Morgan Pretty 4380f1975c Further work on the DB refactoring
Added the rest of the interaction structure to the database (testing some migration logic now - still needs to be finalised)
Updated the YDBToGRDB migrations to wrap their inserts in autorelease pools (helps memory slightly, unfortunately it's caching the YDB data which uses the most memory but we have opted for speed over RAM at the moment)
Updated the MockDataGenerator so it should now "chunk" the code generation (crazy large figures were previously resulting in excessive memory usage)
2022-04-08 16:56:33 +10:00

507 lines
27 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import Curve25519Kit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
enum _002_YDBToGRDBMigration: Migration {
static let identifier: String = "YDBToGRDBMigration"
// TODO: Autorelease pool???.
static func migrate(_ db: Database) throws {
// MARK: - Contacts & Threads
var shouldFailMigration: Bool = false
var contacts: Set<Legacy.Contact> = []
var contactThreadIds: Set<String> = []
var threads: Set<TSThread> = []
var disappearingMessagesConfiguration: [String: Legacy.DisappearingMessagesConfiguration] = [:]
var closedGroupKeys: [String: (timestamp: TimeInterval, keys: SessionUtilitiesKit.Legacy.KeyPair)] = [:]
var closedGroupName: [String: String] = [:]
var closedGroupFormation: [String: UInt64] = [:]
var closedGroupModel: [String: TSGroupModel] = [:]
var closedGroupZombieMemberIds: [String: Set<String>] = [:]
var openGroupInfo: [String: OpenGroupV2] = [:]
var openGroupUserCount: [String: Int] = [:]
var openGroupImage: [String: Data] = [:]
var openGroupLastMessageServerId: [String: Int64] = [:] // Optional
var openGroupLastDeletionServerId: [String: Int64] = [:] // Optional
var interactions: [String: [TSInteraction]] = [:]
var attachments: [String: TSAttachment] = [:]
var readReceipts: [String: [Double]] = [:] { transaction in
// Process the Contacts
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: Legacy.contactCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let contact = object as? Legacy.Contact else { return }
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process threads - Start")
let userClosedGroupPublicKeys: [String] = transaction.allKeys(inCollection: Legacy.closedGroupPublicKeyCollection)
// Process the threads
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: Legacy.threadCollection) { key, object, _ in
guard let thread: TSThread = object as? TSThread else { return }
guard let threadId: String = thread.uniqueId else { return }
// Want to exclude threads which aren't visible (ie. threads which we started
// but the user never ended up sending a message)
if key.starts(with: Legacy.contactThreadPrefix) && thread.shouldBeVisible {
// Get the disappearing messages config
disappearingMessagesConfiguration[threadId] = transaction
.object(forKey: threadId, inCollection: Legacy.disappearingMessagesCollection)
.defaulting(to: Legacy.DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.defaultWith(threadId))
// Process the interactions
// Process group-specific info
guard let groupThread: TSGroupThread = thread as? TSGroupThread else { return }
if groupThread.isClosedGroup {
// The old threadId for closed groups was in the below format, we don't
// really need the unnecessary complexity so process the key and extract
// the publicKey from it
// `g{base64String(Data(__textsecure_group__!{publicKey}))}
let base64GroupId: String = String(threadId.suffix(from: threadId.index(after: threadId.startIndex)))
let groupIdData: Data = Data(base64Encoded: base64GroupId),
let groupId: String = String(data: groupIdData, encoding: .utf8),
let publicKey: String = groupId.split(separator: "!"){ String($0) })
else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to decode Closed Group")
shouldFailMigration = true
guard userClosedGroupPublicKeys.contains(publicKey) else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Found unexpected invalid closed group public key")
shouldFailMigration = true
let keyCollection: String = "\(Legacy.closedGroupKeyPairPrefix)\(publicKey)"
closedGroupName[threadId] = transaction)
closedGroupModel[threadId] = groupThread.groupModel
closedGroupFormation[threadId] = ((transaction.object(forKey: publicKey, inCollection: Legacy.closedGroupFormationTimestampCollection) as? UInt64) ?? 0)
closedGroupZombieMemberIds[threadId] = transaction.object(
forKey: publicKey,
inCollection: Legacy.closedGroupZombieMembersCollection
) as? Set<String>
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: keyCollection) { key, object, _ in
