2018-12-18 10:53:41 -05:00

1867 lines
70 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import AVFoundation
import MediaPlayer
import PromiseKit
public protocol AttachmentApprovalViewControllerDelegate: class {
func attachmentApproval(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController, didApproveAttachments attachments: [SignalAttachment], messageText: String?)
func attachmentApproval(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController, didCancelAttachments attachments: [SignalAttachment])
@objc optional func attachmentApproval(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController, addMoreToAttachments attachments: [SignalAttachment])
@objc optional func attachmentApproval(_ attachmentApproval: AttachmentApprovalViewController, changedCaptionOfAttachment attachment: SignalAttachment)
// MARK: -
class AttachmentItemCollection {
private (set) var attachmentItems: [SignalAttachmentItem]
init(attachmentItems: [SignalAttachmentItem]) {
self.attachmentItems = attachmentItems
func itemAfter(item: SignalAttachmentItem) -> SignalAttachmentItem? {
guard let currentIndex = attachmentItems.index(of: item) else {
owsFailDebug("currentIndex was unexpectedly nil")
return nil
let nextIndex = attachmentItems.index(after: currentIndex)
return attachmentItems[safe: nextIndex]
func itemBefore(item: SignalAttachmentItem) -> SignalAttachmentItem? {
guard let currentIndex = attachmentItems.index(of: item) else {
owsFailDebug("currentIndex was unexpectedly nil")
return nil
let prevIndex = attachmentItems.index(before: currentIndex)
return attachmentItems[safe: prevIndex]
func remove(item: SignalAttachmentItem) {
attachmentItems = attachmentItems.filter { $0 != item }
// MARK: -
class SignalAttachmentItem: Hashable {
enum SignalAttachmentItemError: Error {
case noThumbnail
let attachment: SignalAttachment
var imageEditorModel: ImageEditorModel?
init(attachment: SignalAttachment) {
self.attachment = attachment
// Try and make a ImageEditorModel.
// This will only apply for valid images.
if let dataUrl: URL = attachment.dataUrl,
dataUrl.isFileURL {
let path = dataUrl.path
do {
imageEditorModel = try ImageEditorModel(srcImagePath: path)
} catch {
// Usually not an error.
Logger.warn("Could not create image editor: \(error)")
// MARK:
var captionText: String? {
return attachment.captionText
var imageSize: CGSize = .zero
func getThumbnailImage() -> Promise<UIImage> {
return { () -> UIImage in
guard let image = self.attachment.staticThumbnail() else {
throw SignalAttachmentItemError.noThumbnail
return image
}.tap { result in
switch result {
case .fulfilled(let image):
self.imageSize = image.size
case .rejected(let error):
owsFailDebug("failed with error: \(error)")
// MARK: Hashable
public var hashValue: Int {
return attachment.hashValue
// MARK: Equatable
static func == (lhs: SignalAttachmentItem, rhs: SignalAttachmentItem) -> Bool {
return lhs.attachment == rhs.attachment
// MARK: -
public enum AttachmentApprovalViewControllerMode: UInt {
case modal
case sharedNavigation
// MARK: -
public class AttachmentApprovalViewController: UIPageViewController, UIPageViewControllerDataSource, UIPageViewControllerDelegate {
// MARK: - Properties
private let mode: AttachmentApprovalViewControllerMode
public weak var approvalDelegate: AttachmentApprovalViewControllerDelegate?
// MARK: - Initializers
@available(*, unavailable, message:"use attachment: constructor instead.")
required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
let kSpacingBetweenItems: CGFloat = 20
required public init(mode: AttachmentApprovalViewControllerMode,
attachments: [SignalAttachment]) {
assert(attachments.count > 0)
self.mode = mode
let attachmentItems = { SignalAttachmentItem(attachment: $0 )}
self.attachmentItemCollection = AttachmentItemCollection(attachmentItems: attachmentItems)
super.init(transitionStyle: .scroll,
navigationOrientation: .horizontal,
options: [UIPageViewControllerOptionInterPageSpacingKey: kSpacingBetweenItems])
self.dataSource = self
self.delegate = self
public class func wrappedInNavController(attachments: [SignalAttachment], approvalDelegate: AttachmentApprovalViewControllerDelegate) -> OWSNavigationController {
let vc = AttachmentApprovalViewController(mode: .modal, attachments: attachments)
vc.approvalDelegate = approvalDelegate
let navController = OWSNavigationController(rootViewController: vc)
guard let navigationBar = navController.navigationBar as? OWSNavigationBar else {
owsFailDebug("navigationBar was nil or unexpected class")
return navController
navigationBar.overrideTheme(type: .clear)
return navController
// MARK: - Subviews
var galleryRailView: GalleryRailView {
return bottomToolView.galleryRailView
var mediaMessageTextToolbar: MediaMessageTextToolbar {
return bottomToolView.mediaMessageTextToolbar
lazy var bottomToolView: BottomToolView = {
let isAddMoreVisible = mode == .sharedNavigation
let bottomToolView = BottomToolView(isAddMoreVisible: isAddMoreVisible)
return bottomToolView
// MARK: - View Lifecycle
override public func viewDidLoad() {
self.view.backgroundColor = .black
// avoid an unpleasant "bounce" which doesn't make sense in the context of a single item.
pagerScrollView?.isScrollEnabled = attachmentItems.count > 1
// Bottom Toolbar
galleryRailView.delegate = self
mediaMessageTextToolbar.mediaMessageTextToolbarDelegate = self
// Navigation
self.navigationItem.title = nil
if mode != .sharedNavigation {
let cancelButton = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .cancel,
target: self, action: #selector(cancelPressed))
cancelButton.tintColor = .white
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = cancelButton
guard let firstItem = attachmentItems.first else {
owsFailDebug("firstItem was unexpectedly nil")
self.setCurrentItem(firstItem, direction: .forward, animated: false)
// As a refresher, the _Information Architecture_ here is:
// You are approving an "Album", which has multiple "Attachments"
// The "media message text" and the "media rail" belong to the Album as a whole, whereas
// each caption belongs to the individual Attachment.
// The _UI Architecture_ reflects this hierarchy by putting the MediaRail and
// MediaMessageText input into the bottomToolView which is then the AttachmentApprovalView's
// inputAccessoryView.
// Whereas a CaptionView lives in each page of the PageViewController, per Attachment.
// So as you page, the CaptionViews move out of view with its page, whereas the input
// accessory view (rail/media message text) will remain fixed in the viewport.
// However (and here's the kicker), at rest, the media's CaptionView rests just above the
// input accessory view. So when things are static, they appear as a single piece of
// interface.
