2020-11-11 10:58:56 +11:00

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import CryptoSwift
public final class ClosedGroupUtilities : NSObject {
public class SSKDecryptionError : NSError { // Not called `Error` for Obj-C interoperablity
@objc public static let invalidGroupPublicKey = SSKDecryptionError(domain: "SSKErrorDomain", code: 1, userInfo: [ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : "Invalid group public key." ])
@objc public static let noData = SSKDecryptionError(domain: "SSKErrorDomain", code: 2, userInfo: [ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : "Received an empty envelope." ])
@objc public static let noGroupPrivateKey = SSKDecryptionError(domain: "SSKErrorDomain", code: 3, userInfo: [ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : "Missing group private key." ])
@objc public static let selfSend = SSKDecryptionError(domain: "SSKErrorDomain", code: 4, userInfo: [ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : "Message addressed at self." ])
public static func encrypt(data: Data, groupPublicKey: String, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) throws -> Data {
// 1. ) Encrypt the data with the user's sender key
guard let userPublicKey = OWSIdentityManager.shared().identityKeyPair()?.hexEncodedPublicKey else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "[Loki] Couldn't find user key pair.")
let ciphertextAndKeyIndex = try SharedSenderKeysImplementation.shared.encrypt(data, forGroupWithPublicKey: groupPublicKey,
senderPublicKey: userPublicKey, protocolContext: transaction)
let ivAndCiphertext = ciphertextAndKeyIndex[0] as! Data
let keyIndex = ciphertextAndKeyIndex[1] as! UInt
let encryptedMessage = ClosedGroupCiphertextMessage(_throws_withIVAndCiphertext: ivAndCiphertext, senderPublicKey: Data(hex: userPublicKey), keyIndex: UInt32(keyIndex))
// 2. ) Encrypt the result for the group's public key to hide the sender public key and key index
let (ciphertext, _, ephemeralPublicKey) = try EncryptionUtilities.encrypt(encryptedMessage.serialized, using: groupPublicKey.removing05PrefixIfNeeded())
// 3. ) Wrap the result
return try SSKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessageWrapper.builder(ciphertext: ciphertext, ephemeralPublicKey: ephemeralPublicKey).build().serializedData()
public static func decrypt(envelope: SSKProtoEnvelope, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) throws -> [Any] {
let (plaintext, senderPublicKey) = try decrypt(envelope: envelope, transaction: transaction)
return [ plaintext, senderPublicKey ]
public static func decrypt(envelope: SSKProtoEnvelope, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) throws -> (plaintext: Data, senderPublicKey: String) {
// 1. ) Check preconditions
guard let groupPublicKey = envelope.source, SharedSenderKeysImplementation.shared.isClosedGroup(groupPublicKey) else {
throw SSKDecryptionError.invalidGroupPublicKey
guard let data = envelope.content else {
throw SSKDecryptionError.noData
guard let hexEncodedGroupPrivateKey = Storage.getClosedGroupPrivateKey(for: groupPublicKey) else {
throw SSKDecryptionError.noGroupPrivateKey
let groupPrivateKey = Data(hex: hexEncodedGroupPrivateKey)
// 2. ) Parse the wrapper
let wrapper = try SSKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessageWrapper.parseData(data)
let ivAndCiphertext = wrapper.ciphertext
let ephemeralPublicKey = wrapper.ephemeralPublicKey
// 3. ) Decrypt the data inside
let groupKeyPair = ECKeyPair(publicKey: Data(hex: groupPublicKey), privateKey: groupPrivateKey)
let ephemeralSharedSecret = Curve25519.generateSharedSecret(fromPublicKey: ephemeralPublicKey, andKeyPair: groupKeyPair)!
let salt = "LOKI"
let symmetricKey = try HMAC(key: salt.bytes, variant: .sha256).authenticate(ephemeralSharedSecret.bytes)
let closedGroupCiphertextMessageAsData = try DecryptionUtilities.decrypt(ivAndCiphertext, usingAESGCMWithSymmetricKey: Data(symmetricKey))
// 4. ) Parse the closed group ciphertext message
let closedGroupCiphertextMessage = ClosedGroupCiphertextMessage(_throws_with: closedGroupCiphertextMessageAsData)
let senderPublicKey = closedGroupCiphertextMessage.senderPublicKey.toHexString()
guard senderPublicKey != getUserHexEncodedPublicKey() else { throw SSKDecryptionError.selfSend }
// 5. ) Use the info inside the closed group ciphertext message to decrypt the actual message content
let plaintext = try SharedSenderKeysImplementation.shared.decrypt(closedGroupCiphertextMessage.ivAndCiphertext, forGroupWithPublicKey: groupPublicKey,
senderPublicKey: senderPublicKey, keyIndex: UInt(closedGroupCiphertextMessage.keyIndex), protocolContext: transaction)
// 6. ) Return
return (plaintext, senderPublicKey)