
639 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SessionUIKit
import SignalUtilitiesKit
import SessionMessagingKit
public final class FullConversationCell: UITableViewCell {
public static let unreadCountViewSize: CGFloat = 20
private static let statusIndicatorSize: CGFloat = 14
// MARK: - UI
private let accentLineView: UIView = UIView()
private lazy var profilePictureView: ProfilePictureView = ProfilePictureView()
private lazy var displayNameLabel: UILabel = {
let result: UILabel = UILabel()
result.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: Values.mediumFontSize)
result.themeTextColor = .textPrimary
result.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingTail
return result
private lazy var unreadCountView: UIView = {
let result: UIView = UIView()
result.clipsToBounds = true
result.themeBackgroundColor = .conversationButton_unreadBubbleBackground
result.layer.cornerRadius = (FullConversationCell.unreadCountViewSize / 2)
result.set(.width, greaterThanOrEqualTo: FullConversationCell.unreadCountViewSize)
result.set(.height, to: FullConversationCell.unreadCountViewSize)
return result
private lazy var unreadCountLabel: UILabel = {
let result: UILabel = UILabel()
result.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: Values.verySmallFontSize)
result.themeTextColor = .conversationButton_unreadBubbleText
result.textAlignment = .center
return result
private lazy var hasMentionView: UIView = {
let result: UIView = UIView()
result.clipsToBounds = true
result.themeBackgroundColor = .conversationButton_unreadBubbleBackground
result.layer.cornerRadius = (FullConversationCell.unreadCountViewSize / 2)
result.set(.width, to: FullConversationCell.unreadCountViewSize)
result.set(.height, to: FullConversationCell.unreadCountViewSize)
return result
private lazy var hasMentionLabel: UILabel = {
let result: UILabel = UILabel()
result.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: Values.verySmallFontSize)
result.themeTextColor = .conversationButton_unreadBubbleText
result.text = "@"
result.textAlignment = .center
return result
private lazy var isPinnedIcon: UIImageView = {
let result: UIImageView = UIImageView(
image: UIImage(named: "Pin")?
result.clipsToBounds = true
result.themeTintColor = .textSecondary
result.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
result.set(.width, to: FullConversationCell.unreadCountViewSize)
result.set(.height, to: FullConversationCell.unreadCountViewSize)
return result
private lazy var timestampLabel: UILabel = {
let result: UILabel = UILabel()
result.font = .systemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize)
result.themeTextColor = .textSecondary
result.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingTail
result.alpha = Values.lowOpacity
return result
private lazy var snippetLabel: UILabel = {
let result: UILabel = UILabel()
result.font = .systemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize)
result.themeTextColor = .textPrimary
result.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingTail
return result
private lazy var typingIndicatorView = TypingIndicatorView()
private lazy var statusIndicatorView: UIImageView = {
let result: UIImageView = UIImageView()
result.clipsToBounds = true
result.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
result.layer.cornerRadius = (FullConversationCell.statusIndicatorSize / 2)
return result
private lazy var topLabelStackView: UIStackView = {
let result: UIStackView = UIStackView()
result.axis = .horizontal
result.alignment = .center
result.spacing = Values.smallSpacing / 2 // Effectively Values.smallSpacing because there'll be spacing before and after the invisible spacer
return result
private lazy var bottomLabelStackView: UIStackView = {
let result: UIStackView = UIStackView()
result.axis = .horizontal
result.alignment = .center
result.spacing = Values.smallSpacing / 2 // Effectively Values.smallSpacing because there'll be spacing before and after the invisible spacer
return result
// MARK: - Initialization
override init(style: UITableViewCell.CellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
private func setUpViewHierarchy() {
let cellHeight: CGFloat = 68
// Background color
themeBackgroundColor = .conversationButton_background
// Highlight color
let selectedBackgroundView = UIView()
selectedBackgroundView.themeBackgroundColor = .highlighted(.conversationButton_background)
self.selectedBackgroundView = selectedBackgroundView
// Accent line view
accentLineView.set(.width, to: Values.accentLineThickness)
accentLineView.set(.height, to: cellHeight)
