Morgan Pretty 3514ed4f50 Updated the JobRunner to have multiple job queues (needs more testing)
Added a backoff to the Poller retry
Updated the "blocking" behaviour of the JobRunner
Tweaked the Job dependency handling to better handle orphaned dependencies
Fixed an issue where the Conversation screen wasn't observing database changes
2022-05-28 17:25:38 +10:00

935 lines
38 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
// MARK: - PagedDatabaseObserver
/// This type manages observation and paging for the provided dataQuery
/// **Note:** We **MUST** have accurate `filterSQL` and `orderSQL` values otherwise the indexing won't work
public class PagedDatabaseObserver<ObservedTable, T>: TransactionObserver where ObservedTable: TableRecord & ColumnExpressible & Identifiable, T: FetchableRecordWithRowId & Identifiable {
// MARK: - Variables
private let pagedTableName: String
private let idColumnName: String
private var pageInfo: Atomic<PagedData.PageInfo>
private let allObservedTableNames: Set<String>
private let observedInserts: Set<String>
private let observedUpdateColumns: [String: Set<String>]
private let observedDeletes: Set<String>
private let joinSQL: SQL?
private let filterSQL: SQL
private let orderSQL: SQL
private let dataQuery: (SQL?, SQL?) -> AdaptedFetchRequest<SQLRequest<T>>
private let associatedRecords: [ErasedAssociatedRecord]
private var dataCache: Atomic<DataCache<T>> = Atomic(DataCache())
private var isLoadingMoreData: Atomic<Bool> = Atomic(false)
private let changesInCommit: Atomic<Set<PagedData.TrackedChange>> = Atomic([])
private let onChangeUnsorted: (([T], PagedData.PageInfo) -> ())
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(
pagedTable: ObservedTable.Type,
pageSize: Int,
idColumn: ObservedTable.Columns,
observedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges],
joinSQL: SQL? = nil,
filterSQL: SQL,
orderSQL: SQL,
dataQuery: @escaping (SQL?, SQL?) -> AdaptedFetchRequest<SQLRequest<T>>,
associatedRecords: [ErasedAssociatedRecord] = [],
onChangeUnsorted: @escaping ([T], PagedData.PageInfo) -> ()
) {
let associatedTables: Set<String> = { $0.databaseTableName }.asSet()
assert(!associatedTables.contains(pagedTable.databaseTableName), "The paged table cannot also exist as an associatedRecord")
self.pagedTableName = pagedTable.databaseTableName
self.idColumnName =
self.pageInfo = Atomic(PagedData.PageInfo(pageSize: pageSize))
self.joinSQL = joinSQL
self.filterSQL = filterSQL
self.orderSQL = orderSQL
self.dataQuery = dataQuery
self.associatedRecords = associatedRecords
self.onChangeUnsorted = onChangeUnsorted
// Combine the various observed changes into a single set
let allObservedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges] = observedChanges
.appending(contentsOf: associatedRecords.flatMap { $0.observedChanges })
self.allObservedTableNames = allObservedChanges
.map { $0.databaseTableName }
self.observedInserts = allObservedChanges
.filter { $ }
.map { $0.databaseTableName }
self.observedUpdateColumns = allObservedChanges
.filter { $ }
.reduce(into: [:]) { (prev: inout [String: Set<String>], next: PagedData.ObservedChanges) in
guard !next.columns.isEmpty else { return }
prev[next.databaseTableName] = next.columns.asSet()
self.observedDeletes = allObservedChanges
.filter { $ }
.map { $0.databaseTableName }
// MARK: - TransactionObserver
public func observes(eventsOfKind eventKind: DatabaseEventKind) -> Bool {
switch eventKind {
case .insert(let tableName): return self.observedInserts.contains(tableName)
case .delete(let tableName): return self.observedDeletes.contains(tableName)
case .update(let tableName, let columnNames):
return (self.observedUpdateColumns[tableName]?
