Morgan Pretty f30b383bb8 Updated to the latest version of libSession-util
Updated the SharedConfigMessage type to have a TTL of 30 days
Updated the SnodeAPI to have a 'poll' method to be more consistent with the OpenGroupAPI (it also does multiple things now so is cleaner)
Added logic to limit the number of config messages to be retrieved per poll
Added the 'ValidatableResponse' protocol to standardise SnodeAPI response validation
Added the libSession version to the logs
Fixed an issue where the user profile pic wouldn't get synced correctly due to memory going out of scope
Fixed some threading issues
Refactored the thread variants to follow the updated terminology (will think about refactoring other code areas later)
Cleaned up the Combine error handling
Started fixing broken unit tests
2023-02-20 12:56:48 +11:00

57 lines
2.2 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Sodium
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public class DeleteAllBeforeResponse: SnodeRecursiveResponse<DeleteAllMessagesResponse.SwarmItem> {}
// MARK: - ValidatableResponse
extension DeleteAllBeforeResponse: ValidatableResponse {
typealias ValidationData = UInt64
typealias ValidationResponse = Bool
/// Just one response in the swarm must be valid
internal static var requiredSuccessfulResponses: Int { 1 }
internal func validResultMap(
sodium: Sodium,
userX25519PublicKey: String,
validationData: UInt64
) throws -> [String: Bool] {
let validationMap: [String: Bool] = swarm.reduce(into: [:]) { result, next in
let signatureBase64: String = next.value.signatureBase64,
let encodedSignature: Data = Data(base64Encoded: signatureBase64)
else {
result[next.key] = false
if let reason: String = next.value.reason, let statusCode: Int = next.value.code {
SNLog("Couldn't delete data from: \(next.key) due to error: \(reason) (\(statusCode)).")
else {
SNLog("Couldn't delete data from: \(next.key).")
/// Signature of `( PUBKEY_HEX || BEFORE || DELETEDHASH[0] || ... || DELETEDHASH[N] )`
/// signed by the node's ed25519 pubkey. When doing a multi-namespace delete the `DELETEDHASH`
/// values are totally ordered (i.e. among all the hashes deleted regardless of namespace)
let verificationBytes: [UInt8] = userX25519PublicKey.bytes
.appending(contentsOf: "\(validationData)".data(using: .ascii)?.bytes)
.appending(contentsOf: next.value.deleted.joined().bytes)
result[next.key] = sodium.sign.verify(
message: verificationBytes,
publicKey: Data(hex: next.key).bytes,
signature: encodedSignature.bytes
return try Self.validated(map: validationMap)