2018-09-06 15:30:00 -04:00

979 lines
33 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import "TSAttachmentStream.h"
#import "MIMETypeUtil.h"
#import "NSData+Image.h"
#import "OWSFileSystem.h"
#import "TSAttachmentPointer.h"
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
#import <ImageIO/ImageIO.h>
#import <SignalServiceKit/SignalServiceKit-Swift.h>
#import <YapDatabase/YapDatabase.h>
const CGFloat kMaxVideoStillSize = 1 * 1024;
const NSUInteger kThumbnailDimensionPointsSmall = 300;
const NSUInteger kThumbnailDimensionPointsMedium = 800;
// This size is large enough to render full screen.
const NSUInteger ThumbnailDimensionPointsLarge() {
CGSize screenSizePoints = UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size;
return MAX(screenSizePoints.width, screenSizePoints.height);
@implementation TSAttachmentThumbnail
- (instancetype)initWithFilename:(NSString *)filename
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return self;
_filename = filename;
_size = size;
_thumbnailDimensionPoints = thumbnailDimensionPoints;
return self;
#pragma mark -
@interface TSAttachmentStream ()
// We only want to generate the file path for this attachment once, so that
// changes in the file path generation logic don't break existing attachments.
@property (nullable, nonatomic) NSString *localRelativeFilePath;
// These properties should only be accessed while synchronized on self.
@property (nullable, nonatomic) NSNumber *cachedImageWidth;
@property (nullable, nonatomic) NSNumber *cachedImageHeight;
// This property should only be accessed on the main thread.
@property (nullable, nonatomic) NSNumber *cachedAudioDurationSeconds;
// Optional property. Only set for attachments which need "lazy backup restore."
@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSString *lazyRestoreFragmentId;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSArray<TSAttachmentThumbnail *> *thumbnails;
#pragma mark -
@implementation TSAttachmentStream
- (instancetype)initWithContentType:(NSString *)contentType
sourceFilename:(nullable NSString *)sourceFilename
self = [super initWithContentType:contentType byteCount:byteCount sourceFilename:sourceFilename];
if (!self) {
return self;
self.isDownloaded = YES;
// TSAttachmentStream doesn't have any "incoming vs. outgoing"
// state, but this constructor is used only for new outgoing
// attachments which haven't been uploaded yet.
_isUploaded = NO;
_creationTimestamp = [NSDate new];
[self ensureFilePath];
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithPointer:(TSAttachmentPointer *)pointer
// Once saved, this AttachmentStream will replace the AttachmentPointer in the attachments collection.
self = [super initWithPointer:pointer];
if (!self) {
return self;
_contentType = pointer.contentType;
self.isDownloaded = YES;
// TSAttachmentStream doesn't have any "incoming vs. outgoing"
// state, but this constructor is used only for new incoming
// attachments which don't need to be uploaded.
_isUploaded = YES;
self.attachmentType = pointer.attachmentType;
_creationTimestamp = [NSDate new];
[self ensureFilePath];
return self;
- (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder
self = [super initWithCoder:coder];
if (!self) {
return self;
// OWS105AttachmentFilePaths will ensure the file path is saved if necessary.
[self ensureFilePath];
// OWS105AttachmentFilePaths will ensure the creation timestamp is saved if necessary.
if (!_creationTimestamp) {
_creationTimestamp = [NSDate new];
// This is going to be slow the first time it runs.
[self ensureLegacyThumbnail];
return self;
- (void)saveWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction
[super saveWithTransaction:transaction];
[self ensureLegacyThumbnail];
- (void)upgradeFromAttachmentSchemaVersion:(NSUInteger)attachmentSchemaVersion
[super upgradeFromAttachmentSchemaVersion:attachmentSchemaVersion];
if (attachmentSchemaVersion < 3) {
// We want to treat any legacy TSAttachmentStream as though
// they have already been uploaded. If it needs to be reuploaded,
// the OWSUploadingService will update this progress when the
// upload begins.
self.isUploaded = YES;
if (attachmentSchemaVersion < 4) {
// Legacy image sizes don't correctly reflect image orientation.
