2017-02-17 12:40:08 -05:00

958 lines
38 KiB

/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"AB_PERMISSION_MISSING_BODY" = "Signal이 연락처 접근이 필요합니다. 연락처가 서버에 저장되지 않습니다.";
/* Alert title when contacts disabled */
/* Action sheet item */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Alert body when contacts disabled */
"ADDRESSBOOK_RESTRICTED_ALERT_BODY" = "Signal 은 당신의 연락처에 대한 액세스가 필요합니다.\n연락처에 대한 액세스가 제한되였습니다. Signal 이 종료됩니다.당신은 Settings 앱을 열고 General >> Restrictions >> Contacts >> Allow Changes 을 설정함으로써 Signal 이 당신의 연락처에 액세스하도록 제한을 일시적으로 해제할수 있습니다. ";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* registration button text */
"ALREADY_HAVE_ACCOUNT_BUTTON" = "이미 Signal 계정을 가지고있나요?";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"APN_FETCHED_FAILED" = "새로운 메세지! 앱을 열어 확인하세요.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"APN_Message" = "새로운 메시지 !";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"APN_MESSAGE_FROM" = "다음으로부터 온 메세지";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"APN_MESSAGE_IN_GROUP" = "새 메시지, 그룹:";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"APN_MESSAGE_IN_GROUP_DETAILED" = "%@ in group %@: %@";
/* Name of application */
/* Pressing this button moves a thread from the inbox to the archive */
"ARCHIVE_ACTION" = "Archive";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ATTACHMENT" = "첨부";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOAD_FAILED" = "첨부파일 다운로드 안되어 탭하여 다시 시도";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Accessibility hint describing what you can do with the attachment button */
"ATTACHMENT_HINT" = "사진을 선택하거나 찍은 다음 전송하세요.";
/* Accessibility label for attaching photos */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ATTACHMENT_QUEUED" = "정보 검색을 위한 새 첨부파일 대기";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"AUDIO_PERMISSION_MESSAGE" = "시그널이 제대로 작동하기 위하여 당신의 마이크로폰에 액세스하여야 합니다. ";
/* Title for call interstitial view */
/* Accessibilty label for placing call button */
"CALL_LABEL" = "호출";
/* Call setup status label after outgoing call times out */
/* embeds {{Call Status}} in call screen label. For ongoing calls, {{Call Status}} is a seconds timer like 01:23, otherwise {{Call Status}} is a short text like 'Ringing', 'Busy', or 'Failed Call' */
"CALL_STATUS_FORMAT" = "Signal %@";
/* notification action */
/* Activity Sheet label */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DESTRUCTION_TEXT" = "당신의 메시지들을 삭제하고 서버에 등록 해지하면 이 응용 프로그램이 초기화 될 것입니다. 데이터 삭제 후 앱이 닫힐것입니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DESTRUCTION_TITLE" = "당신의 계정을 정말로 삭제하시겠습니까?";
/* Alert body */
"CONFIRM_LEAVE_GROUP_DESCRIPTION" = "당신은 더 이상 이 그룹에서 메세지를 전송하거나 받을수가 없습니다. ";
/* Alert title */
"CONFIRM_LEAVE_GROUP_TITLE" = "정말로 떠나시렵니까?";
/* Button text */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* table cell subtitle when contact card has no email */
/* table cell subtitle when contact card has no known phone number */
/* title for conversation settings screen */
/* ActionSheet title */
"CORRUPTED_SESSION_DESCRIPTION" = "Resetting your session will allow you to receive future messages from %@, but it will not recover any already corrupted messages.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* {{number of days}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 days}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"DAYS_TIME_AMOUNT" = "%u days";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* {{Short Date}} when device last communicated with Signal Server. */
"DEVICE_LAST_ACTIVE_AT_LABEL" = "Last active: %@";
/* {{Short Date}} when device was linked. */
"DEVICE_LINKED_AT_LABEL" = "%@ 와 연결되였습니다.";
/* Alert title that can occur when viewing device manager. */
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
"DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES" = "Disappearing Messages";
/* subheading in conversation settings */
"DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_DESCRIPTION" = "사용가능되였을때 이 대화에서 주고 받은 메세지들이 그것들을 본후에 사라질것입니다.";
/* Accessibility hint that contains current timeout information */
"DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_HINT" = "현재 메세지들이 %@ 후에 사라집니다.";
/* Accessibility label for disappearing messages */
"DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_LABEL" = "Disappearing messages settings";
/* Generic short text for button to dismiss a dialog */
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
"EDIT_GROUP_ACTION" = "그룹 편집";
/* Short name for edit menu item to save contents of media message. */
/* body of email sent to contacts when inviting to install Signal. Embeds {{link to install Signal}} and {{link to WhisperSystems home page}} */
