Matthew Chen a16197f193 Respond to CR.
2017-10-23 17:30:03 -04:00

116 lines
3.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import "ConversationCollectionView.h"
#pragma mark -
@implementation ConversationCollectionView
- (void)setFrame:(CGRect)frame
if (frame.size.width == 0 || frame.size.height == 0) {
// Ignore iOS Auto Layout's tendency to temporarily zero out the
// frame of this view during the layout process.
// The conversation view has an invariant that the collection view
// should always have a "reasonable" (correct width, non-zero height)
// size. This lets us manipulate scroll state at all times, especially
// before the view has been presented for the first time. This
// invariant also saves us from needing all sorts of ugly and incomplete
// hacks in the conversation view's code.
BOOL isChanging = !CGSizeEqualToSize(frame.size, self.frame.size);
if (isChanging) {
[self.layoutDelegate collectionViewWillChangeLayout];
[super setFrame:frame];
if (isChanging) {
[self.layoutDelegate collectionViewDidChangeLayout];
- (void)setBounds:(CGRect)bounds
if (bounds.size.width == 0 || bounds.size.height == 0) {
// Ignore iOS Auto Layout's tendency to temporarily zero out the
// frame of this view during the layout process.
// The conversation view has an invariant that the collection view
// should always have a "reasonable" (correct width, non-zero height)
// size. This lets us manipulate scroll state at all times, especially
// before the view has been presented for the first time. This
// invariant also saves us from needing all sorts of ugly and incomplete
// hacks in the conversation view's code.
BOOL isChanging = !CGSizeEqualToSize(bounds.size, self.bounds.size);
if (isChanging) {
[self.layoutDelegate collectionViewWillChangeLayout];
[super setBounds:bounds];
if (isChanging) {
[self.layoutDelegate collectionViewDidChangeLayout];
- (void)setContentOffset:(CGPoint)contentOffset
if (self.contentSize.height < 1 && CGPointEqualToPoint(CGPointZero, contentOffset)) {
// [UIScrollView _adjustContentOffsetIfNecessary] resets the content
// offset to zero under a number of undocumented conditions. We don't
// want this behavior; we want fine-grained control over the default
// scroll state of the message view.
// [UIScrollView _adjustContentOffsetIfNecessary] is called in
// response to many different events; trying to prevent them all is
// whack-a-mole.
// It's not safe to override [UIScrollView _adjustContentOffsetIfNecessary],
// since its a private API.
// We can avoid the issue by simply ignoring attempt to reset the content
// offset to zero before the collection view has determined its content size.
[super setContentOffset:contentOffset];
- (void)reloadData
DDLogVerbose(@"%@ reloadData", self.logTag);
[super reloadData];
- (void)reloadSections:(NSIndexSet *)sections
DDLogVerbose(@"%@ reloadSections", self.logTag);
[super reloadSections:sections];
- (void)reloadItemsAtIndexPaths:(NSArray<NSIndexPath *> *)indexPaths
DDLogVerbose(@"%@ reloadItemsAtIndexPaths", self.logTag);
[super reloadItemsAtIndexPaths:indexPaths];
#pragma mark - Logging
+ (NSString *)logTag
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[%@]", self.class];
- (NSString *)logTag
return self.class.logTag;