Morgan Pretty 19cd9d13c5 Cleaned up the ConversationVC query and started plugging in paging
Created a generic PagedDatabaseObserver (common logic for conversation & gallery paged database queries and observation)
Updated the MediaGallery to use the PagedDatabaseObserver
Split the interaction and thread data queries for the conversationVC
2022-05-25 18:48:04 +10:00

33 lines
950 B

public extension Dictionary {
var prettifiedDescription: String {
return "[ " + map { key, value in
let keyDescription = String(describing: key)
let valueDescription = String(describing: value)
let maxLength = 20
let truncatedValueDescription = valueDescription.count > maxLength ? valueDescription.prefix(maxLength) + "..." : valueDescription
return keyDescription + " : " + truncatedValueDescription
}.joined(separator: ", ") + " ]"
func asArray() -> [(key: Key, value: Value)] {
return Array(self)
public extension Dictionary {
func setting(_ key: Key, _ value: Value?) -> [Key: Value] {
var updatedDictionary: [Key: Value] = self
updatedDictionary[key] = value
return updatedDictionary
public extension Dictionary.Values {
func asArray() -> [Value] {
return Array(self)