"EMAIL_INVITE_BODY" = "안녕하세요,\n요즘 내 아이 폰에서 개인적으로 대화를 유지하기 위해 시그널을 사용해 왔습니다. 당신도 시그널을 사용해주셨으면 합니다, 그래서 오직 당신과 나만이 우리의 메시지를 읽거나 우리의 콜을 듣을수 있다는 확신을 가질 수 있습니다.\n시그널은 아이 폰과 안드로이드에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 여기서 다운하세요 :%@\n시그널은 기존 메시징 앱처럼 작동합니다. 우리는 사진과 비디오 를 전송하고, 전화를 하고 또 그룹으로 채팅할수 있습니다. 가장 좋은 점은 누구도 지어 시그널을 만든 사람들 조차도 그것들중의 아무것도 볼수 없다는것입니다.\n당신은 Open Whisper Systems 과 시그널 제작자들에 대하여 %@ 에서 더 확인할수 있습니다.";
/* subject of email sent to contacts when inviting to install Signal */
"EMAIL_INVITE_SUBJECT" = "시그널로 이전합시다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_ARCHIVE_FIRST_TEXT" = "Compose 버튼을 클릭하세요.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_ARCHIVE_FIRST_TITLE" = "당신의 첫번째 Signal 대화 시작!";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_ARCHIVE_TEXT" = "당신은 메시지함에서 비활성화 된 대화들을 보관 할 수 있습니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_ARCHIVE_TITLE" = "당신의 대화들을 정리하세요.";
/* Full width label displayed when attempting to compose message */
"EMPTY_CONTACTS_LABEL_LINE1" = "당신의 연락처 지인중 아무도 시그널을 사용하지 않고있습니다.";
/* Full width label displayed when attempting to compose message */
"EMPTY_CONTACTS_LABEL_LINE2" = "왜 다른사람을 초청하지 않습니까?";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_INBOX_FIRST_TEXT" = "팁: 상기시키기 위한 대화 추가!";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_INBOX_FIRST_TITLE" = "끝. 끝 . 끝.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_INBOX_TEXT" = "없음. None. なし. Nada. 无";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EMPTY_INBOX_TITLE" = "진짜 대박 깨끗함.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"END_CALL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED" = "핸드셰이크 되지 않음";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"END_CALL_HANGUP_LOCAL" = "당신이 통화를 끊었습니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"END_CALL_HANGUP_REMOTE" = "상대방이 통화를 끊었습니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"END_CALL_LOGIN_FAILED" = "로그인 되지 않음";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"END_CALL_NO_SUCH_USER" = "Signal 또는 RedPhone에 등록되지 않은 번호입니다!";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"END_CALL_REJECTED_LOCAL" = "당신이 통화를 거절했습니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"END_CALL_REPLACED_BY_NEXT" = "다른 통화를 하셨습니다.";
/* Call setup status label */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"END_CALL_STALE_SESSION" = "전화를 받지 못하였습니다.";
/* Call setup status label */
/* Generic notice when message failed to send. */
/* Generic error used whenver Signal can't contact the server */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_NO_INTERNET" = "시그널이 인터네트에 접속불가능. 다른 Wifi 네트워크나 모바일 데이터를 사용하세요.";
/* Error message when attempting to send message */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_SENDING_UNAUTHORIZED" = "당신의 기기는 더이상 당신의 폰번호로 등록되지 않습니다.당신은 반드시 시그널을 해제하고 다시 설치해야 합니다.";
/* Generic server error */
/* Worst case generic error message */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_UNKNOWN_ERROR" = "An unknown error occured.";
/* Error message when attempting to send message */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_MESSAGE" = "받은 메시지가 동기화되지 않았습니다. 당신의 세션을 재설정하기 위하여 탭하세요.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_VERSION" = "이 버전과 호환이 되지 않는 메시지 받음.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_SESSION" = "연락 가능한 세션 없음.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN_ERROR" = "알려지지 않은 오류 발생함.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_WRONG_TRUSTED_IDENTITY_KEY" = "Safety number changed. Tap to verify.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* during registration */
"EXISTING_USER_REGISTRATION_ALERT_BODY" = "At this time Signal can only be active on one mobile device per phone number.";
/* during registration, embeds {{device type}}, e.g. \"iPhone\" or \"iPad\" */
"EXISTING_USER_REGISTRATION_ALERT_TITLE" = "Activating this %@ will disable Signal on any other device currently associated with this phone number.";
/* action sheet header when re-sending message which failed because of too many attempts */
"FAILED_SENDING_BECAUSE_RATE_LIMIT" = "Too many failures with this contact. Please try again shortly.";
/* action sheet header when re-sending message which failed because of untrusted identity keys */
"FAILED_SENDING_BECAUSE_UNTRUSTED_IDENTITY_KEY" = "You must accept the new safety number before you will be able to send.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"FAILED_SENDING_TEXT" = "전송 안되어 탭하여 다시 보내기";
/* alert title */
"FAILED_VERIFICATION_TITLE" = "Failed to Verify Safety Number!";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Accessibilty label for finishing new group */
"FINISH_GROUP_CREATION_LABEL" = "Finish creating group";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_AVATAR_CHANGED" = "아바타 변경됨.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_CREATED" = "그룹 창조 완성.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_CREATING" = "새 그룹을 창조하고 있습니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_CREATING_FAILED" = "그룹 창조 실패.";