.isEmpty == false)
public func databaseDidChange(with event: DatabaseEvent) {
// This will get called whenever the `observes(eventsOfKind:)` returns
// true and will include all changes which occurred in the commit so we
// need to ignore any non-observed tables, unfortunately we also won't
// know if the changes to observed tables are actually relevant yet as
// changes only include table and column info at this stage
guard allObservedTableNames.contains(event.tableName) else { return }
// The 'event' object only exists during this method so we need to copy the info
// from it, otherwise it will cease to exist after this metod call finishes
changesInCommit.mutate { $0.insert(PagedData.TrackedChange(event: event)) }
// Note: We will process all updates which come through this method even if
// 'onChange' is null because if the UI stops observing and then starts again
// later we don't want to have missed any changes which happened while the UI
// wasn't subscribed (and doing a full re-query seems painful...)
public func databaseDidCommit(_ db: Database) {
var committedChanges: Set<PagedData.TrackedChange> = []
self.changesInCommit.mutate { cachedChanges in
committedChanges = cachedChanges
// Note: This method will be called regardless of whether there were actually changes
// in the areas we are observing so we want to early-out if there aren't any relevant
// updated rows
guard !committedChanges.isEmpty else { return }
let orderSQL: SQL = self.orderSQL
let filterSQL: SQL = self.filterSQL
let associatedRecords: [ErasedAssociatedRecord] = self.associatedRecords
let updateDataAndCallbackIfNeeded: (DataCache<T>, PagedData.PageInfo, Bool) -> () = { [weak self] updatedDataCache, updatedPageInfo, cacheHasChanges in
let associatedDataInfo: [(hasChanges: Bool, data: ErasedAssociatedRecord)] = associatedRecords
.map { associatedRecord in
let hasChanges: Bool = associatedRecord.tryUpdateForDatabaseCommit(
changes: committedChanges,
orderSQL: orderSQL,
filterSQL: filterSQL,
pageInfo: updatedPageInfo
return (hasChanges, associatedRecord)
// Check if we need to trigger a change callback
guard cacheHasChanges || associatedDataInfo.contains(where: { hasChanges, _ in hasChanges }) else {
// If the associated data changed then update the updatedCachedData with the
// updated associated data
var finalUpdatedDataCache: DataCache<T> = updatedDataCache
associatedDataInfo.forEach { hasChanges, associatedData in
guard cacheHasChanges || hasChanges else { return }
finalUpdatedDataCache = associatedData.attachAssociatedData(to: finalUpdatedDataCache)
// Update the cache, pageInfo and the change callback
self?.dataCache.mutate { $0 = finalUpdatedDataCache }
self?.pageInfo.mutate { $0 = updatedPageInfo }
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.onChangeUnsorted(finalUpdatedDataCache.values, updatedPageInfo)
// Determing if there were any relevant paged data changes
let relevantChanges: Set<PagedData.TrackedChange> = committedChanges
.filter { $0.tableName == pagedTableName }
guard !relevantChanges.isEmpty else {
updateDataAndCallbackIfNeeded(self.dataCache.wrappedValue, self.pageInfo.wrappedValue, false)
var updatedPageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo = self.pageInfo.wrappedValue
var updatedDataCache: DataCache<T> = self.dataCache.wrappedValue
let deletionChanges: [Int64] = relevantChanges
.filter { $0.kind == .delete }
.map { $0.rowId }
let oldDataCount: Int = dataCache.wrappedValue.count
// First remove any items which have been deleted
if !deletionChanges.isEmpty {
updatedDataCache = updatedDataCache.deleting(rowIds: deletionChanges)