guard let timestamp: TimeInterval = TimeInterval(key), let keyPair: SessionUtilitiesKit.Legacy.KeyPair = object as? SessionUtilitiesKit.Legacy.KeyPair else {
closedGroupKeys[threadId] = (timestamp, keyPair)
else if groupThread.isOpenGroup {
guard let openGroup: OpenGroupV2 = transaction.object(forKey: threadId, inCollection: Legacy.openGroupCollection) as? OpenGroupV2 else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to find open group info")
shouldFailMigration = true
openGroupInfo[threadId] = openGroup
openGroupUserCount[threadId] = ((transaction.object(forKey:, inCollection: Legacy.openGroupUserCountCollection) as? Int) ?? 0)
openGroupImage[threadId] = transaction.object(forKey:, inCollection: Legacy.openGroupImageCollection) as? Data
openGroupLastMessageServerId[threadId] = transaction.object(forKey:, inCollection: Legacy.openGroupLastMessageServerIDCollection) as? Int64
openGroupLastDeletionServerId[threadId] = transaction.object(forKey:, inCollection: Legacy.openGroupLastDeletionServerIDCollection) as? Int64
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process threads - End")
// Process interactions
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process interactions - Start")
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: Legacy.interactionCollection) { _, object, _ in
guard let interaction: TSInteraction = object as? TSInteraction else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to process interaction")
shouldFailMigration = true
interactions[interaction.uniqueThreadId] = (interactions[interaction.uniqueThreadId] ?? [])
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process interactions - End")
// Process attachments
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process attachments - Start")
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: Legacy.attachmentsCollection) { key, object, _ in
guard let attachment: TSAttachment = object as? TSAttachment else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to process attachment")
shouldFailMigration = true
attachments[key] = attachment
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process attachments - End")
// We can't properly throw within the 'enumerateKeysAndObjects' block so have to throw here
guard !shouldFailMigration else { throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed }
// Insert the data into GRDB
// MARK: - Insert Contacts
try autoreleasepool {
let currentUserPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
try contacts.forEach { contact in
let isCurrentUser: Bool = (contact.sessionID == currentUserPublicKey)
let contactThreadId: String = TSContactThread.threadID(fromContactSessionID: contact.sessionID)
// Create the "Profile" for the legacy contact
try Profile(
id: contact.sessionID,
name: ( ?? contact.sessionID),
nickname: contact.nickname,
profilePictureUrl: contact.profilePictureURL,
profilePictureFileName: contact.profilePictureFileName,
profileEncryptionKey: contact.profileEncryptionKey
// Determine if this contact is a "real" contact (don't want to create contacts for
// every user in the new structure but still want profiles for every user)
isCurrentUser ||
contactThreadIds.contains(contactThreadId) ||
contact.isApproved ||
contact.didApproveMe ||
contact.isBlocked ||
contact.hasBeenBlocked {
// Create the contact
try Contact(
id: contact.sessionID,
isTrusted: (isCurrentUser || contact.isTrusted),
isApproved: (isCurrentUser || contact.isApproved),
isBlocked: (!isCurrentUser && contact.isBlocked),
didApproveMe: (isCurrentUser || contact.didApproveMe),
hasBeenBlocked: (!isCurrentUser && (contact.hasBeenBlocked || contact.isBlocked))
// MARK: - Insert Threads
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process thread inserts - Start")
try threads.forEach { thread in
guard let legacyThreadId: String = thread.uniqueId else { return }
let id: String
let variant: SessionThread.Variant
let notificationMode: SessionThread.NotificationMode
switch thread {
case let groupThread as TSGroupThread:
if groupThread.isOpenGroup {
guard let openGroup: OpenGroupV2 = openGroupInfo[legacyThreadId] else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Open group missing required data")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
id =
variant = .openGroup
else {
guard let publicKey: Data = closedGroupKeys[legacyThreadId]?.keys.publicKey else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Closed group missing public key")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
id = publicKey.toHexString()
variant = .closedGroup
notificationMode = (thread.isMuted ? .none :
(groupThread.isOnlyNotifyingForMentions ?
