2018-04-19 09:56:09 -04:00

244 lines
7.1 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SignalServiceKit
enum CallState: String {
case idle
case dialing
case answering
case remoteRinging
case localRinging
case connected
case reconnecting
case localFailure // terminal
case localHangup // terminal
case remoteHangup // terminal
case remoteBusy // terminal
enum CallDirection {
case outgoing, incoming
// All Observer methods will be invoked from the main thread.
protocol CallObserver: class {
func stateDidChange(call: SignalCall, state: CallState)
func hasLocalVideoDidChange(call: SignalCall, hasLocalVideo: Bool)
func muteDidChange(call: SignalCall, isMuted: Bool)
func holdDidChange(call: SignalCall, isOnHold: Bool)
func audioSourceDidChange(call: SignalCall, audioSource: AudioSource?)
* Data model for a WebRTC backed voice/video call.
* This class' state should only be accessed on the main queue.
@objc class SignalCall: NSObject {
let TAG = "[SignalCall]"
var observers = [Weak<CallObserver>]()
let remotePhoneNumber: String
var isTerminated: Bool {
switch state {
case .localFailure, .localHangup, .remoteHangup, .remoteBusy:
return true
case .idle, .dialing, .answering, .remoteRinging, .localRinging, .connected, .reconnecting:
return false
// Signal Service identifier for this Call. Used to coordinate the call across remote clients.
let signalingId: UInt64
let direction: CallDirection
// Distinguishes between calls locally, e.g. in CallKit
let localId: UUID
let thread: TSContactThread
var callRecord: TSCall? {
didSet {
assert(oldValue == nil)
var hasLocalVideo = false {
didSet {
for observer in observers {
observer.value?.hasLocalVideoDidChange(call: self, hasLocalVideo: hasLocalVideo)
var state: CallState {
didSet {
Logger.debug("\(TAG) state changed: \(oldValue) -> \(self.state) for call: \(self.identifiersForLogs)")
// Update connectedDate
if case .connected = self.state {
// if it's the first time we've connected (not a reconnect)
if connectedDate == nil {
connectedDate = NSDate()
for observer in observers {
observer.value?.stateDidChange(call: self, state: state)
var isMuted = false {
didSet {
Logger.debug("\(TAG) muted changed: \(oldValue) -> \(self.isMuted)")
for observer in observers {
observer.value?.muteDidChange(call: self, isMuted: isMuted)
let audioActivity: AudioActivity
var audioSource: AudioSource? = nil {
didSet {
Logger.debug("\(TAG) audioSource changed: \(String(describing: oldValue)) -> \(String(describing: audioSource))")
for observer in observers {
observer.value?.audioSourceDidChange(call: self, audioSource: audioSource)
var isSpeakerphoneEnabled: Bool {
guard let audioSource = self.audioSource else {
return false
return audioSource.isBuiltInSpeaker
var isOnHold = false {
didSet {
Logger.debug("\(TAG) isOnHold changed: \(oldValue) -> \(self.isOnHold)")
for observer in observers {
observer.value?.holdDidChange(call: self, isOnHold: isOnHold)
var connectedDate: NSDate?
var error: CallError?
// MARK: Initializers and Factory Methods
init(direction: CallDirection, localId: UUID, signalingId: UInt64, state: CallState, remotePhoneNumber: String) {
self.direction = direction
self.localId = localId
self.signalingId = signalingId
self.state = state
self.remotePhoneNumber = remotePhoneNumber
self.thread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(contactId: remotePhoneNumber)
self.audioActivity = AudioActivity(audioDescription: "[SignalCall] with \(remotePhoneNumber)")
// A string containing the three identifiers for this call.
var identifiersForLogs: String {
return "{\(remotePhoneNumber), \(localId), \(signalingId)}"
class func outgoingCall(localId: UUID, remotePhoneNumber: String) -> SignalCall {
return SignalCall(direction: .outgoing, localId: localId, signalingId: newCallSignalingId(), state: .dialing, remotePhoneNumber: remotePhoneNumber)
class func incomingCall(localId: UUID, remotePhoneNumber: String, signalingId: UInt64) -> SignalCall {
return SignalCall(direction: .incoming, localId: localId, signalingId: signalingId, state: .answering, remotePhoneNumber: remotePhoneNumber)
// -
func addObserverAndSyncState(observer: CallObserver) {
observers.append(Weak(value: observer))
// Synchronize observer with current call state
observer.stateDidChange(call: self, state: state)
func removeObserver(_ observer: CallObserver) {
while let index = observers.index(where: { $0.value === observer }) {
observers.remove(at: index)
func removeAllObservers() {
observers = []
private func updateCallRecordType() {
guard let callRecord = self.callRecord else {
// Mark incomplete calls as completed if call has connected.
if state == .connected &&
callRecord.callType == RPRecentCallTypeOutgoingIncomplete {
if state == .connected &&
callRecord.callType == RPRecentCallTypeIncomingIncomplete {
// MARK: Equatable
static func == (lhs: SignalCall, rhs: SignalCall) -> Bool {
return lhs.localId == rhs.localId
static func newCallSignalingId() -> UInt64 {
return UInt64.ows_random()
// This method should only be called when the call state is "connected".
func connectionDuration() -> TimeInterval {
return -connectedDate!.timeIntervalSinceNow
fileprivate extension UInt64 {
static func ows_random() -> UInt64 {
var random: UInt64 = 0
arc4random_buf(&random, MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: random))
return random