/* Conversation settings table section title */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_MEMBER_JOINED" = "%@님이 그룹에 조인함.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_MEMBER_LEFT" = "%@님이 그룹을 나감.";
/* header for table which lists the members of this group thread */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_REMOVING" = "Leaving group %@";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_REMOVING_FAILED" = "Failed to leave group";
/* Accessibilty label for group settings */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_TITLE_CHANGED" = "제목은 '%@'";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_UPDATED" = "그룹 업데이트됨.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_YOU_LEFT" = "그룹에서 나갔습니다.";
/* {{number of hours}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 hours}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"HOURS_TIME_AMOUNT" = "%u hours";
/* Call setup status label */
"IN_CALL_CONNECTING" = "연결중........";
/* Call setup status label */
"IN_CALL_RINGING" = "대기 중…";
/* Call setup status label */
"IN_CALL_SECURING" = "상대방이 전화를 받음. 보안중...";
/* Call setup status label */
"IN_CALL_TALKING" = "안전함. 활성화됨";
/* Call setup status label */
"IN_CALL_TERMINATED" = "전화 완료됨";
/* notification body */
"INCOMING_CALL" = "수신 전화";
/* notification body */
"INCOMING_CALL_FROM" = "%@으로부터 전화";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"INCOMING_INCOMPLETE_CALL" = "Incomplete incoming call from";
/* Text for button at the top of the contact picker */
/* Search */
/* Navbar title */
/* Slider label embeds {{TIME_AMOUNT}}, e.g. '2 hours'. See *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for examples. */
"KEEP_MESSAGES_DURATION" = "Messages disappear after %@.";
/* Slider label when disappearing messages is off */
"KEEP_MESSAGES_FOREVER" = "Messages do not disappear.";
/* Confirmation button within contextual alert */
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
"LEAVE_GROUP_ACTION" = "Leave Group";
/* report an invalid linking code */
"LINK_DEVICE_INVALID_CODE_BODY" = "This QR code is not valid, make sure you are scanning the QR code displayed on the device you want to link.";
/* report an invalid linking code */
"LINK_DEVICE_INVALID_CODE_TITLE" = "Linking Device Failed";
/* confirm the users intent to link a new device */
"LINK_DEVICE_PERMISSION_ALERT_BODY" = "This device will be able to see your groups and contacts, read all your messages, and send messages in your name.";
/* confirm the users intent to link a new device */
/* attempt another linking */
/* QR Scanning screen instructions, placed alongside a camera view for scanning QRCodes */
"LINK_DEVICE_SCANNING_INSTRUCTIONS" = "Scan the QR code displayed on the device to link.";
/* Subheading for 'Link New Device' navigation */
/* Navigation title when scanning QR code to add new device. */
"LINK_NEW_DEVICE_TITLE" = "Link New Device";
/* Menu item and navbar title for the device manager */
"LINKED_DEVICES_TITLE" = "Linked Devices";
/* Alert Title */
"LINKING_DEVICE_FAILED_TITLE" = "Linking Device Failed";
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
"LIST_GROUP_MEMBERS_ACTION" = "List Group Members";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"LOADING_CONTACTS_LABEL_LINE1" = "당신의 연락처를 불러오는 중";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ME_STRING" = "나";
/* media picker option to take photo or video */
/* media picker option to choose from library */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* {{number of minutes}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 minutes}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"MINUTES_TIME_AMOUNT" = "%u minutes";
/* notification title */
"MISSED_CALL" = "부재중 전화";
/* Alert body
Alert body when camera is not authorized */
"MISSING_CAMERA_PERMISSION_MESSAGE" = "Signal needs access to your camera for video calls. You can grant this permission in the Settings app >> Privacy >> Camera >> Signal";
/* Alert title
Alert title when camera is not authorized */
"MISSING_CAMERA_PERMISSION_TITLE" = "Signal needs to access your camera.";
/* notification title. Embeds {{Caller's Name}} */
"MSGVIEW_MISSED_CALL" = "%@으로부터의 부재중 전화.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"MSGVIEW_RECEIVED_CALL" = "%@으로부터 전화를 받았습니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"MSGVIEW_THEY_TRIED_TO_CALL_YOU" = "%@ tried to call you.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"MSGVIEW_YOU_CALLED" = "%@에게 전화를 걸었습니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"MSGVIEW_YOU_TRIED_TO_CALL" = "You tried to call %@.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"MULTIDEVICE_PAIRING_MAX_DESC" = "You can not pair any more devices.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"MULTIDEVICE_PAIRING_MAX_RECOVERY" = "You have reached the maximum of devices you can currently pair with your account. Please remove a device or try again to pair it later.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NETWORK_ERROR_RECOVERY" = "Please check you're online and try again.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NETWORK_STATUS_TEXT" = "당신의 메시지함 위 색깔이 있는 바를 보면 당신의 네트워크 상태를 확인할 수 있습니다.";
