Morgan Pretty 5fdfd6df3b Fixed issues raised during QA
Fixed a bug where the legacy group invitation was getting sent to the wrong location
Fixed a bug where outgoing typing indicators would be sent to blocked contacts
Fixed a bug where the call button was visible for blocked contacts
Fixed a bug where read receipts could be sent to blocked contacts
Fixed a bug where the conversation nav buttons wouldn't get updated correctly in some cases
Fixed a bug where we could incorrectly include the current user in the contacts syncing
Fixed a bug where the initial state of the Note to Self conversation wasn't getting synced
Fixed a bug where the Note to Self conversation could get removed
Fixed a bug with where the conversation title would be misaligned in some cases
Fixed a bug where link previews and quotes with images weren't getting sent correctly
Fixed a crash when removing a user from a legacy group
Added some missing accessibility info
Updated the code to ensure the user is kicked from the conversation if it's deletion gets synced while it's open
Updated the conversation empty state copy
2023-03-17 15:12:35 +11:00

120 lines
4.6 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SessionUIKit
public extension UIViewController {
func findFrontmostViewController(ignoringAlerts: Bool) -> UIViewController {
var visitedViewControllers: [UIViewController] = []
var viewController: UIViewController = self
while true {
var nextViewController: UIViewController? = viewController.presentedViewController
let topBannerController: TopBannerController = nextViewController as? TopBannerController,
nextViewController = (
topBannerController.children[0].presentedViewController ??
if let nextViewController: UIViewController = nextViewController {
if !ignoringAlerts || !(nextViewController is UIAlertController) {
if visitedViewControllers.contains(nextViewController) {
// Cycle detected
return viewController
viewController = nextViewController
if let navController: UINavigationController = viewController as? UINavigationController {
nextViewController = navController.topViewController
if let nextViewController: UIViewController = nextViewController {
if !ignoringAlerts || !(nextViewController is UIAlertController) {
if visitedViewControllers.contains(nextViewController) {
// Cycle detected
return viewController
viewController = nextViewController
return viewController
func createOWSBackButton() -> UIBarButtonItem {
return UIViewController.createOWSBackButton(target: self, selector: #selector(backButtonPressed))
static func createOWSBackButton(target: Any?, selector: Selector) -> UIBarButtonItem {
let backButton: UIButton = UIButton(type: .custom)
let isRTL: Bool = CurrentAppContext().isRTL
// Nudge closer to the left edge to match default back button item.
let extraLeftPadding: CGFloat = (isRTL ? 0 : -8)
// Give some extra hit area to the back button. This is a little smaller
// than the default back button, but makes sense for our left aligned title
// view in the MessagesViewController
let extraRightPadding: CGFloat = (isRTL ? -0 : 10)
// Extra hit area above/below
let extraHeightPadding: CGFloat = 8
// Matching the default backbutton placement is tricky.
// We can't just adjust the imageEdgeInsets on a UIBarButtonItem directly,
// so we adjust the imageEdgeInsets on a UIButton, then wrap that
// in a UIBarButtonItem.
backButton.addTarget(target, action: selector, for: .touchUpInside)
let config: UIImage.Configuration = UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(pointSize: 22, weight: .medium)
UIImage(systemName: "chevron.backward", withConfiguration: config)?
for: .normal
backButton.themeTintColor = .textPrimary
backButton.contentHorizontalAlignment = .left
backButton.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: extraLeftPadding, bottom: 0, trailing: 0)
backButton.frame = CGRect(
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: ((backButton.image(for: .normal)?.size.width ?? 0) + extraRightPadding),
height: ((backButton.image(for: .normal)?.size.height ?? 0) + extraHeightPadding)
let backItem: UIBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(
customView: backButton,
accessibilityIdentifier: "\(type(of: self)).back"
backItem.width = backButton.frame.width
return backItem;
// MARK: - Event Handling
@objc func backButtonPressed() {
self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)