self.cachedImageWidth = nil;
self.cachedImageHeight = nil;
- (void)ensureFilePath
if (self.localRelativeFilePath) {
NSString *attachmentsFolder = [[self class] attachmentsFolder];
NSString *filePath = [MIMETypeUtil filePathForAttachment:self.uniqueId
if (!filePath) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Could not generate path for attachment.", self.logTag);
if (![filePath hasPrefix:attachmentsFolder]) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Attachment paths should all be in the attachments folder.", self.logTag);
NSString *localRelativeFilePath = [filePath substringFromIndex:attachmentsFolder.length];
if (localRelativeFilePath.length < 1) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Empty local relative attachment paths.", self.logTag);
self.localRelativeFilePath = localRelativeFilePath;
#pragma mark - File Management
- (nullable NSData *)readDataFromFileWithError:(NSError **)error
*error = nil;
NSString *_Nullable filePath = self.originalFilePath;
if (!filePath) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Missing path for attachment.", self.logTag);
return nil;
return [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath options:0 error:error];
- (BOOL)writeData:(NSData *)data error:(NSError **)error
*error = nil;
NSString *_Nullable filePath = self.originalFilePath;
if (!filePath) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Missing path for attachment.", self.logTag);
return NO;
DDLogInfo(@"%@ Writing attachment to file: %@", self.logTag, filePath);
return [data writeToFile:filePath options:0 error:error];
- (BOOL)writeDataSource:(DataSource *)dataSource
NSString *_Nullable filePath = self.originalFilePath;
if (!filePath) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Missing path for attachment.", self.logTag);
return NO;
DDLogInfo(@"%@ Writing attachment to file: %@", self.logTag, filePath);
return [dataSource writeToPath:filePath];
+ (NSString *)legacyAttachmentsDirPath
return [[OWSFileSystem appDocumentDirectoryPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Attachments"];
+ (NSString *)sharedDataAttachmentsDirPath
return [[OWSFileSystem appSharedDataDirectoryPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Attachments"];
+ (nullable NSError *)migrateToSharedData
DDLogInfo(@"%@ %s", self.logTag, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
return [OWSFileSystem moveAppFilePath:self.legacyAttachmentsDirPath
+ (NSString *)attachmentsFolder
static NSString *attachmentsFolder = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
attachmentsFolder = TSAttachmentStream.sharedDataAttachmentsDirPath;
[OWSFileSystem ensureDirectoryExists:attachmentsFolder];
return attachmentsFolder;
- (nullable NSString *)originalFilePath
if (!self.localRelativeFilePath) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Attachment missing local file path.", self.logTag);
return nil;
return [[[self class] attachmentsFolder] stringByAppendingPathComponent:self.localRelativeFilePath];
- (nullable NSString *)legacyThumbnailPath
NSString *filePath = self.originalFilePath;
if (!filePath) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Attachment missing local file path.", self.logTag);
return nil;
if (!self.isImage && !self.isVideo && !self.isAnimated) {
return nil;
NSString *filename = filePath.lastPathComponent.stringByDeletingPathExtension;
NSString *containingDir = filePath.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent;
NSString *newFilename = [filename stringByAppendingString:@"-signal-ios-thumbnail"];
return [[containingDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:newFilename] stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"jpg"];
- (nullable NSString *)pathForThumbnail:(TSAttachmentThumbnail *)thumbnail
NSString *filePath = self.originalFilePath;
if (!filePath) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Attachment missing local file path.", self.logTag);
return nil;
NSString *containingDir = filePath.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent;
return [containingDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:thumbnail.filename];