// I'm not totally sure if this is what Myles had in mind, but the screenshots left a lot of
// behavior ambiguous, and this was my best interpretation.
// Because of this complexity, it is insufficient to observe only the
// KeyboardWillChangeFrame, since the keyboard could be changing frame when the CaptionView
// became/resigned first responder, when AttachmentApprovalViewController became/resigned
// first responder, or when the AttachmentApprovalView's inputAccessoryView.textView
// became/resigned first responder, and because these things can happen in immediatre
// sequence, getting a single smooth animation requires handling each notification slightly
// differently.
selector: #selector(keyboardWillShow(notification:)),
name: .UIKeyboardWillShow,
object: nil)
selector: #selector(keyboardDidShow(notification:)),
name: .UIKeyboardDidShow,
object: nil)
selector: #selector(keyboardWillHide(notification:)),
name: .UIKeyboardWillHide,
object: nil)
override public func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
CurrentAppContext().setStatusBarHidden(true, animated: animated)
guard let navigationBar = navigationController?.navigationBar as? OWSNavigationBar else {
owsFailDebug("navigationBar was nil or unexpected class")
navigationBar.overrideTheme(type: .clear)
override public func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
override public func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Since this VC is being dismissed, the "show status bar" animation would feel like
// it's occuring on the presenting view controller - it's better not to animate at all.
CurrentAppContext().setStatusBarHidden(false, animated: false)
override public var inputAccessoryView: UIView? {
return bottomToolView
override public var canBecomeFirstResponder: Bool {
return true
var lastObservedKeyboardTop: CGFloat = 0
var inputAccessorySnapshotView: UIView?
func keyboardDidShow(notification: Notification) {
// If this is a result of the vc becoming first responder, the keyboard isn't actually
// showing, rather the inputAccessoryView is now showing, so we want to remove any
// previously added toolbar snapshot.
if isFirstResponder, inputAccessorySnapshotView != nil {
func keyboardWillShow(notification: Notification) {
guard let userInfo = notification.userInfo else {
owsFailDebug("userInfo was unexpectedly nil")
guard let keyboardStartFrame = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? CGRect else {
owsFailDebug("keyboardEndFrame was unexpectedly nil")
guard let keyboardEndFrame = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? CGRect else {
owsFailDebug("keyboardEndFrame was unexpectedly nil")
Logger.debug("\(keyboardStartFrame) -> \(keyboardEndFrame)")
lastObservedKeyboardTop = keyboardEndFrame.size.height
let keyboardScenario: KeyboardScenario = bottomToolView.isEditingMediaMessage ? .editingMessage : .editingCaption
currentPageViewController.updateCaptionViewBottomInset(keyboardScenario: keyboardScenario)
func keyboardWillHide(notification: Notification) {
guard let userInfo = notification.userInfo else {
owsFailDebug("userInfo was unexpectedly nil")
guard let keyboardStartFrame = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? CGRect else {
owsFailDebug("keyboardEndFrame was unexpectedly nil")
guard let keyboardEndFrame = userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? CGRect else {
owsFailDebug("keyboardEndFrame was unexpectedly nil")
Logger.debug("\(keyboardStartFrame) -> \(keyboardEndFrame)")
lastObservedKeyboardTop = UIScreen.main.bounds.height - keyboardEndFrame.size.height
currentPageViewController.updateCaptionViewBottomInset(keyboardScenario: .hidden)
// MARK: - View Helpers
func remove(attachmentItem: SignalAttachmentItem) {
if attachmentItem == currentItem {
if let nextItem = attachmentItemCollection.itemAfter(item: attachmentItem) {
setCurrentItem(nextItem, direction: .forward, animated: true)
} else if let prevItem = attachmentItemCollection.itemBefore(item: attachmentItem) {
setCurrentItem(prevItem, direction: .reverse, animated: true)
} else {
owsFailDebug("removing last item shouldn't be possible because rail should not be visible")
guard let cell = galleryRailView.cellViews.first(where: { $0.item === attachmentItem }) else {
owsFailDebug("cell was unexpectedly nil")
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2,
animations: {
// shrink stack view item until it disappears
cell.isHidden = true
// simultaneously fade out
cell.alpha = 0
completion: { _ in
self.attachmentItemCollection.remove(item: attachmentItem)
func addDeleteIcon(cellView: GalleryRailCellView) {
guard let attachmentItem = cellView.item as? SignalAttachmentItem else {
owsFailDebug("attachmentItem was unexpectedly nil")
let button = OWSButton { [weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
strongSelf.remove(attachmentItem: attachmentItem)
button.setImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "ic_small_x"), for: .normal)
let kInsetDistance: CGFloat = 5
button.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: kInsetDistance, left: kInsetDistance, bottom: kInsetDistance, right: kInsetDistance)
let kButtonWidth: CGFloat = 9 + kInsetDistance * 2
button.autoSetDimensions(to: CGSize(width: kButtonWidth, height: kButtonWidth))
button.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewMargin: .top)
button.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewMargin: .trailing)
lazy var pagerScrollView: UIScrollView? = {
// This is kind of a hack. Since we don't have first class access to the superview's `scrollView`
// we traverse the view hierarchy until we find it.
let pagerScrollView = view.subviews.first { $0 is UIScrollView } as? UIScrollView
assert(pagerScrollView != nil)
return pagerScrollView
func updateCaptionVisibility() {
for pageViewController in pageViewControllers {
pageViewController.updateCaptionVisibility(attachmentCount: attachments.count)
// MARK: - UIPageViewControllerDelegate
public func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, willTransitionTo pendingViewControllers: [UIViewController]) {
assert(pendingViewControllers.count == 1)
pendingViewControllers.forEach { viewController in
guard let pendingPage = viewController as? AttachmentPrepViewController else {
owsFailDebug("unexpected viewController: \(viewController)")
// use compact scale when keyboard is popped.
