2020-11-05 17:04:39 +11:00

874 lines
27 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
// WARNING: This code is generated. Only edit within the markers.
public enum SPKProtoError: Error {
case invalidProtobuf(description: String)
// MARK: - SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage
@objc public class SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage: NSObject {
class var logTag: String { "SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage" }
// MARK: - SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessageBuilder
@objc public class func builder(ratchetKey: Data, counter: UInt32, ciphertext: Data) -> SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessageBuilder {
return SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessageBuilder(ratchetKey: ratchetKey, counter: counter, ciphertext: ciphertext)
// asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents.
@objc public func asBuilder() -> SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessageBuilder {
let builder = SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessageBuilder(ratchetKey: ratchetKey, counter: counter, ciphertext: ciphertext)
if hasPreviousCounter {
return builder
@objc public class SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessageBuilder: NSObject {
private var proto = SPKProtos_TSProtoWhisperMessage()
@objc fileprivate override init() {}
@objc fileprivate init(ratchetKey: Data, counter: UInt32, ciphertext: Data) {
@objc public func setRatchetKey(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.ratchetKey = valueParam
@objc public func setCounter(_ valueParam: UInt32) {
proto.counter = valueParam
@objc public func setPreviousCounter(_ valueParam: UInt32) {
proto.previousCounter = valueParam
@objc public func setCiphertext(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.ciphertext = valueParam
@objc public func build() throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage {
return try SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage.parseProto(proto)
@objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data {
return try SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage.parseProto(proto).serializedData()
fileprivate let proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoWhisperMessage
@objc public let ratchetKey: Data
@objc public let counter: UInt32
@objc public let ciphertext: Data
@objc public var previousCounter: UInt32 {
return proto.previousCounter
@objc public var hasPreviousCounter: Bool {
return proto.hasPreviousCounter
private init(proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoWhisperMessage,
ratchetKey: Data,
counter: UInt32,
ciphertext: Data) {
self.proto = proto
self.ratchetKey = ratchetKey
self.counter = counter
self.ciphertext = ciphertext
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.proto.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage {
let proto = try SPKProtos_TSProtoWhisperMessage(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoWhisperMessage) throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage {
guard proto.hasRatchetKey else {
throw SPKProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: ratchetKey")
let ratchetKey = proto.ratchetKey
guard proto.hasCounter else {
throw SPKProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: counter")
let counter = proto.counter
guard proto.hasCiphertext else {
throw SPKProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: ciphertext")
let ciphertext = proto.ciphertext
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage -
let result = SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage(proto: proto,
ratchetKey: ratchetKey,
counter: counter,
ciphertext: ciphertext)
return result
@objc public override var debugDescription: String {
return "\(proto)"
extension SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage {
@objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? {
return try! self.serializedData()
extension SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage.SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessageBuilder {
@objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SPKProtoTSProtoWhisperMessage? {
return try!
// MARK: - SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage
@objc public class SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage: NSObject {
// MARK: - SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessageBuilder
@objc public class func builder(signedPreKeyID: UInt32, baseKey: Data, identityKey: Data, message: Data) -> SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessageBuilder {
return SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessageBuilder(signedPreKeyID: signedPreKeyID, baseKey: baseKey, identityKey: identityKey, message: message)
// asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents.
@objc public func asBuilder() -> SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessageBuilder {
let builder = SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessageBuilder(signedPreKeyID: signedPreKeyID, baseKey: baseKey, identityKey: identityKey, message: message)
if hasRegistrationID {
if hasPreKeyID {
return builder
@objc public class SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessageBuilder: NSObject {
private var proto = SPKProtos_TSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage()
@objc fileprivate override init() {}
@objc fileprivate init(signedPreKeyID: UInt32, baseKey: Data, identityKey: Data, message: Data) {
@objc public func setRegistrationID(_ valueParam: UInt32) {
proto.registrationID = valueParam
@objc public func setPreKeyID(_ valueParam: UInt32) {
proto.preKeyID = valueParam
@objc public func setSignedPreKeyID(_ valueParam: UInt32) {
proto.signedPreKeyID = valueParam
@objc public func setBaseKey(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.baseKey = valueParam
@objc public func setIdentityKey(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.identityKey = valueParam
@objc public func setMessage(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.message = valueParam
@objc public func build() throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage {
return try SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage.parseProto(proto)
@objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data {
return try SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage.parseProto(proto).serializedData()
fileprivate let proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage
@objc public let signedPreKeyID: UInt32
@objc public let baseKey: Data
@objc public let identityKey: Data
@objc public let message: Data
@objc public var registrationID: UInt32 {
return proto.registrationID
@objc public var hasRegistrationID: Bool {
return proto.hasRegistrationID
@objc public var preKeyID: UInt32 {
return proto.preKeyID
@objc public var hasPreKeyID: Bool {
return proto.hasPreKeyID
private init(proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage,
signedPreKeyID: UInt32,
baseKey: Data,
identityKey: Data,
message: Data) {
self.proto = proto
self.signedPreKeyID = signedPreKeyID
self.baseKey = baseKey
self.identityKey = identityKey
self.message = message
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.proto.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage {
let proto = try SPKProtos_TSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage) throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage {
guard proto.hasSignedPreKeyID else {
throw SPKProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: signedPreKeyID")
let signedPreKeyID = proto.signedPreKeyID
guard proto.hasBaseKey else {
throw SPKProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: baseKey")
let baseKey = proto.baseKey
guard proto.hasIdentityKey else {
throw SPKProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: identityKey")
let identityKey = proto.identityKey
guard proto.hasMessage else {
throw SPKProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: message")
let message = proto.message
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage -
let result = SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage(proto: proto,
signedPreKeyID: signedPreKeyID,
baseKey: baseKey,
identityKey: identityKey,
message: message)
return result
@objc public override var debugDescription: String {
return "\(proto)"
extension SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage {
@objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? {
return try! self.serializedData()
extension SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage.SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessageBuilder {
@objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SPKProtoTSProtoPreKeyWhisperMessage? {
return try!
