Michael Kirk 7499b3aaf0 Avatar API integration / WIP crypto scheme
Crypto Scheme:

- Name (un)padding
- WIP AES-GCM (funtioning, but need to verify against android
  implementation, and tag functionality)

Changes to avatar API:

- hard code avatar domain (
- avatar form hands out new avatar key, invalidating old avatar
- preliminary aes-gcm integration


- New type to represent AES128 keys, rather than passing around opaque
  data blobs everywhere, we can use the compiler to help us make sure
  we're passing compliant keying material.

- Started using factory pattern for API requests. This is intended to be
  a lighter weight way to implement new API requests, rather than the
  current 1-method class ceremony.

2017-08-14 12:45:37 -04:00

512 lines
20 KiB
Executable file

// Copyright (c) 2017 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonCryptor.h>
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonHMAC.h>
// CommonCryptorSPI.h is a local copy of a private APple header fetched: Fri Aug 11 18:33:25 EDT 2017
// from
// We use it to provide the not-yet-public AES128-GCM cryptor
#import "CommonCryptorSPI.h"
#import "Cryptography.h"
#import "NSData+Base64.h"
#import "NSData+OWSConstantTimeCompare.h"
#define HMAC256_KEY_LENGTH 32
#define HMAC256_OUTPUT_LENGTH 32
#define AES_CBC_IV_LENGTH 16
#define AES_KEY_SIZE 32
// length of initialization nonce
static const NSUInteger kAESGCM128_IVLength = 12;
// length of authentication tag for AES128-GCM
static const NSUInteger kAESGCM128_TagLength = 16;
const NSUInteger kAES128_KeyByteLength = 16;
@implementation OWSAES128Key
+ (nullable instancetype)keyWithData:(NSData *)data
if (data.length != kAES128_KeyByteLength) {
OWSFail(@"Invalid key length for AES128: %lu", (unsigned long)data.length);
return nil;
return [[self alloc] initWithData:data];
+ (instancetype)generateRandomKey
return [self new];
- (instancetype)init
return [self initWithData:[Cryptography generateRandomBytes:kAES128_KeyByteLength]];
- (instancetype)initWithData:(NSData *)data
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return self;
_keyData = data;
return self;
#pragma mark - SecureCoding
+ (BOOL)supportsSecureCoding
return YES;
- (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return self;
NSData *keyData = [aDecoder decodeObjectOfClass:[NSData class] forKey:@"keyData"];
if (keyData.length != kAES128_KeyByteLength) {
OWSFail(@"Invalid key length for AES128: %lu", (unsigned long)keyData.length);
return nil;
_keyData = keyData;
return self;
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder
[aCoder encodeObject:_keyData forKey:@"keyData"];
@implementation Cryptography
#pragma mark random bytes methods
+ (NSMutableData *)generateRandomBytes:(NSUInteger)numberBytes {
/* used to generate db master key, and to generate signaling key, both at install */
NSMutableData *randomBytes = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:numberBytes];
int err = SecRandomCopyBytes(kSecRandomDefault, numberBytes, [randomBytes mutableBytes]);
if (err != noErr) {
DDLogError(@"Error in generateRandomBytes: %d", err);
[NSException exceptionWithName:@"random problem" reason:@"problem generating random bytes." userInfo:nil];
return randomBytes;
#pragma mark SHA1
+ (NSString *)truncatedSHA1Base64EncodedWithoutPadding:(NSString *)string {
/* used by TSContactManager to send hashed/truncated contact list to server */
NSMutableData *hashData = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:20];
CC_SHA1([string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding].bytes,
(unsigned int)[string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding].length,
NSData *truncatedData = [hashData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 10)];
return [[truncatedData base64EncodedString] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"=" withString:@""];
+ (NSString *)computeSHA1DigestForString:(NSString *)input {
// Here we are taking in our string hash, placing that inside of a C Char Array, then parsing it through the SHA1
// encryption method.
const char *cstr = [input cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:cstr length:input.length];
uint8_t digest[CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH];