/* Text for button to start a new conversation with a non-contact */
"NEW_CONVERSATION_FOR_NON_CONTACT_FORMAT" = "New conversation with %@";
/* Action Sheet title prompting the user for a group avatar */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Label for a button that lets users search for contacts by phone number */
"NO_CONTACTS_SEARCH_BY_PHONE_NUMBER" = "Find Contacts by Phone Number";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NOTIFICATION_SEND_FAILED" = "%@님에게 메시지 전송 실패";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NOTIFICATIONS_FOOTER_WARNING" = "Due to known bugs in Apple's push framework, message previews will only be shown if the message is retrieved within 30 seconds after being sent. The application badge might be inaccurate as a result.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NOTIFICATIONS_NONE" = "이름이나 메시지 표시하지 않음";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"OK" = "예";
/* Button text which opens the settings app */
/* Info Message when {{other user}} disables or doesn't support disappearing messages */
"OTHER_DISABLED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "%@ disabled disappearing messages.";
/* Info Message when {{other user}} updates message expiration to {{time amount}}, see the *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for context. */
"OTHER_UPDATED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "%@ set disappearing message time to %@.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"OUTGOING_CALL" = "발신 전화";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"OUTGOING_INCOMPLETE_CALL" = "Incomplete outgoing call";
/* Alert body when verifying with {{contact name}} */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_I_HAVE_WRONG_KEY_FOR_THEM" = "This doesn't look like your safety number with %@. Are you verifying the correct contact?";
/* Alert body */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_MISMATCHED_SAFETY_NUMBERS_IN_CLIPBOARD" = "The number in your clipboard doesn't look like the correct safety number for this conversation.";
/* Alert body for user error */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_NO_SAFETY_NUMBERS_IN_CLIPBOARD" = "Signal couldn't find any safety number in your clipboard. Have you copied it correctly?";
/* Alert body when verifying with {{contact name}} */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_THEY_HAVE_WRONG_KEY_FOR_ME" = "Every pair of Signal users shares a distinct safety number. Double-check that %@ is displaying *your* distinct safety number.";
/* alert body */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_WITH_OLD_LOCAL_VERSION" = "You're running an old version of Signal. You need to update before you can verify.";
/* alert body */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_WITH_OLD_REMOTE_VERSION" = "Your partner is running an old version of Signal. They need to update before you can verify.";
/* alert body */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILURE_INVALID_QRCODE" = "The scanned code doesn't look like a safety number code. Are you both on an up-to-date version of Signal?";
/* Paragraph(s) shown alongside the safety number when verifying privacy with {{contact name}} */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_INSTRUCTIONS" = "If you wish to verify the security of your end-to-end encryption with %@, compare the numbers above with the numbers on their device.\n\nAlternatively, you can scan the code on their phone, or ask them to scan your code.";
/* Navbar title */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_TITLE" = "Verify Safety Number";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"PROCEED_BUTTON" = "진행하다";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Alert title */
"PUSH_REGISTER_SUCCESS" = "Successfully re-registered for push notifications.";
/* Used in table section header and alert view title contexts */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"PUSH_SETTINGS_MESSAGE" = "시그널이 제대로 작동하기 위하여, 푸쉬 알림이 활성화 되어야 합니다.\n설정 >> 알림센터 >> 시그널 에서 바꾸어주시길 바랍니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"RATING_MSG" = "If you enjoy using Signal to have private conversations, you can support our project by rating it. It won't take more than a minute, and will help others find some privacy.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"RATING_RATE" = "Rate Signal";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"RATING_TITLE" = "Support Signal!";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTER_CC_ERR_ALERT_VIEW_MESSAGE" = "유효한 국가 코드를 입력하세요.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTER_CONTACTS_BODY" = "Signal allows you to have private conversations with your existing contacts. To use Signal, please allow access to your contacts.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTER_RATE_LIMITING_BODY" = "서버 입력시간이 초과됐습니다. 다시 시도하세요";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTERED_NUMBER_TEXT" = "Registered Number";
