2018-04-13 14:59:38 -04:00

814 lines
29 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import ObjectiveC
import SignalServiceKit
import SignalMessaging
// Stills should be loaded before full GIFs.
enum GiphyRequestPriority {
case low, high
enum GiphyAssetSegmentState: UInt {
case waiting
case downloading
case complete
case failed
class GiphyAssetSegment {
let TAG = "[GiphyAssetSegment]"
public let index: UInt
public let segmentStart: UInt
public let segmentLength: UInt
// The amount of the segment that is overlap.
// The overlap lies in the _first_ n bytes of the segment data.
public let redundantLength: UInt
// This state should only be accessed on the main thread.
public var state: GiphyAssetSegmentState = .waiting {
didSet {
// This state is accessed off the main thread.
// * During downloads it will be accessed on the task delegate queue.
// * After downloads it will be accessed on a worker queue.
private var segmentData = Data()
// This state should only be accessed on the main thread.
public weak var task: URLSessionDataTask?
init(index: UInt,
segmentStart: UInt,
segmentLength: UInt,
redundantLength: UInt) {
self.index = index
self.segmentStart = segmentStart
self.segmentLength = segmentLength
self.redundantLength = redundantLength
public func totalDataSize() -> UInt {
return UInt(segmentData.count)
public func append(data: Data) {
guard state == .downloading else {
owsFail("\(TAG) appending data in invalid state: \(state)")
public func mergeData(assetData: inout Data) -> Bool {
guard state == .complete else {
owsFail("\(TAG) merging data in invalid state: \(state)")
return false
guard UInt(segmentData.count) == segmentLength else {
owsFail("\(TAG) segment data length: \(segmentData.count) doesn't match expected length: \(segmentLength)")
return false
// In some cases the last two segments will overlap.
// In that case, we only want to append the non-overlapping
// tail of the segment data.
let bytesToIgnore = Int(redundantLength)
if bytesToIgnore > 0 {
let subdata = segmentData.subdata(in: bytesToIgnore..<Int(segmentLength))
} else {
return true
enum GiphyAssetRequestState: UInt {
// Does not yet have content length.
case waiting
// Getting content length.
case requestingSize
// Has content length, ready for downloads or downloads in flight.
case active
// Success
case complete
// Failure
case failed
// Represents a request to download a GIF.
// Should be cancelled if no longer necessary.
@objc class GiphyAssetRequest: NSObject {
static let TAG = "[GiphyAssetRequest]"
let TAG = "[GiphyAssetRequest]"
let rendition: GiphyRendition
let priority: GiphyRequestPriority
// Exactly one of success or failure should be called once,
// on the main thread _unless_ this request is cancelled before
// the request succeeds or fails.
private var success: ((GiphyAssetRequest?, GiphyAsset) -> Void)?
private var failure: ((GiphyAssetRequest) -> Void)?
var wasCancelled = false
// This property is an internal implementation detail of the download process.
var assetFilePath: String?
// This state should only be accessed on the main thread.
private var segments = [GiphyAssetSegment]()
public var state: GiphyAssetRequestState = .waiting
public var contentLength: Int = 0 {
didSet {
assert(oldValue == 0)
assert(contentLength > 0)
public weak var contentLengthTask: URLSessionDataTask?
init(rendition: GiphyRendition,
priority: GiphyRequestPriority,
success:@escaping ((GiphyAssetRequest?, GiphyAsset) -> Void),
failure:@escaping ((GiphyAssetRequest) -> Void)) {
self.rendition = rendition
self.priority = priority
self.success = success
self.failure = failure
private func segmentSize() -> UInt {
let contentLength = UInt(self.contentLength)
guard contentLength > 0 else {
owsFail("\(TAG) rendition missing contentLength")
return 0
let k1MB: UInt = 1024 * 1024
let k500KB: UInt = 500 * 1024
let k100KB: UInt = 100 * 1024
let k50KB: UInt = 50 * 1024
let k10KB: UInt = 10 * 1024
let k1KB: UInt = 1 * 1024
for segmentSize in [k1MB, k500KB, k100KB, k50KB, k10KB, k1KB ] {
if contentLength >= segmentSize {
return segmentSize
return contentLength
private func createSegments() {
let segmentLength = segmentSize()
guard segmentLength > 0 else {
let contentLength = UInt(self.contentLength)
var nextSegmentStart: UInt = 0
var index: UInt = 0
while nextSegmentStart < contentLength {
var segmentStart: UInt = nextSegmentStart
var redundantLength: UInt = 0
// The last segment may overlap the penultimate segment
// in order to keep the segment sizes uniform.