// Make sure there were actually changes
if updatedDataCache.count != oldDataCount {
let dataSizeDiff: Int = (updatedDataCache.count - oldDataCount)
updatedPageInfo = PagedData.PageInfo(
pageSize: updatedPageInfo.pageSize,
pageOffset: updatedPageInfo.pageOffset,
currentCount: (updatedPageInfo.currentCount + dataSizeDiff),
totalCount: (updatedPageInfo.totalCount + dataSizeDiff)
// If there are no inserted/updated rows then trigger the update callback and stop here
let rowIdsToQuery: [Int64] = committedChanges
.filter { $0.kind != .delete }
.map { $0.rowId }
guard !rowIdsToQuery.isEmpty else {
updateDataAndCallbackIfNeeded(updatedDataCache, updatedPageInfo, !deletionChanges.isEmpty)
// Fetch the indexes of the rowIds so we can determine whether they should be added to the screen
let itemIndexes: [Int64] = PagedData.indexes(
rowIds: rowIdsToQuery,
tableName: pagedTableName,
orderSQL: orderSQL,
filterSQL: filterSQL
// Determine if the indexes for the row ids should be displayed on the screen and remove any
// which shouldn't - values less than 'currentCount' or if there is at least one value less than
// 'currentCount' and the indexes are sequential (ie. more than the current loaded content was
// added at once)
let itemIndexesAreSequential: Bool = ( { $0 - 1 }.dropFirst() == itemIndexes.dropLast())
let hasOneValidIndex: Bool = itemIndexes.contains(where: { $0 < updatedPageInfo.currentCount })
let validRowIds: [Int64] = (itemIndexesAreSequential && hasOneValidIndex ?
rowIdsToQuery :
zip(itemIndexes, rowIdsToQuery)
.filter { index, _ -> Bool in index < updatedPageInfo.currentCount }
.map { _, rowId -> Int64 in rowId }
// If there are no valid attachment row ids then stop here
guard !validRowIds.isEmpty else {
updateDataAndCallbackIfNeeded(updatedDataCache, updatedPageInfo, !deletionChanges.isEmpty)
// Fetch the inserted/updated rows
let additionalFilters: SQL = SQL(validRowIds.contains(Column.rowID))
let updatedItems: [T] = (try? dataQuery(additionalFilters, nil)
.defaulting(to: [])
// If the inserted/updated rows we irrelevant (associated to data which doesn't pass
// the filter) then trigger the update callback (if there were deletions) and stop here
guard !updatedItems.isEmpty else {
updateDataAndCallbackIfNeeded(updatedDataCache, updatedPageInfo, !deletionChanges.isEmpty)
// Process the upserted data
updatedDataCache = updatedDataCache.upserting(items: updatedItems)
// Update the page info for the upserted data
let dataSizeDiff: Int = (updatedDataCache.count - oldDataCount)
updatedPageInfo = PagedData.PageInfo(
pageSize: updatedPageInfo.pageSize,
pageOffset: updatedPageInfo.pageOffset,
currentCount: (updatedPageInfo.currentCount + dataSizeDiff),
totalCount: (updatedPageInfo.totalCount + dataSizeDiff)
updateDataAndCallbackIfNeeded(updatedDataCache, updatedPageInfo, true)
public func databaseDidRollback(_ db: Database) {}
// MARK: - Functions
fileprivate func load(_ target: PagedData.PageInfo.InternalTarget) {
// Only allow a single page load at a time
guard !self.isLoadingMoreData.wrappedValue else { return }
// Prevent more fetching until we have completed adding the page
self.isLoadingMoreData.mutate { $0 = true }
let currentPageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo = self.pageInfo.wrappedValue
if case .initialPageAround(_) = target, currentPageInfo.currentCount > 0 {
SNLog("Unable to load initialPageAround if there is already data")
// Store locally to avoid giant capture code
let pagedTableName: String = self.pagedTableName
let idColumnName: String = self.idColumnName
let joinSQL: SQL? = self.joinSQL
let filterSQL: SQL = self.filterSQL
