
211 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import "OWSLogs.h"
#ifndef OWSAssert
#ifdef DEBUG
// OWSAssertDebug() and OWSFailDebug() should be used in Obj-C methods.
// OWSCAssertDebug() and OWSCFailDebug() should be used in free functions.
#define OWSAssertDebug(X) \
do { \
if (!(X)) { \
OWSLogError(@"Assertion failed: %s", CONVERT_EXPR_TO_STRING(X)); \
OWSLogFlush(); \
NSAssert(0, @"Assertion failed: %s", CONVERT_EXPR_TO_STRING(X)); \
} \
} while (NO)
#define OWSCAssertDebug(X) \
do { \
if (!(X)) { \
OWSLogError(@"Assertion failed: %s", CONVERT_EXPR_TO_STRING(X)); \
OWSLogFlush(); \
NSCAssert(0, @"Assertion failed: %s", CONVERT_EXPR_TO_STRING(X)); \
} \
} while (NO)
#define OWSFailWithoutLogging(message, ...) \
do { \
NSString *formattedMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat:message, ##__VA_ARGS__]; \
NSAssert(0, formattedMessage); \
} while (NO)
#define OWSCFailWithoutLogging(message, ...) \
do { \
NSString *formattedMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat:message, ##__VA_ARGS__]; \
NSCAssert(0, formattedMessage); \
} while (NO)
#define OWSFailNoFormat(message) \
do { \
OWSLogError(@"%@", message); \
OWSLogFlush(); \
NSAssert(0, message); \
} while (NO)
#define OWSCFailNoFormat(message) \
do { \
OWSLogError(@"%@", message); \
OWSLogFlush(); \
NSCAssert(0, message); \
} while (NO)
#define OWSAssertDebug(X)
#define OWSCAssertDebug(X)
#define OWSFailWithoutLogging(message, ...)
#define OWSCFailWithoutLogging(message, ...)
#define OWSFailNoFormat(X)
#define OWSCFailNoFormat(X)
// Like OWSAssertDebug, but will fail in production, terminating the app
#define OWSAssert(X) \
do { \
if (!(X)) { \
OWSFail(@"Assertion failed: %s", CONVERT_EXPR_TO_STRING(X)); \
} \
} while (NO)
#define OWSCAssert(X) \
do { \
if (!(X)) { \
OWSCFail(@"Assertion failed: %s", CONVERT_EXPR_TO_STRING(X)); \
} \
} while (NO)
#define OWSAbstractMethod() OWSFail(@"Method needs to be implemented by subclasses.")
// This macro is intended for use in Objective-C.
#define OWSAssertIsOnMainThread() OWSCAssertDebug([NSThread isMainThread])
#define OWSFailDebug(_messageFormat, ...) \
do { \
OWSLogError(_messageFormat, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
OWSLogFlush(); \
OWSFailWithoutLogging(_messageFormat, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define OWSCFailDebug(_messageFormat, ...) \
do { \
OWSLogError(_messageFormat, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
OWSLogFlush(); \
OWSCFailWithoutLogging(_messageFormat, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (NO)
void SwiftExit(NSString *message, const char *file, const char *function, int line);
#define OWSFail(_messageFormat, ...) \
do { \
OWSFailDebug(_messageFormat, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
NSString *_message = [NSString stringWithFormat:_messageFormat, ##__VA_ARGS__]; \
SwiftExit(_message, __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \
} while (0)
#define OWSCFail(_messageFormat, ...) \
do { \
OWSCFailDebug(_messageFormat, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
NSString *_message = [NSString stringWithFormat:_messageFormat, ##__VA_ARGS__]; \
SwiftExit(_message, __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \
} while (NO)
// Avoids Clang analyzer warning:
// Value stored to 'x' during it's initialization is never read
do { \
(void)x; \
} while (0)
__attribute__((annotate("returns_localized_nsstring"))) static inline NSString *LocalizationNotNeeded(NSString *s)
return s;
#define OWSGuardWithException(X, ExceptionName) \
do { \
if (!(X)) { \
OWSRaiseException(ExceptionName, @"Guard failed: %s", CONVERT_EXPR_TO_STRING(X)); \
} \
} while (NO)
#define OWSRaiseException(name, formatParam, ...) \
do { \
OWSLogError(@"Exception: %@ %@", name, [NSString stringWithFormat:formatParam, ##__VA_ARGS__]); \
OWSLogFlush(); \
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:name \
reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:formatParam, ##__VA_ARGS__] \
userInfo:nil]; \
} while (NO)
#define OWSRaiseExceptionWithUserInfo(name, userInfoParam, formatParam, ...) \
do { \
OWSLogError( \
@"Exception: %@ %@ %@", name, userInfoParam, [NSString stringWithFormat:formatParam, ##__VA_ARGS__]); \
OWSLogFlush(); \
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:name \
reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:formatParam, ##__VA_ARGS__] \
userInfo:userInfoParam]; \
} while (NO)
// In pursuit of smooth UI, we want to continue moving blocking operations off the main thread.
// Add `OWSJanksUI` in code paths that shouldn't be called on the main thread.
// Because we have pervasively broken this tenant, enabling it by default would be too disruptive
// but it's helpful while unjanking and maybe someday we can have it enabled by default.
//#define DEBUG_UI_JANK 1
#ifdef DEBUG
#define OWSJanksUI() \
do { \
OWSAssertDebug(![NSThread isMainThread]) \
} while (NO)
#ifndef OWSJanksUI
#define OWSJanksUI()
#pragma mark - Overflow Math
#define ows_add_overflow(a, b, resultRef) \
do { \
BOOL _didOverflow = __builtin_add_overflow(a, b, resultRef); \
OWSAssert(!_didOverflow); \
} while (NO)
#define ows_sub_overflow(a, b, resultRef) \
do { \
BOOL _didOverflow = __builtin_sub_overflow(a, b, resultRef); \
OWSAssert(!_didOverflow); \
} while (NO)
#define ows_mul_overflow(a, b, resultRef) \
do { \
BOOL _didOverflow = __builtin_mul_overflow(a, b, resultRef); \
OWSAssert(!_didOverflow); \
} while (NO)