Frederic Jacobs c6d44e59e2 TextSecureKit Refactoring
- Using same clang format file for old and new files.
- Moving out all TextSecure code to allow other clients (OS X, iOS) to
  integrate easily TextSecure functionality.
- Use TextSecure API to signup.
2015-12-22 23:41:10 +01:00

53 lines
1.3 KiB

#import "Util.h"
@implementation Operation
+ (Operation *)operation:(Action)block {
ows_require(block != NULL);
Operation *a = [Operation new];
a->_callback = block;
return a;
+ (void)asyncRun:(Action)action onThread:(NSThread *)thread {
ows_require(action != nil);
ows_require(thread != nil);
[[Operation operation:action] performOnThread:thread];
+ (void)asyncRunAndWaitUntilDone:(Action)action onThread:(NSThread *)thread {
ows_require(action != nil);
ows_require(thread != nil);
[[Operation operation:action] performOnThreadAndWaitUntilDone:thread];
+ (void)asyncRunOnNewThread:(Action)action {
ows_require(action != nil);
[[Operation operation:action] performOnNewThread];
- (SEL)selectorToRun {
return @selector(run);
- (void)performOnThread:(NSThread *)thread {
ows_require(thread != nil);
[self performSelector:@selector(run) onThread:thread withObject:nil waitUntilDone:thread == NSThread.currentThread];
- (void)performOnThreadAndWaitUntilDone:(NSThread *)thread {
ows_require(thread != nil);
[self performSelector:@selector(run) onThread:thread withObject:nil waitUntilDone:true];
- (void)performOnNewThread {
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:[self selectorToRun] toTarget:self withObject:nil];
- (void)run {