2019-05-21 11:40:29 +10:00

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Loki Session Reset


Since Signal uses a centralised server, creating sessions is easy as the prekeys can be easily fetched.

The process is as follows:

  1. A deletes all their sessions and sends End Session to B
    • A contacts the server and creates a new session
  2. B Gets this message and deletes all sessions.
  3. B Sends a message with a newly created session
    • B contacted server and established this
  4. A and B now have the same sessions so they can delete any archived ones.


Loki doesn't have a centralised server and thus we need to change the process above with something similar.

We have to introduce a session reset state sessionState which can take the following states:

  • none: No session reset is in progress
  • initiated: We have initiated the session reset
  • received: We have received a session reset from the other user

The new process is as follows:

  1. A Sends End Session with a PreKeyBundle and archives its own session.
    • sessionState = initiated
    • The session is archived as we could get a message from B using the archived session, so we still want to be able to decrypt that.
    • We can show Session reset in progress
  2. B Gets this message and saves the PreKeyBundle and archives its own sessions.
    • sessionState = received
    • B sends an empty message, which will trigger a new session to be created.
    • B deletes the PreKeyBundle once session is created.
    • We can show Session reset in progress
  3. A and B both do the routine below when receiving messages.

Upon receiving message (Only applies to PreKey and Cipher messages)

  • Store the current active session PS
  • Decrypt the message
    • Decrypting a message can cause the active session to change
  • If sessionState == none then it means that we haven't started session reset and we can abort.
  • Get the current session CS
  • If PS is nil then abort as we didn't have a session before.
  • If CS != PS then sessions were changed.
    • If sessionState == received then it means that the sender used an old session to contact us. We need to wait for them to use the new one.
      • Archive CS and set the session to PS
    • If sessionState == initiated then it means that the sender acknowledged our session reset and sent a message with a new session
      • Delete all session except CS
      • sessionState = none
      • Send an empty message to confirm session adoption
      • We can show Session reset done
  • If CS == PS then sessions were the same.
    • If sessionState == received then it means that the new session we created is the one the sender used for sending message. We have successfully adopted the new session.
    • Delete all sessions except PS
    • sessionState = none
    • We can show Session reset done