let scale: AttachmentPrepViewController.AttachmentViewScale = self.isFirstResponder ? .fullsize : .compact
pendingPage.setAttachmentViewScale(scale, animated: false)
let keyboardScenario: KeyboardScenario = bottomToolView.isEditingMediaMessage ? .editingMessage : .hidden
pendingPage.updateCaptionViewBottomInset(keyboardScenario: keyboardScenario)
public func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, didFinishAnimating finished: Bool, previousViewControllers: [UIViewController], transitionCompleted: Bool) {
assert(previousViewControllers.count == 1)
previousViewControllers.forEach { viewController in
guard let previousPage = viewController as? AttachmentPrepViewController else {
owsFailDebug("unexpected viewController: \(viewController)")
if transitionCompleted {
previousPage.zoomOut(animated: false)
// MARK: - UIPageViewControllerDataSource
public func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, viewControllerBefore viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? {
guard let currentViewController = viewController as? AttachmentPrepViewController else {
owsFailDebug("unexpected viewController: \(viewController)")
return nil
let currentItem = currentViewController.attachmentItem
guard let previousItem = attachmentItem(before: currentItem) else {
return nil
guard let previousPage: AttachmentPrepViewController = buildPage(item: previousItem) else {
return nil
return previousPage
public func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, viewControllerAfter viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? {
guard let currentViewController = viewController as? AttachmentPrepViewController else {
owsFailDebug("unexpected viewController: \(viewController)")
return nil
let currentItem = currentViewController.attachmentItem
guard let nextItem = attachmentItem(after: currentItem) else {
return nil
guard let nextPage: AttachmentPrepViewController = buildPage(item: nextItem) else {
return nil
return nextPage
public var currentPageViewController: AttachmentPrepViewController {
return pageViewControllers.first!
public var pageViewControllers: [AttachmentPrepViewController] {
return super.viewControllers!.map { $0 as! AttachmentPrepViewController }
var currentItem: SignalAttachmentItem! {
get {
return currentPageViewController.attachmentItem
set {
setCurrentItem(newValue, direction: .forward, animated: false)
private var cachedPages: [SignalAttachmentItem: AttachmentPrepViewController] = [:]
private func buildPage(item: SignalAttachmentItem) -> AttachmentPrepViewController? {
if let cachedPage = cachedPages[item] {
Logger.debug("cache hit.")
return cachedPage
Logger.debug("cache miss.")
let viewController = AttachmentPrepViewController(attachmentItem: item)
viewController.prepDelegate = self
viewController.updateCaptionVisibility(attachmentCount: attachments.count)
cachedPages[item] = viewController
return viewController
private func setCurrentItem(_ item: SignalAttachmentItem, direction: UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirection, animated isAnimated: Bool) {
guard let page = self.buildPage(item: item) else {
owsFailDebug("unexpectedly unable to build new page")
self.setViewControllers([page], direction: direction, animated: isAnimated, completion: nil)
func updateMediaRail() {
guard let currentItem = self.currentItem else {
owsFailDebug("currentItem was unexpectedly nil")
let cellViewDecoratorBlock = { (cellView: GalleryRailCellView) in
self.addDeleteIcon(cellView: cellView)
galleryRailView.configureCellViews(itemProvider: attachmentItemCollection,
focusedItem: currentItem,
cellViewDecoratorBlock: cellViewDecoratorBlock)
galleryRailView.isHidden = attachmentItemCollection.attachmentItems.count < 2
let attachmentItemCollection: AttachmentItemCollection
var attachmentItems: [SignalAttachmentItem] {
return attachmentItemCollection.attachmentItems
var attachments: [SignalAttachment] {
return { $0.attachment }
func attachmentItem(before currentItem: SignalAttachmentItem) -> SignalAttachmentItem? {
guard let currentIndex = attachmentItems.index(of: currentItem) else {
owsFailDebug("currentIndex was unexpectedly nil")
return nil
let index: Int = attachmentItems.index(before: currentIndex)
guard let previousItem = attachmentItems[safe: index] else {
// already at first item
return nil
return previousItem
func attachmentItem(after currentItem: SignalAttachmentItem) -> SignalAttachmentItem? {
guard let currentIndex = attachmentItems.index(of: currentItem) else {
owsFailDebug("currentIndex was unexpectedly nil")
return nil
let index: Int = attachmentItems.index(after: currentIndex)
guard let nextItem = attachmentItems[safe: index] else {
// already at last item
return nil
return nextItem
// MARK: - Event Handlers
@objc func cancelPressed(sender: UIButton) {
self.approvalDelegate?.attachmentApproval(self, didCancelAttachments: attachments)
extension AttachmentApprovalViewController: MediaMessageTextToolbarDelegate {
func mediaMessageTextToolbarDidBeginEditing(_ mediaMessageTextToolbar: MediaMessageTextToolbar) {
currentPageViewController.setAttachmentViewScale(.compact, animated: true)
func mediaMessageTextToolbarDidEndEditing(_ mediaMessageTextToolbar: MediaMessageTextToolbar) {
currentPageViewController.setAttachmentViewScale(.fullsize, animated: true)
func mediaMessageTextToolbarDidTapSend(_ mediaMessageTextToolbar: MediaMessageTextToolbar) {
// Toolbar flickers in and out if there are errors
// and remains visible momentarily after share extension is dismissed.
// It's easiest to just hide it at this point since we're done with it.
currentPageViewController.shouldAllowAttachmentViewResizing = false
mediaMessageTextToolbar.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
mediaMessageTextToolbar.isHidden = true
approvalDelegate?.attachmentApproval(self, didApproveAttachments: attachments, messageText: mediaMessageTextToolbar.messageText)
func mediaMessageTextToolbarDidAddMore(_ mediaMessageTextToolbar: MediaMessageTextToolbar) {
self.approvalDelegate?.attachmentApproval?(self, addMoreToAttachments: attachments)
extension AttachmentApprovalViewController: AttachmentPrepViewControllerDelegate {
func prepViewController(_ prepViewController: AttachmentPrepViewController, didUpdateCaptionForAttachmentItem attachmentItem: SignalAttachmentItem) {
self.approvalDelegate?.attachmentApproval?(self, changedCaptionOfAttachment: attachmentItem.attachment)
func prepViewController(_ prepViewController: AttachmentPrepViewController, willBeginEditingCaptionView captionView: CaptionView) {
// When the CaptionView becomes first responder, the AttachmentApprovalViewController will
// consequently resignFirstResponder, which means the bottomToolView would disappear from
// the screen, so before that happens, we add a snapshot to holds it's place.
func prepViewController(_ prepViewController: AttachmentPrepViewController, didBeginEditingCaptionView captionView: CaptionView) {
// Disable paging while captions are being edited to avoid a clunky animation.
// Loading the next page causes the CaptionView to resign first responder, which in turn
// dismisses the keyboard, which in turn affects the vertical offset of both the CaptionView
// from the page we're leaving as well as the page we're entering. Instead we require the
// user to dismiss *then* swipe.
func addInputAccessorySnapshot() {
assert(inputAccessorySnapshotView == nil)
// To fix a layout glitch where the snapshot view is 1/2 the width of the screen, it's key
// that we use `bottomToolView` and not `inputAccessoryView` which can trigger a layout of
// the `bottomToolView`.