if segmentStart + segmentLength > contentLength {
redundantLength = segmentStart + segmentLength - contentLength
segmentStart = contentLength - segmentLength
let assetSegment = GiphyAssetSegment(index: index,
segmentStart: segmentStart,
segmentLength: segmentLength,
redundantLength: redundantLength)
nextSegmentStart = segmentStart + segmentLength
index += 1
private func firstSegmentWithState(state: GiphyAssetSegmentState) -> GiphyAssetSegment? {
for segment in segments {
guard segment.state != .failed else {
owsFail("\(TAG) unexpected failed segment.")
if segment.state == state {
return segment
return nil
public func firstWaitingSegment() -> GiphyAssetSegment? {
return firstSegmentWithState(state: .waiting)
public func downloadingSegmentsCount() -> UInt {
var result: UInt = 0
for segment in segments {
guard segment.state != .failed else {
owsFail("\(TAG) unexpected failed segment.")
if segment.state == .downloading {
result += 1
return result
public func areAllSegmentsComplete() -> Bool {
for segment in segments {
guard segment.state == .complete else {
return false
return true
public func writeAssetToFile(gifFolderPath: String) -> GiphyAsset? {
var assetData = Data()
for segment in segments {
guard segment.state == .complete else {
owsFail("\(TAG) unexpected incomplete segment.")
return nil
guard segment.totalDataSize() > 0 else {
owsFail("\(TAG) could not merge empty segment.")
return nil
guard segment.mergeData(assetData: &assetData) else {
owsFail("\(TAG) failed to merge segment data.")
return nil
guard assetData.count == contentLength else {
owsFail("\(TAG) asset data has unexpected length.")
return nil
guard assetData.count > 0 else {
owsFail("\(TAG) could not write empty asset to disk.")
return nil
let fileExtension = rendition.fileExtension
let fileName = (NSUUID().uuidString as NSString).appendingPathExtension(fileExtension)!
let filePath = (gifFolderPath as NSString).appendingPathComponent(fileName)
Logger.verbose("\(TAG) filePath: \(filePath).")
do {
try assetData.write(to: NSURL.fileURL(withPath: filePath), options: .atomicWrite)
let asset = GiphyAsset(rendition: rendition, filePath: filePath)
return asset
} catch let error as NSError {
owsFail("\(GiphyAsset.TAG) file write failed: \(filePath), \(error)")
return nil
public func cancel() {
wasCancelled = true
contentLengthTask = nil
for segment in segments {
segment.task = nil
// Don't call the callbacks if the request is cancelled.
private func clearCallbacks() {
success = nil
failure = nil
public func requestDidSucceed(asset: GiphyAsset) {
success?(self, asset)
// Only one of the callbacks should be called, and only once.
public func requestDidFail() {
// Only one of the callbacks should be called, and only once.
// Represents a downloaded gif asset.
// The blob on disk is cleaned up when this instance is deallocated,
// so consumers of this resource should retain a strong reference to
// this instance as long as they are using the asset.
