session-ios/Session/Media Viewing & Editing/GIFs/GiphyAPI.swift
Morgan Pretty b72bf42605 Updated the CI and fixed a couple of config bugs
Updated to the 1.0.0 release of libSession
Set the User Config feature flag to July 31st 10am AEST
Shifted quote thumbnail generation out of the DBWrite thread
Stopped the CurrentUserPoller from polling the user config namespaces if the feature flag is off
Fixed an issue where the scrollToBottom behaviour could be a little buggy when an optimistic update is replaced with the proper change
Fixed an issue where the 'attachmentsNotUploaded' error wouldn't result in a message entering an error state
Fixed a bug where sync messages with attachments weren't being sent
2023-07-13 14:47:10 +10:00

518 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Combine
import CoreServices
import SignalUtilitiesKit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SignalCoreKit
// There's no UTI type for webp!
enum GiphyFormat {
case gif, mp4, jpg
enum GiphyError: Error {
case assertionError(description: String)
case fetchFailure
extension GiphyError: LocalizedError {
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .assertionError: return "GIF_PICKER_ERROR_GENERIC".localized()
case .fetchFailure: return "GIF_PICKER_ERROR_FETCH_FAILURE".localized()
// Represents a "rendition" of a GIF.
// Giphy offers a plethora of renditions for each image.
// They vary in content size (i.e. width, height),
// format (.jpg, .gif, .mp4, webp, etc.),
// quality, etc.
class GiphyRendition: ProxiedContentAssetDescription {
let format: GiphyFormat
let name: String
let width: UInt
let height: UInt
let fileSize: UInt
init?(format: GiphyFormat,
name: String,
width: UInt,
height: UInt,
fileSize: UInt,
url: NSURL) {
self.format = format = name
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.fileSize = fileSize
let fileExtension = GiphyRendition.fileExtension(forFormat: format)
super.init(url: url, fileExtension: fileExtension)
private class func fileExtension(forFormat format: GiphyFormat) -> String {
switch format {
case .gif:
return "gif"
case .mp4:
return "mp4"
case .jpg:
return "jpg"
public var utiType: String {
switch format {
case .gif:
return kUTTypeGIF as String
case .mp4:
return kUTTypeMPEG4 as String
case .jpg:
return kUTTypeJPEG as String
public var isStill: Bool {
return name.hasSuffix("_still")
public var isDownsampled: Bool {
return name.hasSuffix("_downsampled")
public func log() {
Logger.verbose("\t \(format), \(name), \(width), \(height), \(fileSize)")
// Represents a single Giphy image.
class GiphyImageInfo: NSObject {
let giphyId: String
let renditions: [GiphyRendition]
// We special-case the "original" rendition because it is the
// source of truth for the aspect ratio of the image.
let originalRendition: GiphyRendition
init(giphyId: String,
renditions: [GiphyRendition],
originalRendition: GiphyRendition) {
self.giphyId = giphyId
self.renditions = renditions
self.originalRendition = originalRendition
// TODO: We may need to tweak these constants.
let kMaxDimension = UInt(618)
let kMinPreviewDimension = UInt(60)
let kMinSendingDimension = UInt(101)
let kPreferedPreviewFileSize = UInt(256 * 1024)
let kPreferedSendingFileSize = UInt(3 * 1024 * 1024)
private enum PickingStrategy {
case smallerIsBetter, largerIsBetter
public func log() {
Logger.verbose("giphyId: \(giphyId), \(renditions.count)")
for rendition in renditions {
public func pickStillRendition() -> GiphyRendition? {
// Stills are just temporary placeholders, so use the smallest still possible.
return pickRendition(renditionType: .stillPreview, pickingStrategy: .smallerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedPreviewFileSize)
public func pickPreviewRendition() -> GiphyRendition? {
// Try to pick a small file...
if let rendition = pickRendition(renditionType: .animatedLowQuality, pickingStrategy: .largerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedPreviewFileSize) {
return rendition
// ...but gradually relax the file restriction...
if let rendition = pickRendition(renditionType: .animatedLowQuality, pickingStrategy: .smallerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedPreviewFileSize * 2) {
return rendition
// ...and relax even more until we find an animated rendition.
return pickRendition(renditionType: .animatedLowQuality, pickingStrategy: .smallerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedPreviewFileSize * 3)
public func pickSendingRendition() -> GiphyRendition? {
// Try to pick a small file...
if let rendition = pickRendition(renditionType: .animatedHighQuality, pickingStrategy: .largerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedSendingFileSize) {
return rendition
// ...but gradually relax the file restriction...
if let rendition = pickRendition(renditionType: .animatedHighQuality, pickingStrategy: .smallerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedSendingFileSize * 2) {
return rendition
// ...and relax even more until we find an animated rendition.
return pickRendition(renditionType: .animatedHighQuality, pickingStrategy: .smallerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedSendingFileSize * 3)
enum RenditionType {
case stillPreview, animatedLowQuality, animatedHighQuality
// Picking a rendition must be done very carefully.