let orderSQL: SQL = self.orderSQL
let dataQuery: (SQL?, SQL?) -> AdaptedFetchRequest<SQLRequest<T>> = self.dataQuery
let loadedPage: (data: [T]?, pageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo)? = { [weak self] db in
let totalCount: Int = try dataQuery(filterSQL, nil)
let queryInfo: (limit: Int, offset: Int, updatedCacheOffset: Int)? = {
switch target {
case .initialPageAround(let targetId):
// If we want to focus on a specific item then we need to find it's index in
// the queried data
let maybeIndex: Int? = PagedData.index(
for: targetId,
tableName: pagedTableName,
idColumn: idColumnName,
requiredJoinSQL: joinSQL,
orderSQL: orderSQL,
filterSQL: filterSQL
// If we couldn't find the targetId then just load the first page
guard let targetIndex: Int = maybeIndex else {
return (currentPageInfo.pageSize, 0, 0)
let updatedOffset: Int = {
// If the focused item is within the first or last half of the page
// then we still want to retrieve a full page so calculate the offset
// needed to do so (snapping to the ends)
let halfPageSize: Int = Int(floor(Double(currentPageInfo.pageSize) / 2))
guard targetIndex > halfPageSize else { return 0 }
guard targetIndex < (totalCount - halfPageSize) else {
return (totalCount - currentPageInfo.pageSize)
return (targetIndex - halfPageSize)
return (currentPageInfo.pageSize, updatedOffset, updatedOffset)
case .pageBefore:
let updatedOffset: Int = max(0, (currentPageInfo.pageOffset - currentPageInfo.pageSize))
return (
case .pageAfter:
return (
(currentPageInfo.pageOffset + currentPageInfo.currentCount),
case .untilInclusive(let targetId, let padding):
// If we want to focus on a specific item then we need to find it's index in
// the queried data
let maybeIndex: Int? = PagedData.index(
for: targetId,
tableName: pagedTableName,
idColumn: idColumnName,
orderSQL: orderSQL,
filterSQL: filterSQL
let cacheCurrentEndIndex: Int = (currentPageInfo.pageOffset + currentPageInfo.currentCount)
// If we couldn't find the targetId or it's already in the cache then do nothing
let targetIndex: Int ={ max(0, min(totalCount, $0)) }),
targetIndex < currentPageInfo.pageOffset ||
targetIndex > cacheCurrentEndIndex
else { return nil }
// If the target is before the cached data then load before
if targetIndex < currentPageInfo.pageOffset {
let finalIndex: Int = max(0, (targetIndex - abs(padding)))
return (
(currentPageInfo.pageOffset - finalIndex),
// Otherwise load after
let finalIndex: Int = min(totalCount, (targetIndex + abs(padding)))
return (
(finalIndex - cacheCurrentEndIndex),
// If there is no queryOffset then we already have the data we need so
// early-out (may as well update the 'totalCount' since it may be relevant)
guard let queryInfo: (limit: Int, offset: Int, updatedCacheOffset: Int) = queryInfo else {
return (
pageSize: currentPageInfo.pageSize,
pageOffset: currentPageInfo.pageOffset,
currentCount: currentPageInfo.currentCount,
totalCount: totalCount
// Fetch the desired data
let limitSQL: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: "LIMIT \(queryInfo.limit) OFFSET \(queryInfo.offset)")
let newData: [T] = try dataQuery(filterSQL, limitSQL)
let updatedLimitInfo: PagedData.PageInfo = PagedData.PageInfo(
pageSize: currentPageInfo.pageSize,
pageOffset: queryInfo.updatedCacheOffset,
currentCount: (currentPageInfo.currentCount + newData.count),
totalCount: totalCount
// Update the associatedRecords for the newly retrieved data
self?.associatedRecords.forEach { record in
rowIds: PagedData.associatedRowIds(
tableName: record.databaseTableName,
pagedTableName: pagedTableName,
pagedTypeRowIds: { $0.rowId },
