Morgan Pretty 823006a892 Updated the colours to source from direct theme values (instead of individual)
Removed an unused notification
Refactored the PrivacySettingsViewController
Refactored the ScreenLock code to Swift
Fixed an issue where the match dark/light setting wasn't getting applied on launch
Update the modal styling for the various settings modals
2022-08-24 17:33:10 +10:00

381 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SessionMessagingKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SignalUtilitiesKit
class ScreenLockUI {
public static let shared: ScreenLockUI = ScreenLockUI()
public lazy var screenBlockingWindow: UIWindow = {
let result: UIWindow = UIWindow()
result.isHidden = false
result.windowLevel = ._Background
result.isOpaque = true
result.themeBackgroundColor = .backgroundPrimary
result.rootViewController = self.screenBlockingViewController
return result
private lazy var screenBlockingViewController: ScreenLockViewController = {
let result: ScreenLockViewController = ScreenLockViewController { [weak self] in
guard self?.appIsInactiveOrBackground == false else {
// This button can be pressed while the app is inactive
// for a brief window while the iOS auth UI is dismissing.
self?.didLastUnlockAttemptFail = false
return result
/// Unlike UIApplication.applicationState, this state reflects the notifications, i.e. "did become active", "will resign active",
/// "will enter foreground", "did enter background".
///We want to update our state to reflect these transitions and have the "update" logic be consistent with "last reported"
///state. i.e. when you're responding to "will resign active", we need to behave as though we're already inactive.
///Secondly, we need to show the screen protection _before_ we become inactive in order for it to be reflected in the
///app switcher.
private var appIsInactiveOrBackground: Bool = false {
didSet {
if self.appIsInactiveOrBackground {
if !self.isShowingScreenLockUI {
self.didLastUnlockAttemptFail = false
else if !self.didUnlockJustSucceed {
self.didUnlockJustSucceed = false
private var appIsInBackground: Bool = false {
didSet {
self.didUnlockJustSucceed = false
private var isShowingScreenLockUI: Bool = false
private var didUnlockJustSucceed: Bool = false
private var didLastUnlockAttemptFail: Bool = false
/// We want to remain in "screen lock" mode while "local auth" UI is dismissing. So we lazily clear isShowingScreenLockUI
/// using this property.
private var shouldClearAuthUIWhenActive: Bool = false
/// Indicates whether or not the user is currently locked out of the app. Should only be set if db[.isScreenLockEnabled].
/// * The user is locked out by default on app launch.
/// * The user is also locked out if the app is sent to the background
private var isScreenLockLocked: Bool = false
// Determines what the state of the app should be.
private var desiredUIState: ScreenLockViewController.State {
if isScreenLockLocked {
if appIsInactiveOrBackground {
Logger.verbose("desiredUIState: screen protection 1.")
return .protection
Logger.verbose("desiredUIState: screen lock 2.")
return (isShowingScreenLockUI ? .protection : .lock)
if !self.appIsInactiveOrBackground {
// App is inactive or background.
Logger.verbose("desiredUIState: none 3.");
return .none;
if Environment.shared?.isRequestingPermission == true {
return .none;
if Storage.shared[.appSwitcherPreviewEnabled] {
Logger.verbose("desiredUIState: screen protection 4.")
return .protection;
Logger.verbose("desiredUIState: none 5.")
return .none
// MARK: - Lifecycle
deinit {
private func observeNotifications() {
selector: #selector(applicationDidBecomeActive),
name: .OWSApplicationDidBecomeActive,
object: nil
selector: #selector(applicationWillResignActive),
name: .OWSApplicationWillResignActive,
object: nil
selector: #selector(applicationWillEnterForeground),
name: .OWSApplicationWillEnterForeground,
object: nil
selector: #selector(applicationDidEnterBackground),
name: .OWSApplicationDidEnterBackground,
object: nil
selector: #selector(clockDidChange),
name: .NSSystemClockDidChange,
object: nil
public func setupWithRootWindow(rootWindow: UIWindow) {
self.screenBlockingWindow.frame = rootWindow.bounds
public func startObserving() {
self.appIsInactiveOrBackground = (UIApplication.shared.applicationState != .active)
// Hide the screen blocking window until "app is ready" to
// avoid blocking the loading view.
updateScreenBlockingWindow(state: .none, animated: false)
// Initialize the screen lock state.
// It's not safe to access OWSScreenLock.isScreenLockEnabled
// until the app is ready.
AppReadiness.runNowOrWhenAppWillBecomeReady { [weak self] in
self?.isScreenLockLocked = Storage.shared[.isScreenLockEnabled]
// MARK: - Functions
private func tryToActivateScreenLockBasedOnCountdown() {
guard AppReadiness.isAppReady() else {
// It's not safe to access OWSScreenLock.isScreenLockEnabled
// until the app is ready.
// We don't need to try to lock the screen lock;
// It will be initialized by `setupWithRootWindow`.
Logger.verbose("tryToActivateScreenLockUponBecomingActive NO 0")
guard Storage.shared[.isScreenLockEnabled] else {
// Screen lock is not enabled.
Logger.verbose("tryToActivateScreenLockUponBecomingActive NO 1")
guard !isScreenLockLocked else {
// Screen lock is already activated.
