2014-05-06 19:41:08 +02:00

26 lines
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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "CancelToken.h"
#import "StreamPair.h"
#import "Future.h"
/// Describes a location to which you can connect and communicate.
@protocol NetworkEndPoint <NSObject>
/// Creates a pair of read/write streams to this end point.
-(StreamPair*) createStreamPair;
/// Invoked when a stream pair has opened (tcp handshake completed), but before it is necessary writable.
/// (The time to set any options on the stream.)
-(void) handleStreamsOpened:(StreamPair*)streamPair;
/// Invoked when a stream pair is ready for read/write.
/// (The time to authenticate certificates of a completed SSL connection.)
-(Future*) asyncHandleStreamsConnected:(StreamPair*)streamPair;
/// Resolves this general end point into underlying associated specific end points.
/// For example, a hostname+port end point resolves into one or more ip+port end points.
/// The asynchronous result has type Future(Array(NetworkEndPoint)).
-(Future*) asyncResolveToSpecificEndPointsUnlessCancelled:(id<CancelToken>)unlessCancelledToken;