// Profile picture view
let profilePictureViewSize = Values.mediumProfilePictureSize
profilePictureView.set(.width, to: profilePictureViewSize)
profilePictureView.set(.height, to: profilePictureViewSize)
profilePictureView.size = profilePictureViewSize
// Unread count view
unreadCountLabel.setCompressionResistanceHigh()[, VerticalEdge.bottom ], to: unreadCountView), to: .leading, of: unreadCountLabel, withInset: -4), to: .trailing, of: unreadCountLabel, withInset: 4)
// Has mention view
hasMentionLabel.setCompressionResistanceHigh() hasMentionView)
// Label stack view
let topLabelSpacer = UIView.hStretchingSpacer()
[ displayNameLabel, isPinnedIcon, unreadCountView, hasMentionView, topLabelSpacer, timestampLabel ].forEach{ view in
let snippetLabelContainer = UIView()
let bottomLabelSpacer = UIView.hStretchingSpacer()
[ snippetLabelContainer, bottomLabelSpacer, statusIndicatorView ].forEach{ view in
let labelContainerView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [ topLabelStackView, bottomLabelStackView ])
labelContainerView.axis = .vertical
labelContainerView.alignment = .leading
labelContainerView.spacing = 6
labelContainerView.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
// Main stack view
let stackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [ accentLineView, profilePictureView, labelContainerView ])
stackView.axis = .horizontal
stackView.alignment = .center
stackView.spacing = Values.mediumSpacing
// Constraints, to: .top, of: contentView), to: .bottom, of: contentView)
timestampLabel.setContentCompressionResistancePriority(.required, for: NSLayoutConstraint.Axis.horizontal)
// HACK: The six lines below are part of a workaround for a weird layout bug
topLabelStackView.set(.width, to: UIScreen.main.bounds.width - Values.accentLineThickness - profilePictureViewSize - 3 * Values.mediumSpacing)
topLabelStackView.set(.height, to: 20)
topLabelSpacer.set(.height, to: 20)
bottomLabelStackView.set(.width, to: UIScreen.main.bounds.width - Values.accentLineThickness - profilePictureViewSize - 3 * Values.mediumSpacing)
bottomLabelStackView.set(.height, to: 18)
bottomLabelSpacer.set(.height, to: 18)
statusIndicatorView.set(.width, to: FullConversationCell.statusIndicatorSize)
statusIndicatorView.set(.height, to: FullConversationCell.statusIndicatorSize) snippetLabelContainer), to: .leading, of: snippetLabelContainer)
typingIndicatorView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: snippetLabel.centerYAnchor).isActive = true, to: .leading, of: contentView), to: .top, of: contentView)
// HACK: The two lines below are part of a workaround for a weird layout bug
stackView.set(.width, to: UIScreen.main.bounds.width - Values.mediumSpacing)
stackView.set(.height, to: cellHeight)
// MARK: - Content
// MARK: --Search Results
public func updateForMessageSearchResult(with cellViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel, searchText: String) {
publicKey: cellViewModel.threadId,
profile: cellViewModel.profile,
additionalProfile: cellViewModel.additionalProfile,
threadVariant: cellViewModel.threadVariant,
openGroupProfilePictureData: cellViewModel.openGroupProfilePictureData,
useFallbackPicture: (cellViewModel.threadVariant == .openGroup && cellViewModel.openGroupProfilePictureData == nil)
isPinnedIcon.isHidden = true
unreadCountView.isHidden = true
hasMentionView.isHidden = true
timestampLabel.isHidden = false
timestampLabel.text = cellViewModel.lastInteractionDate.formattedForDisplay
bottomLabelStackView.isHidden = false
ThemeManager.onThemeChange(observer: displayNameLabel) { [weak displayNameLabel] theme, _ in
guard let textColor: UIColor = theme.color(for: .textPrimary) else { return }
displayNameLabel?.attributedText = NSMutableAttributedString(
string: cellViewModel.displayName,
attributes: [ .foregroundColor: textColor ]
ThemeManager.onThemeChange(observer: displayNameLabel) { [weak self, weak snippetLabel] theme, _ in
guard let textColor: UIColor = theme.color(for: .textPrimary) else { return }
snippetLabel?.attributedText = self?.getHighlightedSnippet(
content: Interaction.previewText(
variant: (cellViewModel.interactionVariant ?? .standardIncoming),
body: cellViewModel.interactionBody,
authorDisplayName: cellViewModel.authorName(for: .contact),
attachmentDescriptionInfo: cellViewModel.interactionAttachmentDescriptionInfo,
attachmentCount: cellViewModel.interactionAttachmentCount,
isOpenGroupInvitation: (cellViewModel.interactionIsOpenGroupInvitation == true)
authorName: (cellViewModel.authorId != cellViewModel.currentUserPublicKey ?