@objc class GiphyAsset: NSObject {
static let TAG = "[GiphyAsset]"
let rendition: GiphyRendition
let filePath: String
init(rendition: GiphyRendition,
filePath: String) {
self.rendition = rendition
self.filePath = filePath
deinit {
// Clean up on the asset on disk.
let filePathCopy = filePath {
do {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
try fileManager.removeItem(atPath: filePathCopy)
} catch let error as NSError {
owsFail("\(GiphyAsset.TAG) file cleanup failed: \(filePathCopy), \(error)")
private var URLSessionTaskGiphyAssetRequest: UInt8 = 0
private var URLSessionTaskGiphyAssetSegment: UInt8 = 0
// This extension is used to punch an asset request onto a download task.
extension URLSessionTask {
var assetRequest: GiphyAssetRequest {
get {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &URLSessionTaskGiphyAssetRequest) as! GiphyAssetRequest
set {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &URLSessionTaskGiphyAssetRequest, newValue, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
var assetSegment: GiphyAssetSegment {
get {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &URLSessionTaskGiphyAssetSegment) as! GiphyAssetSegment
set {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &URLSessionTaskGiphyAssetSegment, newValue, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
@objc class GiphyDownloader: NSObject, URLSessionTaskDelegate, URLSessionDataDelegate {
// MARK: - Properties
let TAG = "[GiphyDownloader]"
static let sharedInstance = GiphyDownloader()
var gifFolderPath = ""
// Force usage as a singleton
override private init() {
deinit {
private let kGiphyBaseURL = ""
private lazy var giphyDownloadSession: URLSession = {
let configuration = GiphyAPI.giphySessionConfiguration()
configuration.urlCache = nil
configuration.requestCachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringCacheData
configuration.httpMaximumConnectionsPerHost = 10
let session = URLSession(configuration: configuration,
delegate: self,
delegateQueue: nil)
return session
// 100 entries of which at least half will probably be stills.
// Actual animated GIFs will usually be less than 3 MB so the
// max size of the cache on disk should be ~150 MB. Bear in mind
// that assets are not always deleted on disk as soon as they are
// evacuated from the cache; if a cache consumer (e.g. view) is
// still using the asset, the asset won't be deleted on disk until
// it is no longer in use.
private var assetMap = LRUCache<NSURL, GiphyAsset>(maxSize: 100)
// TODO: We could use a proper queue, e.g. implemented with a linked
// list.
private var assetRequestQueue = [GiphyAssetRequest]()
// The success and failure callbacks are always called on main queue.
// The success callbacks may be called synchronously on cache hit, in
// which case the GiphyAssetRequest parameter will be nil.
public func requestAsset(rendition: GiphyRendition,
priority: GiphyRequestPriority,
success:@escaping ((GiphyAssetRequest?, GiphyAsset) -> Void),
failure:@escaping ((GiphyAssetRequest) -> Void)) -> GiphyAssetRequest? {
if let asset = assetMap.get(key: rendition.url) {
// Synchronous cache hit.
Logger.verbose("\(self.TAG) asset cache hit: \(rendition.url)")
success(nil, asset)
return nil
// Cache miss.
// Asset requests are done queued and performed asynchronously.
Logger.verbose("\(self.TAG) asset cache miss: \(rendition.url)")
let assetRequest = GiphyAssetRequest(rendition: rendition,
priority: priority,
success: success,
failure: failure)
// Process the queue (which may start this request)
// asynchronously so that the caller has time to store
// a reference to the asset request returned by this
// method before its success/failure handler is called.
return assetRequest
public func cancelAllRequests() {
Logger.verbose("\(self.TAG) cancelAllRequests")
self.assetRequestQueue.forEach { $0.cancel() }
self.assetRequestQueue = []
private func segmentRequestDidSucceed(assetRequest: GiphyAssetRequest, assetSegment: GiphyAssetSegment) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
assetSegment.state = .complete
if assetRequest.areAllSegmentsComplete() {
// If the asset request has completed all of its segments,
// try to write the asset to file.
assetRequest.state = .complete
// Move write off main thread. {
guard let asset = assetRequest.writeAssetToFile(gifFolderPath: self.gifFolderPath) else {
self.segmentRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest, assetSegment: assetSegment)
self.assetRequestDidSucceed(assetRequest: assetRequest, asset: asset)
} else {
private func assetRequestDidSucceed(assetRequest: GiphyAssetRequest, asset: GiphyAsset) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.assetMap.set(key: assetRequest.rendition.url, value: asset)
self.removeAssetRequestFromQueue(assetRequest: assetRequest)
assetRequest.requestDidSucceed(asset: asset)
// TODO: If we wanted to implement segment retry, we'll need to add
// a segmentRequestDidFail() method.