// Presumably the frame of the inputAccessoryView has just changed because we're in the
// middle of switching first responders. We want a snapshot as it *was*, not reflecting any
// just-applied superview layout changes.
inputAccessorySnapshotView = bottomToolView.snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates: true)
guard let inputAccessorySnapshotView = inputAccessorySnapshotView else {
owsFailDebug("inputAccessorySnapshotView was unexpectedly nil")
inputAccessorySnapshotView.autoSetDimension(.height, toSize: bottomToolView.bounds.height)
inputAccessorySnapshotView.autoPinEdgesToSuperviewEdges(with: .zero, excludingEdge: .top)
func removeToolbarSnapshot() {
guard let inputAccessorySnapshotView = self.inputAccessorySnapshotView else {
owsFailDebug("inputAccessorySnapshotView was unexpectedly nil")
self.inputAccessorySnapshotView = nil
func prepViewController(_ prepViewController: AttachmentPrepViewController, didEndEditingCaptionView captionView: CaptionView) {
func desiredCaptionViewBottomInset(keyboardScenario: KeyboardScenario) -> CGFloat {
switch keyboardScenario {
case .hidden, .editingMessage:
return bottomToolView.bounds.height
case .editingCaption:
return lastObservedKeyboardTop
// MARK: Helpers
func disablePaging() {
pagerScrollView?.panGestureRecognizer.isEnabled = false
func enablePaging() {
pagerScrollView?.panGestureRecognizer.isEnabled = true
// MARK: GalleryRail
extension SignalAttachmentItem: GalleryRailItem {
var aspectRatio: CGFloat {
return self.imageSize.aspectRatio
func getRailImage() -> Promise<UIImage> {
return self.getThumbnailImage()
extension AttachmentItemCollection: GalleryRailItemProvider {
var railItems: [GalleryRailItem] {
return self.attachmentItems
extension AttachmentApprovalViewController: GalleryRailViewDelegate {
public func galleryRailView(_ galleryRailView: GalleryRailView, didTapItem imageRailItem: GalleryRailItem) {
guard let targetItem = imageRailItem as? SignalAttachmentItem else {
owsFailDebug("unexpected imageRailItem: \(imageRailItem)")
guard let currentIndex = attachmentItems.index(of: currentItem) else {
owsFailDebug("currentIndex was unexpectedly nil")
guard let targetIndex = attachmentItems.index(of: targetItem) else {
owsFailDebug("targetIndex was unexpectedly nil")
let direction: UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirection = currentIndex < targetIndex ? .forward : .reverse
self.setCurrentItem(targetItem, direction: direction, animated: true)
// MARK: - Individual Page
enum KeyboardScenario {
case hidden, editingMessage, editingCaption
protocol AttachmentPrepViewControllerDelegate: class {
func prepViewController(_ prepViewController: AttachmentPrepViewController, didUpdateCaptionForAttachmentItem attachmentItem: SignalAttachmentItem)
func prepViewController(_ prepViewController: AttachmentPrepViewController, willBeginEditingCaptionView captionView: CaptionView)
func prepViewController(_ prepViewController: AttachmentPrepViewController, didBeginEditingCaptionView captionView: CaptionView)
func prepViewController(_ prepViewController: AttachmentPrepViewController, didEndEditingCaptionView captionView: CaptionView)
func desiredCaptionViewBottomInset(keyboardScenario: KeyboardScenario) -> CGFloat
public class AttachmentPrepViewController: OWSViewController, PlayerProgressBarDelegate, OWSVideoPlayerDelegate {
// We sometimes shrink the attachment view so that it remains somewhat visible
// when the keyboard is presented.
enum AttachmentViewScale {
case fullsize, compact
// MARK: - Properties
weak var prepDelegate: AttachmentPrepViewControllerDelegate?
let attachmentItem: SignalAttachmentItem
var attachment: SignalAttachment {
return attachmentItem.attachment
private var videoPlayer: OWSVideoPlayer?
private(set) var mediaMessageView: MediaMessageView!
private(set) var scrollView: UIScrollView!
private(set) var contentContainer: UIView!
private(set) var playVideoButton: UIView?
private var imageEditorView: ImageEditorView?
// MARK: - Initializers
init(attachmentItem: SignalAttachmentItem) {
self.attachmentItem = attachmentItem
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
func updateCaptionVisibility(attachmentCount: Int) {
if attachmentCount > 1 {
captionView.isHidden = false
// If we previously had multiple attachments, we'd have shown the caption fields.
// Subsequently, if the user had added caption text, then removed the other attachments
// we will continue to show this caption field, so as not to hide any already-entered text.
if let captionText = captionView.captionText, captionText.count > 0 {
captionView.isHidden = false
captionView.isHidden = true
// MARK: - Subviews
lazy var captionView: CaptionView = {
return CaptionView(attachmentItem: attachmentItem)
lazy var touchInterceptorView: UIView = {
let touchInterceptorView = UIView()
let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(didTapTouchInterceptorView(gesture:)))
return touchInterceptorView
// MARK: - View Lifecycle
override public func loadView() {
self.view = UIView()
self.mediaMessageView = MediaMessageView(attachment: attachment, mode: .attachmentApproval)
// Anything that should be shrunk when user pops keyboard lives in the contentContainer.
let contentContainer = UIView()
self.contentContainer = contentContainer
// Scroll View - used to zoom/pan on images and video
scrollView = UIScrollView()
scrollView.delegate = self
scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = false
// Panning should stop pretty soon after the user stops scrolling
scrollView.decelerationRate = UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast
// We want scroll view content up and behind the system status bar content
// but we want other content (e.g. bar buttons) to respect the top layout guide.
self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false
let backgroundColor =
self.view.backgroundColor = backgroundColor
// Create full screen container view so the scrollView
// can compute an appropriate content size in which to center
// our media view.
let containerView = UIView.container()
containerView.autoMatch(.height, to: .height, of: self.view)
containerView.autoMatch(.width, to: .width, of: self.view)
if let imageEditorModel = attachmentItem.imageEditorModel,
let imageMediaView = self.mediaMessageView.contentView {
let imageEditorView = ImageEditorView(model: imageEditorModel)
self.imageEditorView = imageEditorView
if isZoomable {
// Add top and bottom gradients to ensure toolbar controls are legible
// when placed over image/video preview which may be a clashing color.
let topGradient = GradientView(from: backgroundColor, to: UIColor.clear)
topGradient.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .top)
topGradient.autoSetDimension(.height, toSize: ScaleFromIPhone5(60))
// Hide the play button embedded in the MediaView and replace it with our own.