joinToPagedType: record.joinToPagedType
hasOtherChanges: false
return (newData, updatedLimitInfo)
// Unwrap the updated data
let loadedPageData: [T] = loadedPage?.data,
let updatedPageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo = loadedPage?.pageInfo
else {
// It's possible to get updated page info without having updated data, in that case
// we do want to update the cache but probably don't need to trigger the change callback
if let updatedPageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo = loadedPage?.pageInfo {
self.pageInfo.mutate { $0 = updatedPageInfo }
self.isLoadingMoreData.mutate { $0 = false }
// Attach any associated data to the loadedPageData
var associatedLoadedData: DataCache<T> = DataCache(items: loadedPageData)
self.associatedRecords.forEach { record in
associatedLoadedData = record.attachAssociatedData(to: associatedLoadedData)
// Update the cache and pageInfo
self.dataCache.mutate { $0 = $0.upserting(items: associatedLoadedData.values) }
self.pageInfo.mutate { $0 = updatedPageInfo }
let triggerUpdates: () -> () = { [weak self, dataCache = self.dataCache.wrappedValue] in
self?.onChangeUnsorted(dataCache.values, updatedPageInfo)
self?.isLoadingMoreData.mutate { $0 = false }
// Make sure the updates run on the main thread
guard Thread.isMainThread else {
DispatchQueue.main.async { triggerUpdates() }
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension PagedDatabaseObserver {
convenience init(
pagedTable: ObservedTable.Type,
pageSize: Int,
idColumn: ObservedTable.Columns,
observedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges],
joinSQL: SQL? = nil,
filterSQL: SQL,
orderSQL: SQL,
dataQuery: @escaping (SQL?, SQL?) -> SQLRequest<T>,
associatedRecords: [ErasedAssociatedRecord] = [],
onChangeUnsorted: @escaping ([T], PagedData.PageInfo) -> ()
) {
pagedTable: pagedTable,
pageSize: pageSize,
idColumn: idColumn,
observedChanges: observedChanges,
joinSQL: joinSQL,
filterSQL: filterSQL,
orderSQL: orderSQL,
dataQuery: { additionalFilters, limit in
dataQuery(additionalFilters, limit).adapted { _ in ScopeAdapter([:]) }
associatedRecords: associatedRecords,
onChangeUnsorted: onChangeUnsorted
func load(_ target: PagedData.PageInfo.Target<ObservedTable.ID>) where ObservedTable.ID: SQLExpressible {
func load<ID>(_ target: PagedData.PageInfo.Target<ID>) where ObservedTable.ID == Optional<ID>, ID: SQLExpressible {
// MARK: - FetchableRecordWithRowId
public protocol FetchableRecordWithRowId: FetchableRecord {
var rowId: Int64 { get }
// MARK: - ErasedAssociatedRecord
public protocol ErasedAssociatedRecord {
var databaseTableName: String { get }
var observedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges] { get }
var joinToPagedType: SQL { get }
func tryUpdateForDatabaseCommit(
_ db: Database,
changes: Set<PagedData.TrackedChange>,
orderSQL: SQL,
filterSQL: SQL,
pageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo
) -> Bool
@discardableResult func updateCache(_ db: Database, rowIds: [Int64], hasOtherChanges: Bool) -> Bool
func attachAssociatedData<O>(to unassociatedCache: DataCache<O>) -> DataCache<O>
// MARK: - DataCache
public struct DataCache<T: FetchableRecordWithRowId & Identifiable> {
/// This is a map of `[RowId: Value]`
public let data: [Int64: T]
/// This is a map of `[(Identifiable)id: RowId]` and can be used to find the RowId for
/// a cached value given it's `Identifiable` `id` value
public let lookup: [AnyHashable: Int64]
public var count: Int { data.count }
public var values: [T] { Array(data.values) }
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(
data: [Int64: T] = [:],
lookup: [AnyHashable: Int64] = [:]
