no need to create cached dump data
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
guard let secretKey: [UInt8] = Identity.fetchUserEd25519KeyPair(db)?.secretKey else {
Storage.update(progress: 1, for: self, in: target) // In case this is the last migration
// Create a dump for the user profile data
let userProfileConf: UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>? = try SessionUtil.loadState(
for: .userProfile,
secretKey: secretKey,
cachedData: nil
let userProfileConfResult: SessionUtil.ConfResult = try SessionUtil.update(
profile: Profile.fetchOrCreateCurrentUser(db),
in: Atomic(userProfileConf)
if userProfileConfResult.needsDump {
try SessionUtil
conf: userProfileConf,
for: .userProfile,
publicKey: userPublicKey,
messageHashes: nil
// Create a dump for the contacts data
struct ContactInfo: FetchableRecord, Decodable, ColumnExpressible {
typealias Columns = CodingKeys
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression, CaseIterable {
case contact
case profile
let contact: Contact
let profile: Profile?
let contactsData: [ContactInfo] = try Contact
.including(optional: Contact.profile)
.asRequest(of: ContactInfo.self)
let contactsConf: UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>? = try SessionUtil.loadState(
for: .contacts,
secretKey: secretKey,
cachedData: nil
let contactsConfResult: SessionUtil.ConfResult = try SessionUtil.upsert(
contactData: { ($, $, $0.profile) },
in: Atomic(contactsConf)
if contactsConfResult.needsDump {
try SessionUtil
conf: contactsConf,
for: .contacts,
publicKey: userPublicKey,
messageHashes: nil
// Create a dump for the convoInfoVolatile data
let volatileThreadInfo: [SessionUtil.VolatileThreadInfo] = SessionUtil.VolatileThreadInfo.fetchAll(db)
let convoInfoVolatileConf: UnsafeMutablePointer<config_object>? = try SessionUtil.loadState(
for: .convoInfoVolatile,
secretKey: secretKey,
cachedData: nil
let convoInfoVolatileConfResult: SessionUtil.ConfResult = try SessionUtil.upsert(
convoInfoVolatileChanges: volatileThreadInfo,
in: Atomic(convoInfoVolatileConf)
if convoInfoVolatileConfResult.needsDump {
try SessionUtil
conf: contactsConf,
for: .convoInfoVolatile,
publicKey: userPublicKey,
messageHashes: nil
Storage.update(progress: 1, for: self, in: target) // In case this is the last migration