Morgan Pretty 174725c7fd Removed unneeded imports of libraries to understand usage
Refactored some 3rd-part standard encryption to use CryptoKit
Removed the PromiseKit pod
Fixed the broken tests
2022-12-08 18:07:02 +11:00

47 lines
1.6 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
public protocol GeneralCacheType {
var encodedPublicKey: String? { get set }
var recentReactionTimestamps: [Int64] { get set }
public enum General {
public class Cache: GeneralCacheType {
public var encodedPublicKey: String? = nil
public var recentReactionTimestamps: [Int64] = []
public static var cache: Atomic<GeneralCacheType> = Atomic(Cache())
public enum GeneralError: Error {
case keyGenerationFailed
case randomGenerationFailed
public func getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(_ db: Database? = nil, dependencies: Dependencies = Dependencies()) -> String {
if let cachedKey: String = dependencies.generalCache.wrappedValue.encodedPublicKey { return cachedKey }
if let publicKey: Data = Identity.fetchUserPublicKey(db) { // Can be nil under some circumstances
let sessionId: SessionId = SessionId(.standard, publicKey: publicKey.bytes)
dependencies.generalCache.mutate { $0.encodedPublicKey = sessionId.hexString }
return sessionId.hexString
return ""
/// Does nothing, but is never inlined and thus evaluating its argument will never be optimized away.
/// Useful for forcing the instantiation of lazy properties like globals.
public func touch<Value>(_ value: Value) { /* Do nothing */ }
/// Returns `f(x!)` if `x != nil`, or `nil` otherwise.
public func given<T, U>(_ x: T?, _ f: (T) throws -> U) rethrows -> U? { return try }
public func with<T, U>(_ x: T, _ f: (T) throws -> U) rethrows -> U { return try f(x) }