private func segmentRequestDidFail(assetRequest: GiphyAssetRequest, assetSegment: GiphyAssetSegment) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
assetSegment.state = .failed
assetRequest.state = .failed
self.assetRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest)
private func assetRequestDidFail(assetRequest: GiphyAssetRequest) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.removeAssetRequestFromQueue(assetRequest: assetRequest)
private func removeAssetRequestFromQueue(assetRequest: GiphyAssetRequest) {
guard assetRequestQueue.contains(assetRequest) else {
Logger.warn("\(TAG) could not remove asset request from queue: \(assetRequest.rendition.url)")
assetRequestQueue = assetRequestQueue.filter { $0 != assetRequest }
// Process the queue async to ensure that state in the downloader
// classes is consistent before we try to start a new request.
private func processRequestQueueAsync() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// * Start a segment request or content length request if possible.
// * Complete/cancel asset requests if possible.
private func processRequestQueueSync() {
guard let assetRequest = popNextAssetRequest() else {
guard !assetRequest.wasCancelled else {
// Discard the cancelled asset request and try again.
removeAssetRequestFromQueue(assetRequest: assetRequest)
guard UIApplication.shared.applicationState == .active else {
// If app is not active, fail the asset request.
assetRequest.state = .failed
assetRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest)
if let asset = assetMap.get(key: assetRequest.rendition.url) {
// Deferred cache hit, avoids re-downloading assets that were
// downloaded while this request was queued.
assetRequest.state = .complete
assetRequestDidSucceed(assetRequest: assetRequest, asset: asset)
if assetRequest.state == .waiting {
// If asset request hasn't yet determined the resource size,
// try to do so now.
assetRequest.state = .requestingSize
var request = URLRequest(url: assetRequest.rendition.url as URL)
request.httpMethod = "HEAD"
request.httpShouldUsePipelining = true
let task = giphyDownloadSession.dataTask(with: request, completionHandler: { data, response, error -> Void in
if let data = data, data.count > 0 {
owsFail("\(self.TAG) HEAD request has unexpected body: \(data.count).")
self.handleAssetSizeResponse(assetRequest: assetRequest, response: response, error: error)
assetRequest.contentLengthTask = task
} else {
// Start a download task.
guard let assetSegment = assetRequest.firstWaitingSegment() else {
owsFail("\(TAG) queued asset request does not have a waiting segment.")
assetSegment.state = .downloading
var request = URLRequest(url: assetRequest.rendition.url as URL)
request.httpShouldUsePipelining = true
let rangeHeaderValue = "bytes=\(assetSegment.segmentStart)-\(assetSegment.segmentStart + assetSegment.segmentLength - 1)"
request.addValue(rangeHeaderValue, forHTTPHeaderField: "Range")
let task = giphyDownloadSession.dataTask(with: request)
task.assetRequest = assetRequest
task.assetSegment = assetSegment
assetSegment.task = task
// Recurse; we may be able to start multiple downloads.
private func handleAssetSizeResponse(assetRequest: GiphyAssetRequest, response: URLResponse?, error: Error?) {
guard error == nil else {
assetRequest.state = .failed
self.assetRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest)
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse else {
owsFail("\(self.TAG) Asset size response is invalid.")
assetRequest.state = .failed
self.assetRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest)
guard let contentLengthString = httpResponse.allHeaderFields["Content-Length"] as? String else {
owsFail("\(self.TAG) Asset size response is missing content length.")
assetRequest.state = .failed
self.assetRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest)
guard let contentLength = Int(contentLengthString) else {
owsFail("\(self.TAG) Asset size response has unparsable content length.")
assetRequest.state = .failed
self.assetRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest)
guard contentLength > 0 else {
owsFail("\(self.TAG) Asset size response has invalid content length.")
assetRequest.state = .failed
self.assetRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
assetRequest.contentLength = contentLength
assetRequest.state = .active
// Return the first asset request for which we either:
// * Need to download the content length.