) { = data
self.lookup = lookup
fileprivate init(items: [T]) {
self = DataCache().upserting(items: items)
// MARK: - Functions
public func deleting(rowIds: [Int64]) -> DataCache<T> {
var updatedData: [Int64: T] =
var updatedLookup: [AnyHashable: Int64] = self.lookup
rowIds.forEach { rowId in
if let cachedItem: T = updatedData.removeValue(forKey: rowId) {
return DataCache(
data: updatedData,
lookup: updatedLookup
public func upserting(_ item: T) -> DataCache<T> {
return upserting(items: [item])
public func upserting(items: [T]) -> DataCache<T> {
var updatedData: [Int64: T] =
var updatedLookup: [AnyHashable: Int64] = self.lookup
items.forEach { item in
updatedData[item.rowId] = item
updatedLookup[] = item.rowId
return DataCache(
data: updatedData,
lookup: updatedLookup
// MARK: - PagedData
public enum PagedData {
public static let autoLoadNextPageDelay: DispatchTimeInterval = .milliseconds(400)
// MARK: - PageInfo
public struct PageInfo {
/// This type is identical to the 'Target' type but has it's 'SQLExpressible' requirement removed
fileprivate enum InternalTarget {
case initialPageAround(id: SQLExpression)
case pageBefore
case pageAfter
case untilInclusive(id: SQLExpression, padding: Int)
public enum Target<ID: SQLExpressible> {
/// This will attempt to load a page of data around a specified id
/// **Note:** This target will only work if there is no other data in the cache
case initialPageAround(id: ID)
/// This will attempt to load a page of data before the first item in the cache
case pageBefore
/// This will attempt to load a page of data after the last item in the cache
case pageAfter
/// This will attempt to load all data between what is currently in the cache until the
/// specified id (plus the padding amount)
/// **Note:** If the id is already within the cache then this will do nothing (even if
/// the padding would mean more data should be loaded)
case untilInclusive(id: ID, padding: Int)
fileprivate var internalTarget: InternalTarget {
switch self {
case .initialPageAround(let id): return .initialPageAround(id: id.sqlExpression)
case .pageBefore: return .pageBefore
case .pageAfter: return .pageAfter
case .untilInclusive(let id, let padding):
return .untilInclusive(id: id.sqlExpression, padding: padding)
public let pageSize: Int
public let pageOffset: Int
public let currentCount: Int
public let totalCount: Int
// MARK: - Initizliation
public init(
pageSize: Int,
pageOffset: Int = 0,
currentCount: Int = 0,
totalCount: Int = 0
) {
self.pageSize = pageSize
self.pageOffset = pageOffset
self.currentCount = currentCount
self.totalCount = totalCount
// MARK: - ObservedChanges
/// This type contains the information needed to define what changes should be included when observing
/// changes to a database
/// - Parameters:
/// - table: The table whose changes should be observed
/// - events: The database events which should be observed
/// - columns: The specific columns which should trigger changes (**Note:** These only apply to `update` changes)
public struct ObservedChanges {
public let databaseTableName: String
public let events: [DatabaseEvent.Kind]
public let columns: [String]
public init<T: TableRecord & ColumnExpressible>(
table: T.Type,
events: [DatabaseEvent.Kind] = [.insert, .update, .delete],
columns: [T.Columns]
) {
self.databaseTableName = table.databaseTableName = events
self.columns = { $ }
// MARK: - TrackedChange
public struct TrackedChange: Hashable {
let tableName: String
let kind: DatabaseEvent.Kind
let rowId: Int64
init(event: DatabaseEvent) {
self.tableName = event.tableName
self.kind = event.kind
self.rowId = event.rowID