// This allows us to zoom in on the media view without zooming in on the button
if attachment.isVideo {
guard let videoURL = attachment.dataUrl else {
owsFailDebug("Missing videoURL")
let player = OWSVideoPlayer(url: videoURL)
self.videoPlayer = player
player.delegate = self
let playerView = VideoPlayerView()
playerView.player = player.avPlayer
let pauseGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(didTapPlayerView(_:)))
let progressBar = PlayerProgressBar()
progressBar.player = player.avPlayer
progressBar.delegate = self
// we don't want the progress bar to zoom during "pinch-to-zoom"
// but we do want it to shrink with the media content when the user
// pops the keyboard.
progressBar.autoPin(toTopLayoutGuideOf: self, withInset: 0)
progressBar.autoSetDimension(.height, toSize: 44)
self.mediaMessageView.videoPlayButton?.isHidden = true
let playButton = UIButton()
self.playVideoButton = playButton
playButton.accessibilityLabel = NSLocalizedString("PLAY_BUTTON_ACCESSABILITY_LABEL", comment: "Accessibility label for button to start media playback")
playButton.setBackgroundImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "play_button"), for: .normal)
playButton.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
let playButtonWidth = ScaleFromIPhone5(70)
playButton.autoSetDimensions(to: CGSize(width: playButtonWidth, height: playButtonWidth))
playButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(playButtonTapped), for: .touchUpInside)
// Caption
touchInterceptorView.isHidden = true
captionView.delegate = self
captionViewBottomConstraint = captionView.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .bottom)
override public func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
// e.g. if flipping to/from landscape
ensureAttachmentViewScale(animated: false)
// MARK: CaptionView lifts with keyboard
var hasLaidOutCaptionView: Bool = false
var captionViewBottomConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
func updateCaptionViewBottomInset(keyboardScenario: KeyboardScenario) {
guard let prepDelegate = self.prepDelegate else {
owsFailDebug("prepDelegate was unexpectedly nil")
let changeBlock = {
let offset: CGFloat = -1 * prepDelegate.desiredCaptionViewBottomInset(keyboardScenario: keyboardScenario)
self.captionViewBottomConstraint.constant = offset
// To avoid an animation glitch, we apply this update without animation before initial
// appearance. But after that, we want to apply the constraint change within the existing
// animation context, since we call this while handling a UIKeyboard notification, which
// allows us to slide up the CaptionView in lockstep with the keyboard.
if hasLaidOutCaptionView {
} else {
hasLaidOutCaptionView = true
UIView.performWithoutAnimation { changeBlock() }
// MARK: - Event Handlers
func didTapTouchInterceptorView(gesture: UITapGestureRecognizer) {"")
touchInterceptorView.isHidden = true
public func didTapPlayerView(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) {
assert(self.videoPlayer != nil)
public func playButtonTapped() {
// MARK: - Video
private func playVideo() {"")
guard let videoPlayer = self.videoPlayer else {
owsFailDebug("video player was unexpectedly nil")
guard let playVideoButton = self.playVideoButton else {
owsFailDebug("playVideoButton was unexpectedly nil")
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.1) {
playVideoButton.alpha = 0.0
private func pauseVideo() {
guard let videoPlayer = self.videoPlayer else {
owsFailDebug("video player was unexpectedly nil")
guard let playVideoButton = self.playVideoButton else {
owsFailDebug("playVideoButton was unexpectedly nil")
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.1) {
playVideoButton.alpha = 1.0
public func videoPlayerDidPlayToCompletion(_ videoPlayer: OWSVideoPlayer) {
guard let playVideoButton = self.playVideoButton else {
owsFailDebug("playVideoButton was unexpectedly nil")
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.1) {
playVideoButton.alpha = 1.0
public func playerProgressBarDidStartScrubbing(_ playerProgressBar: PlayerProgressBar) {
guard let videoPlayer = self.videoPlayer else {
owsFailDebug("video player was unexpectedly nil")
public func playerProgressBar(_ playerProgressBar: PlayerProgressBar, scrubbedToTime time: CMTime) {
guard let videoPlayer = self.videoPlayer else {
owsFailDebug("video player was unexpectedly nil")
} time)
public func playerProgressBar(_ playerProgressBar: PlayerProgressBar, didFinishScrubbingAtTime time: CMTime, shouldResumePlayback: Bool) {
guard let videoPlayer = self.videoPlayer else {
owsFailDebug("video player was unexpectedly nil")
} time)
if (shouldResumePlayback) {
// MARK: - Helpers
var isZoomable: Bool {
return attachment.isImage || attachment.isVideo
func zoomOut(animated: Bool) {
if self.scrollView.zoomScale != self.scrollView.minimumZoomScale {
self.scrollView.setZoomScale(self.scrollView.minimumZoomScale, animated: animated)
// When the keyboard is popped, it can obscure the attachment view.
// so we sometimes allow resizing the attachment.
var shouldAllowAttachmentViewResizing: Bool = true
var attachmentViewScale: AttachmentViewScale = .fullsize
fileprivate func setAttachmentViewScale(_ attachmentViewScale: AttachmentViewScale, animated: Bool) {
self.attachmentViewScale = attachmentViewScale
ensureAttachmentViewScale(animated: animated)
func ensureAttachmentViewScale(animated: Bool) {
let animationDuration = animated ? 0.2 : 0
guard shouldAllowAttachmentViewResizing else {
if self.contentContainer.transform != CGAffineTransform.identity {
UIView.animate(withDuration: animationDuration) {
self.contentContainer.transform = CGAffineTransform.identity
switch attachmentViewScale {
case .fullsize:
guard self.contentContainer.transform != .identity else {
UIView.animate(withDuration: animationDuration) {
self.contentContainer.transform = CGAffineTransform.identity
case .compact:
guard self.contentContainer.transform == .identity else {
UIView.animate(withDuration: animationDuration) {
let kScaleFactor: CGFloat = 0.7
let scale = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: kScaleFactor, y: kScaleFactor)
let originalHeight = self.scrollView.bounds.size.height
// Position the new scaled item to be centered with respect
// to it's new size.
let heightDelta = originalHeight * (1 - kScaleFactor)
let translate = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: -heightDelta / 2)
self.contentContainer.transform = scale.concatenating(translate)
extension AttachmentPrepViewController: CaptionViewDelegate {
func captionViewWillBeginEditing(_ captionView: CaptionView) {
prepDelegate?.prepViewController(self, willBeginEditingCaptionView: captionView)
func captionView(_ captionView: CaptionView, didChangeCaptionText captionText: String?, attachmentItem: SignalAttachmentItem) {
let attachment = attachmentItem.attachment
attachment.captionText = captionText
prepDelegate?.prepViewController(self, didUpdateCaptionForAttachmentItem: attachmentItem)
func captionViewDidBeginEditing(_ captionView: CaptionView) {
// Don't allow user to pan until they've dismissed the keyboard.