CC_SHA1(data.bytes, (unsigned int)data.length, digest);
NSMutableString *output = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) {
[output appendFormat:@"%02x", digest[i]];
return output;
#pragma mark SHA256 Digest
+ (NSData *)computeSHA256Digest:(NSData *)data
return [self computeSHA256Digest:(NSData *)data truncatedToBytes:CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+ (NSData *)computeSHA256Digest:(NSData *)data truncatedToBytes:(NSUInteger)truncatedBytes
uint8_t digest[CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
CC_SHA256(data.bytes, (unsigned int)data.length, digest);
[[NSData dataWithBytes:digest length:CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH] subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, truncatedBytes)];
#pragma mark HMAC/SHA256
+ (NSData *)computeSHA256HMAC:(NSData *)dataToHMAC withHMACKey:(NSData *)HMACKey {
uint8_t ourHmac[CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH] = {0};
CCHmac(kCCHmacAlgSHA256, [HMACKey bytes], [HMACKey length], [dataToHMAC bytes], [dataToHMAC length], ourHmac);
return [NSData dataWithBytes:ourHmac length:CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+ (NSData *)computeSHA1HMAC:(NSData *)dataToHMAC withHMACKey:(NSData *)HMACKey {
uint8_t ourHmac[CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH] = {0};
CCHmac(kCCHmacAlgSHA1, [HMACKey bytes], [HMACKey length], [dataToHMAC bytes], [dataToHMAC length], ourHmac);
return [NSData dataWithBytes:ourHmac length:CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+ (NSData *)truncatedSHA1HMAC:(NSData *)dataToHMAC withHMACKey:(NSData *)HMACKey truncation:(NSUInteger)bytes {
return [[Cryptography computeSHA1HMAC:dataToHMAC withHMACKey:HMACKey] subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, bytes)];
+ (NSData *)truncatedSHA256HMAC:(NSData *)dataToHMAC withHMACKey:(NSData *)HMACKey truncation:(NSUInteger)bytes {
return [[Cryptography computeSHA256HMAC:dataToHMAC withHMACKey:HMACKey] subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, bytes)];
#pragma mark AES CBC Mode
* AES256 CBC encrypt then mac. Used to decrypt both signal messages and attachment blobs
* @return decrypted data or nil if hmac invalid/decryption fails
+ (NSData *)decryptCBCMode:(NSData *)dataToDecrypt
key:(NSData *)key
IV:(NSData *)iv
version:(nullable NSData *)version
HMACKey:(NSData *)hmacKey
matchingHMAC:(NSData *)hmac
digest:(nullable NSData *)digest
// Verify hmac of: version? || iv || encrypted data
NSMutableData *dataToAuth = [NSMutableData data];
if (version != nil) {
[dataToAuth appendData:version];
[dataToAuth appendData:iv];
[dataToAuth appendData:dataToDecrypt];
NSData *ourHmacData;
if (hmacType == TSHMACSHA1Truncated10Bytes) {
ourHmacData = [Cryptography truncatedSHA1HMAC:dataToAuth withHMACKey:hmacKey truncation:10];
} else if (hmacType == TSHMACSHA256Truncated10Bytes) {
ourHmacData = [Cryptography truncatedSHA256HMAC:dataToAuth withHMACKey:hmacKey truncation:10];
} else if (hmacType == TSHMACSHA256AttachementType) {
ourHmacData =
[Cryptography truncatedSHA256HMAC:dataToAuth withHMACKey:hmacKey truncation:HMAC256_OUTPUT_LENGTH];
if (hmac == nil || ![ourHmacData ows_constantTimeIsEqualToData:hmac]) {
DDLogError(@"%@ %s Bad HMAC on decrypting payload. Their MAC: %@, our MAC: %@", self.tag, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hmac, ourHmacData);
return nil;
// Optionally verify digest of: version? || iv || encrypted data || hmac
if (digest) {
DDLogDebug(@"%@ %s verifying their digest: %@", self.tag, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, digest);
[dataToAuth appendData:ourHmacData];
NSData *ourDigest = [Cryptography computeSHA256Digest:dataToAuth];
if (!ourDigest || ![ourDigest ows_constantTimeIsEqualToData:digest]) {
DDLogWarn(@"%@ Bad digest on decrypting payload. Their digest: %@, our digest: %@", self.tag, digest, ourDigest);
return nil;
// decrypt
size_t bufferSize = [dataToDecrypt length] + kCCBlockSizeAES128;
void *buffer = malloc(bufferSize);
if (buffer == NULL) {
DDLogError(@"%@ Failed to allocate memory.", self.tag);
return nil;
size_t bytesDecrypted = 0;
CCCryptorStatus cryptStatus = CCCrypt(kCCDecrypt,
[key bytes],
[key length],
[iv bytes],
[dataToDecrypt bytes],