// MARK: - SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessage
@objc public class SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessage: NSObject {
// MARK: - SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessageBuilder
@objc public class func builder() -> SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessageBuilder {
return SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessageBuilder()
// asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents.
@objc public func asBuilder() -> SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessageBuilder {
let builder = SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessageBuilder()
if hasID {
if let _value = baseKey {
if let _value = ratchetKey {
if let _value = identityKey {
if let _value = baseKeySignature {
return builder
@objc public class SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessageBuilder: NSObject {
private var proto = SPKProtos_TSProtoKeyExchangeMessage()
@objc fileprivate override init() {}
@objc public func setId(_ valueParam: UInt32) { = valueParam
@objc public func setBaseKey(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.baseKey = valueParam
@objc public func setRatchetKey(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.ratchetKey = valueParam
@objc public func setIdentityKey(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.identityKey = valueParam
@objc public func setBaseKeySignature(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.baseKeySignature = valueParam
@objc public func build() throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessage {
return try SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessage.parseProto(proto)
@objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data {
return try SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessage.parseProto(proto).serializedData()
fileprivate let proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoKeyExchangeMessage
@objc public var id: UInt32 {
@objc public var hasID: Bool {
return proto.hasID
@objc public var baseKey: Data? {
guard proto.hasBaseKey else {
return nil
return proto.baseKey
@objc public var hasBaseKey: Bool {
return proto.hasBaseKey
@objc public var ratchetKey: Data? {
guard proto.hasRatchetKey else {
return nil
return proto.ratchetKey
@objc public var hasRatchetKey: Bool {
return proto.hasRatchetKey
@objc public var identityKey: Data? {
guard proto.hasIdentityKey else {
return nil
return proto.identityKey
@objc public var hasIdentityKey: Bool {
return proto.hasIdentityKey
@objc public var baseKeySignature: Data? {
guard proto.hasBaseKeySignature else {
return nil
return proto.baseKeySignature
@objc public var hasBaseKeySignature: Bool {
return proto.hasBaseKeySignature
private init(proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoKeyExchangeMessage) {
self.proto = proto
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.proto.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessage {
let proto = try SPKProtos_TSProtoKeyExchangeMessage(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoKeyExchangeMessage) throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessage {
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessage -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessage -
let result = SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessage(proto: proto)
return result
@objc public override var debugDescription: String {
return "\(proto)"
extension SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessage {
@objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? {
return try! self.serializedData()
extension SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessage.SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessageBuilder {
@objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SPKProtoTSProtoKeyExchangeMessage? {
return try!
// MARK: - SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessage
@objc public class SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessage: NSObject {
// MARK: - SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessageBuilder
@objc public class func builder() -> SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessageBuilder {
return SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessageBuilder()
// asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents.
@objc public func asBuilder() -> SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessageBuilder {
let builder = SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessageBuilder()
if hasID {
if hasIteration {
if let _value = ciphertext {
return builder
@objc public class SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessageBuilder: NSObject {
private var proto = SPKProtos_TSProtoSenderKeyMessage()
@objc fileprivate override init() {}
@objc public func setId(_ valueParam: UInt32) { = valueParam
@objc public func setIteration(_ valueParam: UInt32) {
proto.iteration = valueParam
@objc public func setCiphertext(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.ciphertext = valueParam
@objc public func build() throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessage {
return try SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessage.parseProto(proto)
@objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data {
return try SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessage.parseProto(proto).serializedData()
fileprivate let proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoSenderKeyMessage
@objc public var id: UInt32 {
@objc public var hasID: Bool {
return proto.hasID
@objc public var iteration: UInt32 {
return proto.iteration
@objc public var hasIteration: Bool {
return proto.hasIteration
@objc public var ciphertext: Data? {
guard proto.hasCiphertext else {
return nil
return proto.ciphertext
@objc public var hasCiphertext: Bool {
return proto.hasCiphertext
private init(proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoSenderKeyMessage) {
self.proto = proto
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.proto.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessage {
let proto = try SPKProtos_TSProtoSenderKeyMessage(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoSenderKeyMessage) throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessage {
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessage -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessage -
let result = SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessage(proto: proto)
return result
@objc public override var debugDescription: String {
return "\(proto)"
extension SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessage {
@objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? {
return try! self.serializedData()
extension SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessage.SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessageBuilder {
@objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyMessage? {
return try!