// This avoids a really ugly animation from simultaneously dismissing the keyboard
// while loading a new PrepViewController, and it's CaptionView, whose layout depends
// on the keyboard's position.
touchInterceptorView.isHidden = false
prepDelegate?.prepViewController(self, didBeginEditingCaptionView: captionView)
func captionViewDidEndEditing(_ captionView: CaptionView) {
touchInterceptorView.isHidden = true
prepDelegate?.prepViewController(self, didEndEditingCaptionView: captionView)
extension AttachmentPrepViewController: UIScrollViewDelegate {
public func viewForZooming(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView? {
if isZoomable {
return mediaMessageView
} else {
// don't zoom for audio or generic attachments.
return nil
fileprivate func updateMinZoomScaleForSize(_ size: CGSize) {
// Ensure bounds have been computed
guard mediaMessageView.bounds.width > 0, mediaMessageView.bounds.height > 0 else {
Logger.warn("bad bounds")
let widthScale = size.width / mediaMessageView.bounds.width
let heightScale = size.height / mediaMessageView.bounds.height
let minScale = min(widthScale, heightScale)
scrollView.maximumZoomScale = minScale * 5.0
scrollView.minimumZoomScale = minScale
scrollView.zoomScale = minScale
// Keep the media view centered within the scroll view as you zoom
public func scrollViewDidZoom(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
// The scroll view has zoomed, so you need to re-center the contents
let scrollViewSize = self.scrollViewVisibleSize
// First assume that mediaMessageView center coincides with the contents center
// This is correct when the mediaMessageView is bigger than scrollView due to zoom
var contentCenter = CGPoint(x: (scrollView.contentSize.width / 2), y: (scrollView.contentSize.height / 2))
let scrollViewCenter = self.scrollViewCenter
// if mediaMessageView is smaller than the scrollView visible size - fix the content center accordingly
if self.scrollView.contentSize.width < scrollViewSize.width {
contentCenter.x = scrollViewCenter.x
if self.scrollView.contentSize.height < scrollViewSize.height {
contentCenter.y = scrollViewCenter.y
} = contentCenter
// return the scroll view center
private var scrollViewCenter: CGPoint {
let size = scrollViewVisibleSize
return CGPoint(x: (size.width / 2), y: (size.height / 2))
// Return scrollview size without the area overlapping with tab and nav bar.
private var scrollViewVisibleSize: CGSize {
let contentInset = scrollView.contentInset
let scrollViewSize = scrollView.bounds.standardized.size
let width = scrollViewSize.width - (contentInset.left + contentInset.right)
let height = scrollViewSize.height - ( + contentInset.bottom)
return CGSize(width: width, height: height)
class BottomToolView: UIView {
let mediaMessageTextToolbar: MediaMessageTextToolbar
let galleryRailView: GalleryRailView
var isEditingMediaMessage: Bool {
return mediaMessageTextToolbar.textView.isFirstResponder
let kGalleryRailViewHeight: CGFloat = 72
required init(isAddMoreVisible: Bool) {
mediaMessageTextToolbar = MediaMessageTextToolbar(isAddMoreVisible: isAddMoreVisible)
galleryRailView = GalleryRailView()
galleryRailView.scrollFocusMode = .keepWithinBounds
galleryRailView.autoSetDimension(.height, toSize: kGalleryRailViewHeight)
super.init(frame: .zero)
// Specifying autorsizing mask and an intrinsic content size allows proper
// sizing when used as an input accessory view.
self.autoresizingMask = .flexibleHeight
self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
backgroundColor =
preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins = true
let stackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [self.galleryRailView, self.mediaMessageTextToolbar])
stackView.axis = .vertical
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
// MARK:
override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
get {
// Since we have `self.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight`, we must specify
// an intrinsicContentSize. Specifying causes the height to be determined by autolayout.
protocol CaptionViewDelegate: class {
func captionView(_ captionView: CaptionView, didChangeCaptionText captionText: String?, attachmentItem: SignalAttachmentItem)
func captionViewWillBeginEditing(_ captionView: CaptionView)
func captionViewDidBeginEditing(_ captionView: CaptionView)
func captionViewDidEndEditing(_ captionView: CaptionView)
class CaptionView: UIView {
var captionText: String? {
get { return textView.text }
set {
textView.text = newValue
let attachmentItem: SignalAttachmentItem
var attachment: SignalAttachment {
return attachmentItem.attachment
weak var delegate: CaptionViewDelegate?
private let kMinTextViewHeight: CGFloat = 38
private var textViewHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
private lazy var lengthLimitLabel: UILabel = {
let lengthLimitLabel = UILabel()
// Length Limit Label shown when the user inputs too long of a message
lengthLimitLabel.textColor = .white
lengthLimitLabel.text = NSLocalizedString("ATTACHMENT_APPROVAL_CAPTION_LENGTH_LIMIT_REACHED", comment: "One-line label indicating the user can add no more text to the attachment caption.")
