Morgan Pretty 7097853d58 A few bugs fixes and some optimisations
Fixed a bug where notifications could incorrectly appear for messages in the current thread
Fixed a bug where swiping left/right on images in the MediaDetailViewController could load images from other threads
Fixed a bug where the unread count wouldn't appear correctly when opening a conversation
Fixed a bug where the unread count on the conversation cell could get truncated
Fixed a bug where notifications weren't working correctly when the app is in the foreground
Fixed a bug where we weren't clearing the 'received X new messages' count when in the foreground
Fixed a bug where outgoing messages could get marked as read in a very specific case
Updated the "group notification" logic to only apply to Open Groups (and always doing it rather than just in the background)
Added a placeholder person icon when you have a closed group with a single member
Added a couple of indexes to improve the HomeVC database query performance (reduce launch time by ~15% in some cases)
Added a background task to give message sending the chance to complete when sending the app to the background
Removed an unneeded query from the HomeViewModel init (reduce launch time by ~10% in some cases)
Optimised one of the queries used to load the data needed for the conversation screen
2022-08-19 16:58:47 +10:00

169 lines
8.2 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import PromiseKit
import SessionSnodeKit
import SessionMessagingKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public final class BackgroundPoller {
private static var promises: [Promise<Void>] = []
public static var isValid: Bool = false
public static func poll(completionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {
promises = []
.appending(contentsOf: pollForClosedGroupMessages())
contentsOf: Storage.shared
.read { db in
// The default room promise creates an OpenGroup with an empty `roomToken` value,
// we don't want to start a poller for this as the user hasn't actually joined a room
try OpenGroup
.filter(OpenGroup.Columns.roomToken != "")
.asRequest(of: String.self)
.defaulting(to: [])
.map { server in
let poller: OpenGroupAPI.Poller = OpenGroupAPI.Poller(for: server)
return poller.poll(
calledFromBackgroundPoller: true,
isBackgroundPollerValid: { BackgroundPoller.isValid },
isPostCapabilitiesRetry: false
when(resolved: promises)
.done { _ in
// If we have already invalidated the timer then do nothing (we essentially timed out)
guard BackgroundPoller.isValid else { return }
.catch { error in
// If we have already invalidated the timer then do nothing (we essentially timed out)
guard BackgroundPoller.isValid else { return }
SNLog("Background poll failed due to error: \(error)")
private static func pollForMessages() -> Promise<Void> {
let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
return getMessages(for: userPublicKey)
private static func pollForClosedGroupMessages() -> [Promise<Void>] {
// Fetch all closed groups (excluding any don't contain the current user as a
// GroupMemeber as the user is no longer a member of those)
return Storage.shared
.read { db in
try ClosedGroup
required: ClosedGroup.members
.filter(GroupMember.Columns.profileId == getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db))
.asRequest(of: String.self)
.defaulting(to: [])
.map { groupPublicKey in
on: DispatchQueue.main,
maxRetryCount: 0,
calledFromBackgroundPoller: true,
isBackgroundPollValid: { BackgroundPoller.isValid }
private static func getMessages(for publicKey: String) -> Promise<Void> {
return SnodeAPI.getSwarm(for: publicKey)
.then(on: DispatchQueue.main) { swarm -> Promise<Void> in
guard let snode = swarm.randomElement() else { throw SnodeAPIError.generic }
return SnodeAPI.getMessages(from: snode, associatedWith: publicKey)
.then(on: DispatchQueue.main) { messages -> Promise<Void> in
guard !messages.isEmpty, BackgroundPoller.isValid else { return Promise.value(()) }
var jobsToRun: [Job] = []
Storage.shared.write { db in
.compactMap { message -> ProcessedMessage? in
do {
return try Message.processRawReceivedMessage(db, rawMessage: message)
catch {
switch error {
// Ignore duplicate & selfSend message errors (and don't bother
// logging them as there will be a lot since we each service node
// duplicates messages)
// In the background ignore 'SQLITE_ABORT' (it generally means
// the BackgroundPoller has timed out
case DatabaseError.SQLITE_ABORT: break
default: SNLog("Failed to deserialize envelope due to error: \(error).")
return nil
.grouped { threadId, _, _ in (threadId ?? Message.nonThreadMessageId) }
.forEach { threadId, threadMessages in
let maybeJob: Job? = Job(
variant: .messageReceive,
behaviour: .runOnce,
threadId: threadId,
details: MessageReceiveJob.Details(
messages: { $0.messageInfo },
calledFromBackgroundPoller: true
guard let job: Job = maybeJob else { return }
// Add to the JobRunner so they are persistent and will retry on
// the next app run if they fail
JobRunner.add(db, job: job, canStartJob: false)
let promises: [Promise<Void>] = { job -> Promise<Void> in
let (promise, seal) = Promise<Void>.pending()
// Note: In the background we just want jobs to fail silently
queue: DispatchQueue.main,
success: { _, _ in seal.fulfill(()) },
failure: { _, _, _ in seal.fulfill(()) },
deferred: { _ in seal.fulfill(()) }
return promise
return when(fulfilled: promises)