cellViewModel.authorName(for: .contact) :
currentUserPublicKey: cellViewModel.currentUserPublicKey,
currentUserBlindedPublicKey: cellViewModel.currentUserBlindedPublicKey,
searchText: searchText.lowercased(),
fontSize: Values.smallFontSize,
textColor: textColor
public func updateForContactAndGroupSearchResult(with cellViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel, searchText: String) {
publicKey: cellViewModel.threadId,
profile: cellViewModel.profile,
additionalProfile: cellViewModel.additionalProfile,
threadVariant: cellViewModel.threadVariant,
openGroupProfilePictureData: cellViewModel.openGroupProfilePictureData,
useFallbackPicture: (cellViewModel.threadVariant == .openGroup && cellViewModel.openGroupProfilePictureData == nil)
isPinnedIcon.isHidden = true
unreadCountView.isHidden = true
hasMentionView.isHidden = true
timestampLabel.isHidden = true
ThemeManager.onThemeChange(observer: displayNameLabel) { [weak self, weak displayNameLabel] theme, _ in
guard let textColor: UIColor = theme.color(for: .textPrimary) else { return }
displayNameLabel?.attributedText = self?.getHighlightedSnippet(
content: cellViewModel.displayName,
currentUserPublicKey: cellViewModel.currentUserPublicKey,
currentUserBlindedPublicKey: cellViewModel.currentUserBlindedPublicKey,
searchText: searchText.lowercased(),
fontSize: Values.mediumFontSize,
textColor: textColor
switch cellViewModel.threadVariant {
case .contact, .openGroup: bottomLabelStackView.isHidden = true
case .closedGroup:
bottomLabelStackView.isHidden = (cellViewModel.threadMemberNames ?? "").isEmpty
ThemeManager.onThemeChange(observer: displayNameLabel) { [weak self, weak snippetLabel] theme, _ in
guard let textColor: UIColor = theme.color(for: .textPrimary) else { return }
if cellViewModel.threadVariant == .closedGroup {
snippetLabel?.attributedText = self?.getHighlightedSnippet(
content: (cellViewModel.threadMemberNames ?? ""),
currentUserPublicKey: cellViewModel.currentUserPublicKey,
currentUserBlindedPublicKey: cellViewModel.currentUserBlindedPublicKey,
searchText: searchText.lowercased(),
fontSize: Values.smallFontSize,
textColor: textColor
// MARK: --Standard
public func update(with cellViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel) {
let unreadCount: UInt = (cellViewModel.threadUnreadCount ?? 0)
let themeBackgroundColor: ThemeValue = (unreadCount > 0 ?