Logger.verbose("tryToActivateScreenLockUponBecomingActive NO 2")
self.isScreenLockLocked = true
/// Ensure that:
/// * The blocking window has the correct state.
/// * That we show the "iOS auth UI to unlock" if necessary.
private func ensureUI() {
guard AppReadiness.isAppReady() else {
AppReadiness.runNowOrWhenAppWillBecomeReady { [weak self] in
let desiredUIState: ScreenLockViewController.State = self.desiredUIState
Logger.verbose("ensureUI: \(desiredUIState)")
// Show the "iOS auth UI to unlock" if necessary.
if desiredUIState == .lock && !didLastUnlockAttemptFail {
// Note: We want to regenerate the 'desiredUIState' as if we are about to show the
// 'unlock screen' UI then we shouldn't show the "unlock" button
updateScreenBlockingWindow(state: self.desiredUIState, animated: true)
private func tryToPresentAuthUIToUnlockScreenLock() {
guard !isShowingScreenLockUI else { return } // We're already showing the auth UI; abort
guard !appIsInactiveOrBackground else { return } // Never show the auth UI unless active"try to unlock screen lock")
isShowingScreenLockUI = true
success: { [weak self] in"unlock screen lock succeeded.")
self?.isShowingScreenLockUI = false
self?.isScreenLockLocked = false
self?.didUnlockJustSucceed = true
failure: { [weak self] error in"unlock screen lock failed.")
self?.didLastUnlockAttemptFail = true
self?.showScreenLockFailureAlert(message: error.localizedDescription)
unexpectedFailure: { [weak self] error in"unlock screen lock unexpectedly failed.")
// Local Authentication isn't working properly.
// This isn't covered by the docs or the forums but in practice
// it appears to be effective to retry again after waiting a bit.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
cancel: { [weak self] in"unlock screen lock cancelled.")
self?.didLastUnlockAttemptFail = true
// Re-show the unlock UI
private func showScreenLockFailureAlert(message: String) {
title: "SCREEN_LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED".localized(),
message: message,
buttonTitle: nil,
buttonAction: { [weak self] _ in self?.ensureUI() }, // After the alert, update the UI
fromViewController: screenBlockingWindow.rootViewController
/// 'Screen Blocking' window obscures the app screen:
/// * In the app switcher.
/// * During 'Screen Lock' unlock process.
private func createScreenBlockingWindow(rootWindow: UIWindow) {
let window: UIWindow = UIWindow(frame: rootWindow.bounds)
window.isHidden = false
window.windowLevel = ._Background
window.isOpaque = true
window.themeBackgroundColor = .backgroundPrimary
let viewController: ScreenLockViewController = ScreenLockViewController { [weak self] in
guard self?.appIsInactiveOrBackground == false else {
// This button can be pressed while the app is inactive
// for a brief window while the iOS auth UI is dismissing.
self?.didLastUnlockAttemptFail = false
window.rootViewController = viewController
self.screenBlockingWindow = window
self.screenBlockingViewController = viewController
/// The "screen blocking" window has three possible states:
/// * "Just a logo". Used when app is launching and in app switcher. Must match the "Launch Screen" storyboard pixel-for-pixel.
/// * "Screen Lock, local auth UI presented". Move the Signal logo so that it is visible.
/// * "Screen Lock, local auth UI not presented". Move the Signal logo so that it is visible, show "unlock" button.
private func updateScreenBlockingWindow(state: ScreenLockViewController.State, animated: Bool) {
let shouldShowBlockWindow: Bool = (state != .none)
OWSWindowManager.shared().isScreenBlockActive = shouldShowBlockWindow
self.screenBlockingViewController.updateUI(state: state, animated: animated)
// MARK: - Events
private func clearAuthUIWhenActive() {
// For continuity, continue to present blocking screen in "screen lock" mode while
// dismissing the "local auth UI".
if self.appIsInactiveOrBackground {
self.shouldClearAuthUIWhenActive = true
else {
self.isShowingScreenLockUI = false
@objc private func applicationDidBecomeActive() {
if self.shouldClearAuthUIWhenActive {
self.shouldClearAuthUIWhenActive = false
self.isShowingScreenLockUI = false
self.appIsInactiveOrBackground = false
@objc private func applicationWillResignActive() {
self.appIsInactiveOrBackground = true
@objc private func applicationWillEnterForeground() {
self.appIsInBackground = false
@objc private func applicationDidEnterBackground() {
self.appIsInBackground = true
/// Whenever the device date/time is edited by the user, trigger screen lock immediately if enabled.
@objc private func clockDidChange() {"clock did change")
guard AppReadiness.isAppReady() else {
// It's not safe to access OWSScreenLock.isScreenLockEnabled
// until the app is ready.
// We don't need to try to lock the screen lock;
// It will be initialized by `setupWithRootWindow`.
Logger.verbose("clockDidChange 0")
self.isScreenLockLocked = Storage.shared[.isScreenLockEnabled]
// NOTE: this notifications fires _before_ applicationDidBecomeActive,
// which is desirable. Don't assume that though; call ensureUI
// just in case it's necessary.