Morgan Pretty 1b3f6c0ca6 Minor tweaks to the message request banner on the HomeVC
Fixed the unread message counting for message requests
Updated the message request banner to indicate the number of message requests with an unread message
Updated the message request banner to automatically disappear if the user has no unread message requests
Renamed a variable for ReadReceipt management to make it a bit more self-documenting (it looked like it would trigger a read receipt to be sent regardless of the setting)
2022-03-01 17:25:53 +11:00

334 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
public class ConversationMessageMapping: NSObject {
private let viewName: String
private let group: String?
// The desired number of the items to load BEFORE the pivot (see below).
public var desiredLength: UInt
typealias ItemId = String
// The list of currently loaded items.
private var itemIds = [ItemId]()
// When we enter a conversation, we want to load up to N interactions. This
// is the "initial load window".
// We subsequently expand the load window in two directions using two very
// different behaviors.
// * We expand the load window "upwards" (backwards in time) only when
// loadMore() is called, in "pages".
// * We auto-expand the load window "downwards" (forward in time) to include
// any new interactions created after the initial load.
// We define the "pivot" as the last item in the initial load window. This
// value is only set once.
// For example, if you enter a conversation with messages, 1..15:
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
// We initially load just the last 5 (if 5 is the initial desired length):
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
// | pivot ^ | <-- load window
// pivot: 15, desired length=5.
// If a few more messages (16..18) are sent or received, we'll always load
// them immediately (they're after the pivot):
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
// | pivot ^ | <-- load window
// pivot: 15, desired length=5.
// To load an additional page of items (perhaps due to user scrolling
// upward), we extend the desired length and thereby load more items
// before the pivot.
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
// | pivot ^ | <-- load window
// pivot: 15, desired length=10.
// To reiterate:
// * The pivot doesn't move.
// * The desired length applies _before_ the pivot.
// * Everything after the pivot is auto-loaded.
// One last optimization:
// After an update, we _can sometimes_ move the pivot (for perf
// reasons), but we also adjust the "desired length" so that this
// no effect on the load behavior.
// And note: we use the pivot's sort id, not its uniqueId, which works
// even if the pivot itself is deleted.
private var pivotSortId: UInt64?
public var canLoadMore = false
public required init(group: String?, desiredLength: UInt) {
self.viewName = TSMessageDatabaseViewExtensionName = group
self.desiredLength = desiredLength
public func loadedUniqueIds() -> [String] {
return itemIds
public func contains(uniqueId: String) -> Bool {
return loadedUniqueIds().contains(uniqueId)
// This method can be used to extend the desired length
// and update.
public func update(withDesiredLength desiredLength: UInt, transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) {
assert(desiredLength >= self.desiredLength)
self.desiredLength = desiredLength
update(transaction: transaction)
// This is the core method of the class. It updates the state to
// reflect the latest database state & the current desired length.
public func update(transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) {
guard let view = transaction.ext(viewName) as? YapDatabaseAutoViewTransaction else {
owsFailDebug("Could not load view.")
guard let group = group else {
owsFailDebug("No group.")
// Deserializing interactions is expensive, so we only
// do that when necessary.
let sortIdForItemId: (String) -> UInt64? = { (itemId) in
guard let interaction = TSInteraction.fetch(uniqueId: itemId, transaction: transaction) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not load interaction.")
return nil
return interaction.sortId
// If we have a "pivot", load all items AFTER the pivot and up to minDesiredLength items BEFORE the pivot.
// If we do not have a "pivot", load up to minDesiredLength BEFORE the pivot.
var newItemIds = [ItemId]()
var canLoadMore = false
let desiredLength = self.desiredLength
// Not all items "count" towards the desired length. On an initial load, all items count. Subsequently,
// only items above the pivot count.
var afterPivotCount: UInt = 0
var beforePivotCount: UInt = 0
// (void (^)(NSString *collection, NSString *key, id object, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop))block;
view.enumerateKeys(inGroup: group, with: NSEnumerationOptions.reverse) { (_, key, _, stop) in
let itemId = key
// Load "uncounted" items after the pivot if possible.
// As an optimization, we can skip this check (which requires
// deserializing the interaction) if beforePivotCount is non-zero,
// e.g. after we "pass" the pivot.
if beforePivotCount == 0,
let pivotSortId = self.pivotSortId {
if let sortId = sortIdForItemId(itemId) {
let isAfterPivot = sortId > pivotSortId
if isAfterPivot {
afterPivotCount += 1
} else {
owsFailDebug("Could not determine sort id for interaction: \(itemId)")
// Load "counted" items unless the load window overflows.
if beforePivotCount >= desiredLength {
// Overflow
canLoadMore = true
stop.pointee = true
} else {
beforePivotCount += 1
// The items need to be reversed, since we load them in reverse order.
self.itemIds = Array(newItemIds.reversed())
self.canLoadMore = canLoadMore
// Establish the pivot, if necessary and possible.