.conversationButton_unreadBackground :
self.themeBackgroundColor = themeBackgroundColor
self.selectedBackgroundView?.themeBackgroundColor = .highlighted(themeBackgroundColor)
if cellViewModel.threadIsBlocked == true {
accentLineView.themeBackgroundColor = .danger
accentLineView.alpha = 1
else {
accentLineView.themeBackgroundColor = .conversationButton_unreadStripBackground
accentLineView.alpha = (unreadCount > 0 ? 1 : 0.0001) // Setting the alpha to exactly 0 causes an issue on iOS 12
isPinnedIcon.isHidden = !cellViewModel.threadIsPinned
unreadCountView.isHidden = (unreadCount <= 0)
unreadCountLabel.text = (unreadCount < 10000 ? "\(unreadCount)" : "9999+")
unreadCountLabel.font = .boldSystemFont(
ofSize: (unreadCount < 10000 ? Values.verySmallFontSize : 8)
hasMentionView.isHidden = !(
((cellViewModel.threadUnreadMentionCount ?? 0) > 0) &&
(cellViewModel.threadVariant == .closedGroup || cellViewModel.threadVariant == .openGroup)
publicKey: cellViewModel.threadId,
profile: cellViewModel.profile,
additionalProfile: cellViewModel.additionalProfile,
threadVariant: cellViewModel.threadVariant,
openGroupProfilePictureData: cellViewModel.openGroupProfilePictureData,
useFallbackPicture: (
cellViewModel.threadVariant == .openGroup &&
cellViewModel.openGroupProfilePictureData == nil
showMultiAvatarForClosedGroup: true
displayNameLabel.text = cellViewModel.displayName
timestampLabel.text = cellViewModel.lastInteractionDate.formattedForDisplay
if cellViewModel.threadContactIsTyping == true {
snippetLabel.text = ""
typingIndicatorView.isHidden = false
else {
typingIndicatorView.isHidden = true
ThemeManager.onThemeChange(observer: snippetLabel) { [weak self, weak snippetLabel] theme, _ in
guard let textColor: UIColor = theme.color(for: .textPrimary) else { return }
snippetLabel?.attributedText = self?.getSnippet(
cellViewModel: cellViewModel,
textColor: textColor
let stateInfo = cellViewModel.interactionState?.statusIconInfo(
variant: (cellViewModel.interactionVariant ?? .standardOutgoing),
hasAtLeastOneReadReceipt: (cellViewModel.interactionHasAtLeastOneReadReceipt ?? false)
statusIndicatorView.image = stateInfo?.image
statusIndicatorView.themeTintColor = stateInfo?.themeTintColor
statusIndicatorView.isHidden = (
cellViewModel.interactionVariant != .standardOutgoing &&
cellViewModel.interactionState != .skipped
public func optimisticUpdate(
isBlocked: Bool? = nil,
isPinned: Bool? = nil
) {
if let isBlocked: Bool = isBlocked {
if isBlocked {
accentLineView.themeBackgroundColor = .danger
accentLineView.alpha = 1
else {
accentLineView.themeBackgroundColor = .conversationButton_unreadStripBackground
accentLineView.alpha = (!unreadCountView.isHidden ? 1 : 0.0001) // Setting the alpha to exactly 0 causes an issue on iOS 12
if let isPinned: Bool = isPinned {
isPinnedIcon.isHidden = !isPinned
// MARK: - Snippet generation
private func getSnippet(
cellViewModel: SessionThreadViewModel,
textColor: UIColor
) -> NSMutableAttributedString {
// If we don't have an interaction then do nothing
guard cellViewModel.interactionId != nil else { return NSMutableAttributedString() }
let result = NSMutableAttributedString()
if Date().timeIntervalSince1970 < (cellViewModel.threadMutedUntilTimestamp ?? 0) {
string: "\u{e067} ",
attributes: [
.font: UIFont.ows_elegantIconsFont(10),
.foregroundColor: textColor
else if cellViewModel.threadOnlyNotifyForMentions == true {
let imageAttachment = NSTextAttachment()
imageAttachment.image = UIImage(named: "NotifyMentions.png")?.withTint(textColor)
imageAttachment.bounds = CGRect(x: 0, y: -2, width: Values.smallFontSize, height: Values.smallFontSize)
let imageString = NSAttributedString(attachment: imageAttachment)
string: " ",
attributes: [
.font: UIFont.ows_elegantIconsFont(10),
.foregroundColor: textColor
if cellViewModel.threadVariant == .closedGroup || cellViewModel.threadVariant == .openGroup {
let authorName: String = cellViewModel.authorName(for: cellViewModel.threadVariant)
string: "\(authorName): ",
attributes: [ .foregroundColor: textColor ]
string: MentionUtilities.highlightMentionsNoAttributes(
in: Interaction.previewText(
variant: (cellViewModel.interactionVariant ?? .standardIncoming),
body: cellViewModel.interactionBody,
threadContactDisplayName: cellViewModel.threadContactName(),
authorDisplayName: cellViewModel.authorName(for: cellViewModel.threadVariant),
attachmentDescriptionInfo: cellViewModel.interactionAttachmentDescriptionInfo,
attachmentCount: cellViewModel.interactionAttachmentCount,
isOpenGroupInvitation: (cellViewModel.interactionIsOpenGroupInvitation == true)
threadVariant: cellViewModel.threadVariant,
currentUserPublicKey: cellViewModel.currentUserPublicKey,
currentUserBlindedPublicKey: cellViewModel.currentUserBlindedPublicKey
attributes: [ .foregroundColor: textColor ]
return result
private func getHighlightedSnippet(
content: String,
authorName: String? = nil,
currentUserPublicKey: String,
currentUserBlindedPublicKey: String?,
searchText: String,
fontSize: CGFloat,
textColor: UIColor
) -> NSAttributedString {
guard !content.isEmpty, content != "NOTE_TO_SELF".localized() else {
return NSMutableAttributedString(
string: (authorName != nil && authorName?.isEmpty != true ?