lengthLimitLabel.textAlignment = .center
// Add shadow in case overlayed on white content
lengthLimitLabel.layer.shadowColor =
lengthLimitLabel.layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0.0, height: 0.0)
lengthLimitLabel.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.8
lengthLimitLabel.isHidden = true
return lengthLimitLabel
// MARK: Initializers
init(attachmentItem: SignalAttachmentItem) {
self.attachmentItem = attachmentItem
super.init(frame: .zero)
backgroundColor =
self.captionText = attachmentItem.captionText
textView.delegate = self
let textContainer = UIView()
textViewHeightConstraint = textView.autoSetDimension(.height, toSize: kMinTextViewHeight)
let hStack = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [addCaptionButton, textContainer, doneButton])
doneButton.isHidden = true
lengthLimitLabel.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewMargin: .left)
lengthLimitLabel.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewMargin: .right)
lengthLimitLabel.autoPinEdge(.bottom, to: .top, of: textView, withOffset: -9)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
// MARK:
func endEditing() {
override var inputAccessoryView: UIView? {
// Don't inherit the vc's inputAccessoryView
return nil
// MARK: Subviews
func updatePlaceholderTextViewVisibility() {
let isHidden: Bool = {
guard !self.textView.isFirstResponder else {
return true
guard let captionText = self.textView.text else {
return false
guard captionText.count > 0 else {
return false
return true
placeholderTextView.isHidden = isHidden
private lazy var placeholderTextView: UITextView = {
let placeholderTextView = UITextView()
placeholderTextView.text = NSLocalizedString("ATTACHMENT_APPROVAL_CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER", comment: "placeholder text for an empty captioning field")
placeholderTextView.isEditable = false
placeholderTextView.backgroundColor = .clear
placeholderTextView.font = UIFont.ows_dynamicTypeBody
placeholderTextView.textColor = Theme.darkThemePrimaryColor
placeholderTextView.tintColor = Theme.darkThemePrimaryColor
placeholderTextView.returnKeyType = .done
return placeholderTextView
private lazy var textView: UITextView = {
let textView = UITextView()
textView.backgroundColor = .clear
textView.keyboardAppearance = Theme.darkThemeKeyboardAppearance
textView.font = UIFont.ows_dynamicTypeBody
textView.textColor = Theme.darkThemePrimaryColor
textView.tintColor = Theme.darkThemePrimaryColor
return textView
lazy var addCaptionButton: UIButton = {
let addCaptionButton = OWSButton { [weak self] in
let icon = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ic_add_caption").withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
addCaptionButton.setImage(icon, for: .normal)
addCaptionButton.tintColor = Theme.darkThemePrimaryColor
return addCaptionButton
lazy var doneButton: UIButton = {
let doneButton = OWSButton { [weak self] in
doneButton.setTitle(CommonStrings.doneButton, for: .normal)
doneButton.tintColor = Theme.darkThemePrimaryColor
return doneButton
let kMaxCaptionCharacterCount = 240
extension CaptionView: UITextViewDelegate {
public func textViewShouldBeginEditing(_ textView: UITextView) -> Bool {
return true
public func textViewDidBeginEditing(_ textView: UITextView) {
doneButton.isHidden = false
addCaptionButton.isHidden = true
public func textViewDidEndEditing(_ textView: UITextView) {
doneButton.isHidden = true
addCaptionButton.isHidden = false
public func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldChangeTextIn range: NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool {
let existingText: String = textView.text ?? ""
let proposedText: String = (existingText as NSString).replacingCharacters(in: range, with: text)
let kMaxCaptionByteCount = kOversizeTextMessageSizeThreshold / 4
guard proposedText.utf8.count <= kMaxCaptionByteCount else {
Logger.debug("hit caption byte count limit")
self.lengthLimitLabel.isHidden = false
// `range` represents the section of the existing text we will replace. We can re-use that space.
// Range is in units of NSStrings's standard UTF-16 characters. Since some of those chars could be
// represented as single bytes in utf-8, while others may be 8 or more, the only way to be sure is
// to just measure the utf8 encoded bytes of the replaced substring.
let bytesAfterDelete: Int = (existingText as NSString).replacingCharacters(in: range, with: "").utf8.count
// Accept as much of the input as we can
let byteBudget: Int = Int(kOversizeTextMessageSizeThreshold) - bytesAfterDelete
if byteBudget >= 0, let acceptableNewText = text.truncated(toByteCount: UInt(byteBudget)) {
textView.text = (existingText as NSString).replacingCharacters(in: range, with: acceptableNewText)
return false
// After verifying the byte-length is sufficiently small, verify the character count is within bounds.
// Normally this character count should entail *much* less byte count.
guard proposedText.count <= kMaxCaptionCharacterCount else {
Logger.debug("hit caption character count limit")
self.lengthLimitLabel.isHidden = false
// `range` represents the section of the existing text we will replace. We can re-use that space.
let charsAfterDelete: Int = (existingText as NSString).replacingCharacters(in: range, with: "").count
// Accept as much of the input as we can
let charBudget: Int = Int(kMaxCaptionCharacterCount) - charsAfterDelete
if charBudget >= 0 {
let acceptableNewText = String(text.prefix(charBudget))
textView.text = (existingText as NSString).replacingCharacters(in: range, with: acceptableNewText)
return false
self.lengthLimitLabel.isHidden = true
return true
public func textViewDidChange(_ textView: UITextView) {
self.delegate?.captionView(self, didChangeCaptionText: textView.text, attachmentItem: attachmentItem)
protocol MediaMessageTextToolbarDelegate: class {
func mediaMessageTextToolbarDidTapSend(_ mediaMessageTextToolbar: MediaMessageTextToolbar)
func mediaMessageTextToolbarDidBeginEditing(_ mediaMessageTextToolbar: MediaMessageTextToolbar)
func mediaMessageTextToolbarDidEndEditing(_ mediaMessageTextToolbar: MediaMessageTextToolbar)
func mediaMessageTextToolbarDidAddMore(_ mediaMessageTextToolbar: MediaMessageTextToolbar)
class MediaMessageTextToolbar: UIView, UITextViewDelegate {
weak var mediaMessageTextToolbarDelegate: MediaMessageTextToolbarDelegate?
var messageText: String? {
get { return textView.text }
set {
textView.text = newValue
// Layout Constants
let kMinTextViewHeight: CGFloat = 38
var maxTextViewHeight: CGFloat {
// About ~4 lines in portrait and ~3 lines in landscape.
// Otherwise we risk obscuring too much of the content.
return UIDevice.current.orientation.isPortrait ? 160 : 100
var textViewHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
var textViewHeight: CGFloat
// MARK: - Initializers
init(isAddMoreVisible: Bool) {
self.addMoreButton = UIButton(type: .custom)
self.sendButton = UIButton(type: .system)
self.textViewHeight = kMinTextViewHeight
// Specifying autorsizing mask and an intrinsic content size allows proper
// sizing when used as an input accessory view.
self.autoresizingMask = .flexibleHeight
self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
textView.delegate = self
let addMoreIcon = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "album_add_more").withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
addMoreButton.setImage(addMoreIcon, for: .normal)
addMoreButton.tintColor = Theme.darkThemePrimaryColor
addMoreButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(didTapAddMore), for: .touchUpInside)
let sendTitle = NSLocalizedString("ATTACHMENT_APPROVAL_SEND_BUTTON", comment: "Label for 'send' button in the 'attachment approval' dialog.")
sendButton.setTitle(sendTitle, for: .normal)
sendButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(didTapSend), for: .touchUpInside)
sendButton.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.ows_mediumFont(withSize: 16)
sendButton.titleLabel?.textAlignment = .center
sendButton.tintColor = Theme.galleryHighlightColor
// Increase hit area of send button
sendButton.contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 6, left: 8, bottom: 6, right: 8)
let contentView = UIView()
if isAddMoreVisible {
// Layout
let kToolbarMargin: CGFloat = 8
// We have to wrap the toolbar items in a content view because iOS (at least on iOS10.3) assigns the inputAccessoryView.layoutMargins
// when resigning first responder (verified by auditing with `layoutMarginsDidChange`).