// * Need to download at least one of its segments.
private func popNextAssetRequest() -> GiphyAssetRequest? {
let kMaxAssetRequestCount: UInt = 3
let kMaxAssetRequestsPerAssetCount: UInt = kMaxAssetRequestCount - 1
// Prefer the first "high" priority request;
// fall back to the first "low" priority request.
var activeAssetRequestsCount: UInt = 0
for priority in [GiphyRequestPriority.high, GiphyRequestPriority.low] {
for assetRequest in assetRequestQueue where assetRequest.priority == priority {
switch assetRequest.state {
case .waiting:
// This asset request needs its content length.
return assetRequest
case .requestingSize:
activeAssetRequestsCount += 1
// Ensure that only N requests are active at a time.
guard activeAssetRequestsCount < kMaxAssetRequestCount else {
return nil
case .active:
case .complete:
case .failed:
let downloadingSegmentsCount = assetRequest.downloadingSegmentsCount()
activeAssetRequestsCount += downloadingSegmentsCount
// Ensure that only N segment requests are active per asset at a time.
guard downloadingSegmentsCount < kMaxAssetRequestsPerAssetCount else {
// Ensure that only N requests are active at a time.
guard activeAssetRequestsCount < kMaxAssetRequestCount else {
return nil
guard assetRequest.firstWaitingSegment() != nil else {
/// Asset request does not have a waiting segment.
return assetRequest
return nil
// MARK: URLSessionDataDelegate
public func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, didReceive response: URLResponse, completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession.ResponseDisposition) -> Void) {
public func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, didReceive data: Data) {
let assetRequest = dataTask.assetRequest
let assetSegment = dataTask.assetSegment
guard !assetRequest.wasCancelled else {
segmentRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest, assetSegment: assetSegment)
assetSegment.append(data: data)
public func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, willCacheResponse proposedResponse: CachedURLResponse, completionHandler: @escaping (CachedURLResponse?) -> Void) {
// MARK: URLSessionTaskDelegate
public func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: Error?) {
let assetRequest = task.assetRequest
let assetSegment = task.assetSegment
guard !assetRequest.wasCancelled else {
segmentRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest, assetSegment: assetSegment)
if let error = error {
Logger.error("\(TAG) download failed with error: \(error)")
segmentRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest, assetSegment: assetSegment)
guard let httpResponse = task.response as? HTTPURLResponse else {
Logger.error("\(TAG) missing or unexpected response: \(String(describing: task.response))")
segmentRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest, assetSegment: assetSegment)
let statusCode = httpResponse.statusCode
guard statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 400 else {
Logger.error("\(TAG) response has invalid status code: \(statusCode)")
segmentRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest, assetSegment: assetSegment)
guard assetSegment.totalDataSize() == assetSegment.segmentLength else {
Logger.error("\(TAG) segment is missing data: \(statusCode)")
segmentRequestDidFail(assetRequest: assetRequest, assetSegment: assetSegment)
segmentRequestDidSucceed(assetRequest: assetRequest, assetSegment: assetSegment)
// MARK: Temp Directory
public func ensureGifFolder() {
// We write assets to the temporary directory so that iOS can clean them up.
// We try to eagerly clean up these assets when they are no longer in use.
let tempDirPath = NSTemporaryDirectory()
let dirPath = (tempDirPath as NSString).appendingPathComponent("GIFs")
do {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
// Try to delete existing folder if necessary.
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: dirPath) {
try fileManager.removeItem(atPath: dirPath)
gifFolderPath = dirPath
// Try to create folder if necessary.
if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: dirPath) {
try fileManager.createDirectory(atPath: dirPath,
withIntermediateDirectories: true,
attributes: nil)
gifFolderPath = dirPath
// Don't back up Giphy downloads.
OWSFileSystem.protectFileOrFolder(atPath: dirPath)
} catch let error as NSError {
owsFail("\(GiphyAsset.TAG) ensureTempFolder failed: \(dirPath), \(error)")
gifFolderPath = tempDirPath