
46 lines
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Executable File

// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import "BadArgument.h"
#import "BadState.h"
#import "OperationFailed.h"
#import <CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h>
/// 'require(X)' is used to indicate parameter-related preconditions that callers must satisfy.
/// Failure to satisfy indicates a bug in the caller.
#define ows_require(expr) \
if (!(expr)) { \
NSString *reason = \
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"require %@ (in %s at line %d)", (@ #expr), __FILE__, __LINE__]; \
OWSLogError(@"%@", reason); \
[BadArgument raise:reason]; \
/// 'requireState(X)' is used to indicate callee-state-related preconditions that callers must satisfy.
/// Failure to satisfy indicates a stateful bug in either the caller or the callee.
#define requireState(expr) \
if (!(expr)) \
[BadState raise:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"required state: %@ (in %s at line %d)", (@ #expr), __FILE__, __LINE__]]
/// 'checkOperation(X)' is used to throw exceptions if operations fail.
/// Failure does not indicate a bug.
/// Methods may throw these exceptions for callers to catch as a 'returned error' result.
#define checkOperation(expr) \
if (!(expr)) { \
NSString *reason = [NSString \
stringWithFormat:@"Operation failed. Expected: %@(in %s at line %d)", (@ #expr), __FILE__, __LINE__]; \
[OperationFailed raise:reason]; \
/// 'checkOperationDescribe(X, Desc)' is used to throw exceptions if operations fail, and describe the problem.
/// Failure does not indicate a bug.
/// Methods may throw these exceptions for callers to catch as a 'returned error' result.
#define checkOperationDescribe(expr, desc) \
if (!(expr)) \
[OperationFailed raise:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Operation failed: %@ Expected: %@(in %s at line %d)", \
(desc), \
(@ #expr), \
__FILE__, \