Michael Kirk 5f2b38c50b Introduce Thread view model
2018-04-21 19:21:18 -04:00

102 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
public class ThreadModel: NSObject {
let hasUnreadMessages: Bool
let lastMessageDate: Date
let isGroupThread: Bool
let threadRecord: TSThread
let unreadCount: UInt
let contactIdentifier: String?
let name: String
let isMuted: Bool
var isContactThread: Bool {
return !isGroupThread
let lastMessageText: String?
// func attributedSnippet(blockedPhoneNumberSet: Set<String>) {
// let isBlocked: Bool = {
// guard let contactIdentifier = self.contactIdentifier else {
// return false
// }
// assert(isContactThread)
// return blockedPhoneNumberSet.contains(self.contactIdentifier)
// }()
//// BOOL hasUnreadMessages = thread.hasUnreadMessages;
//// NSMutableAttributedString *snippetText = [NSMutableAttributedString new];
// var snippetText = NSMutableAttributedString()
// if isBlocked {
// // If thread is blocked, don't show a snippet or mute status.
// let append = NSAttributedString(string: NSLocalizedString("HOME_VIEW_BLOCKED_CONTACT_CONVERSATION",
// comment: "A label for conversations with blocked users."),
// attributes: <#T##[String : Any]?#>)
//// if (isBlocked) {
//// // If thread is blocked, don't show a snippet or mute status.
//// [snippetText
//// appendAttributedString:[[NSAttributedString alloc]
//// initWithString:NSLocalizedString(@"HOME_VIEW_BLOCKED_CONTACT_CONVERSATION",
//// @"A label for conversations with blocked users.")
//// attributes:@{
//// NSFontAttributeName : self.snippetFont.ows_mediumWeight,
//// NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor ows_blackColor],
//// }]];
//// } else {
//// if ([thread isMuted]) {
//// [snippetText appendAttributedString:[[NSAttributedString alloc]
//// initWithString:@"\ue067 "
//// attributes:@{
//// NSFontAttributeName : [UIFont ows_elegantIconsFont:9.f],
//// NSForegroundColorAttributeName : (hasUnreadMessages
//// ? [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.1f alpha:1.f]
//// : [UIColor lightGrayColor]),
//// }]];
//// }
//// NSString *displayableText = thread.lastMessageText;
//// if (displayableText) {
//// [snippetText appendAttributedString:[[NSAttributedString alloc]
//// initWithString:displayableText
//// attributes:@{
//// NSFontAttributeName :
//// (hasUnreadMessages ? self.snippetFont.ows_mediumWeight
//// : self.snippetFont),
//// NSForegroundColorAttributeName :
//// (hasUnreadMessages ? [UIColor ows_blackColor]
//// : [UIColor lightGrayColor]),
//// }]];
//// }
//// }
//// return snippetText;
// }
// }
init(thread: TSThread, transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) {
self.threadRecord = thread
self.lastMessageDate = thread.lastMessageDate()
self.isGroupThread = thread.isGroupThread() =
self.isMuted = thread.isMuted
self.lastMessageText = thread.lastMessageText(transaction: transaction)
if let contactThread = thread as? TSContactThread {
self.contactIdentifier = contactThread.contactIdentifier()
} else {
self.contactIdentifier = nil
self.unreadCount = thread.unreadMessageCount(transaction: transaction)
self.hasUnreadMessages = unreadCount > 0