
58 lines
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#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import "RemoteIOAudio.h"
#import "AnonymousAudioCallbackHandler.h"
#import "TestUtil.h"
@interface AudioRemoteIOTest : XCTestCase
@implementation AudioRemoteIOTest
// Disabled because won't work on Travis
-(void)___testPlaysAndRecordsAudio {
__block RemoteIOAudio* a = nil;
__block double t = 0;
id generateWhooOOOoooOOOOooOOOOoooSineWave = ^(NSUInteger requested, NSUInteger bytesRemaining) {
if (bytesRemaining < requested*10) {
int16_t wave[requested];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < requested; i++) {
wave[i] = (int16_t)(sin(t)*INT16_MAX);
double curFrequency = (sin(t/400)+1)/2*500+200;
@synchronized(a) {
t += 2*3.14159*curFrequency/a.getSampleRateInHertz;
[a populatePlaybackQueueWithData:[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:wave length:sizeof(wave) freeWhenDone:NO]];
__block int recordCount = 0;
id countCalls = ^(CyclicalBuffer *data) {
@synchronized(a) {
recordCount += 1;
TOCCancelTokenSource* life = [TOCCancelTokenSource new];
a = [RemoteIOAudio remoteIOInterfaceStartedWithDelegate:[AnonymousAudioCallbackHandler anonymousAudioInterfaceDelegateWithRecordingCallback:countCalls
// churn the run loop, to allow the audio to play and be recorded
// YOU SHOULD HEAR A WOOOoooOOOOoooOOO TONE WHILE THIS IS HAPPENING (with the frequency going up and down)
testChurnAndConditionMustStayTrue(true, 10);
@synchronized(a) {
// recorded something
test(recordCount > 0);
// played something
test(t > 0);
[life cancel];