// MARK: - Internal Functions
fileprivate static func index<ID: SQLExpressible>(
_ db: Database,
for id: ID,
tableName: String,
idColumn: String,
requiredJoinSQL: SQL? = nil,
orderSQL: SQL,
filterSQL: SQL,
joinToPagedType: SQL? = nil
) -> Int? {
let tableNameLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: tableName)
let idColumnLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: idColumn)
let request: SQLRequest<Int> = """
(data.rowIndex - 1) AS rowIndex -- Converting from 1-Indexed to 0-indexed
\(tableNameLiteral).\(idColumnLiteral) AS \(idColumnLiteral),
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY \(orderSQL)) AS rowIndex
FROM \(tableNameLiteral)
\(requiredJoinSQL ?? "")
\(joinToPagedType ?? "")
WHERE \(filterSQL)
) AS data
WHERE \(SQL("data.\(idColumnLiteral) = \(id)"))
return try? request.fetchOne(db)
/// Returns the indexes the requested rowIds will have in the paged query
/// **Note:** If the `associatedRecord` is null then the index for the rowId of the paged data type will be returned
fileprivate static func indexes(
_ db: Database,
rowIds: [Int64],
tableName: String,
requiredJoinSQL: SQL? = nil,
orderSQL: SQL,
filterSQL: SQL,
joinToPagedType: SQL? = nil
) -> [Int64] {
let tableNameLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: tableName)
let request: SQLRequest<Int64> = """
(data.rowIndex - 1) AS rowIndex -- Converting from 1-Indexed to 0-indexed
\(tableNameLiteral).rowid AS rowid,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY \(orderSQL)) AS rowIndex
FROM \(tableNameLiteral)
\(requiredJoinSQL ?? "")
\(joinToPagedType ?? "")
WHERE \(filterSQL)
) AS data
WHERE \(SQL("data.rowid IN \(rowIds)"))
return (try? request.fetchAll(db))
.defaulting(to: [])
/// Returns the rowIds for the associated types based on the specified pagedTypeRowIds
fileprivate static func associatedRowIds(
_ db: Database,
tableName: String,
pagedTableName: String,
pagedTypeRowIds: [Int64],
joinToPagedType: SQL
) -> [Int64] {
let tableNameLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: tableName)
let pagedTableNameLiteral: SQL = SQL(stringLiteral: pagedTableName)
let request: SQLRequest<Int64> = """
SELECT \(tableNameLiteral).rowid AS rowid
FROM \(tableNameLiteral)
WHERE \(pagedTableNameLiteral).rowId IN \(pagedTypeRowIds)
return (try? request.fetchAll(db))
.defaulting(to: [])
// MARK: - AssociatedRecord
public class AssociatedRecord<T, PagedType>: ErasedAssociatedRecord where T: FetchableRecordWithRowId & Identifiable, PagedType: FetchableRecordWithRowId & Identifiable {
public let databaseTableName: String
public let observedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges]
public let joinToPagedType: SQL
fileprivate let dataCache: Atomic<DataCache<T>> = Atomic(DataCache())
fileprivate let dataQuery: (SQL?) -> AdaptedFetchRequest<SQLRequest<T>>
fileprivate let associateData: (DataCache<T>, DataCache<PagedType>) -> DataCache<PagedType>
// MARK: - Initialization
public init<Table: TableRecord>(
trackedAgainst: Table.Type,
observedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges],
dataQuery: @escaping (SQL?) -> AdaptedFetchRequest<SQLRequest<T>>,
joinToPagedType: SQL,
associateData: @escaping (DataCache<T>, DataCache<PagedType>) -> DataCache<PagedType>
) {
self.databaseTableName = trackedAgainst.databaseTableName
self.observedChanges = observedChanges
self.dataQuery = dataQuery
self.joinToPagedType = joinToPagedType
self.associateData = associateData
convenience init<Table: TableRecord>(
trackedAgainst: Table.Type,
observedChanges: [PagedData.ObservedChanges],
dataQuery: @escaping (SQL?) -> SQLRequest<T>,
