2017-08-21 17:49:54 -04:00

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// Copyright (c) 2017 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
@class OWSBlockingManager;
@class OWSContactsManager;
@class OWSMessageSender;
@class SignalAttachment;
@class TSContactThread;
@class TSInteraction;
@class YapDatabaseConnection;
@class TSThread;
@interface ThreadDynamicInteractions : NSObject
// If there are unseen messages in the thread, this is the index
// of the unseen indicator, counting from the _end_ of the conversation
// history.
// This is used by MessageViewController to increase the
// range size of the mappings (the load window of the conversation)
// to include the unread indicator.
@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSNumber *unreadIndicatorPosition;
// If there are unseen messages in the thread, this is the timestamp
// of the oldest unseen messaage.
// Once we enter messages view, we mark all messages read, so we need
// a snapshot of what the first unread message was when we entered the
// view so that we can call ensureDynamicInteractionsForThread:...
// repeatedly. The unread indicator should continue to show up until
// it has been cleared, at which point hideUnreadMessagesIndicator is
// YES in ensureDynamicInteractionsForThread:...
@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSNumber *firstUnseenInteractionTimestamp;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL hasMoreUnseenMessages;
- (void)clearUnreadIndicatorState;
#pragma mark -
@class TSOutgoingMessage;
@interface ThreadUtil : NSObject
+ (TSOutgoingMessage *)sendMessageWithText:(NSString *)text
inThread:(TSThread *)thread
messageSender:(OWSMessageSender *)messageSender
success:(void (^)())successHandler
failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failureHandler;
+ (TSOutgoingMessage *)sendMessageWithText:(NSString *)text
inThread:(TSThread *)thread
messageSender:(OWSMessageSender *)messageSender;
+ (TSOutgoingMessage *)sendMessageWithAttachment:(SignalAttachment *)attachment
inThread:(TSThread *)thread
messageSender:(OWSMessageSender *)messageSender;
// We only should set ignoreErrors in debug or test code.
+ (TSOutgoingMessage *)sendMessageWithAttachment:(SignalAttachment *)attachment
inThread:(TSThread *)thread
messageSender:(OWSMessageSender *)messageSender
// This method will create and/or remove any offers and indicators
// necessary for this thread. This includes:
// * Block offers.
// * "Add to contacts" offers.
// * Unread indicators.
// Parameters:
// * hideUnreadMessagesIndicator: If YES, the "unread indicator" has
// been cleared and should not be shown.
// * firstUnseenInteractionTimestamp: A snapshot of unseen message state
// when we entered the conversation view. See comments on
// ThreadOffersAndIndicators.
// * maxRangeSize: Loading a lot of messages in conversation view is
// slow and unwieldy. This number represents the maximum current
// size of the "load window" in that view. The unread indicator should
// always be inserted within that window.
+ (ThreadDynamicInteractions *)ensureDynamicInteractionsForThread:(TSThread *)thread
contactsManager:(OWSContactsManager *)contactsManager
blockingManager:(OWSBlockingManager *)blockingManager
dbConnection:(YapDatabaseConnection *)dbConnection
firstUnseenInteractionTimestamp:(nullable NSNumber *)firstUnseenInteractionTimestamp
+ (BOOL)shouldShowGroupProfileBannerInThread:(TSThread *)thread blockingManager:(OWSBlockingManager *)blockingManager;
// This method should be called right _before_ we send a message to a thread,
// since we want to auto-add contact threads to the profile whitelist if the
// conversation was initiated by the local user.
// Returns YES IFF the thread was just added to the profile whitelist.
+ (BOOL)addThreadToProfileWhitelistIfEmptyContactThread:(TSThread *)thread;