Morgan Pretty 32304ae5dd Cleared out some of the legacy serialisation logic, further UI binding
Refactored the SignalApp class to Swift
Fixed a horizontal alignment issue in the ConversationTitleView
Fixed an issue where expiration timer update messages weren't migrated or rendering correctly
Fixed an issue where expiring messages weren't migrated correctly
Fixed an issue where closed groups which had been left were causing migration failures (due to data incorrectly being assumed to be required)
Shifted the Legacy Attachment types into the 'SMKLegacy' namespace
Moved all of the NSCoding logic for the TSMessage
2022-05-03 17:14:56 +10:00

286 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
enum _001_InitialSetupMigration: Migration {
static let identifier: String = "initialSetup"
static func migrate(_ db: Database) throws {
try db.create(table: Contact.self) { t in
t.column(.id, .text)
t.column(.isTrusted, .boolean)
.defaults(to: false)
t.column(.isApproved, .boolean)
.defaults(to: false)
t.column(.isBlocked, .boolean)
.defaults(to: false)
t.column(.didApproveMe, .boolean)
.defaults(to: false)
t.column(.hasBeenBlocked, .boolean)
.defaults(to: false)
try db.create(table: Profile.self) { t in
t.column(.id, .text)
t.column(.name, .text).notNull()
t.column(.nickname, .text)
t.column(.profilePictureUrl, .text)
t.column(.profilePictureFileName, .text)
t.column(.profileEncryptionKey, .blob)
try db.create(table: SessionThread.self) { t in
t.column(.id, .text)
t.column(.variant, .integer).notNull()
t.column(.creationDateTimestamp, .double).notNull()
t.column(.shouldBeVisible, .boolean).notNull()
t.column(.isPinned, .boolean).notNull()
t.column(.messageDraft, .text)
t.column(.notificationMode, .integer)
.defaults(to: SessionThread.NotificationMode.all)
t.column(.notificationSound, .integer)
t.column(.mutedUntilTimestamp, .double)
try db.create(table: DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.self) { t in
t.column(.threadId, .text)
.references(SessionThread.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if Thread deleted
t.column(.isEnabled, .boolean)
.defaults(to: false)
t.column(.durationSeconds, .double)
.defaults(to: 0)
try db.create(table: ClosedGroup.self) { t in
t.column(.threadId, .text)
.references(SessionThread.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if Thread deleted
t.column(.name, .text).notNull()
t.column(.formationTimestamp, .double).notNull()
try db.create(table: ClosedGroupKeyPair.self) { t in
t.column(.threadId, .text)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
.references(ClosedGroup.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if ClosedGroup deleted
t.column(.publicKey, .blob).notNull()
t.column(.secretKey, .blob).notNull()
t.column(.receivedTimestamp, .double)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
t.uniqueKey([.publicKey, .secretKey, .receivedTimestamp])
try db.create(table: OpenGroup.self) { t in
t.column(.threadId, .text)
.references(SessionThread.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if Thread deleted
t.column(.server, .text).notNull()
t.column(.room, .text).notNull()
t.column(.publicKey, .text).notNull()
t.column(.name, .text).notNull()
t.column(.groupDescription, .text)
t.column(.imageId, .text)
t.column(.imageData, .blob)
t.column(.userCount, .integer).notNull()
t.column(.infoUpdates, .integer).notNull()
try db.create(table: Capability.self) { t in
t.column(.openGroupId, .text)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
.references(OpenGroup.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if OpenGroup deleted
t.column(.capability, .text).notNull()
t.column(.isMissing, .boolean).notNull()
t.primaryKey([.openGroupId, .capability])
try db.create(table: GroupMember.self) { t in
// Note: Not adding a "proper" foreign key constraint as this
// table gets used by both 'OpenGroup' and 'ClosedGroup' types
t.column(.groupId, .text)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
t.column(.profileId, .text).notNull()
t.column(.role, .integer).notNull()
try db.create(table: Interaction.self) { t in
t.column(.id, .integer)
.primaryKey(autoincrement: true)
t.column(.serverHash, .text)
t.column(.threadId, .text)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
.references(SessionThread.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if Thread deleted
t.column(.authorId, .text)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
t.column(.variant, .integer).notNull()
