2021-01-12 11:25:31 +11:00

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// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import <SignalUtilitiesKit/UIColor+OWS.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
extern NSString *const ThemeDidChangeNotification;
@interface Theme : NSObject
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
@property (class, readonly, atomic) BOOL isDarkThemeEnabled;
+ (void)setIsDarkThemeEnabled:(BOOL)value;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *backgroundColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *primaryColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *secondaryColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *boldColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *offBackgroundColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *middleGrayColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *placeholderColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *hairlineColor;
#pragma mark - Global App Colors
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *navbarBackgroundColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *navbarIconColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *navbarTitleColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *toolbarBackgroundColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *conversationButtonBackgroundColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *cellSelectedColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *cellSeparatorColor;
// In some contexts, e.g. media viewing/sending, we always use "dark theme" UI regardless of the
// users chosen theme.
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *darkThemeNavbarIconColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *darkThemeNavbarBackgroundColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *darkThemeBackgroundColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *darkThemePrimaryColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIBlurEffect *darkThemeBarBlurEffect;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *galleryHighlightColor;
#pragma mark -
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIBarStyle barStyle;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *searchFieldBackgroundColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIBlurEffect *barBlurEffect;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIKeyboardAppearance keyboardAppearance;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIKeyboardAppearance darkThemeKeyboardAppearance;
#pragma mark -
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *toastForegroundColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *toastBackgroundColor;
@property (class, readonly, nonatomic) UIColor *scrollButtonBackgroundColor;