2018-02-09 10:31:29 -05:00

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// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import "OWSRecipientIdentity.h"
#import <AxolotlKit/IdentityKeyStore.h>
extern NSString *const TSStorageManagerTrustedKeysCollection;
// This notification will be fired whenever identities are created
// or their verification state changes.
extern NSString *const kNSNotificationName_IdentityStateDidChange;
// number of bytes in a signal identity key, excluding the key-type byte.
extern const NSUInteger kIdentityKeyLength;
@class OWSRecipientIdentity;
@class OWSSignalServiceProtosVerified;
@class OWSStorage;
@class OWSStorage;
// This class can be safely accessed and used from any thread.
@interface OWSIdentityManager : NSObject <IdentityKeyStore>
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)sharedManager;
- (void)generateNewIdentityKey;
- (nullable NSData *)identityKeyForRecipientId:(NSString *)recipientId protocolContext:(nullable id)protocolContext;
- (void)setVerificationState:(OWSVerificationState)verificationState
identityKey:(NSData *)identityKey
recipientId:(NSString *)recipientId
protocolContext:(nullable id)protocolContext;
- (OWSVerificationState)verificationStateForRecipientId:(NSString *)recipientId;
- (nullable OWSRecipientIdentity *)recipientIdentityForRecipientId:(NSString *)recipientId;
* @param recipientId unique stable identifier for the recipient, e.g. e164 phone number
* @returns nil if the recipient does not exist, or is trusted for sending
* else returns the untrusted recipient.
- (nullable OWSRecipientIdentity *)untrustedIdentityForSendingToRecipientId:(NSString *)recipientId
protocolContext:(nullable id)protocolContext;
// This method can be called from any thread.
- (void)processIncomingSyncMessage:(OWSSignalServiceProtosVerified *)verified;
#pragma mark - Debug
- (nullable ECKeyPair *)identityKeyPairWithoutProtocolContext;
// Clears everything except the local identity key.
- (void)clearIdentityState;
- (void)snapshotIdentityState;
- (void)restoreIdentityState;