t.column(.body, .text)
t.column(.timestampMs, .integer)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
t.column(.receivedAtTimestampMs, .integer).notNull()
t.column(.wasRead, .boolean)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
.defaults(to: false)
t.column(.expiresInSeconds, .double)
t.column(.expiresStartedAtMs, .double)
t.column(.linkPreviewUrl, .text)
t.column(.openGroupServerMessageId, .integer)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
t.column(.openGroupWhisperMods, .boolean)
.defaults(to: false)
t.column(.openGroupWhisperTo, .text)
/// Note: The below unique constraints are added to prevent messages being duplicated, we need
/// multiple constraints because `null` is not unique in SQLite which means any unique constraint
/// which contained a nullable column would not be seen as unique if the value is null (this is good to
/// avoid outgoing message from conflicting due to not having a `serverHash` but bad when different
/// columns are only unique in certain circumstances)
/// The values have the following behaviours:
/// Threads with variants: [`contact`, `closedGroup`]:
/// `threadId` - Unique per thread
/// `serverHash` - Unique per message for service-node-based messages
/// **Note:** Some InfoMessage's will have this intentionally left `null`
/// as we want to ignore any collisions and re-process them
/// `timestampMs` - Very low chance of collision (especially combined with other two)
/// Threads with variants: [`openGroup`]:
/// `threadId` - Unique per thread
/// `openGroupServerMessageId` - Unique for VisibleMessage's on an OpenGroup server
t.uniqueKey([.threadId, .serverHash, .timestampMs])
t.uniqueKey([.threadId, .openGroupServerMessageId])
try db.create(table: RecipientState.self) { t in
t.column(.interactionId, .integer)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
.references(Interaction.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if interaction deleted
t.column(.recipientId, .text)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
t.column(.state, .integer)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
t.column(.readTimestampMs, .double)
t.column(.mostRecentFailureText, .text)
// We want to ensure that a recipient can only have a single state for
// each interaction
t.primaryKey([.interactionId, .recipientId])
try db.create(table: Attachment.self) { t in
t.column(.id, .text)
t.column(.serverId, .text)
t.column(.variant, .integer).notNull()
t.column(.state, .integer)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
t.column(.contentType, .text).notNull()
t.column(.byteCount, .integer)
.defaults(to: 0)
t.column(.creationTimestamp, .double)
t.column(.sourceFilename, .text)
t.column(.downloadUrl, .text)
t.column(.localRelativeFilePath, .text)
t.column(.width, .integer)
t.column(.height, .integer)
t.column(.duration, .double)
t.column(.isValid, .boolean)
.defaults(to: false)
t.column(.encryptionKey, .blob)
t.column(.digest, .blob)
t.column(.caption, .text)
try db.create(table: InteractionAttachment.self) { t in
t.column(.interactionId, .integer)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
.references(Interaction.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if interaction deleted
t.column(.attachmentId, .text)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
.references(Attachment.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if attachment deleted
try db.create(table: Quote.self) { t in
t.column(.interactionId, .integer)
.references(Interaction.self, onDelete: .cascade) // Delete if interaction deleted
t.column(.authorId, .text)
t.column(.timestampMs, .double).notNull()
t.column(.body, .text)
t.column(.attachmentId, .text)
.references(Attachment.self, onDelete: .setNull) // Clear if attachment deleted
try db.create(table: LinkPreview.self) { t in
t.column(.url, .text)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
t.column(.timestamp, .double)
.indexed() // Quicker querying
t.column(.variant, .integer).notNull()
t.column(.title, .text)
t.column(.attachmentId, .text)
.references(Attachment.self, onDelete: .setNull) // Clear if attachment deleted
t.primaryKey([.url, .timestamp])
try db.create(table: ControlMessageProcessRecord.self) { t in
t.column(.threadId, .text).notNull()
t.column(.sentTimestampMs, .integer).notNull()
t.column(.serverHash, .text).notNull()
t.column(.openGroupMessageServerId, .integer).notNull()
t.uniqueKey([.threadId, .sentTimestampMs, .serverHash, .openGroupMessageServerId])