.mentionsOnly :
id = legacyThreadId.substring(from: Legacy.contactThreadPrefix.count)
variant = .contact
notificationMode = (thread.isMuted ? .none : .all)
try autoreleasepool {
try SessionThread(
id: id,
variant: variant,
creationDateTimestamp: thread.creationDate.timeIntervalSince1970,
shouldBeVisible: thread.shouldBeVisible,
isPinned: thread.isPinned,
messageDraft: thread.messageDraft,
notificationMode: notificationMode,
mutedUntilTimestamp: thread.mutedUntilDate?.timeIntervalSince1970
// Disappearing Messages Configuration
if let config: Legacy.DisappearingMessagesConfiguration = disappearingMessagesConfiguration[id] {
try DisappearingMessagesConfiguration(
threadId: id,
isEnabled: config.isEnabled,
durationSeconds: TimeInterval(config.durationSeconds)
// Closed Groups
if (thread as? TSGroupThread)?.isClosedGroup == true {
let keyInfo = closedGroupKeys[legacyThreadId],
let name: String = closedGroupName[legacyThreadId],
let groupModel: TSGroupModel = closedGroupModel[legacyThreadId],
let formationTimestamp: UInt64 = closedGroupFormation[legacyThreadId]
else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Closed group missing required data")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
try ClosedGroup(
threadId: id,
name: name,
formationTimestamp: TimeInterval(formationTimestamp)
try ClosedGroupKeyPair(
publicKey: keyInfo.keys.publicKey.toHexString(),
secretKey: keyInfo.keys.privateKey,
receivedTimestamp: keyInfo.timestamp
try groupModel.groupMemberIds.forEach { memberId in
try GroupMember(
groupId: id,
profileId: memberId,
role: .standard
try groupModel.groupAdminIds.forEach { adminId in
try GroupMember(
groupId: id,
profileId: adminId,
role: .admin
try (closedGroupZombieMemberIds[legacyThreadId] ?? []).forEach { zombieId in
try GroupMember(
groupId: id,
profileId: zombieId,
role: .zombie
// Open Groups
if (thread as? TSGroupThread)?.isOpenGroup == true {
guard let openGroup: OpenGroupV2 = openGroupInfo[legacyThreadId] else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Open group missing required data")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
try OpenGroup(
server: openGroup.server,
publicKey: openGroup.publicKey,
groupDescription: nil, // TODO: Add with SOGS V4
imageId: nil, // TODO: Add with SOGS V4
imageData: openGroupImage[legacyThreadId],
userCount: (openGroupUserCount[legacyThreadId] ?? 0), // Will be updated next poll
infoUpdates: 0 // TODO: Add with SOGS V4
try autoreleasepool {
let currentUserPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
try interactions[legacyThreadId]?
.sorted(by: { lhs, rhs in lhs.sortId < rhs.sortId }) // Maintain sort order
.forEach { legacyInteraction in
let serverHash: String?
let variant: Interaction.Variant
let authorId: String
let body: String?
let expiresInSeconds: UInt32?
let expiresStartedAtMs: UInt64?
let openGroupInvitationName: String?
let openGroupInvitationUrl: String?
let openGroupServerMessageId: UInt64?
let recipientStateMap: [String: TSOutgoingMessageRecipientState]?
let attachmentIds: [String]
// Handle the common 'TSMessage' values first
if let legacyMessage: TSMessage = legacyInteraction as? TSMessage {
serverHash = legacyMessage.serverHash
openGroupInvitationName = legacyMessage.openGroupInvitationName
openGroupInvitationUrl = legacyMessage.openGroupInvitationURL
// The legacy code only considered '!= 0' ids as valid so set those
// values to be null to avoid the unique constraint (it's also more
// correct for the values to be null)
openGroupServerMessageId = (legacyMessage.openGroupServerMessageID == 0 ?