- (nullable NSURL *)originalMediaURL
NSString *_Nullable filePath = self.originalFilePath;
if (!filePath) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Missing path for attachment.", self.logTag);
return nil;
return [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath];
- (void)removeFileWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction
NSError *error;
for (TSAttachmentThumbnail *thumbnail in self.thumbnails) {
NSString *_Nullable thumbnailPath = [self pathForThumbnail:thumbnail];
if (thumbnailPath) {
BOOL success = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:thumbnailPath error:&error];
if (error || !success) {
DDLogError(@"%@ remove thumbnail failed with: %@", self.logTag, error);
NSString *_Nullable legacyThumbnailPath = self.legacyThumbnailPath;
if (legacyThumbnailPath) {
BOOL success = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:legacyThumbnailPath error:&error];
if (error || !success) {
DDLogError(@"%@ remove legacy thumbnail failed with: %@", self.logTag, error);
NSString *_Nullable filePath = self.originalFilePath;
if (!filePath) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Missing path for attachment.", self.logTag);
BOOL success = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:filePath error:&error];
if (error || !success) {
DDLogError(@"%@ remove file failed with: %@", self.logTag, error);
- (void)removeWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction
[super removeWithTransaction:transaction];
[self removeFileWithTransaction:transaction];
- (BOOL)isAnimated {
return [MIMETypeUtil isAnimated:self.contentType];
- (BOOL)isImage {
return [MIMETypeUtil isImage:self.contentType];
- (BOOL)isVideo {
return [MIMETypeUtil isVideo:self.contentType];
- (BOOL)isAudio {
return [MIMETypeUtil isAudio:self.contentType];
#pragma mark - Image Validation
- (BOOL)isValidImage
OWSAssert(self.isImage || self.isAnimated);
return [NSData ows_isValidImageAtPath:self.originalFilePath mimeType:self.contentType];
- (BOOL)isValidVideo
return [NSData ows_isValidVideoAtURL:self.originalMediaURL];
#pragma mark -
- (nullable UIImage *)originalImage
if ([self isVideo]) {
return [self videoStillImage];
} else if ([self isImage] || [self isAnimated]) {
NSURL *_Nullable mediaUrl = self.originalMediaURL;
if (!mediaUrl) {
return nil;
if (![self isValidImage]) {
return nil;
return [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:self.originalFilePath];
} else {
return nil;
- (nullable NSData *)validStillImageData
if ([self isVideo]) {
OWSFail(@"%@ in %s isVideo was unexpectedly true", self.logTag, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
return nil;
if ([self isAnimated]) {
OWSFail(@"%@ in %s isAnimated was unexpectedly true", self.logTag, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
return nil;
if (![NSData ows_isValidImageAtPath:self.originalFilePath mimeType:self.contentType]) {
OWSFail(@"%@ skipping invalid image", self.logTag);
return nil;
return [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:self.originalFilePath];
+ (BOOL)hasThumbnailForMimeType:(NSString *)contentType
return ([MIMETypeUtil isVideo:contentType] || [MIMETypeUtil isImage:contentType] ||
[MIMETypeUtil isAnimated:contentType]);
- (nullable NSData *)legacyThumbnailData
NSString *thumbnailPath = self.legacyThumbnailPath;
if (!thumbnailPath) {
OWSAssert(!self.isImage && !self.isVideo && !self.isAnimated);
return nil;
if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:thumbnailPath]) {
OWSFail(@"%@ missing thumbnail for attachmentId: %@", self.logTag, self.uniqueId);
return nil;
return [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:thumbnailPath];
- (void)ensureLegacyThumbnail
NSString *thumbnailPath = self.legacyThumbnailPath;
if (!thumbnailPath) {
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:thumbnailPath]) {
// already exists
if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:self.originalMediaURL.path]) {
DDLogError(@"%@ while generating thumbnail, source file doesn't exist: %@", self.logTag, self.originalMediaURL);
// If we're not lazy-restoring this message, the attachment should exist on disk.
// TODO proper resolution?