/* Alert title */
"REGISTRATION_BODY" = "Failed to re-register for push notifications.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* alert body during registration */
"REGISTRATION_ERROR_BLANK_VERIFICATION_CODE" = "We can't activate your account until you verify the code we sent you.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTRATION_NON_VALID_NUMBER" = "This phone number format is not supported, please contact support.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTRATION_RESTRICTED_MESSAGE" = "Someone's excited to send their first message! You need to register before performing this action.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Alert view title */
/* Alert body, during registration */
"REGISTRATION_VERIFICATION_FAILED_WRONG_CODE_DESCRIPTION" = "The numbers you submitted don't match what we sent. Want to double check?";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTRATION_VERIFY_DEVICE" = "Activate This Device";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"RELAY_REGISTERED_ERROR_RECOVERY" = "The phone number you are trying to register has already been registered on another server, please unregister from there and try again.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REREGISTER_FOR_PUSH" = "푸시 알림에 재등록";
/* Generic text for button that retries whatever the last action was. */
/* Snippet to share {{safety number}} with a friend. sent e.g. via SMS */
"SAFETY_NUMBER_SHARE_FORMAT" = "Our Signal Safety Number:\n%@";
/* Action sheet heading */
"SAFETY_NUMBERS_ACTIONSHEET_TITLE" = "Your safety number with %@ has changed. You may wish to verify it.";
/* Button label presented with camera icon while verifying privacy credentials. Shows the camera interface. */
"SCAN_CODE_ACTION" = "Scan Code";
/* label presented once scanning (camera) view is visible. */
"SCAN_CODE_INSTRUCTIONS" = "Scan the QR Code on your contact's device.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* {{number of seconds}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 seconds}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"SECONDS_TIME_AMOUNT" = "%u seconds";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SECURE_SESSION_RESET" = "보안 세션이 초기화되었습니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SEND_AGAIN_BUTTON" = "다시 보내주세요";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Alert body after invite failed */
"SEND_INVITE_FAILURE" = "Sending invite failed, please try again later.";
/* Alert body after invite succeeded */
"SEND_INVITE_SUCCESS" = "You've invited your friend to use Signal!";
/* Text for button to send a Signal invite via SMS. %@ is placeholder for the receipient's phone number. */
"SEND_INVITE_VIA_SMS_BUTTON_FORMAT" = "Send Invite via SMS to: %@";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SEND_SMS_CONFIRM_TITLE" = "불안전한 SMS를 통해 친구를 초대하겠습니까?";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SEND_SMS_INVITE_TITLE" = "다음과 같은 번호를 Signal로 초대하겠습니까:";
/* Navbar title */
/* Short table cell label */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* This setting is used to switch between new-style WebRTC calling and old-style RedPhone calling. */
"SETTINGS_ADVANCED_WEBRTC" = "Enable Video Calling";
/* The message of the alert shown when updates to the WebRTC property fail. */
"SETTINGS_ADVANCED_WEBRTC_FAILED_MESSAGE" = "Could not update your preferences.";
/* The title of the alert shown when updates to the WebRTC property fail. */
/* User settings section footer, a detailed explanation */
"SETTINGS_BLOCK_ON_IDENITY_CHANGE_DETAIL" = "Requires your approval before communicating with someone who has a new safety number, commonly from a reinstall of Signal.";
/* Table cell label */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SETTINGS_COPYRIGHT" = "Copyright Open Whisper Systems\nGPLv3조건하에 허가됨";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Alert message before user confirms clearing history */
"SETTINGS_DELETE_HISTORYLOG_CONFIRMATION" = "당신은 정말 모든 기록을 삭제하시겠습니까(메시지, 첨부파일, 통화기록...)? 삭제하시면 복구되지 않습니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Section header */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Settings table view cell label */
"SETTINGS_INVITE_TITLE" = "Invite Your Friends";
/* content of tweet when inviting via twitter */