joinToPagedType: SQL,
associateData: @escaping (DataCache<T>, DataCache<PagedType>) -> DataCache<PagedType>
) {
trackedAgainst: trackedAgainst,
observedChanges: observedChanges,
dataQuery: { additionalFilters in
dataQuery(additionalFilters).adapted { _ in ScopeAdapter([:]) }
joinToPagedType: joinToPagedType,
associateData: associateData
// MARK: - AssociatedRecord
public func tryUpdateForDatabaseCommit(
_ db: Database,
changes: Set<PagedData.TrackedChange>,
orderSQL: SQL,
filterSQL: SQL,
pageInfo: PagedData.PageInfo
) -> Bool {
// Ignore any changes which aren't relevant to this type
let relevantChanges: Set<PagedData.TrackedChange> = changes
.filter { $0.tableName == databaseTableName }
guard !relevantChanges.isEmpty else { return false }
// First remove any items which have been deleted
let oldCount: Int = self.dataCache.wrappedValue.count
let deletionChanges: [Int64] = relevantChanges
.filter { $0.kind == .delete }
.map { $0.rowId }
dataCache.mutate { $0 = $0.deleting(rowIds: deletionChanges) }
// Get an updated count to avoid locking the dataCache unnecessarily
let countAfterDeletions: Int = self.dataCache.wrappedValue.count
// If there are no inserted/updated rows then trigger the update callback and stop here
let rowIdsToQuery: [Int64] = relevantChanges
.filter { $0.kind != .delete }
.map { $0.rowId }
guard !rowIdsToQuery.isEmpty else { return (oldCount != countAfterDeletions) }
// Fetch the indexes of the rowIds so we can determine whether they should be added to the screen
let itemIndexes: [Int64] = PagedData.indexes(
rowIds: rowIdsToQuery,
tableName: databaseTableName,
orderSQL: orderSQL,
filterSQL: filterSQL,
joinToPagedType: joinToPagedType
// Determine if the indexes for the row ids should be displayed on the screen and remove any
// which shouldn't - values less than 'currentCount' or if there is at least one value less than
// 'currentCount' and the indexes are sequential (ie. more than the current loaded content was
// added at once)
let itemIndexesAreSequential: Bool = ( { $0 - 1 }.dropFirst() == itemIndexes.dropLast())
let hasOneValidIndex: Bool = itemIndexes.contains(where: { $0 < pageInfo.currentCount })
let validRowIds: [Int64] = (itemIndexesAreSequential && hasOneValidIndex ?
itemIndexes :
zip(itemIndexes, rowIdsToQuery)
.filter { index, _ -> Bool in index < pageInfo.currentCount }
.map { _, rowId -> Int64 in rowId }
// Attempt to update the cache with the `validRowIds` array
return updateCache(
rowIds: validRowIds,
hasOtherChanges: (oldCount != countAfterDeletions)
@discardableResult public func updateCache(_ db: Database, rowIds: [Int64], hasOtherChanges: Bool = false) -> Bool {
// If there are no rowIds then stop here
guard !rowIds.isEmpty else { return hasOtherChanges }
// Fetch the inserted/updated rows
let additionalFilters: SQL = SQL(rowIds.contains(Column.rowID))
let updatedItems: [T] = (try? dataQuery(additionalFilters)
.defaulting(to: [])
// If the inserted/updated rows we irrelevant (eg. associated to another thread, a quote or a link
// preview) then trigger the update callback (if there were deletions) and stop here
guard !updatedItems.isEmpty else { return hasOtherChanges }
// Process the upserted data (assume at least one value changed)
dataCache.mutate { $0 = $0.upserting(items: updatedItems) }
return true
public func attachAssociatedData<O>(to unassociatedCache: DataCache<O>) -> DataCache<O> {
guard let typedCache: DataCache<PagedType> = unassociatedCache as? DataCache<PagedType> else {
return unassociatedCache
return (associateData(dataCache.wrappedValue, typedCache) as? DataCache<O>)
.defaulting(to: unassociatedCache)