CGFloat thumbnailSize = 200;
UIImage *_Nullable result;
if (self.isImage || self.isAnimated) {
if (![self isValidImage]) {
@"%@ skipping thumbnail generation for invalid image at path: %@", self.logTag, self.originalFilePath);
CGImageSourceRef imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL((__bridge CFURLRef)self.originalMediaURL, NULL);
OWSAssert(imageSource != NULL);
NSDictionary *imageOptions = @{
(NSString const *)kCGImageSourceCreateThumbnailFromImageIfAbsent : (NSNumber const *)kCFBooleanTrue,
(NSString const *)kCGImageSourceThumbnailMaxPixelSize : @(thumbnailSize),
(NSString const *)kCGImageSourceCreateThumbnailWithTransform : (NSNumber const *)kCFBooleanTrue
CGImageRef thumbnail
= CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex(imageSource, 0, (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)imageOptions);
result = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:thumbnail];
} else if (self.isVideo) {
if (![self isValidVideo]) {
DDLogWarn(@"%@ skipping thumbnail for invalid video at path: %@", self.logTag, self.originalFilePath);
result = [self videoStillImageWithMaxSize:CGSizeMake(thumbnailSize, thumbnailSize)];
} else {
OWSFail(@"%@ trying to generate thumnail for unexpected attachment: %@ of type: %@",
if (result == nil) {
DDLogError(@"Unable to build thumbnail for attachmentId: %@", self.uniqueId);
NSData *thumbnailData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(result, 0.9);
OWSAssert(thumbnailData.length > 0);
DDLogDebug(@"%@ generated thumbnail with size: %lu", self.logTag, (unsigned long)thumbnailData.length);
[thumbnailData writeToFile:thumbnailPath atomically:YES];
- (nullable UIImage *)videoStillImage
if (![self isValidVideo]) {
return nil;
// Uses the assets intrinsic size by default
return [self videoStillImageWithMaxSize:CGSizeMake(kMaxVideoStillSize, kMaxVideoStillSize)];
- (nullable UIImage *)videoStillImageWithMaxSize:(CGSize)maxSize
maxSize.width = MIN(maxSize.width, kMaxVideoStillSize);
maxSize.height = MIN(maxSize.height, kMaxVideoStillSize);
NSURL *_Nullable mediaUrl = self.originalMediaURL;
if (!mediaUrl) {
return nil;
AVURLAsset *asset = [[AVURLAsset alloc] initWithURL:mediaUrl options:nil];
AVAssetImageGenerator *generator = [[AVAssetImageGenerator alloc] initWithAsset:asset];
generator.maximumSize = maxSize;
generator.appliesPreferredTrackTransform = YES;
NSError *err = NULL;
CMTime time = CMTimeMake(1, 60);
CGImageRef imgRef = [generator copyCGImageAtTime:time actualTime:NULL error:&err];
if (imgRef == NULL) {
DDLogError(@"Could not generate video still: %@", self.originalFilePath.pathExtension);
return nil;
return [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:imgRef];
+ (void)deleteAttachments
NSError *error;
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:self.attachmentsFolder];
NSArray<NSURL *> *contents =
[fileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:fileURL includingPropertiesForKeys:nil options:0 error:&error];
if (error) {
OWSFail(@"failed to get contents of attachments folder: %@ with error: %@", self.attachmentsFolder, error);
for (NSURL *url in contents) {
[fileManager removeItemAtURL:url error:&error];
if (error) {
OWSFail(@"failed to remove item at path: %@ with error: %@", url, error);
- (CGSize)calculateImageSize
if ([self isVideo]) {
if (![self isValidVideo]) {
return CGSizeZero;
return [self videoStillImage].size;
} else if ([self isImage] || [self isAnimated]) {
NSURL *_Nullable mediaUrl = self.originalMediaURL;
if (!mediaUrl) {
return CGSizeZero;
if (![self isValidImage]) {
return CGSizeZero;
// With CGImageSource we avoid loading the whole image into memory.