"\(authorName ?? ""): \(content)" :
attributes: [ .foregroundColor: textColor ]
// Replace mentions in the content
// Note: The 'threadVariant' is used for profile context but in the search results
// we don't want to include the truncated id as part of the name so we exclude it
let mentionReplacedContent: String = MentionUtilities.highlightMentionsNoAttributes(
in: content,
threadVariant: .contact,
currentUserPublicKey: currentUserPublicKey,
currentUserBlindedPublicKey: currentUserBlindedPublicKey
let result: NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(
string: mentionReplacedContent,
attributes: [
.foregroundColor: textColor
// Bold each part of the searh term which matched
let normalizedSnippet: String = mentionReplacedContent.lowercased()
var firstMatchRange: Range<String.Index>?
.map { part -> String in
guard part.hasPrefix("\"") && part.hasSuffix("\"") else { return part }
let partRange = (part.index(after: part.startIndex)..<part.index(before: part.endIndex))
return String(part[partRange])
.forEach { part in
// Highlight all ranges of the text (Note: The search logic only finds results that start
// with the term so we use the regex below to ensure we only highlight those cases)
of: (CurrentAppContext().isRTL ?
"(\(part.lowercased()))(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])" :
options: [.regularExpression]
.forEach { range in
let targetRange: Range<String.Index> = {
let term: String = String(normalizedSnippet[range])
// If the matched term doesn't actually match the "part" value then it means
// we've matched a term after a non-alphanumeric character so need to shift
// the range over by 1
guard term.starts(with: part.lowercased()) else {
return (normalizedSnippet.index(after: range.lowerBound)..<range.upperBound)
return range
// Store the range of the first match so we can focus it in the content displayed
if firstMatchRange == nil {
firstMatchRange = targetRange
let legacyRange: NSRange = NSRange(targetRange, in: normalizedSnippet)
result.addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: textColor, range: legacyRange)
result.addAttribute(.font, value: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: fontSize), range: legacyRange)
// We then want to truncate the content so the first matching term is visible
let startOfSnippet: String.Index = ( {
offsetBy: -10,
limitedBy: mentionReplacedContent.startIndex
.defaulting(to: mentionReplacedContent.startIndex)
} ??
// This method determines if the content is probably too long and returns the truncated or untruncated
// content accordingly
func truncatingIfNeeded(approxWidth: CGFloat, content: NSAttributedString) -> NSAttributedString {
let approxFullWidth: CGFloat = (approxWidth + profilePictureView.size + (Values.mediumSpacing * 3))
guard ((bounds.width - approxFullWidth) < 0) else { return content }
return content.attributedSubstring(
from: NSRange(startOfSnippet..<normalizedSnippet.endIndex, in: normalizedSnippet)
// Now that we have generated the focused snippet add the author name as a prefix (if provided)
return authorName
.map { authorName -> NSAttributedString? in
guard !authorName.isEmpty else { return nil }
let authorPrefix: NSAttributedString = NSAttributedString(
string: "\(authorName): ...",
attributes: [ .foregroundColor: textColor ]
return authorPrefix
approxWidth: (authorPrefix.size().width + result.size().width),
content: result
to: truncatingIfNeeded(
approxWidth: result.size().width,
content: result