// MARK: - SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage
@objc public class SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage: NSObject {
// MARK: - SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessageBuilder
@objc public class func builder() -> SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessageBuilder {
return SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessageBuilder()
// asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents.
@objc public func asBuilder() -> SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessageBuilder {
let builder = SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessageBuilder()
if hasID {
if hasIteration {
if let _value = chainKey {
if let _value = signingKey {
return builder
@objc public class SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessageBuilder: NSObject {
private var proto = SPKProtos_TSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage()
@objc fileprivate override init() {}
@objc public func setId(_ valueParam: UInt32) { = valueParam
@objc public func setIteration(_ valueParam: UInt32) {
proto.iteration = valueParam
@objc public func setChainKey(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.chainKey = valueParam
@objc public func setSigningKey(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.signingKey = valueParam
@objc public func build() throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage {
return try SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage.parseProto(proto)
@objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data {
return try SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage.parseProto(proto).serializedData()
fileprivate let proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage
@objc public var id: UInt32 {
@objc public var hasID: Bool {
return proto.hasID
@objc public var iteration: UInt32 {
return proto.iteration
@objc public var hasIteration: Bool {
return proto.hasIteration
@objc public var chainKey: Data? {
guard proto.hasChainKey else {
return nil
return proto.chainKey
@objc public var hasChainKey: Bool {
return proto.hasChainKey
@objc public var signingKey: Data? {
guard proto.hasSigningKey else {
return nil
return proto.signingKey
@objc public var hasSigningKey: Bool {
return proto.hasSigningKey
private init(proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage) {
self.proto = proto
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.proto.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage {
let proto = try SPKProtos_TSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SPKProtos_TSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage) throws -> SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage {
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage -
let result = SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage(proto: proto)
return result
@objc public override var debugDescription: String {
return "\(proto)"
extension SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage {
@objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? {
return try! self.serializedData()
extension SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage.SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessageBuilder {
@objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SPKProtoTSProtoSenderKeyDistributionMessage? {
return try!
// MARK: - SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage
@objc public class SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage: NSObject {
class var logTag: String { "SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage" }
// MARK: - SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessageBuilder
@objc public class func builder(ciphertext: Data, senderPublicKey: Data, keyIndex: UInt32) -> SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessageBuilder {
return SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessageBuilder(ciphertext: ciphertext, senderPublicKey: senderPublicKey, keyIndex: keyIndex)
// asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents.
@objc public func asBuilder() -> SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessageBuilder {
let builder = SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessageBuilder(ciphertext: ciphertext, senderPublicKey: senderPublicKey, keyIndex: keyIndex)
return builder
@objc public class SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessageBuilder: NSObject {
private var proto = SPKProtos_ClosedGroupCiphertextMessage()
@objc fileprivate override init() {}
@objc fileprivate init(ciphertext: Data, senderPublicKey: Data, keyIndex: UInt32) {
@objc public func setCiphertext(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.ciphertext = valueParam
@objc public func setSenderPublicKey(_ valueParam: Data) {
proto.senderPublicKey = valueParam
@objc public func setKeyIndex(_ valueParam: UInt32) {
proto.keyIndex = valueParam
@objc public func build() throws -> SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage {
return try SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage.parseProto(proto)
@objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data {
return try SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage.parseProto(proto).serializedData()
fileprivate let proto: SPKProtos_ClosedGroupCiphertextMessage
@objc public let ciphertext: Data
@objc public let senderPublicKey: Data
@objc public let keyIndex: UInt32
private init(proto: SPKProtos_ClosedGroupCiphertextMessage,
ciphertext: Data,
senderPublicKey: Data,
keyIndex: UInt32) {
self.proto = proto
self.ciphertext = ciphertext
self.senderPublicKey = senderPublicKey
self.keyIndex = keyIndex
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.proto.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage {
let proto = try SPKProtos_ClosedGroupCiphertextMessage(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SPKProtos_ClosedGroupCiphertextMessage) throws -> SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage {
guard proto.hasCiphertext else {
throw SPKProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: ciphertext")
let ciphertext = proto.ciphertext
guard proto.hasSenderPublicKey else {
throw SPKProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: senderPublicKey")
let senderPublicKey = proto.senderPublicKey
guard proto.hasKeyIndex else {
throw SPKProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: keyIndex")
let keyIndex = proto.keyIndex
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage -
let result = SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage(proto: proto,
ciphertext: ciphertext,
senderPublicKey: senderPublicKey,
keyIndex: keyIndex)
return result
@objc public override var debugDescription: String {
return "\(proto)"
extension SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage {
@objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? {
return try! self.serializedData()
extension SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage.SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessageBuilder {
@objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SPKProtoClosedGroupCiphertextMessage? {
return try!