// The effect of this is that if we were to assign these margins to self.layoutMargins, they'd be blown away if the
// user dismisses the keyboard, giving the input accessory view a wonky layout.
contentView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: kToolbarMargin, left: kToolbarMargin, bottom: kToolbarMargin, right: kToolbarMargin)
self.textViewHeightConstraint = textView.autoSetDimension(.height, toSize: kMinTextViewHeight)
// We pin all three edges explicitly rather than doing something like:
// textView.autoPinEdges(toSuperviewMarginsExcludingEdge: .right)
// because that method uses `leading` / `trailing` rather than `left` vs. `right`.
// So it doesn't work as expected with RTL layouts when we explicitly want something
// to be on the right side for both RTL and LTR layouts, like with the send button.
// I believe this is a bug in PureLayout. Filed here:
textContainer.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewMargin: .top)
textContainer.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewMargin: .bottom)
if isAddMoreVisible {
addMoreButton.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewMargin: .left)
textContainer.autoPinEdge(.left, to: .right, of: addMoreButton, withOffset: kToolbarMargin)
addMoreButton.autoAlignAxis(.horizontal, toSameAxisOf: sendButton)
} else {
textContainer.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewMargin: .left)
sendButton.autoPinEdge(.left, to: .right, of: textContainer, withOffset: kToolbarMargin)
sendButton.autoPinEdge(.bottom, to: .bottom, of: textContainer, withOffset: -3)
sendButton.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewMargin: .right)
lengthLimitLabel.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewMargin: .left)
lengthLimitLabel.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewMargin: .right)
lengthLimitLabel.autoPinEdge(.bottom, to: .top, of: textContainer, withOffset: -6)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
// MARK: - UIView Overrides
override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
get {
// Since we have `self.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight`, we must specify
// an intrinsicContentSize. Specifying causes the height to be determined by autolayout.
// MARK: - Subviews
private let addMoreButton: UIButton
private let sendButton: UIButton
private lazy var lengthLimitLabel: UILabel = {
let lengthLimitLabel = UILabel()
// Length Limit Label shown when the user inputs too long of a message
lengthLimitLabel.textColor = .white
lengthLimitLabel.text = NSLocalizedString("ATTACHMENT_APPROVAL_MESSAGE_LENGTH_LIMIT_REACHED", comment: "One-line label indicating the user can add no more text to the media message field.")
lengthLimitLabel.textAlignment = .center
// Add shadow in case overlayed on white content
lengthLimitLabel.layer.shadowColor =
lengthLimitLabel.layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0.0, height: 0.0)
lengthLimitLabel.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.8
lengthLimitLabel.isHidden = true
return lengthLimitLabel
lazy var textView: UITextView = {
let textView = buildTextView()
textView.returnKeyType = .done
textView.scrollIndicatorInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 5, left: 0, bottom: 5, right: 3)
return textView
private lazy var placeholderTextView: UITextView = {
let placeholderTextView = buildTextView()
placeholderTextView.text = NSLocalizedString("MESSAGE_TEXT_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER", comment: "placeholder text for the editable message field")
placeholderTextView.isEditable = false
return placeholderTextView
private lazy var textContainer: UIView = {
let textContainer = UIView()
textContainer.layer.borderColor = Theme.darkThemePrimaryColor.cgColor
textContainer.layer.borderWidth = 0.5
textContainer.layer.cornerRadius = kMinTextViewHeight / 2
textContainer.clipsToBounds = true
return textContainer
private func buildTextView() -> UITextView {
let textView = MessageTextView()
textView.keyboardAppearance = Theme.darkThemeKeyboardAppearance
textView.backgroundColor = .clear
textView.tintColor = Theme.darkThemePrimaryColor
textView.font = UIFont.ows_dynamicTypeBody
textView.textColor = Theme.darkThemePrimaryColor
textView.textContainerInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 7, left: 7, bottom: 7, right: 7)
return textView
class MessageTextView: UITextView {
// When creating new lines, contentOffset is animated, but because
// we are simultaneously resizing the text view, this can cause the
// text in the textview to be "too high" in the text view.
// Solution is to disable animation for setting content offset.
override func setContentOffset(_ contentOffset: CGPoint, animated: Bool) {
super.setContentOffset(contentOffset, animated: false)
// MARK: - Actions
@objc func didTapSend() {
@objc func didTapAddMore() {
// MARK: - UITextViewDelegate
public func textViewDidChange(_ textView: UITextView) {
updateHeight(textView: textView)
public func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldChangeTextIn range: NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool {
let existingText: String = textView.text ?? ""
let proposedText: String = (existingText as NSString).replacingCharacters(in: range, with: text)
guard proposedText.utf8.count <= kOversizeTextMessageSizeThreshold else {
Logger.debug("long text was truncated")
self.lengthLimitLabel.isHidden = false
// `range` represents the section of the existing text we will replace. We can re-use that space.
// Range is in units of NSStrings's standard UTF-16 characters. Since some of those chars could be
// represented as single bytes in utf-8, while others may be 8 or more, the only way to be sure is
// to just measure the utf8 encoded bytes of the replaced substring.
let bytesAfterDelete: Int = (existingText as NSString).replacingCharacters(in: range, with: "").utf8.count
// Accept as much of the input as we can
let byteBudget: Int = Int(kOversizeTextMessageSizeThreshold) - bytesAfterDelete
if byteBudget >= 0, let acceptableNewText = text.truncated(toByteCount: UInt(byteBudget)) {
textView.text = (existingText as NSString).replacingCharacters(in: range, with: acceptableNewText)
return false
self.lengthLimitLabel.isHidden = true
// Though we can wrap the text, we don't want to encourage multline captions, plus a "done" button
// allows the user to get the keyboard out of the way while in the attachment approval view.
if text == "\n" {
return false
} else {
return true
public func textViewDidBeginEditing(_ textView: UITextView) {
public func textViewDidEndEditing(_ textView: UITextView) {
// MARK: - Helpers
func updatePlaceholderTextViewVisibility() {
let isHidden: Bool = {
guard !self.textView.isFirstResponder else {
return true
guard let captionText = self.textView.text else {
return false
guard captionText.count > 0 else {
return false
return true
placeholderTextView.isHidden = isHidden
private func updateHeight(textView: UITextView) {
// compute new height assuming width is unchanged
let currentSize = textView.frame.size
let newHeight = clampedTextViewHeight(fixedWidth: currentSize.width)
if newHeight != textViewHeight {
Logger.debug("TextView height changed: \(textViewHeight) -> \(newHeight)")
textViewHeight = newHeight
textViewHeightConstraint?.constant = textViewHeight
private func clampedTextViewHeight(fixedWidth: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
let contentSize = textView.sizeThatFits(CGSize(width: fixedWidth, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude))
return CGFloatClamp(contentSize.height, kMinTextViewHeight, maxTextViewHeight)