"SETTINGS_INVITE_TWITTER_TEXT" = "You can reach me using Signal by @WhisperSystems, get it now.";
/* Title for settings activity */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Section header */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SETTINGS_SCREEN_SECURITY_DETAIL" = "Prevents Signal previews from appearing in the app switcher.";
/* Settings table section footer. */
"SETTINGS_SECTION_CALL_KIT_DESCRIPTION" = "CallKit allows you to answer calls directly from your lockscreen. Be aware that when using CallKit, Apple syncs some call metadata to your iCloud account.";
/* settings topic header for table section */
/* Section header */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* action sheet item to open native mail app */
/* action sheet item to open native messages app */
/* action sheet item */
/* Action sheet item */
"SHOW_SAFETY_NUMBER_ACTION" = "Show new safety number";
/* {{1 day}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 day}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 hour}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 hour}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 minute}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 minute}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 week}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 week}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* body sent to contacts when inviting to Install Signal */
"SMS_INVITE_BODY" = "당신을 Signal로 초대합니다! 여기에 링크가 있습니다:";
/* Alert body after verifying privacy with {{other user's name}} */
"SUCCESSFUL_VERIFICATION_DESCRIPTION" = "Your safety number with %@ has been verified. You can be confident your communication is private.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SUCCESSFUL_VERIFICATION_TITLE" = "Safety Number Verified!";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"TIMEOUT_CONTACTS_DETAIL" = "서버로부터 연락처 목록을 갱신하지 못하였습니. 다시 시도하시길 바랍니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Alert Title */
"UNABLE_TO_PLACE_CALL" = "Unable to place call.";
/* Pressing this button moves an archived thread from the archive back to the inbox */
"UNARCHIVE_ACTION" = "Unarchive";
/* In Inbox view, last message label for thread with corrupted attachment. */
"UNKNOWN_ATTACHMENT_LABEL" = "Unknown attachment";
/* Displayed if for some reason we can't determine a contacts phone number *or* name */
"UNKNOWN_CONTACT_NAME" = "Unknown Contact";
/* button title for unlinking a device */
"UNLINK_ACTION" = "Unlink";
/* Alert message to confirm unlinking a device */
"UNLINK_CONFIRMATION_ALERT_BODY" = "By unlinking this device, it will no longer be able to send or receive messages.";
/* Alert title for confirming device deletion */
/* Alert title when unlinking device fails */
"UNLINKING_FAILED_ALERT_TITLE" = "Signal was unable to unlink your device.";
/* Label text in device manager for a device with no name */
"UNNAMED_DEVICE" = "Unnamed Device";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"UNREGISTER_SIGNAL_FAIL" = "Failed to unregister from Signal.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"UNSUPPORTED_ATTACHMENT" = "지원하지 않은 형식의 첨부를 받았습니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_ERROR" = "당신의 기기는 이 기능을 지원하지 않습니다.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Upgrading Signal ..." = "Upgrading Signal ...";
/* message footer while attachment is uploading */
"UPLOADING_MESSAGE_TEXT" = "Uploading...";
/* button text during registration to make corrections to your submitted phone number */
/* Text field placeholder for SMS verification code during registration */
/* button text during registration to request phone number verification be done via phone call */
/* button text during registration to request another SMS code be sent */
/* button text during registration to submit your SMS verification code */
/* Navigation title in the registration flow - during the sms code verification process. */
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
"VERIFY_PRIVACY" = "Verify Safety Number";
/* Activity indicator title, shown upon returning to the device manager, until you complete the provisioning process on desktop */
"WAITING_TO_COMPLETE_DEVICE_LINK_TEXT" = "Complete setup on Signal Desktop.";
/* {{number of weeks}}, embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 weeks}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"WEEKS_TIME_AMOUNT" = "%u weeks";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Info Message when you disable disappearing messages */
"YOU_DISABLED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "You disabled disappearing messages.";
/* Info message embedding a {{time amount}}, see the *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for context. */
"YOU_UPDATED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "You set disappearing message time to %@.";