2017-09-20 09:21:05 -04:00

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// Copyright (c) 2017 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import <YapDatabase/YapDatabaseViewTransaction.h>
extern NSString *const kNSNotificationName_DatabaseViewRegistrationComplete;
extern NSString *const TSInboxGroup;
extern NSString *const TSArchiveGroup;
extern NSString *const TSUnreadIncomingMessagesGroup;
extern NSString *const TSSecondaryDevicesGroup;
extern NSString *const TSThreadDatabaseViewExtensionName;
extern NSString *const TSMessageDatabaseViewExtensionName;
extern NSString *const TSUnreadDatabaseViewExtensionName;
extern NSString *const TSSecondaryDevicesDatabaseViewExtensionName;
@interface TSDatabaseView : NSObject
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
// This method can be called from any thread.
+ (BOOL)hasPendingViewRegistrations;
// This method must be called _AFTER_ registerThreadInteractionsDatabaseView.
+ (void)registerThreadDatabaseView;
+ (void)registerThreadInteractionsDatabaseView;
+ (void)asyncRegisterThreadOutgoingMessagesDatabaseView;
// Instances of OWSReadTracking for wasRead is NO and shouldAffectUnreadCounts is YES.
// Should be used for "unread message counts".
+ (void)registerUnreadDatabaseView;
// Should be used for "unread indicator".
// Instances of OWSReadTracking for wasRead is NO.
+ (void)asyncRegisterUnseenDatabaseView;
+ (void)asyncRegisterThreadSpecialMessagesDatabaseView;
+ (void)asyncRegisterSecondaryDevicesDatabaseView;
// Returns the "unseen" database view if it is ready;
// otherwise it returns the "unread" database view.
+ (id)unseenDatabaseViewExtension:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction;
// NOTE: It is not safe to call this method while hasPendingViewRegistrations is YES.
+ (id)threadOutgoingMessageDatabaseView:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction;
// NOTE: It is not safe to call this method while hasPendingViewRegistrations is YES.
+ (id)threadSpecialMessagesDatabaseView:(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *)transaction;
// This method should be called _after_ all async database registrations have been started.
+ (void)asyncRegistrationCompletion;