2019-06-12 14:50:36 +10:00

154 lines
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import PromiseKit
public final class LokiAPI : NSObject {
internal static let storage = OWSPrimaryStorage.shared()
private static var userPublicKey: String { return OWSIdentityManager.shared().identityKeyPair()!.hexEncodedPublicKey }
// MARK: Settings
private static let version = "v1"
private static let maxRetryCount: UInt = 3
private static let longPollingTimeout: TimeInterval = 40
public static let defaultMessageTTL: UInt64 = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
// MARK: Types
public typealias RawResponse = Any
public enum Error : LocalizedError {
/// Only applicable to snode targets as proof of work isn't required for P2P messaging.
case proofOfWorkCalculationFailed
case messageConversionFailed
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .proofOfWorkCalculationFailed: return NSLocalizedString("Failed to calculate proof of work.", comment: "")
case .messageConversionFailed: return "Failed to convert Signal message to Loki message."
public typealias MessageListPromise = Promise<[SSKProtoEnvelope]>
public typealias RawResponsePromise = Promise<RawResponse>
// MARK: Lifecycle
override private init() { }
// MARK: Internal API
internal static func invoke(_ method: LokiAPITarget.Method, on target: LokiAPITarget, associatedWith hexEncodedPublicKey: String,
parameters: [String:Any], headers: [String:String]? = nil, timeout: TimeInterval? = nil) -> RawResponsePromise {
let url = URL(string: "\(target.address):\(target.port)/\(version)/storage_rpc")!
let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: [ "method" : method.rawValue, "params" : parameters ])
if let headers = headers { request.allHTTPHeaderFields = headers }
if let timeout = timeout { request.timeoutInterval = timeout }
return TSNetworkManager.shared().makePromise(request: request).map { $0.responseObject }
.handlingSwarmSpecificErrorsIfNeeded(for: target, associatedWith: hexEncodedPublicKey).recoveringNetworkErrorsIfNeeded()
internal static func getRawMessages(from target: LokiAPITarget, usingLongPolling useLongPolling: Bool) -> RawResponsePromise {
let lastHashValue = getLastMessageHashValue(for: target) ?? ""
let parameters = [ "pubKey" : userPublicKey, "lastHash" : lastHashValue ]
let headers: [String:String]? = useLongPolling ? [ "X-Loki-Long-Poll" : "true" ] : nil
let timeout: TimeInterval? = useLongPolling ? longPollingTimeout : nil
return invoke(.getMessages, on: target, associatedWith: userPublicKey, parameters: parameters, headers: headers, timeout: timeout)
// MARK: Public API
public static func getMessages() -> Promise<Set<MessageListPromise>> {
return getTargetSnodes(for: userPublicKey).mapValues { targetSnode in
return getRawMessages(from: targetSnode, usingLongPolling: false).map { parseRawMessagesResponse($0, from: targetSnode) }
}.map { Set($0) }.retryingIfNeeded(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount)
public static func sendSignalMessage(_ signalMessage: SignalMessage, onP2PSuccess: @escaping () -> Void) -> Promise<Set<RawResponsePromise>> {
guard let lokiMessage = LokiMessage.from(signalMessage: signalMessage) else { return Promise(error: Error.messageConversionFailed) }
let destination = lokiMessage.destination
func sendLokiMessage(_ lokiMessage: LokiMessage, to target: LokiAPITarget) -> RawResponsePromise {
let parameters = lokiMessage.toJSON()
return invoke(.sendMessage, on: target, associatedWith: destination, parameters: parameters)
func sendLokiMessageUsingSwarmAPI() -> Promise<Set<RawResponsePromise>> {
let powPromise = lokiMessage.calculatePoW()
let swarmPromise = getTargetSnodes(for: destination)
return when(fulfilled: powPromise, swarmPromise).map { lokiMessageWithPoW, swarm in
return Set( { sendLokiMessage(lokiMessageWithPoW, to: $0) })
}.retryingIfNeeded(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount)
if let peer = LokiP2PAPI.getInfo(for: destination), (lokiMessage.isPing || peer.isOnline) {
let target = LokiAPITarget(address: peer.address, port: peer.port)
return Promise.value([ target ]).mapValues { sendLokiMessage(lokiMessage, to: $0) }.map { Set($0) }.retryingIfNeeded(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount).get { _ in
}.recover { error -> Promise<Set<RawResponsePromise>> in
if lokiMessage.isPing {
Logger.warn("[Loki] Failed to ping \(destination); marking contact as offline.")
if let error = error as? NSError {
error.isRetryable = false
throw error
} else {
throw error
return sendLokiMessageUsingSwarmAPI()
} else {
return sendLokiMessageUsingSwarmAPI()
// MARK: Public API (Obj-C)
public static func objc_sendSignalMessage(_ signalMessage: SignalMessage, onP2PSuccess: @escaping () -> Void) -> AnyPromise {
let promise = sendSignalMessage(signalMessage, onP2PSuccess: onP2PSuccess).mapValues { AnyPromise.from($0) }.map { Set($0) }
return AnyPromise.from(promise)
// MARK: Parsing
// The parsing utilities below use a best attempt approach to parsing; they warn for parsing failures but don't throw exceptions.
internal static func parseRawMessagesResponse(_ rawResponse: Any, from target: LokiAPITarget) -> [SSKProtoEnvelope] {
guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let rawMessages = json["messages"] as? [JSON] else { return [] }
updateLastMessageHashValueIfPossible(for: target, from: rawMessages)
let newRawMessages = removeDuplicates(from: rawMessages)
return parseProtoEnvelopes(from: newRawMessages)
private static func updateLastMessageHashValueIfPossible(for target: LokiAPITarget, from rawMessages: [JSON]) {
if let lastMessage = rawMessages.last, let hashValue = lastMessage["hash"] as? String, let expirationDate = lastMessage["expiration"] as? Int {
setLastMessageHashValue(for: target, hashValue: hashValue, expirationDate: UInt64(expirationDate))
} else if (!rawMessages.isEmpty) {
Logger.warn("[Loki] Failed to update last message hash value from: \(rawMessages).")
private static func removeDuplicates(from rawMessages: [JSON]) -> [JSON] {
var receivedMessageHashValues = getReceivedMessageHashValues() ?? []
return rawMessages.filter { rawMessage in
guard let hashValue = rawMessage["hash"] as? String else {
Logger.warn("[Loki] Missing hash value for message: \(rawMessage).")
return false
let isDuplicate = receivedMessageHashValues.contains(hashValue)
setReceivedMessageHashValues(to: receivedMessageHashValues)
return !isDuplicate
private static func parseProtoEnvelopes(from rawMessages: [JSON]) -> [SSKProtoEnvelope] {
return rawMessages.compactMap { rawMessage in
guard let base64EncodedData = rawMessage["data"] as? String, let data = Data(base64Encoded: base64EncodedData) else {
Logger.warn("[Loki] Failed to decode data for message: \(rawMessage).")
return nil
guard let envelope = try? LokiMessageWrapper.unwrap(data: data) else {
Logger.warn("[Loki] Failed to unwrap data for message: \(rawMessage).")
return nil
return envelope