session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Pollers/ClosedGroupPoller.swift
Morgan Pretty 0db74ce1e3 Working on the MediaGallery and ClosedGroup handling
Fixed a couple of issues around the duplicate messages handling
Fixed a few issues with ClosedGroup polling and ClosedGroup control message handling
Started working through updating the MediaGallery
2022-05-08 22:01:39 +10:00

224 lines
9 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import PromiseKit
import SessionSnodeKit
public final class ClosedGroupPoller: NSObject {
private var isPolling: [String: Bool] = [:]
private var timers: [String: Timer] = [:]
private let internalQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "isPollingQueue")
// MARK: - Settings
private static let minPollInterval: Double = 2
private static let maxPollInterval: Double = 30
// MARK: - Error
private enum Error: LocalizedError {
case insufficientSnodes
case pollingCanceled
internal var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .insufficientSnodes: return "No snodes left to poll."
case .pollingCanceled: return "Polling canceled."
// MARK: - Initialization
public static let shared = ClosedGroupPoller()
private override init() { }
// MARK: - Public API
@objc public func start() {
assert(Thread.current.isMainThread) // Timers don't do well on background queues
// Fetch all closed groups (excluding any which have no key pairs as the user is
// no longer a member of those
.read { db in
try ClosedGroup
.joining(required: ClosedGroup.keyPairs)
.asRequest(of: String.self)
.defaulting(to: [])
.forEach { [weak self] groupPublicKey in
self?.startPolling(for: groupPublicKey)
public func startPolling(for groupPublicKey: String) {
guard !isPolling(for: groupPublicKey) else { return }
// Might be a race condition that the setUpPolling finishes too soon,
// and the timer is not created, if we mark the group as is polling
// after setUpPolling. So the poller may not work, thus misses messages.
internalQueue.sync{ isPolling[groupPublicKey] = true }
setUpPolling(for: groupPublicKey)
@objc public func stop() {
.read { db in
try ClosedGroup
.asRequest(of: String.self)
.defaulting(to: [])
.forEach { [weak self] groupPublicKey in
self?.stopPolling(for: groupPublicKey)
public func stopPolling(for groupPublicKey: String) {
internalQueue.sync{ isPolling[groupPublicKey] = false }
// MARK: - Private API
private func setUpPolling(for groupPublicKey: String) {
Threading.pollerQueue.async {
.done(on: Threading.pollerQueue) { [weak self] _ in
.catch(on: Threading.pollerQueue) { [weak self] error in
// The error is logged in poll(_:)
private func pollRecursively(_ groupPublicKey: String) {
isPolling(for: groupPublicKey),
let thread: SessionThread ={ db in try SessionThread.fetchOne(db, id: groupPublicKey) })
else { return }
// Get the received date of the last message in the thread. If we don't have any messages yet, pick some
// reasonable fake time interval to use instead
let lastMessageDate: Date = GRDBStorage.shared
.read { db in
try thread
.asRequest(of: Int64.self)
.map { receivedAtTimestampMs -> Date? in
guard receivedAtTimestampMs > 0 else { return nil }
return Date(timeIntervalSince1970: (TimeInterval(receivedAtTimestampMs) / 1000))
.defaulting(to: Date().addingTimeInterval(-5 * 60))
let timeSinceLastMessage: TimeInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince(lastMessageDate)
let minPollInterval: Double = ClosedGroupPoller.minPollInterval
let limit: Double = (12 * 60 * 60)
let a = (ClosedGroupPoller.maxPollInterval - minPollInterval) / limit
let nextPollInterval = a * min(timeSinceLastMessage, limit) + minPollInterval
SNLog("Next poll interval for closed group with public key: \(groupPublicKey) is \(nextPollInterval) s.")
timers[groupPublicKey] = Timer.scheduledTimerOnMainThread(withTimeInterval: nextPollInterval, repeats: false) { [weak self] timer in
Threading.pollerQueue.async {
self?.poll(groupPublicKey).done(on: Threading.pollerQueue) { _ in
}.catch(on: Threading.pollerQueue) { error in
// The error is logged in poll(_:)
private func poll(_ groupPublicKey: String) -> Promise<Void> {
guard isPolling(for: groupPublicKey) else { return Promise.value(()) }
let promise = SnodeAPI.getSwarm(for: groupPublicKey)
.then2 { [weak self] swarm -> Promise<(Snode, [SnodeReceivedMessage])> in
// randomElement() uses the system's default random generator, which is cryptographically secure
guard let snode = swarm.randomElement() else { return Promise(error: Error.insufficientSnodes) }
guard let self = self, self.isPolling(for: groupPublicKey) else {
return Promise(error: Error.pollingCanceled)
return SnodeAPI.getMessages(from: snode, associatedWith: groupPublicKey)
.map2 { messages in (snode, messages) }
promise.done2 { [weak self] snode, messages in
guard self?.isPolling(for: groupPublicKey) == true else { return }
if !messages.isEmpty {
SNLog("Received \(messages.count) message(s) in closed group with public key: \(groupPublicKey).")
GRDBStorage.shared.write { db in
var jobDetailMessages: [MessageReceiveJob.Details.MessageInfo] = []
messages.forEach { message in
guard let envelope = SNProtoEnvelope.from(message) else { return }
do {
data: try envelope.serializedData(),
serverExpirationTimestamp: (TimeInterval( / 1000)
// Persist the received message after the MessageReceiveJob is created
_ = try
catch {
switch error {
// Ignore unique constraint violations here (they will be hanled in the MessageReceiveJob)
SNLog("Failed to deserialize envelope due to error: \(error).")
job: Job(
variant: .messageReceive,
behaviour: .runOnce,
threadId: groupPublicKey,
details: MessageReceiveJob.Details(
messages: jobDetailMessages,
isBackgroundPoll: false
promise.catch2 { error in
SNLog("Polling failed for closed group with public key: \(groupPublicKey) due to error: \(error).")
return { _ in }
// MARK: Convenience
private func isPolling(for groupPublicKey: String) -> Bool {
return internalQueue.sync{ isPolling[groupPublicKey] ?? false }