2019-01-03 16:56:24 -05:00

629 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
@objc public enum ImageEditorError: Int, Error {
case assertionError
case invalidInput
public enum ImageEditorItemType: Int {
case test
case stroke
// MARK: -
// Instances of ImageEditorItem should be treated
// as immutable, once configured.
public class ImageEditorItem: NSObject {
public let itemId: String
public let itemType: ImageEditorItemType
public init(itemType: ImageEditorItemType) {
self.itemId = UUID().uuidString
self.itemType = itemType
public init(itemId: String,
itemType: ImageEditorItemType) {
self.itemId = itemId
self.itemType = itemType
public typealias PointConversionFunction = (CGPoint) -> CGPoint
public func clone(withPointConversionFunction conversion: PointConversionFunction) -> ImageEditorItem {
return ImageEditorItem(itemId: itemId, itemType: itemType)
// MARK: -
public class ImageEditorStrokeItem: ImageEditorItem {
// Until we need to serialize these items,
// just use UIColor.
public let color: UIColor
// Represented in a "ULO unit" coordinate system
// for source image.
// "ULO" coordinate system is "upper-left-origin".
// "Unit" coordinate system means values are expressed
// in terms of some other values, in this case the
// width and height of the source image.
// * 0.0 = left edge
// * 1.0 = right edge
// * 0.0 = top edge
// * 1.0 = bottom edge
public typealias StrokeSample = CGPoint
public let unitSamples: [StrokeSample]
// Expressed as a "Unit" value as a fraction of
// min(width, height) of the destination viewport.
public let unitStrokeWidth: CGFloat
public init(color: UIColor,
unitSamples: [StrokeSample],
unitStrokeWidth: CGFloat) {
self.color = color
self.unitSamples = unitSamples
self.unitStrokeWidth = unitStrokeWidth
super.init(itemType: .stroke)
public init(itemId: String,
color: UIColor,
unitSamples: [StrokeSample],
unitStrokeWidth: CGFloat) {
self.color = color
self.unitSamples = unitSamples
self.unitStrokeWidth = unitStrokeWidth
super.init(itemId: itemId, itemType: .stroke)
public class func defaultUnitStrokeWidth() -> CGFloat {
return 0.02
public class func strokeWidth(forUnitStrokeWidth unitStrokeWidth: CGFloat,
dstSize: CGSize) -> CGFloat {
return CGFloatClamp01(unitStrokeWidth) * min(dstSize.width, dstSize.height)
public override func clone(withPointConversionFunction conversion: PointConversionFunction) -> ImageEditorItem {
// TODO: We might want to convert the unitStrokeWidth too.
let convertedUnitSamples = { (sample) in
return ImageEditorStrokeItem(itemId: itemId,
color: color,
unitSamples: convertedUnitSamples,
unitStrokeWidth: unitStrokeWidth)
// MARK: -
public class OrderedDictionary<ValueType>: NSObject {
public typealias KeyType = String
var keyValueMap = [KeyType: ValueType]()
var orderedKeys = [KeyType]()
public override init() {
// Used to clone copies of instances of this class.
public init(keyValueMap: [KeyType: ValueType],
orderedKeys: [KeyType]) {
self.keyValueMap = keyValueMap
self.orderedKeys = orderedKeys
// Since the contents are immutable, we only modify copies
// made with this method.
public func clone() -> OrderedDictionary<ValueType> {
return OrderedDictionary(keyValueMap: keyValueMap, orderedKeys: orderedKeys)
public func value(forKey key: KeyType) -> ValueType? {
return keyValueMap[key]
public func append(key: KeyType, value: ValueType) {
if keyValueMap[key] != nil {
owsFailDebug("Unexpected duplicate key in key map: \(key)")
keyValueMap[key] = value
if orderedKeys.contains(key) {
owsFailDebug("Unexpected duplicate key in key list: \(key)")
} else {
if orderedKeys.count != keyValueMap.count {
owsFailDebug("Invalid contents.")
public func replace(key: KeyType, value: ValueType) {
if keyValueMap[key] == nil {
owsFailDebug("Missing key in key map: \(key)")
keyValueMap[key] = value
if !orderedKeys.contains(key) {
owsFailDebug("Missing key in key list: \(key)")
if orderedKeys.count != keyValueMap.count {
owsFailDebug("Invalid contents.")
public func remove(key: KeyType) {
if keyValueMap[key] == nil {
owsFailDebug("Missing key in key map: \(key)")
} else {
keyValueMap.removeValue(forKey: key)
if !orderedKeys.contains(key) {
owsFailDebug("Missing key in key list: \(key)")
} else {
orderedKeys = orderedKeys.filter { $0 != key }
if orderedKeys.count != keyValueMap.count {
owsFailDebug("Invalid contents.")
public var count: Int {
if orderedKeys.count != keyValueMap.count {
owsFailDebug("Invalid contents.")
return orderedKeys.count
public func orderedValues() -> [ValueType] {
var values = [ValueType]()
for key in orderedKeys {
guard let value = self.keyValueMap[key] else {
owsFailDebug("Missing value")
return values
// MARK: -
// ImageEditorContents represents a snapshot of canvas
// state.