// * We want to avoid incomplete renditions.
// * We want to pick a rendition of "just good enough" quality.
private func pickRendition(renditionType: RenditionType, pickingStrategy: PickingStrategy, maxFileSize: UInt) -> GiphyRendition? {
var bestRendition: GiphyRendition?
for rendition in renditions {
switch renditionType {
case .stillPreview:
// Accept GIF or JPEG stills. In practice we'll
// usually select a JPEG since they'll be smaller.
guard [.gif, .jpg].contains(rendition.format) else {
// Only consider still renditions.
guard rendition.isStill else {
// Accept still renditions without a valid file size. Note that fileSize
// will be zero for renditions without a valid file size, so they will pass
// the maxFileSize test.
// Don't worry about max content size; still images are tiny in comparison
// with animated renditions.
guard rendition.width >= kMinPreviewDimension &&
rendition.height >= kMinPreviewDimension &&
rendition.fileSize <= maxFileSize
else {
case .animatedLowQuality:
// Only use GIFs for animated renditions.
guard rendition.format == .gif else {
// Ignore stills.
guard !rendition.isStill else {
// Ignore "downsampled" renditions which skip frames, etc.
guard !rendition.isDownsampled else {
guard rendition.width >= kMinPreviewDimension &&
rendition.width <= kMaxDimension &&
rendition.height >= kMinPreviewDimension &&
rendition.height <= kMaxDimension &&
rendition.fileSize > 0 &&
rendition.fileSize <= maxFileSize
else {
case .animatedHighQuality:
// Only use GIFs for animated renditions.
guard rendition.format == .gif else {
// Ignore stills.
guard !rendition.isStill else {
// Ignore "downsampled" renditions which skip frames, etc.
guard !rendition.isDownsampled else {
guard rendition.width >= kMinSendingDimension &&
rendition.width <= kMaxDimension &&
rendition.height >= kMinSendingDimension &&
rendition.height <= kMaxDimension &&
rendition.fileSize > 0 &&
rendition.fileSize <= maxFileSize
else {
if let currentBestRendition = bestRendition {
if rendition.width == currentBestRendition.width &&
rendition.fileSize > 0 &&
currentBestRendition.fileSize > 0 &&
rendition.fileSize < currentBestRendition.fileSize {
// If two renditions have the same content size, prefer
// the rendition with the smaller file size, e.g.
// prefer JPEG over GIF for stills.
bestRendition = rendition
} else if pickingStrategy == .smallerIsBetter {
// "Smaller is better"
if rendition.width < currentBestRendition.width {
bestRendition = rendition
} else {
// "Larger is better"
if rendition.width > currentBestRendition.width {
bestRendition = rendition
} else {
bestRendition = rendition
return bestRendition
enum GiphyAPI {
private static let kGiphyBaseURL = ""
private static let urlSession: URLSession = {
let configuration: URLSessionConfiguration = ContentProxy.sessionConfiguration()
// Don't use any caching to protect privacy of these requests.
configuration.urlCache = nil
configuration.requestCachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringCacheData
return URLSession(configuration: configuration)
// MARK: - Search
// This is the Signal iOS API key.
private static let kGiphyApiKey = "ZsUpUm2L6cVbvei347EQNp7HrROjbOdc"
private static let kGiphyPageSize = 20
public static func trending() -> AnyPublisher<[GiphyImageInfo], Error> {
let urlString = "/v1/gifs/trending?api_key=\(kGiphyApiKey)&limit=\(kGiphyPageSize)"
guard let url: URL = URL(string: "\(kGiphyBaseURL)\(urlString)") else {
return Fail(error: HTTPError.invalidURL)
return urlSession
.dataTaskPublisher(for: url)
.mapError { urlError in
Logger.error("search request failed: \(urlError)")
// URLError codes are negative values
return HTTPError.generic
.map { data, _ in
Logger.debug("search request succeeded")
guard let imageInfos = self.parseGiphyImages(responseData: data) else {
Logger.error("unable to parse trending images")
return []
return imageInfos
public static func search(query: String) -> AnyPublisher<[GiphyImageInfo], Error> {
let kGiphyPageOffset = 0
let queryEncoded = query.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlPathAllowed),
let url: URL = URL(
string: [
else {
return Fail(error: HTTPError.invalidURL)
var request: URLRequest = URLRequest(url: url)
guard ContentProxy.configureProxiedRequest(request: &request) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not configure query: \(query).")