nil :
attachmentIds = try { legacyId in
guard let attachmentId: String = legacyId as? String else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to process attachment id")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
return attachmentId
else {
serverHash = nil
openGroupInvitationName = nil
openGroupInvitationUrl = nil
openGroupServerMessageId = nil
attachmentIds = []
// Then handle the behaviours for each message type
switch legacyInteraction {
case let incomingMessage as TSIncomingMessage:
variant = .standardIncoming
authorId = incomingMessage.authorId
body = incomingMessage.body
expiresInSeconds = incomingMessage.expiresInSeconds
expiresStartedAtMs = incomingMessage.expireStartedAt
recipientStateMap = [:]
case let outgoingMessage as TSOutgoingMessage:
variant = .standardOutgoing
authorId = currentUserPublicKey
body = outgoingMessage.body
expiresInSeconds = outgoingMessage.expiresInSeconds
expiresStartedAtMs = outgoingMessage.expireStartedAt
recipientStateMap = outgoingMessage.recipientStateMap
case let infoMessage as TSInfoMessage:
authorId = currentUserPublicKey
body = ((infoMessage.body ?? "").isEmpty ?
infoMessage.customMessage :
expiresInSeconds = nil // Info messages don't expire
expiresStartedAtMs = nil // Info messages don't expire
recipientStateMap = [:]
switch infoMessage.messageType {
case .groupCreated: variant = .infoClosedGroupCreated
case .groupUpdated: variant = .infoClosedGroupUpdated
case .groupCurrentUserLeft: variant = .infoClosedGroupCurrentUserLeft
case .disappearingMessagesUpdate: variant = .infoDisappearingMessagesUpdate
case .messageRequestAccepted: variant = .infoMessageRequestAccepted
case .screenshotNotification: variant = .infoScreenshotNotification
case .mediaSavedNotification: variant = .infoMediaSavedNotification
@unknown default:
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unsupported info message type")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unsupported interaction type")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
// Insert the data
let interaction = try Interaction(
serverHash: serverHash,
threadId: id,
authorId: authorId,
variant: variant,
body: body,
timestampMs: Double(legacyInteraction.timestamp),
receivedAtTimestampMs: Double(legacyInteraction.receivedAtTimestamp),
expiresInSeconds: { TimeInterval($0) },
expiresStartedAtMs: { Double($0) },
openGroupInvitationName: openGroupInvitationName,
openGroupInvitationUrl: openGroupInvitationUrl,
openGroupServerMessageId: { Int64($0) },
openGroupWhisperMods: false, // TODO: This
openGroupWhisperTo: nil // TODO: This
guard let interactionId: Int64 = else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Failed to insert interaction")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
try recipientStateMap?.forEach { recipientId, legacyState in
try RecipientState(
interactionId: interactionId,
recipientId: recipientId,
state: {
switch legacyState.state {
case .failed: return .failed
case .sending: return .sending
case .skipped: return .skipped
case .sent: return .sent
@unknown default: throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
readTimestampMs: legacyState.readTimestamp?.doubleValue
try attachmentIds.forEach { attachmentId in
guard let attachment: TSAttachment = attachments[attachmentId] else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unsupported interaction type")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
try Attachment(
interactionId: interactionId,
serverId: "\(attachment.serverId)",
variant: (attachment.isVoiceMessage ? .voiceMessage : .standard),
state: .pending, // TODO: This
contentType: attachment.contentType,
byteCount: UInt(attachment.byteCount),
creationTimestamp: 0, // TODO: This
sourceFilename: attachment.sourceFilename,
downloadUrl: attachment.downloadURL,
width: 0, // TODO: This attachment.mediaSize,
height: 0, // TODO: This attachment.mediaSize,
encryptionKey: attachment.encryptionKey,
digest: nil, // TODO: This attachment.digest,
caption: attachment.caption,
quoteId: nil, // TODO: THis
linkPreviewUrl: nil // TODO: This
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process thread inserts - End")
print("RAWR Done!!!")