CGImageSourceRef source = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL((CFURLRef)mediaUrl, NULL);
if (!source) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Could not load image: %@", self.logTag, mediaUrl);
return CGSizeZero;
NSDictionary *options = @{
(NSString *)kCGImageSourceShouldCache : @(NO),
NSDictionary *properties
= (__bridge_transfer NSDictionary *)CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(source, 0, (CFDictionaryRef)options);
CGSize imageSize = CGSizeZero;
if (properties) {
NSNumber *orientation = properties[(NSString *)kCGImagePropertyOrientation];
NSNumber *width = properties[(NSString *)kCGImagePropertyPixelWidth];
NSNumber *height = properties[(NSString *)kCGImagePropertyPixelHeight];
if (width && height) {
imageSize = CGSizeMake(width.floatValue, height.floatValue);
if (orientation) {
imageSize =
[self applyImageOrientation:(UIImageOrientation)orientation.intValue toImageSize:imageSize];
} else {
OWSFail(@"%@ Could not determine size of image: %@", self.logTag, mediaUrl);
return imageSize;
} else {
return CGSizeZero;
- (CGSize)applyImageOrientation:(UIImageOrientation)orientation toImageSize:(CGSize)imageSize
switch (orientation) {
case UIImageOrientationUp: // EXIF = 1
case UIImageOrientationUpMirrored: // EXIF = 2
case UIImageOrientationDown: // EXIF = 3
case UIImageOrientationDownMirrored: // EXIF = 4
return imageSize;
case UIImageOrientationLeftMirrored: // EXIF = 5
case UIImageOrientationLeft: // EXIF = 6
case UIImageOrientationRightMirrored: // EXIF = 7
case UIImageOrientationRight: // EXIF = 8
return CGSizeMake(imageSize.height, imageSize.width);
return imageSize;
- (BOOL)shouldHaveImageSize
return ([self isVideo] || [self isImage] || [self isAnimated]);
- (CGSize)imageSize
if (self.cachedImageWidth && self.cachedImageHeight) {
return CGSizeMake(self.cachedImageWidth.floatValue, self.cachedImageHeight.floatValue);
CGSize imageSize = [self calculateImageSize];
if (imageSize.width <= 0 || imageSize.height <= 0) {
return CGSizeZero;
self.cachedImageWidth = @(imageSize.width);
self.cachedImageHeight = @(imageSize.height);
[self.dbReadWriteConnection asyncReadWriteWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction) {
NSString *collection = [[self class] collection];
TSAttachmentStream *latestInstance = [transaction objectForKey:self.uniqueId inCollection:collection];
if (latestInstance) {
latestInstance.cachedImageWidth = @(imageSize.width);
latestInstance.cachedImageHeight = @(imageSize.height);
[latestInstance saveWithTransaction:transaction];
} else {
// This message has not yet been saved or has been deleted; do nothing.
// This isn't an error per se, but these race conditions should be
// _very_ rare.
OWSFail(@"%@ Attachment not yet saved.", self.logTag);
return imageSize;
- (CGFloat)calculateAudioDurationSeconds
OWSAssert([self isAudio]);
NSError *error;
AVAudioPlayer *audioPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:self.originalMediaURL error:&error];
if (error && [error.domain isEqualToString:NSOSStatusErrorDomain]
&& (error.code == kAudioFileInvalidFileError || error.code == kAudioFileStreamError_InvalidFile)) {
// Ignore "invalid audio file" errors.
return 0.f;
if (!error) {
return (CGFloat)[audioPlayer duration];
} else {
DDLogError(@"Could not find audio duration: %@", self.originalMediaURL);
return 0;
- (CGFloat)audioDurationSeconds
if (self.cachedAudioDurationSeconds) {
return self.cachedAudioDurationSeconds.floatValue;
CGFloat audioDurationSeconds = [self calculateAudioDurationSeconds];
self.cachedAudioDurationSeconds = @(audioDurationSeconds);
[self.dbReadWriteConnection asyncReadWriteWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction) {
NSString *collection = [[self class] collection];
TSAttachmentStream *latestInstance = [transaction objectForKey:self.uniqueId inCollection:collection];
if (latestInstance) {
latestInstance.cachedAudioDurationSeconds = @(audioDurationSeconds);
[latestInstance saveWithTransaction:transaction];
} else {
// This message has not yet been saved or has been deleted; do nothing.
// This isn't an error per se, but these race conditions should be
// _very_ rare.