// Deserializing interactions is expensive. We only need to deserialize
// interactions that are "after" the pivot. So there would be performance
// benefits to moving the pivot after each update to the last loaded item.
// However, this would undesirable side effects. The desired length for
// conversations with very short disappearing message durations would
// continuously grow as messages appeared and disappeared.
// Therefore, we only move the pivot when we've accumulated N items after
// the pivot. This puts an upper bound on the number of interactions we
// have to deserialize while minimizing "load window size creep".
let kMaxItemCountAfterPivot = 32
let shouldSetPivot = (self.pivotSortId == nil ||
afterPivotCount > kMaxItemCountAfterPivot)
if shouldSetPivot {
if let newLastItemId = newItemIds.first {
// newItemIds is in reverse order, so its "first" element is actually last.
if let sortId = sortIdForItemId(newLastItemId) {
// Update the pivot.
if self.pivotSortId != nil {
self.desiredLength += afterPivotCount
self.pivotSortId = sortId
} else {
owsFailDebug("Could not determine sort id for interaction: \(newLastItemId)")
// Tries to ensure that the load window includes a given item.
// On success, returns the index path of that item.
// On failure, returns nil.
public func ensureLoadWindowContains(uniqueId: String,
transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) -> IndexPath? {
if let oldIndex = loadedUniqueIds().firstIndex(of: uniqueId) {
return IndexPath(row: oldIndex, section: 0)
guard let view = transaction.ext(viewName) as? YapDatabaseAutoViewTransaction else {
owsFailDebug("Could not load view.")
return nil
guard let group = group else {
owsFailDebug("No group.")
return nil
let indexPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt> = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt>.allocate(capacity: 1)
let wasFound = view.getGroup(nil, index: indexPtr, forKey: uniqueId, inCollection: TSInteraction.collection())
guard wasFound else {
SNLog("Could not find interaction.")
return nil
let index = indexPtr.pointee
let threadInteractionCount = view.numberOfItems(inGroup: group)
guard index < threadInteractionCount else {
owsFailDebug("Invalid index.")
return nil
// This math doesn't take into account the number of items loaded _after_ the pivot.
// That's fine; it's okay to load too many interactions here.
let desiredWindowSize: UInt = threadInteractionCount - index
self.update(withDesiredLength: desiredWindowSize, transaction: transaction)
guard let newIndex = loadedUniqueIds().firstIndex(of: uniqueId) else {
owsFailDebug("Couldn't find interaction.")
return nil
return IndexPath(row: newIndex, section: 0)
public class ConversationMessageMappingDiff: NSObject {
public let addedItemIds: Set<String>
public let removedItemIds: Set<String>
public let updatedItemIds: Set<String>
init(addedItemIds: Set<String>, removedItemIds: Set<String>, updatedItemIds: Set<String>) {
self.addedItemIds = addedItemIds
self.removedItemIds = removedItemIds
self.updatedItemIds = updatedItemIds
// Updates and then calculates which items were inserted, removed or modified.
public func updateAndCalculateDiff(transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction,
notifications: [NSNotification]) -> ConversationMessageMappingDiff? {
let oldItemIds = Set(self.itemIds)
self.update(transaction: transaction)
let newItemIds = Set(self.itemIds)
let removedItemIds = oldItemIds.subtracting(newItemIds)
let addedItemIds = newItemIds.subtracting(oldItemIds)
// We only notify for updated items that a) were previously loaded b) weren't also inserted or removed.
let updatedItemIds = (self.updatedItemIds(for: notifications)
return ConversationMessageMappingDiff(addedItemIds: addedItemIds,
removedItemIds: removedItemIds,
updatedItemIds: updatedItemIds)
// For performance reasons, the database modification notifications are used
// to determine which items were modified. If YapDatabase ever changes the
// structure or semantics of these notifications, we'll need to update this
// code to reflect that.
private func updatedItemIds(for notifications: [NSNotification]) -> Set<String> {
var updatedItemIds = Set<String>()
for notification in notifications {
// Unpack the YDB notification, looking for row changes.
guard let userInfo =
notification.userInfo else {
owsFailDebug("Missing userInfo.")
guard let viewChangesets =
userInfo[YapDatabaseExtensionsKey] as? NSDictionary else {
// No changes for any views, skip.
guard let changeset =
viewChangesets[viewName] as? NSDictionary else {
// No changes for this view, skip.
// This constant matches a private constant in YDB.
let changeset_key_changes: String = "changes"
guard let changesetChanges = changeset[changeset_key_changes] as? [Any] else {
owsFailDebug("Missing changeset changes.")
for change in changesetChanges {
if change as? YapDatabaseViewSectionChange != nil {
// Ignore.
} else if let rowChange = change as? YapDatabaseViewRowChange {
} else {
owsFailDebug("Invalid change: \(type(of: change)).")
return updatedItemIds