2018-04-05 10:23:56 -04:00

216 lines
6.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
#import "TSAttachment.h"
#import "MIMETypeUtil.h"
#import "NSString+SSK.h"
NSUInteger const TSAttachmentSchemaVersion = 4;
@interface TSAttachment ()
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger attachmentSchemaVersion;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSString *sourceFilename;
@property (nonatomic) NSString *contentType;
@implementation TSAttachment
// This constructor is used for new instances of TSAttachmentPointer,
// i.e. undownloaded incoming attachments.
- (instancetype)initWithServerId:(UInt64)serverId
encryptionKey:(NSData *)encryptionKey
contentType:(NSString *)contentType
sourceFilename:(nullable NSString *)sourceFilename
OWSAssert(serverId > 0);
OWSAssert(encryptionKey.length > 0);
if (byteCount <= 0) {
// This will fail with legacy iOS clients which don't upload attachment size.
DDLogWarn(@"%@ Missing byteCount for attachment with serverId: %lld", self.logTag, serverId);
if (contentType.length < 1) {
DDLogWarn(@"%@ incoming attachment has invalid content type", self.logTag);
contentType = OWSMimeTypeApplicationOctetStream;
OWSAssert(contentType.length > 0);
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return self;
_serverId = serverId;
_encryptionKey = encryptionKey;
_byteCount = byteCount;
_contentType = contentType;
_sourceFilename = sourceFilename;
_attachmentSchemaVersion = TSAttachmentSchemaVersion;
return self;
// This constructor is used for new instances of TSAttachmentStream
// that represent new, un-uploaded outgoing attachments.
- (instancetype)initWithContentType:(NSString *)contentType
sourceFilename:(nullable NSString *)sourceFilename
if (contentType.length < 1) {
DDLogWarn(@"%@ outgoing attachment has invalid content type", self.logTag);
contentType = OWSMimeTypeApplicationOctetStream;
OWSAssert(contentType.length > 0);
OWSAssert(byteCount > 0);
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return self;
DDLogVerbose(@"%@ init attachment with uniqueId: %@", self.logTag, self.uniqueId);
_contentType = contentType;
_byteCount = byteCount;
_sourceFilename = sourceFilename;
_attachmentSchemaVersion = TSAttachmentSchemaVersion;
return self;
// This constructor is used for new instances of TSAttachmentStream
// that represent downloaded incoming attachments.
- (instancetype)initWithPointer:(TSAttachment *)pointer
OWSAssert(pointer.serverId > 0);
OWSAssert(pointer.encryptionKey.length > 0);
if (pointer.byteCount <= 0) {
// This will fail with legacy iOS clients which don't upload attachment size.
DDLogWarn(@"%@ Missing pointer.byteCount for attachment with serverId: %lld", self.logTag, pointer.serverId);
OWSAssert(pointer.contentType.length > 0);
// Once saved, this AttachmentStream will replace the AttachmentPointer in the attachments collection.
self = [super initWithUniqueId:pointer.uniqueId];
if (!self) {
return self;
_serverId = pointer.serverId;
_encryptionKey = pointer.encryptionKey;
_byteCount = pointer.byteCount;
_sourceFilename = pointer.sourceFilename;
NSString *contentType = pointer.contentType;
if (contentType.length < 1) {
DDLogWarn(@"%@ incoming attachment has invalid content type", self.logTag);
contentType = OWSMimeTypeApplicationOctetStream;
_contentType = contentType;
_attachmentSchemaVersion = TSAttachmentSchemaVersion;
return self;
- (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder
self = [super initWithCoder:coder];
if (!self) {
return self;
if (_attachmentSchemaVersion < TSAttachmentSchemaVersion) {
[self upgradeFromAttachmentSchemaVersion:_attachmentSchemaVersion];
_attachmentSchemaVersion = TSAttachmentSchemaVersion;
if (!_sourceFilename) {
// renamed _filename to _sourceFilename
_sourceFilename = [coder decodeObjectForKey:@"filename"];
OWSAssert(!_sourceFilename || [_sourceFilename isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]);
if (_contentType.length < 1) {
DDLogWarn(@"%@ legacy attachment has invalid content type", self.logTag);
_contentType = OWSMimeTypeApplicationOctetStream;
return self;
- (void)upgradeFromAttachmentSchemaVersion:(NSUInteger)attachmentSchemaVersion
// This method is overridden by the base classes TSAttachmentPointer and
// TSAttachmentStream.
+ (NSString *)collection {
return @"TSAttachements";
- (NSString *)description {
NSString *attachmentString = NSLocalizedString(@"ATTACHMENT", nil);
if ([MIMETypeUtil isAudio:self.contentType]) {
// a missing filename is the legacy way to determine if an audio attachment is
// a voice note vs. other arbitrary audio attachments.
if (self.isVoiceMessage || !self.sourceFilename || self.sourceFilename.length == 0) {
attachmentString = NSLocalizedString(@"ATTACHMENT_TYPE_VOICE_MESSAGE",
@"Short text label for a voice message attachment, used for thread preview and on the lock screen");
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"🎤 %@", attachmentString];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", [TSAttachment emojiForMimeType:self.contentType], attachmentString];
+ (NSString *)emojiForMimeType:(NSString *)contentType
if ([MIMETypeUtil isImage:contentType]) {
return @"📷";
} else if ([MIMETypeUtil isVideo:contentType]) {
return @"🎥";
} else if ([MIMETypeUtil isAudio:contentType]) {
return @"🎧";
} else {
return @"📻";
} else if ([MIMETypeUtil isAnimated:contentType]) {
return @"🎡";
} else {
return @"📎";
- (BOOL)isVoiceMessage
return self.attachmentType == TSAttachmentTypeVoiceMessage;
- (nullable NSString *)sourceFilename
return _sourceFilename.filterFilename;
- (NSString *)contentType
return _contentType.filterFilename;