2020-06-25 15:53:15 +10:00

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// Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
/// Durably enqueues a message for sending.
/// The queue's operations (`MessageSenderOperation`) uses `MessageSender` to send a message.
/// ## Retry behavior
/// Like all JobQueue's, MessageSenderJobQueue implements retry handling for operation errors.
/// `MessageSender` also includes it's own retry logic necessary to encapsulate business logic around
/// a user changing their Registration ID, or adding/removing devices. That is, it is sometimes *normal*
/// for MessageSender to have to resend to a recipient multiple times before it is accepted, and doesn't
/// represent a "failure" from the application standpoint.
/// So we have an inner non-durable retry (MessageSender) and an outer durable retry (MessageSenderJobQueue).
/// Both respect the `error.isRetryable` convention to be sure we don't keep retrying in some situations
/// (e.g. rate limiting)
public class MessageSenderJobQueue: NSObject, JobQueue {
public override init() {
AppReadiness.runNowOrWhenAppWillBecomeReady {
public func add(message: TSOutgoingMessage, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
self.add(message: message, removeMessageAfterSending: false, transaction: transaction)
public func add(mediaMessage: TSOutgoingMessage, dataSource: DataSource, contentType: String, sourceFilename: String?, caption: String?, albumMessageId: String?, isTemporaryAttachment: Bool) {
let attachmentInfo = OutgoingAttachmentInfo(dataSource: dataSource, contentType: contentType, sourceFilename: sourceFilename, caption: caption, albumMessageId: albumMessageId)
add(mediaMessage: mediaMessage, attachmentInfos: [attachmentInfo], isTemporaryAttachment: isTemporaryAttachment)
public func add(mediaMessage: TSOutgoingMessage, attachmentInfos: [OutgoingAttachmentInfo], isTemporaryAttachment: Bool) {
inMessage: mediaMessage,
completionHandler: { error in
if let error = error {
try! Storage.writeSync { transaction in
mediaMessage.update(sendingError: error, transaction: transaction)
} else {
try! Storage.writeSync { transaction in
self.add(message: mediaMessage, removeMessageAfterSending: isTemporaryAttachment, transaction: transaction)
private func add(message: TSOutgoingMessage, removeMessageAfterSending: Bool, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
assert(AppReadiness.isAppReady() || CurrentAppContext().isRunningTests)
let jobRecord: SSKMessageSenderJobRecord
do {
jobRecord = try SSKMessageSenderJobRecord(message: message, removeMessageAfterSending: false, label: self.jobRecordLabel)
} catch {
owsFailDebug("Failed to build job due to error: \(error).")
self.add(jobRecord: jobRecord, transaction: transaction)
// MARK: JobQueue
public typealias DurableOperationType = MessageSenderOperation
public static let jobRecordLabel: String = "MessageSender"
public static let maxRetries: UInt = 1 // Loki: We have our own retrying
public let requiresInternet: Bool = true
public var runningOperations: [MessageSenderOperation] = []
public var jobRecordLabel: String {
return type(of: self).jobRecordLabel
public func setup() {
public var isSetup: Bool = false
/// Used when the user clears their database to cancel any outstanding jobs.
@objc public func clearAllJobs() {
try! Storage.writeSync { transaction in
let statuses: [SSKJobRecordStatus] = [ .unknown, .ready, .running, .permanentlyFailed ]
var records: [SSKJobRecord] = []
statuses.forEach {
records += self.finder.allRecords(label: self.jobRecordLabel, status: $0, transaction: transaction)
records.forEach { $0.remove(with: transaction) }
public func didMarkAsReady(oldJobRecord: SSKMessageSenderJobRecord, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) {
if let messageId = oldJobRecord.messageId, let message = TSOutgoingMessage.fetch(uniqueId: messageId, transaction: transaction) {
message.updateWithMarkingAllUnsentRecipientsAsSending(with: transaction)
public func buildOperation(jobRecord: SSKMessageSenderJobRecord, transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction) throws -> MessageSenderOperation {
let message: TSOutgoingMessage
if let invisibleMessage = jobRecord.invisibleMessage {
message = invisibleMessage
} else if let messageId = jobRecord.messageId, let fetchedMessage = TSOutgoingMessage.fetch(uniqueId: messageId, transaction: transaction) {
message = fetchedMessage
} else {
assert(jobRecord.messageId != nil)
throw JobError.obsolete(description: "Message no longer exists.")
return MessageSenderOperation(message: message, jobRecord: jobRecord)
var senderQueues: [String: OperationQueue] = [:]
let defaultQueue: OperationQueue = {
let operationQueue = OperationQueue() = "DefaultSendingQueue"
operationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
operationQueue.qualityOfService = .userInitiated
return operationQueue
// We use a per-thread serial OperationQueue to ensure messages are delivered to the
// service in the order the user sent them.
public func operationQueue(jobRecord: SSKMessageSenderJobRecord) -> OperationQueue {
guard let threadId = jobRecord.threadId else {
return defaultQueue
guard let existingQueue = senderQueues[threadId] else {
let operationQueue = OperationQueue() = "SendingQueue:\(threadId)"
operationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
operationQueue.qualityOfService = .userInitiated
senderQueues[threadId] = operationQueue
return operationQueue
return existingQueue
public class MessageSenderOperation: OWSOperation, DurableOperation {
// MARK: DurableOperation
public let jobRecord: SSKMessageSenderJobRecord
weak public var durableOperationDelegate: MessageSenderJobQueue?
public var operation: OWSOperation {
return self
// MARK: Init
let message: TSOutgoingMessage
init(message: TSOutgoingMessage, jobRecord: SSKMessageSenderJobRecord) {
self.message = message
self.jobRecord = jobRecord
// MARK: Dependencies
var messageSender: MessageSender {
return SSKEnvironment.shared.messageSender
// MARK: OWSOperation
override public func run() {
self.messageSender.send(message, success: reportSuccess, failure: reportError)
override public func didSucceed() {
try! Storage.writeSync { transaction in
self.durableOperationDelegate?.durableOperationDidSucceed(self, transaction: transaction)
if self.jobRecord.removeMessageAfterSending {
self.message.remove(with: transaction)
override public func didReportError(_ error: Error) {
try! Storage.writeSync { transaction in
self.durableOperationDelegate?.durableOperation(self, didReportError: error, transaction: transaction)
override public func retryInterval() -> TimeInterval {
// Arbitrary backoff factor...
// With backOffFactor of 1.9
// try 1 delay: 0.00s
// try 2 delay: 0.19s
// ...
// try 5 delay: 1.30s
// ...
// try 11 delay: 61.31s
let backoffFactor = 1.9
let maxBackoff = 15 * kMinuteInterval
let seconds = 0.1 * min(maxBackoff, pow(backoffFactor, Double(self.jobRecord.failureCount)))
return seconds
override public func didFail(error: Error) {
try! Storage.writeSync { transaction in
self.durableOperationDelegate?.durableOperation(self, didFailWithError: error, transaction: transaction)
self.message.update(sendingError: error, transaction: transaction)
if self.jobRecord.removeMessageAfterSending {
self.message.remove(with: transaction)