return Fail(error: HTTPError.generic)
return urlSession
.dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
.mapError { urlError in
Logger.error("search request failed: \(urlError)")
// URLError codes are negative values
return HTTPError.generic
.tryMap { data, _ -> [GiphyImageInfo] in
Logger.debug("search request succeeded")
guard let imageInfos = self.parseGiphyImages(responseData: data) else {
throw HTTPError.invalidResponse
return imageInfos
// MARK: - Parse API Responses
private static func parseGiphyImages(responseData: Data?) -> [GiphyImageInfo]? {
guard let responseData: Data = responseData else {
Logger.error("Missing response.")
return nil
guard let responseDict: [String: Any] = try? JSONSerialization
.jsonObject(with: responseData, options: [ .fragmentsAllowed ]) as? [String: Any] else {
Logger.error("Invalid response.")
return nil
guard let imageDicts = responseDict["data"] as? [[String: Any]] else {
Logger.error("Invalid response data.")
return nil
return imageDicts.compactMap { imageDict in
return parseGiphyImage(imageDict: imageDict)
// Giphy API results are often incomplete or malformed, so we need to be defensive.
private static func parseGiphyImage(imageDict: [String: Any]) -> GiphyImageInfo? {
guard let giphyId = imageDict["id"] as? String else {
Logger.warn("Image dict missing id.")
return nil
guard giphyId.count > 0 else {
Logger.warn("Image dict has invalid id.")
return nil
guard let renditionDicts = imageDict["images"] as? [String: Any] else {
Logger.warn("Image dict missing renditions.")
return nil
var renditions = [GiphyRendition]()
for (renditionName, renditionDict) in renditionDicts {
guard let renditionDict = renditionDict as? [String: Any] else {
Logger.warn("Invalid rendition dict.")
guard let rendition = parseGiphyRendition(renditionName: renditionName,
renditionDict: renditionDict) else {
guard renditions.count > 0 else {
Logger.warn("Image has no valid renditions.")
return nil
guard let originalRendition = findOriginalRendition(renditions: renditions) else {
Logger.warn("Image has no original rendition.")
return nil
return GiphyImageInfo(
giphyId: giphyId,
renditions: renditions,
originalRendition: originalRendition
private static func findOriginalRendition(renditions: [GiphyRendition]) -> GiphyRendition? {
for rendition in renditions where == "original" {
return rendition
return nil
// Giphy API results are often incomplete or malformed, so we need to be defensive.
// We should discard renditions which are missing or have invalid properties.
private static func parseGiphyRendition(
renditionName: String,
renditionDict: [String: Any]
) -> GiphyRendition? {
guard let width = parsePositiveUInt(dict: renditionDict, key: "width", typeName: "rendition") else {
return nil
guard let height = parsePositiveUInt(dict: renditionDict, key: "height", typeName: "rendition") else {
return nil
// Be lenient when parsing file sizes - we don't require them for stills.
let fileSize = parseLenientUInt(dict: renditionDict, key: "size")
guard let urlString = renditionDict["url"] as? String else {
return nil
guard urlString.count > 0 else {
Logger.warn("Rendition has invalid url.")
return nil
guard let url = NSURL(string: urlString) else {
Logger.warn("Rendition url could not be parsed.")
return nil
guard let fileExtension = url.pathExtension?.lowercased() else {
Logger.warn("Rendition url missing file extension.")
return nil
var format = GiphyFormat.gif
if fileExtension == "gif" {
format = .gif
} else if fileExtension == "jpg" {
format = .jpg
} else if fileExtension == "mp4" {
format = .mp4
} else if fileExtension == "webp" {
return nil
} else {
Logger.warn("Invalid file extension: \(fileExtension).")
return nil
return GiphyRendition(
format: format,
name: renditionName,
width: width,
height: height,
fileSize: fileSize,
url: url
private static func parsePositiveUInt(dict: [String: Any], key: String, typeName: String) -> UInt? {
guard let value = dict[key] else {
return nil
guard let stringValue = value as? String else {
return nil
guard let parsedValue = UInt(stringValue) else {
return nil
guard parsedValue > 0 else {
Logger.verbose("\(typeName) has non-positive \(key): \(parsedValue).")
return nil
return parsedValue
private static func parseLenientUInt(dict: [String: Any], key: String) -> UInt {
let defaultValue = UInt(0)
guard let value = dict[key] else {
return defaultValue
guard let stringValue = value as? String else {
return defaultValue
guard let parsedValue = UInt(stringValue) else {
return defaultValue
return parsedValue