Morgan Pretty 9db5083cc5 Built out the Message Request functionality
Added the MessageRequestsViewController
Added a 'Message Requests' button to the settings screen
Added accept/reject buttons for message requests to the ConversationVC
Added the ability to hide the message request item on the HomeVC (re-appears if you get a new message request)
Added code to handle an edge-case where the message request approval state wouldn't be returned to the sender due to the recipient running an old version of the app
Prevented contacts which aren't associated with an approved thread from appearing when creating a closed group
Disabled notifications for threads which aren't approved
Updated the app notification count to exclude unapproved messages
Updated the app to ignore closed group creation messages if the group has no admins which are approved contacts
Fixed up the keyboard avoidance behaviour in the ConversationVC
Fixed a couple of minor interaction issues which affected some devices
Fixed an issue where the database migrations would run on the 2nd launch when creating a new account (causing odd behaviours)
2022-02-02 16:59:56 +11:00

116 lines
5.3 KiB

public class Contact : NSObject, NSCoding { // NSObject/NSCoding conformance is needed for YapDatabase compatibility
@objc public let sessionID: String
/// The URL from which to fetch the contact's profile picture.
@objc public var profilePictureURL: String?
/// The file name of the contact's profile picture on local storage.
@objc public var profilePictureFileName: String?
/// The key with which the profile is encrypted.
@objc public var profileEncryptionKey: OWSAES256Key?
/// The ID of the thread associated with this contact.
@objc public var threadID: String?
/// This flag is used to determine whether we should auto-download files sent by this contact.
@objc public var isTrusted = false
/// This flag is used to determine whether message requests from this contact are approved
@objc public var isApproved = false
/// This flag is used to determine whether message requests from this contact are blocked
@objc public var isBlocked = false
/// This flag is used to determine whether this contact has approved the current users message request
@objc public var didApproveMe = false
// MARK: Name
/// The name of the contact. Use this whenever you need the "real", underlying name of a user (e.g. when sending a message).
@objc public var name: String?
/// The contact's nickname, if the user set one.
@objc public var nickname: String?
/// The name to display in the UI. For local use only.
@objc public func displayName(for context: Context) -> String? {
if let nickname = nickname { return nickname }
switch context {
case .regular: return name
case .openGroup:
// In open groups, where it's more likely that multiple users have the same name, we display a bit of the Session ID after
// a user's display name for added context.
guard let name = name else { return nil }
let endIndex = sessionID.endIndex
let cutoffIndex = sessionID.index(endIndex, offsetBy: -8)
return "\(name) (...\(sessionID[cutoffIndex..<endIndex]))"
// MARK: Context
public enum Context : Int {
case regular, openGroup
// MARK: Initialization
@objc public init(sessionID: String) {
self.sessionID = sessionID
private override init() { preconditionFailure("Use init(sessionID:) instead.") }
// MARK: Validation
public var isValid: Bool {
if profilePictureURL != nil { return (profileEncryptionKey != nil) }
if profileEncryptionKey != nil { return (profilePictureURL != nil) }
return true
// MARK: Coding
public required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
guard let sessionID = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "sessionID") as! String? else { return nil }
self.sessionID = sessionID
isTrusted = coder.decodeBool(forKey: "isTrusted")
if let name = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "displayName") as! String? { = name }
if let nickname = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "nickname") as! String? { self.nickname = nickname }
if let profilePictureURL = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "profilePictureURL") as! String? { self.profilePictureURL = profilePictureURL }
if let profilePictureFileName = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "profilePictureFileName") as! String? { self.profilePictureFileName = profilePictureFileName }
if let profileEncryptionKey = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "profilePictureEncryptionKey") as! OWSAES256Key? { self.profileEncryptionKey = profileEncryptionKey }
if let threadID = coder.decodeObject(forKey: "threadID") as! String? { self.threadID = threadID }
isApproved = coder.decodeBool(forKey: "isApproved")
isBlocked = coder.decodeBool(forKey: "isBlocked")
didApproveMe = coder.decodeBool(forKey: "didApproveMe")
public func encode(with coder: NSCoder) {
coder.encode(sessionID, forKey: "sessionID")
coder.encode(name, forKey: "displayName")
coder.encode(nickname, forKey: "nickname")
coder.encode(profilePictureURL, forKey: "profilePictureURL")
coder.encode(profilePictureFileName, forKey: "profilePictureFileName")
coder.encode(profileEncryptionKey, forKey: "profilePictureEncryptionKey")
coder.encode(threadID, forKey: "threadID")
coder.encode(isTrusted, forKey: "isTrusted")
coder.encode(isApproved, forKey: "isApproved")
coder.encode(isBlocked, forKey: "isBlocked")
coder.encode(didApproveMe, forKey: "didApproveMe")
// MARK: Equality
override public func isEqual(_ other: Any?) -> Bool {
guard let other = other as? Contact else { return false }
return sessionID == other.sessionID
// MARK: Hashing
override public var hash: Int { // Override NSObject.hash and not Hashable.hashValue or Hashable.hash(into:)
return sessionID.hash
// MARK: Description
override public var description: String {
nickname ?? name ?? sessionID
// MARK: Convenience
public static func context(for thread: TSThread) -> Context {
return ((thread as? TSGroupThread)?.isOpenGroup == true) ? .openGroup : .regular