2018-06-20 17:50:50 -04:00

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// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
* As of iOS10, the timer API's take a block, which makes it easy to reference weak self in Swift. This class offers a
* similar API that works pre iOS10.
* Solution modified from
public final class WeakTimer {
fileprivate weak var timer: Timer?
fileprivate weak var target: AnyObject?
fileprivate let action: (Timer) -> Void
fileprivate init(timeInterval: TimeInterval, target: AnyObject, userInfo: Any?, repeats: Bool, action: @escaping (Timer) -> Void) { = target
self.action = action
self.timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: timeInterval,
target: self,
selector: #selector(fire),
userInfo: userInfo,
repeats: repeats)
public class func scheduledTimer(timeInterval: TimeInterval, target: AnyObject, userInfo: Any?, repeats: Bool, action: @escaping (Timer) -> Void) -> Timer {
return WeakTimer(timeInterval: timeInterval,
target: target,
userInfo: userInfo,
repeats: repeats,
action: action).timer!
@objc public func fire(timer: Timer) {
if target != nil {
} else {