Michael Kirk 1e43e139fd Get back on upstream SocketRocket (#1241)
* Latest SocketRocket includes
  * crash fixes.
  * our new security policy management, so we don't have to
    keep rebasing to incorporate updates.

* Adapt to policy renaming in SignalServiceKit
* bump XCode version to play nice with SWIFT_NAME

2016-06-30 23:08:49 -07:00

21 lines
762 B

language: objective-c
cache: cocoapods # pod install somtimes takes >20 minutes, so lets cache this
osx_image: xcode7.3
- brew update # we may not be running the latest version so always update
- brew outdated xctool || brew upgrade xctool # only upgrade if outdated (saves 2 minutes)
- gem install cocoapods # get the latest cocoapods
- gem install xcpretty
- pod repo update --silent # log output is too long without --silent
install: travis_wait 30 pod install # OpenSSL takes a long time to compile
- |
set -o pipefail
# default xctool was hanging. see
xcodebuild -workspace Signal.xcworkspace -scheme Signal -sdk iphonesimulator build test | xcpretty