nielsandriesse 74bbe067d8 Update Pods
2020-06-05 10:38:44 +10:00

220 lines
9.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SessionCurve25519Kit
import SessionAxolotlKit
public enum DeviceNameError: Int, Error {
case assertionFailure
case invalidInput
public class DeviceNames: NSObject {
// Never instantiate this class.
private override init() {}
private static let syntheticIVLength: UInt = 16
public class func encryptDeviceName(plaintext: String,
identityKeyPair: ECKeyPair) throws -> Data {
guard let plaintextData = .utf8) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not convert text to UTF-8.")
throw DeviceNameError.invalidInput
let ephemeralKeyPair = Curve25519.generateKeyPair()
// master_secret = ECDH(ephemeral_private, identity_public).
let masterSecret: Data
do {
masterSecret = try Curve25519.generateSharedSecret(fromPublicKey: identityKeyPair.publicKey,
privateKey: ephemeralKeyPair.privateKey)
} catch {
Logger.error("Could not generate shared secret: \(error)")
throw error
// synthetic_iv = HmacSHA256(key=HmacSHA256(key=master_secret, input=auth), input=plaintext)[0:16]
let syntheticIV = try computeSyntheticIV(masterSecret: masterSecret,
plaintextData: plaintextData)
// cipher_key = HmacSHA256(key=HmacSHA256(key=master_secret, cipher), input=synthetic_iv)
let cipherKey = try computeCipherKey(masterSecret: masterSecret, syntheticIV: syntheticIV)
// cipher_text = AES-CTR(key=cipher_key, input=plaintext, counter=0)
// An all-zeros IV corresponds to an AES CTR counter of zero.
let ciphertextIV = Data(count: Int(kAES256CTR_IVLength))
guard let ciphertextKey = OWSAES256Key(data: cipherKey) else {
owsFailDebug("Invalid cipher key.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
guard let ciphertext: AES256CTREncryptionResult = Cryptography.encryptAESCTR(plaintextData: plaintextData, initializationVector: ciphertextIV, key: ciphertextKey) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not encrypt cipher text.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
guard let keyData = (ephemeralKeyPair.publicKey as NSData).prependKeyType() else {
owsFailDebug("Could not prepend key type.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
let protoBuilder = SignalIOSProtoDeviceName.builder(ephemeralPublic: keyData as Data,
syntheticIv: syntheticIV,
ciphertext: ciphertext.ciphertext)
let protoData = try protoBuilder.buildSerializedData()
// NOTE: This uses Data's foundation method rather than the NSData's SSK method.
let protoDataBase64 = protoData.base64EncodedData()
return protoDataBase64
private class func computeSyntheticIV(masterSecret: Data,
plaintextData: Data) throws -> Data {
// synthetic_iv = HmacSHA256(key=HmacSHA256(key=master_secret, input=auth), input=plaintext)[0:16]
guard let syntheticIVInput = "auth".data(using: .utf8) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not convert text to UTF-8.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
guard let syntheticIVKey = Cryptography.computeSHA256HMAC(syntheticIVInput, withHMACKey: masterSecret) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not compute synthetic IV key.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
guard let syntheticIV = Cryptography.truncatedSHA256HMAC(plaintextData, withHMACKey: syntheticIVKey, truncation: syntheticIVLength) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not compute synthetic IV.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
return syntheticIV
private class func computeCipherKey(masterSecret: Data,
syntheticIV: Data) throws -> Data {
// cipher_key = HmacSHA256(key=HmacSHA256(key=master_secret, cipher), input=synthetic_iv)
guard let cipherKeyInput = "cipher".data(using: .utf8) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not convert text to UTF-8.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
guard let cipherKeyKey = Cryptography.computeSHA256HMAC(cipherKeyInput, withHMACKey: masterSecret) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not compute cipher key key.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
guard let cipherKey = Cryptography.computeSHA256HMAC(syntheticIV, withHMACKey: cipherKeyKey) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not compute cipher key.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
return cipherKey
public class func decryptDeviceName(base64String: String,
identityKeyPair: ECKeyPair) throws -> String {
guard let protoData = Data(base64Encoded: base64String) else {
// Not necessarily an error; might be a legacy device name.
throw DeviceNameError.invalidInput
return try decryptDeviceName(protoData: protoData,
identityKeyPair: identityKeyPair)
public class func decryptDeviceName(base64Data: Data,
identityKeyPair: ECKeyPair) throws -> String {
guard let protoData = Data(base64Encoded: base64Data) else {
// Not necessarily an error; might be a legacy device name.
throw DeviceNameError.invalidInput
return try decryptDeviceName(protoData: protoData,
identityKeyPair: identityKeyPair)
public class func decryptDeviceName(protoData: Data,
identityKeyPair: ECKeyPair) throws -> String {
let proto: SignalIOSProtoDeviceName
do {
proto = try SignalIOSProtoDeviceName.parseData(protoData)
} catch {
// Not necessarily an error; might be a legacy device name.
Logger.error("failed to parse proto")
throw DeviceNameError.invalidInput
let ephemeralPublicData = proto.ephemeralPublic
let receivedSyntheticIV = proto.syntheticIv
let ciphertext = proto.ciphertext
let ephemeralPublic: Data
do {
ephemeralPublic = try (ephemeralPublicData as NSData).removeKeyType() as Data
} catch {
owsFailDebug("failed to remove key type")
throw DeviceNameError.invalidInput
guard ephemeralPublic.count > 0 else {
owsFailDebug("Invalid ephemeral public.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
guard receivedSyntheticIV.count == syntheticIVLength else {
owsFailDebug("Invalid synthetic IV.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
guard ciphertext.count > 0 else {
owsFailDebug("Invalid cipher text.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
// master_secret = ECDH(identity_private, ephemeral_public)
let masterSecret: Data
do {
masterSecret = try Curve25519.generateSharedSecret(fromPublicKey: ephemeralPublic,
privateKey: identityKeyPair.privateKey)
} catch {
Logger.error("Could not generate shared secret: \(error)")
throw error
// cipher_key = HmacSHA256(key=HmacSHA256(key=master_secret, input=cipher), input=synthetic_iv)
let cipherKey = try computeCipherKey(masterSecret: masterSecret, syntheticIV: receivedSyntheticIV)
// plaintext = AES-CTR(key=cipher_key, input=ciphertext, counter=0)
// An all-zeros IV corresponds to an AES CTR counter of zero.
let ciphertextIV = Data(count: Int(kAES256CTR_IVLength))
guard let ciphertextKey = OWSAES256Key(data: cipherKey) else {
owsFailDebug("Invalid cipher key.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
guard let plaintextData = Cryptography.decryptAESCTR(cipherText: ciphertext, initializationVector: ciphertextIV, key: ciphertextKey) else {
owsFailDebug("Could not decrypt cipher text.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
// Verify the synthetic IV was correct.
// constant_time_compare(HmacSHA256(key=HmacSHA256(key=master_secret, input=auth), input=plaintext)[0:16], synthetic_iv) == true
let computedSyntheticIV = try computeSyntheticIV(masterSecret: masterSecret,
plaintextData: plaintextData)
guard receivedSyntheticIV.ows_constantTimeIsEqual(to: computedSyntheticIV) else {
owsFailDebug("Synthetic IV did not match.")
throw DeviceNameError.assertionFailure
guard let plaintext = String(bytes: plaintextData, encoding: .utf8) else {
owsFailDebug("Invalid plaintext.")
throw DeviceNameError.invalidInput
return plaintext