[dataToDecrypt length],
if (cryptStatus == kCCSuccess) {
return [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buffer length:bytesDecrypted freeWhenDone:YES];
} else {
DDLogError(@"%@ Failed CBC decryption", self.tag);
return nil;
#pragma mark methods which use AES CBC
+ (NSData *)decryptAppleMessagePayload:(NSData *)payload withSignalingKey:(NSString *)signalingKeyString {
unsigned char version[1];
unsigned char iv[16];
NSUInteger ciphertext_length = ([payload length] - 10 - 17) * sizeof(char);
unsigned char *ciphertext = (unsigned char *)malloc(ciphertext_length);
unsigned char mac[10];
[payload getBytes:version range:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
[payload getBytes:iv range:NSMakeRange(1, 16)];
[payload getBytes:ciphertext range:NSMakeRange(17, [payload length] - 10 - 17)];
[payload getBytes:mac range:NSMakeRange([payload length] - 10, 10)];
NSData *signalingKey = [NSData dataFromBase64String:signalingKeyString];
NSData *signalingKeyAESKeyMaterial = [signalingKey subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 32)];
NSData *signalingKeyHMACKeyMaterial = [signalingKey subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(32, 20)];
[Cryptography decryptCBCMode:[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:ciphertext length:ciphertext_length freeWhenDone:YES]
IV:[NSData dataWithBytes:iv length:16]
version:[NSData dataWithBytes:version length:1]
matchingHMAC:[NSData dataWithBytes:mac length:10]
+ (NSData *)decryptAttachment:(NSData *)dataToDecrypt withKey:(NSData *)key digest:(nullable NSData *)digest
if (([dataToDecrypt length] < AES_CBC_IV_LENGTH + HMAC256_OUTPUT_LENGTH) ||
([key length] < AES_KEY_SIZE + HMAC256_KEY_LENGTH)) {
DDLogError(@"%@ Message shorter than crypto overhead!", self.tag);
return nil;
// key: 32 byte AES key || 32 byte Hmac-SHA256 key.
NSData *encryptionKey = [key subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, AES_KEY_SIZE)];
NSData *hmacKey = [key subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(AES_KEY_SIZE, HMAC256_KEY_LENGTH)];
// dataToDecrypt: IV || Ciphertext || truncated MAC(IV||Ciphertext)
NSData *iv = [dataToDecrypt subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, AES_CBC_IV_LENGTH)];
NSData *encryptedAttachment = [dataToDecrypt
[dataToDecrypt length] - AES_CBC_IV_LENGTH - HMAC256_OUTPUT_LENGTH)];
NSData *hmac = [dataToDecrypt
subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange([dataToDecrypt length] - HMAC256_OUTPUT_LENGTH, HMAC256_OUTPUT_LENGTH)];
return [Cryptography decryptCBCMode:encryptedAttachment
+ (NSData *)encryptAttachmentData:(NSData *)attachmentData
outKey:(NSData *_Nonnull *_Nullable)outKey
outDigest:(NSData *_Nonnull *_Nullable)outDigest
NSData *iv = [Cryptography generateRandomBytes:AES_CBC_IV_LENGTH];
NSData *encryptionKey = [Cryptography generateRandomBytes:AES_KEY_SIZE];
NSData *hmacKey = [Cryptography generateRandomBytes:HMAC256_KEY_LENGTH];
// The concatenated key for storage
NSMutableData *attachmentKey = [NSMutableData data];
[attachmentKey appendData:encryptionKey];
[attachmentKey appendData:hmacKey];
*outKey = [attachmentKey copy];
// Encrypt
size_t bufferSize = [attachmentData length] + kCCBlockSizeAES128;
void *buffer = malloc(bufferSize);
if (buffer == NULL) {
DDLogError(@"%@ Failed to allocate memory.", self.tag);
return nil;
size_t bytesEncrypted = 0;
CCCryptorStatus cryptStatus = CCCrypt(kCCEncrypt,
[encryptionKey bytes],
[encryptionKey length],
[iv bytes],
[attachmentData bytes],
[attachmentData length],
if (cryptStatus != kCCSuccess) {
DDLogError(@"%@ %s CCCrypt failed with status: %d", self.tag, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, (int32_t)cryptStatus);
return nil;
NSData *cipherText = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buffer length:bytesEncrypted freeWhenDone:YES];
NSMutableData *encryptedAttachmentData = [NSMutableData data];
[encryptedAttachmentData appendData:iv];
[encryptedAttachmentData appendData:cipherText];
// compute hmac of: iv || encrypted data
NSData *hmac =
[Cryptography truncatedSHA256HMAC:encryptedAttachmentData withHMACKey:hmacKey truncation:HMAC256_OUTPUT_LENGTH];
DDLogVerbose(@"%@ computed hmac: %@", self.tag, hmac);
[encryptedAttachmentData appendData:hmac];