OWSFail(@"%@ Attachment not yet saved.", self.logTag);
return audioDurationSeconds;
- (nullable OWSBackupFragment *)lazyRestoreFragment
if (!self.lazyRestoreFragmentId) {
return nil;
return [OWSBackupFragment fetchObjectWithUniqueID:self.lazyRestoreFragmentId];
- (BOOL)isOversizeText
return [self.contentType isEqualToString:OWSMimeTypeOversizeTextMessage];
- (nullable NSString *)readOversizeText
if (!self.isOversizeText) {
OWSFail(@"%@ oversize text attachment has unexpected content type.", self.logTag);
return nil;
NSError *error;
NSData *_Nullable data = [self readDataFromFileWithError:&error];
if (error || !data) {
OWSFail(@"%@ could not read oversize text attachment: %@.", self.logTag, error);
return nil;
NSString *_Nullable string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return string;
#pragma mark - Thumbnails
- (nullable UIImage *)thumbnailImageWithSizeHint:(CGSize)sizeHint completion:(OWSThumbnailCompletion)completion
CGFloat maxDimensionHint = MAX(sizeHint.width, sizeHint.height);
NSUInteger thumbnailDimensionPoints;
if (maxDimensionHint <= kThumbnailDimensionPointsSmall) {
thumbnailDimensionPoints = kThumbnailDimensionPointsSmall;
} else if (maxDimensionHint <= kThumbnailDimensionPointsMedium) {
thumbnailDimensionPoints = kThumbnailDimensionPointsMedium;
} else {
thumbnailDimensionPoints = ThumbnailDimensionPointsLarge();
return [self thumbnailImageWithThumbnailDimensionPoints:thumbnailDimensionPoints completion:completion];
- (nullable UIImage *)thumbnailImageSmallWithCompletion:(OWSThumbnailCompletion)completion
return [self thumbnailImageWithThumbnailDimensionPoints:kThumbnailDimensionPointsSmall completion:completion];
- (nullable UIImage *)thumbnailImageMediumWithCompletion:(OWSThumbnailCompletion)completion
return [self thumbnailImageWithThumbnailDimensionPoints:kThumbnailDimensionPointsMedium completion:completion];
- (nullable UIImage *)thumbnailImageLargeWithCompletion:(OWSThumbnailCompletion)completion
return [self thumbnailImageWithThumbnailDimensionPoints:ThumbnailDimensionPointsLarge() completion:completion];
- (nullable UIImage *)thumbnailImageWithThumbnailDimensionPoints:(NSUInteger)thumbnailDimensionPoints
CGSize originalSize = self.imageSize;
if (originalSize.width < 1 || originalSize.height < 1) {
return nil;
if (originalSize.width <= thumbnailDimensionPoints || originalSize.height <= thumbnailDimensionPoints) {
// There's no point in generating a thumbnail if the original is smaller than the
// thumbnail size.
return self.originalImage;
for (TSAttachmentThumbnail *thumbnail in self.thumbnails) {
if (thumbnail.thumbnailDimensionPoints != thumbnailDimensionPoints) {
NSString *_Nullable thumbnailPath = [self pathForThumbnail:thumbnail];
if (!thumbnailPath) {
OWSFail(@"Missing thumbnail path.");
UIImage *_Nullable image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:thumbnailPath];
return image;
[OWSThumbnailService.shared ensureThumbnailForAttachmentIdWithAttachmentId:self.uniqueId
return nil;
#pragma mark - Update With... Methods
- (void)markForLazyRestoreWithFragment:(OWSBackupFragment *)lazyRestoreFragment
transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction
if (!lazyRestoreFragment.uniqueId) {
// If metadata hasn't been saved yet, save now.
[lazyRestoreFragment saveWithTransaction:transaction];
[self applyChangeToSelfAndLatestCopy:transaction
changeBlock:^(TSAttachmentStream *attachment) {
[attachment setLazyRestoreFragmentId:lazyRestoreFragment.uniqueId];
- (void)updateWithLazyRestoreComplete
[self.dbReadWriteConnection readWriteWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction) {
[self applyChangeToSelfAndLatestCopy:transaction
changeBlock:^(TSAttachmentStream *attachment) {
[attachment setLazyRestoreFragmentId:nil];
- (nullable TSAttachmentStream *)cloneAsThumbnail
NSData *thumbnailData = self.legacyThumbnailData;
// Only some media types have thumbnails
if (!thumbnailData) {
return nil;
// Copy the thumbnail to a new attachment.