// Instances of ImageEditorContents should be treated
// as immutable, once configured.
public class ImageEditorContents: NSObject {
public let imagePath: String
public let imageSizePixels: CGSize
public typealias ItemMapType = OrderedDictionary<ImageEditorItem>
// This represents the current state of each item,
// a mapping of [itemId : item].
var itemMap = ItemMapType()
// Used to create an initial, empty instances of this class.
public init(imagePath: String,
imageSizePixels: CGSize) {
self.imagePath = imagePath
self.imageSizePixels = imageSizePixels
// Used to clone copies of instances of this class.
public init(imagePath: String,
imageSizePixels: CGSize,
itemMap: ItemMapType) {
self.imagePath = imagePath
self.imageSizePixels = imageSizePixels
self.itemMap = itemMap
// Since the contents are immutable, we only modify copies
// made with this method.
public func clone() -> ImageEditorContents {
return ImageEditorContents(imagePath: imagePath,
imageSizePixels: imageSizePixels,
itemMap: itemMap.clone())
public func item(forId itemId: String) -> ImageEditorItem? {
return itemMap.value(forKey: itemId)
public func append(item: ImageEditorItem) {
itemMap.append(key: item.itemId, value: item)
public func replace(item: ImageEditorItem) {
itemMap.replace(key: item.itemId, value: item)
public func remove(item: ImageEditorItem) {
itemMap.remove(key: item.itemId)
public func remove(itemId: String) {
itemMap.remove(key: itemId)
public func itemCount() -> Int {
return itemMap.count
public func items() -> [ImageEditorItem] {
return itemMap.orderedValues()
// MARK: -
// Used to represent undo/redo operations.
// Because the image editor's "contents" and "items"
// are immutable, these operations simply take a
// snapshot of the current contents which can be used
// (multiple times) to preserve/restore editor state.
private class ImageEditorOperation: NSObject {
let contents: ImageEditorContents
required init(contents: ImageEditorContents) {
self.contents = contents
// MARK: -
public protocol ImageEditorModelDelegate: class {
// Used for large changes to the model, when the entire
// model should be reloaded.
func imageEditorModelDidChange(before: ImageEditorContents,
after: ImageEditorContents)
// Used for small narrow changes to the model, usually
// to a single item.
func imageEditorModelDidChange(changedItemIds: [String])
// MARK: -
public class ImageEditorModel: NSObject {
public weak var delegate: ImageEditorModelDelegate?
public let srcImagePath: String
public let srcImageSizePixels: CGSize
private var contents: ImageEditorContents
private var undoStack = [ImageEditorOperation]()
private var redoStack = [ImageEditorOperation]()
// We don't want to allow editing of images if:
// * They are invalid.
// * We can't determine their size / aspect-ratio.
public required init(srcImagePath: String) throws {
self.srcImagePath = srcImagePath
let srcFileName = (srcImagePath as NSString).lastPathComponent
let srcFileExtension = (srcFileName as NSString).pathExtension
guard let mimeType = MIMETypeUtil.mimeType(forFileExtension: srcFileExtension) else {
Logger.error("Couldn't determine MIME type for file.")
throw ImageEditorError.invalidInput
guard MIMETypeUtil.isImage(mimeType),
!MIMETypeUtil.isAnimated(mimeType) else {
Logger.error("Invalid MIME type: \(mimeType).")
throw ImageEditorError.invalidInput
let srcImageSizePixels = NSData.imageSize(forFilePath: srcImagePath, mimeType: mimeType)
guard srcImageSizePixels.width > 0, srcImageSizePixels.height > 0 else {
Logger.error("Couldn't determine image size.")
throw ImageEditorError.invalidInput
self.srcImageSizePixels = srcImageSizePixels
self.contents = ImageEditorContents(imagePath: srcImagePath,
imageSizePixels: srcImageSizePixels)
public var currentImagePath: String {
return contents.imagePath
public func itemCount() -> Int {
return contents.itemCount()
public func items() -> [ImageEditorItem] {
return contents.items()
public func item(forId itemId: String) -> ImageEditorItem? {
return contents.item(forId: itemId)
public func canUndo() -> Bool {
return !undoStack.isEmpty
public func canRedo() -> Bool {
return !redoStack.isEmpty
public func undo() {
guard let undoOperation = undoStack.popLast() else {
owsFailDebug("Cannot undo.")
let redoOperation = ImageEditorOperation(contents: contents)
let oldContents = self.contents
self.contents = undoOperation.contents
// We could diff here and yield a more narrow change event.
delegate?.imageEditorModelDidChange(before: oldContents,
after: self.contents)
public func redo() {
guard let redoOperation = redoStack.popLast() else {
owsFailDebug("Cannot redo.")
let undoOperation = ImageEditorOperation(contents: contents)
let oldContents = self.contents
self.contents = redoOperation.contents
// We could diff here and yield a more narrow change event.