// compute digest of: iv || encrypted data || hmac
*outDigest = [self computeSHA256Digest:encryptedAttachmentData];
DDLogVerbose(@"%@ computed digest: %@", self.tag, *outDigest);
return [encryptedAttachmentData copy];
+ (nullable NSData *)encryptAESGCMWithData:(NSData *)plainTextData key:(OWSAES128Key *)key
NSData *initializationVector = [Cryptography generateRandomBytes:kAESGCM128_IVLength];
uint8_t *cipherTextBytes = malloc(plainTextData.length);
if (cipherTextBytes == NULL) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Failed to allocate encryptedBytes", self.tag);
return nil;
uint8_t *authTagBytes = malloc(kAESGCM128_TagLength);
if (authTagBytes == NULL) {
OWSFail(@"%@ Failed to allocate authTagBytes", self.tag);
return nil;
// NOTE: Since `tagLength` is an input parameter, it seems weird that the signature for tagLength is a `size_t*` rather than just a `size_t`.
// I found a vague reference in the Safari repository implying that this may be a bug:
// source:
// Comment was:
// tagLength is actual an input <rdar://problem/30660074>
size_t tagLength = kAESGCM128_TagLength;
CCCryptorStatus status = CCCryptorGCM(kCCEncrypt, // CCOperation op, /* kCCEncrypt, kCCDecrypt */
kCCAlgorithmAES128, // CCAlgorithm alg,
key.keyData.bytes, // const void *key, /* raw key material */
key.keyData.length, // size_t keyLength,
initializationVector.bytes, // const void *iv,
initializationVector.length, // size_t ivLen,
NULL, // const void *aData,
0, // size_t aDataLen,
plainTextData.bytes, // const void *dataIn,
plainTextData.length, // size_t dataInLength,
cipherTextBytes, // void *dataOut,
authTagBytes, // const void *tag,
&tagLength //size_t *tagLength)
if (status != kCCSuccess) {
OWSFail(@"CCCryptorGCM encrypt failed with status: %d", status);
return nil;
// build up return value: initializationVector || cipherText || authTag
NSMutableData *encryptedData = [initializationVector mutableCopy];
[encryptedData appendBytes:cipherTextBytes length:plainTextData.length];
[encryptedData appendBytes:authTagBytes length:tagLength];
return [encryptedData copy];
+ (nullable NSData *)decryptAESGCMWithData:(NSData *)encryptedData key:(OWSAES128Key *)key
OWSAssert(encryptedData.length > kAESGCM128_IVLength + kAESGCM128_TagLength);
NSUInteger cipherTextLength = encryptedData.length - kAESGCM128_IVLength - kAESGCM128_TagLength;
// encryptedData layout: initializationVector || cipherText || authTag
NSData *initializationVector = [encryptedData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, kAESGCM128_IVLength)];
NSData *cipherText = [encryptedData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(kAESGCM128_IVLength, cipherTextLength)];
NSData *authTag = [encryptedData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(kAESGCM128_IVLength + cipherTextLength,
void * plainTextBytes = malloc(cipherTextLength);
if (plainTextBytes == NULL) {
OWSFail(@"Failed to malloc plainTextBytes");
return nil;
// NOTE: Since `tagLength` is an input parameter, it seems weird that the signature for tagLength is a `size_t*` rather than just a `size_t`.
// I found a vague reference in the Safari repository implying that this may be a bug:
// source:
// Comment was:
// tagLength is actual an input <rdar://problem/30660074>
size_t tagLength = kAESGCM128_TagLength;
CCCryptorStatus status = CCCryptorGCM(kCCDecrypt, // CCOperation op, /* kCCEncrypt, kCCDecrypt */
kCCAlgorithmAES128, // CCAlgorithm alg,
key.keyData.bytes, // const void *key, /* raw key material */
key.keyData.length, // size_t keyLength,
initializationVector.bytes, // const void *iv,
initializationVector.length, // size_t ivLen,
NULL, // const void *aData,
0, // size_t aDataLen,
cipherText.bytes, // const void *dataIn,
cipherText.length, // size_t dataInLength,
plainTextBytes, // void *dataOut,
authTag.bytes, // const void *tag,
&tagLength //size_t *tagLength)
if (status != kCCSuccess) {
OWSFail(@"CCCryptorGCM decrypt failed with status: %d", status);
return nil;
return [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:plainTextBytes length:cipherTextLength freeWhenDone:YES];
#pragma mark - Logging
+ (NSString *)tag
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[%@]", self.class];
- (NSString *)tag
return self.class.tag;