NSString *thumbnailName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"quoted-thumbnail-%@", self.sourceFilename];
TSAttachmentStream *thumbnailAttachment =
[[TSAttachmentStream alloc] initWithContentType:OWSMimeTypeImageJpeg
NSError *error;
BOOL success = [thumbnailAttachment writeData:thumbnailData error:&error];
if (!success || error) {
DDLogError(@"%@ Couldn't copy attachment data for message sent to self: %@.", self.logTag, error);
return nil;
return thumbnailAttachment;
- (void)updateWithNewThumbnail:(NSString *)tempFilePath
transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction
OWSAssert(tempFilePath.length > 0);
OWSAssert(thumbnailDimensionPoints > 0);
OWSAssert(size.width > 0 && size.height);
NSString *filename = tempFilePath.lastPathComponent;
NSString *containingDir = self.originalFilePath.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent;
NSString *filePath = [containingDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:filename];
NSError *_Nullable error;
BOOL success = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:tempFilePath toPath:filePath error:&error];
if (error || !success) {
OWSFail(@"Could not move new thumbnail image: %@.", error);
TSAttachmentThumbnail *newThumbnail = [[TSAttachmentThumbnail alloc] initWithFilename:filename
[self applyChangeToSelfAndLatestCopy:transaction
changeBlock:^(TSAttachmentStream *attachment) {
NSMutableArray<TSAttachmentThumbnail *> *thumbnails
= (attachment.thumbnails ? [attachment.thumbnails mutableCopy]
: [NSMutableArray new]);
[thumbnails addObject:newThumbnail];
[attachment setThumbnails:thumbnails];
// MARK: Protobuf serialization
+ (nullable SSKProtoAttachmentPointer *)buildProtoForAttachmentId:(nullable NSString *)attachmentId
OWSAssert(attachmentId.length > 0);
// TODO we should past in a transaction, rather than sneakily generate one in `fetch...` to make sure we're
// getting a consistent view in the message sending process. A brief glance shows it touches quite a bit of code,
// but should be straight forward.
TSAttachment *attachment = [TSAttachmentStream fetchObjectWithUniqueID:attachmentId];
if (![attachment isKindOfClass:[TSAttachmentStream class]]) {
DDLogError(@"Unexpected type for attachment builder: %@", attachment);
return nil;
TSAttachmentStream *attachmentStream = (TSAttachmentStream *)attachment;
return [attachmentStream buildProto];
- (nullable SSKProtoAttachmentPointer *)buildProto
SSKProtoAttachmentPointerBuilder *builder = [SSKProtoAttachmentPointerBuilder new]; = self.serverId;
OWSAssert(self.contentType.length > 0);
builder.contentType = self.contentType;
DDLogVerbose(@"%@ Sending attachment with filename: '%@'", self.logTag, self.sourceFilename);
builder.fileName = self.sourceFilename;
builder.size = self.byteCount;
builder.key = self.encryptionKey;
builder.digest = self.digest;
builder.flags = self.isVoiceMessage ? SSKProtoAttachmentPointerFlagsVoiceMessage : 0;
if (self.shouldHaveImageSize) {
CGSize imageSize = self.imageSize;
if (imageSize.width < NSIntegerMax && imageSize.height < NSIntegerMax) {
NSInteger imageWidth = (NSInteger)round(imageSize.width);
NSInteger imageHeight = (NSInteger)round(imageSize.height);
if (imageWidth > 0 && imageHeight > 0) {
builder.width = (UInt32)imageWidth;
builder.height = (UInt32)imageHeight;
NSError *error;
SSKProtoAttachmentPointer *_Nullable attachmentProto = [builder buildAndReturnError:&error];
if (error || !attachmentProto) {
OWSFail(@"%@ could not build protobuf: %@", self.logTag, error);
return nil;
return attachmentProto;