delegate?.imageEditorModelDidChange(before: oldContents,
after: self.contents)
public func append(item: ImageEditorItem) {
performAction({ (oldContents) in
let newContents = oldContents.clone()
newContents.append(item: item)
return newContents
}, changedItemIds: [item.itemId])
public func replace(item: ImageEditorItem,
suppressUndo: Bool = false) {
performAction({ (oldContents) in
let newContents = oldContents.clone()
newContents.replace(item: item)
return newContents
}, changedItemIds: [item.itemId],
suppressUndo: suppressUndo)
public func remove(item: ImageEditorItem) {
performAction({ (oldContents) in
let newContents = oldContents.clone()
newContents.remove(item: item)
return newContents
}, changedItemIds: [item.itemId])
public func crop(unitCropRect: CGRect) {
guard let croppedImage = ImageEditorModel.crop(imagePath: contents.imagePath,
unitCropRect: unitCropRect) else {
Logger.warn("Could not crop image.")
// Use PNG for temp files; PNG is lossless.
guard let croppedImageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(croppedImage) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not convert cropped image to PNG.")
let croppedImagePath = OWSFileSystem.temporaryFilePath(withFileExtension: "png")
do {
try croppedImageData.write(to: NSURL.fileURL(withPath: croppedImagePath), options: .atomicWrite)
} catch let error as NSError {
owsFailDebug("File write failed: \(error)")
let croppedImageSizePixels = CGSizeScale(croppedImage.size, croppedImage.scale)
let left = unitCropRect.origin.x
let right = unitCropRect.origin.x + unitCropRect.size.width
let top = unitCropRect.origin.y
let bottom = unitCropRect.origin.y + unitCropRect.size.height
let conversion: ImageEditorItem.PointConversionFunction = { (point) in
// Convert from the pre-crop unit coordinate system
// to post-crop unit coordinate system using inverse
// lerp.
// NOTE: Some post-conversion unit values will _NOT_
// be clamped. e.g. strokes outside the crop
// are that < 0 or > 1. This is fine.
// We could hypothethically discard any items
// whose bounding box is entirely outside the
// new unit rectangle (e.g. have been completely
// cropped) but it doesn't seem worthwhile.
let converted = CGPoint(x: CGFloatInverseLerp(point.x, left, right),
y: CGFloatInverseLerp(point.y, top, bottom))
return converted
performAction({ (oldContents) in
let newContents = ImageEditorContents(imagePath: croppedImagePath,
imageSizePixels: croppedImageSizePixels)
for oldItem in oldContents.items() {
let newItem = oldItem.clone(withPointConversionFunction: conversion)
newContents.append(item: newItem)
return newContents
}, changedItemIds: nil)
private func performAction(_ action: (ImageEditorContents) -> ImageEditorContents,
changedItemIds: [String]?,
suppressUndo: Bool = false) {
if !suppressUndo {
let undoOperation = ImageEditorOperation(contents: contents)
let oldContents = self.contents
let newContents = action(oldContents)
contents = newContents
if let changedItemIds = changedItemIds {
delegate?.imageEditorModelDidChange(changedItemIds: changedItemIds)
} else {
delegate?.imageEditorModelDidChange(before: oldContents,
after: self.contents)
// MARK: - Utilities
// Returns nil on error.
private class func crop(imagePath: String,
unitCropRect: CGRect) -> UIImage? {
// TODO: Do we want to render off the main thread?
guard let srcImage = UIImage(contentsOfFile: imagePath) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not load image")
return nil
let srcImageSize = srcImage.size
// Convert from unit coordinates to src image coordinates.
let cropRect = CGRect(x: round(unitCropRect.origin.x * srcImageSize.width),
y: round(unitCropRect.origin.y * srcImageSize.height),
width: round(unitCropRect.size.width * srcImageSize.width),
height: round(unitCropRect.size.height * srcImageSize.height))
guard cropRect.origin.x >= 0,
cropRect.origin.y >= 0,
cropRect.origin.x + cropRect.size.width <= srcImageSize.width,
cropRect.origin.y + cropRect.size.height <= srcImageSize.height else {
owsFailDebug("Invalid crop rectangle.")
return nil
guard cropRect.size.width > 0,
cropRect.size.height > 0 else {
// Not an error; indicates that the user tapped rather
// than dragged.
Logger.warn("Empty crop rectangle.")
return nil
let hasAlpha = NSData.hasAlpha(forValidImageFilePath: imagePath)
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(cropRect.size, !hasAlpha, srcImage.scale)
defer { UIGraphicsEndImageContext() }
guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else {
owsFailDebug("Could not create output context.")
return nil
context.interpolationQuality = .high
// Draw source image.
let dstFrame = CGRect(origin: CGPointInvert(cropRect.origin), size: srcImageSize)
srcImage.draw(in: dstFrame)
let dstImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
if dstImage == nil {
owsFailDebug("could not generate dst image.")
return dstImage